60 resultados para Organização de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico. Comitê de Assistência ao Desenvolvimento
The present work aims to analyze how the Programa de Desenvolvimento de Rio Claro (PRODERC) as a public policy generating and jobs for industries located in the city, promoting local development, using as selection criterion to expand the number of employees in a period of three years. We are going to analyzed different factors such as increase in the number of workers in the period analyzed, the impact of PRODERC industries and the government’s relationship with the industries covered, and the location there of on the territory according to industrial size
This study examines how close Brazil and China are close to the goals set by the new concept of economic development now adopted by major international institutions. Presents a brief history of economic and social trajectory of both countries, with emphasis on advances that have recently occurred in these countries. The study concludes that, although they adopted different ways, both countries moving towards a sustainable economic development
O desenvolvimento do sistema capitalista, à medida que aumenta a eficiência da produção contribui para uma cada vez maior concentração da riqueza e, em conjunto com as reformas neoliberais ocorridas durante o final do século XX, para uma mudança significativa na produção, bem como nos níveis de emprego formal, especialmente no Brasil. Buscando amenizar esses problemas, surgiram inúmeras iniciativas associativistas, que se cristalizaram na forma da Economia Solidária no Brasil nos anos 80. Para compreender e coordenar esse novo movimento inúmeras instituições foram criadas e cada vez mais atores se apresentaram para constituir a atual configuração dos empreendimentos solidários, estes baseados na cooperação, auto-gestão e solidariedade. Como resultado de toda essa organização os empreendimentos solidários aumentaram em número e importância econômica durante os últimos 30 anos. Neste trabalho analiso essa trajetória bem como tomo o exemplo da Cooperativa de limpeza do Jardim Gonzaga para demonstrar se a Economia Solidária é de fato um movimento de alternativa ao desemprego para as populações excluídas, sendo abandonada assim que as taxas de emprego formais melhorem, ou não, sendo uma nova forma duradoura de conceber a produção
This paper analyzes the growth and development of Singapore after its independence. For this, we made a historical analysis of the country, attributing importance in their geographic, economic, demographic, cultural and social. Singapore does not have a representative agricultural sector; its economy is based on manufacturing and the financial sector. The development of such activities was through strong planning policies and stringent regulatory institutions. Singapore economy has evolved from a trading post to a major financial center worldwide. Shows high rates of GDP per capita, which is $ 50,000 in 2011. This country has the world's busiest port for container handling. Thus, industries are based on activities with high added value and attraction of foreign companies was due to the stability of the country, which helped the growth of it
The present study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the Creative Economy and Traditional Economy, highlighting the importance of each one on the economic development of the state of São Paulo. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the performance of the key sectors that comprise these economies, between the years 2002 and 2012, using data collected in the Annual Report (RAIS) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE ). The information obtained is related to the share of each sector in formal employment, average and generated in each sector worker remuneration, qualification worked as the level of education acquired, the distribution of workers according to gender in each economic sector among others. The use of these factors are of great importance because trends characterize the current situation of the labor market. Analysis of the share of each sector of the creative economy and also the Traditional Economy in the economic development of the state of São Paulo is constructed through graphs and tables and the results show a difference in the training of workers in both economies, as well as a difference in their incomes
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aims to conduct an analysis on the social aspects present in the works of the Argentine economist Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986). Based on the author's research on the economic development of the peripheral countries, it will be demonstrated how the social and economic factors have interconnected in the developmental theory of the peripheral worldwide economy. To achieve this goal, the six works of Prebisch considered essentials by Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) were used as main bibliographic axis. Such texts are: Introduction to Keynes, The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems, Economic development or monetary stability: the false dilemma, Towards a Dynamic Development Policy for Latin America, .Change and Development: Latin America's Great Task, Capitalismo periférico: crisis y transformación, Five stages in my thinking on development. Firstly the topics essential to economic development according to the author will be exposed, such as industrialization of peripheral countries as a means of raising the income of masses and the way it should be coordinated beyond the theoretical author's choice on historical events, the evolution of the deterioration of terms of trade between peripheral and central countries and the need for productivity gains to increase the income of the worker. Afterwards it will be exposed how such terms align with social inequalities and which definitions are incorporated by the author on the subject
The main goal of this monograph is to understand the questions regarding brazillian economic development during the last thirty years. Through a historic deductive method, like simple techniques of descriptive statistics, we explicit the evolution process in which brazil has taken part in this last years. However, recently, by choosing non-conventional paths, represented basically by some aspects of the heterodox theory, the conservation of this process showed itself faulty. The defense for a return of the traditional ways employed in political economy just like in strategies of development are essential for the a continuous improvement of the brazillian population' life conditions
The intent of this article is to investigate the contribution of Roberto Simonsen for the knowledge and the improvement of living conditions of workers in Brazil. Our hypothesis is that the intellectual contributed in a fundamental way to the theme of the living conditions of workers, especially workermen, was inserted into a broader agenda, that of “national-developmentalism”, to which it also contributed signifi cantly, as we will discuss throughout this work, being the subject at the center his theories, the core, the foundation of which he went to build the corollary of ideas about Brazil and the world that consecrated him as a great thinker in Brazil.
This article has, as its main subject of reflection, a brazilian experience of intermunicipal cooperation named the "Consórcio Intermunicipal pela Conservação da Natureza na Bacia do Rio Jacaré Pepira" better known as "Consórcio do Rio Jacaré", located in São Paulo State, Brazil. Having its origin in 1985, the consortium is considered the first inter-municipal experience of cooperation witch tried to associate regional development with environmental issues. The research, qualitative in the method, designed as single case study and supