95 resultados para Oxoketenimine Rearrangement
The occurrence of a natural triploid among diploid individuals of Eigenmannia sp from the Amazon basin is described. The diploid individuals had 2n=31 and 32 chromosomes, the difference in chromosome number being due to a Robertsonian rearrangement. The triploid individual presented 2n=46 and had two fused acrocentrics. NOR activity was present in the three homologues of triploid and a NOR polymorphism was detected in the triploid and diploids. © 1985 Dr W. Junk Publishers.
This paper reviews the influence of particle size distribution, agglomerates, rearrangement, sintering atmospheres and impurities on the pore evolution of some commonly studied oxides. These factors largely affect sintering mechanisms due to modifications of diffusion coefficients or evaporation-condensation. Very broad particle size distribution leads to grain growth and agglomerates densify first. Rearrangement of particles due to neck asymmetry mainly in the early stage of sintering is responsible for a high rate of densification in the first minutes of sintering by collapse of large pores. Sintering atmospheres play an important role in both densification and pore evolution. The chemical interaction of water molecules with several oxides like MgO, ZnO and SnO2 largely affects surface diffusion. As a consequence, there is an increase in the rates of pore growth and densification for MgO and ZnO and in the rate of pore growth for SnO2. Carbon dioxide does not affect the rate of sintering of MgO but greatly affects both rates of pore growth and densification of ZnO. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere can especially affect semiconductor oxides but significantly affects the rate of pore growth of SnO2. Impurities like chlorine ions increase the rate of pore growth in MgO due to evaporation of HCl and Mg(OH)Cl, increasing the rate of densification and particle cuboidization. CuO promotes densification in SnO2, and is more effective in dry air. The rate of densification decrease and pore widening are promoted in argon. An inert atmosphere favors SnO2 evaporation due to reduction of CuO. © 1990.
Morphologies of SrTiO3 particles and agglomerates synthesized by the traditional Pechini route and by the polymer precipitation route were characterized by the nitrogen adsorption/desorption technique and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A cluster structure of nanometric particles forming large agglomerates which are broken during pressing followed by cluster rearrangement was observed. The mean particle size is larger for SrTiO3 obtained by the Pechini route and is related to the precursor thermal decomposition and particle growth during calcination. The particle growth is controlled by neck growth among particles and further motion of the particle boundary. © 1995.
We study positron-helium scattering using close coupling approximation (CCA) employing different combinations of the following basis functions: He(1s1s), He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s). and Ps(2s), where Ps stands for the positronium atom. We observe a prominent S wave resonance of width 2 eV at about 30 eV, in excitation and rearrangement cross sections to He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s) states. We also report results of differential cross sections for the excitation of helium and positronium formation.
High purity SnO 2 powder (>99.9%) was compacted in cylindrical pellets and sintered in atmospheres of dry argon, argon with water vapor, oxygen and CO 2 using 10 °C/min up to 1200 °C or isotherms in the range of 1000 to 1200 °C. Time, temperature and sintering atmosphere have large influence on grain growth and low influence on densification of this oxide. Surface diffusion is the dominant mechanism up to 1200 °C and evaporation-condensation is dominant above 1200 °C. The maximum linear shrinkage observed was about 2.0% and attributed to structural rearrangement of particles due to high capillary stresses developed with neighboring particles. © 1999 Trans Tech Publications.
We show that soft color rearrangement of final states can account for the appearance of rapidity gaps between jets. In the color evaporation model the probability to form a gap is simply determined by the color multiplicity of the final state. This model has no free parameters and reproduces all data obtained by the ZEUS, H1, DØ, and CDF Collaborations. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
Electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments give extremely important information concerning spin arrangements in conducting polymers. This is evidenced by the behavior of the ESR lines as a function of temperature and microwave power. Our ESR data of pressed pellets of ClO- 4 doped poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) synthesized at 25 °C show the predominance of polarons. Instead, the sample prepared at 5 °C shows the predominance of bipolarons. Besides, for both types of samples, crystallization, observed from the ESR data, has shown a rearrangement of spin species.
Moun-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to carbon and oxygen nuclei employing a full quantum-mechanical few-body description of rearrangement scattering were studied by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations using close-coupling approximation. The application of a close-coupling-type ansatz led to satisfactory results for direct muon-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to C6+ and O8+.
We show that soft color rearrangement of final states can account for the appearance of rapidity gaps between jets. In the color evaporation model the probability to form a gap is simply determined by the color multiplicity of the final state. This model has no free parameters and reproduces all data obtained by the ZEUS, H1, DØ, and CDF collaborations. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Leukemia is a genetic disease from a noncontrolled abnormal process of the hematopoietic cells' differentiation and proliferation. Some alterations of structure and number of chromosomes have been well and specifically observed in leukemia. The detection of these alterations is highly significant in providing the patients' diagnosis, prognosis and treatment as well as the understanding of the genetic bases of this disease. The purpose of this work is to study some chromosomal alterations in peripheral blood and/or bone marrow in patients with different leukemia types by means of conventional cytogenetic techniques, and also to investigate the presence of BCR/ABL gene rearrangement and some alterations in chromosome 20 by the FISH technique. Samples of peripheral blood and/or bone marrow of 28 patients, who were not under chemoor radio-therapeutic treatment, were studied: 15 with CML, 11 with AML and 2 with ALL. The alteration most frequent was t(9;22) in the CML, whose presence or absence was related to a good or bad prognosis, respectively. A case of AMI showed inv(16)(p13q22), related to a good prognosis. Some alterations not reported previously in the literature were found, such as the trisomy in chromosome 2 associated to chromosome Ph showing some disease progress in one of the CML cases and t(5;16)(q13;q22) in an AML patient. One of the cases was submitted to an allogeneic hone marrow transplant. The monitoring after the 23 rd day of transplant, detected 95% of the donor cells suggesting the procedure had succeeded. Two patients, an AMI and the other ALL, showed trisomy of chromosome 20 in the neoplastic cells. The results showed the importance of the cytogenetic analysis in relation to leukemia, its direct benefits to the patients and the biological mechanisms involved in this disease. They also allowed the introduction in the Genetic Service of FAMERP techniques to obtain the bone marrow metaphases and the FISH technique.
Surface morphology changes induced by argon laser irradiation (514 nm) on disperse red 13 (DR13) films prepared by physical vapor deposition (PVD) were investigated. Atomic force microscopy was used to characterize the irradiated sample for different periods of irradiation. Needle-shape structures are observed which are attributed to the symmetry of DR13 molecules. The film becomes increasingly closely packed with the irradiation, with lower root mean square roughness for long exposure times. This is due to photoisomerization of DR13 molecules and probably heating of the sample, which can provide the required mobility for the molecular rearrangement. The rearrangement is such that voids in the film are filled in upon irradiating the sample, thus decreasing the film roughness and increasing the packing.
Background: Despite the extensive polymorphism at the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) locus of Plasmodium falciparum, that encodes a major repetitive malaria vaccine candidate antigen, identical and nearly identical alleles frequently occur in sympatric parasites. Here we used microsatellite haplotyping to estimate the genetic distance between isolates carrying identical and nearly identical MSP-1 alleles. Methods: We analyzed 28 isolates from hypoendemic areas in north-western Brazil, collected between 1985 and 1998, and 23 isolates obtained in mesoendemic southern Vietnam in 1996. MSP-1 alleles were characterized by combining PCR typing with allele-specific primers and partial DNA sequencing. The following single-copy microsatellite markers were typed: Polyα, TA42 (only for Brazilian samples), TA81, TA1, TA87, TA109 (only for Brazilian samples), 2490, ARAII, PfG377, PfPK2, and TA60. Results: The low pair-wise average genetic distance between microsatellite haplotypes of isolates sharing identical MSP-1 alleles indicates that epidemic propagation of discrete parasite clones originated most identical MSP-1 alleles in parasite populations from Brazil and Vietnam. At least one epidemic clone propagating in Brazil remained relatively unchanged over more than one decade. Moreover, we found no evidence that rearrangements of MSP-1 repeats, putatively created by mitotic recombination events, generated new alleles within clonal lineages of parasites in either country. Conclusion: Identical MSP-1 alleles originated from co-ancestry in both populations, whereas nearly identical MSP-1 alleles have probably appeared independently in unrelated parasite lineages.
Investigation of the efficacy of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in chronic myeloid leukemia patients is essential to predict prognosis and survival. In 20 patients treated at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo, Brazil), we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the frequency of cells with BCR/ABL rearrangement at diagnosis and at distinct intervals after allo-HSCT until complete cytogenetic remission (CCR). We investigated the disease-free survival, overall survival in 3 years and transplant-related mortality rates, too. Bone marrow samples were collected at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and 24 months after transplantation and additional intervals as necessary. Success rate of the FISH analyses was 100%. CCR was achieved in 75% of the patients, within on average of 3.9 months; 45% patients showed CCR within 60 days after HSCT. After 3 years of the allo-HSCT, overall survival rate was 60%, disease-free survival was 50% and the transplant-related mortality rate was 40%. The study demonstrated that the BCR-ABL FISH assay is useful for follow-up of chronic myeloid leukemia patients after HSCT and that the clinical outcome parameters in our patient cohort were similar to those described for other bone marrow transplantation units. ©FUNPEC-RP.
(Chemical Equation Presented) The reaction between the benzohydroxamate anion (BHO-) and bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)phosphate (BDNPP) has been examined kinetically, and the products were characterized by mass and NMR spectroscopy. The nucleophilic attack of BHO- follows two reaction paths: (i) at phosphorus, giving an unstable intermediate that undergoes a Lossen rearrangement to phenyl isocyanate, aniline, diphenylurea, and O-phenylcarbamyl benzohydroxamate; and (ii) on the aromatic carbon, giving an intermediate that was detected but slowly decomposes to aniline and 2,4-dinitrophenol. Thus, the benzohydroxamate anion can be considered a self-destructive molecular scissor since it reacts and loses its nucleophilic ability. © 2009 American Chemical Society.
(Figure Presented) Mixed micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) or dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTABr) and the α-nucleophile, lauryl hydroxamic acid (LHA) accelerate dephosphorylation of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) phosphate (BDNPP) over the pH range 4-10. With a 0.1 mole fraction of LHA in DTABr or CTABr, dephosphorylation of BDNPP is approximately 10 4-fold faster than its spontaneous hydrolysis, and monoanionic LHA - is the reactive species. The results are consistent with a mechanism involving concurrent nucleophilic attack by hydroxamate ion (i) on the aromatic carbon, giving an intermediate that decomposes to undecylamine and 2,4-dinitrophenol, and (ii) at phosphorus, giving an unstable intermediate that undergoes a Lossen rearrangement yielding a series of derivatives including N,N-dialkylurea, undecylamine, undecyl isocyanate, and carbamyl hydroxamate. © 2009 American Chemical Society.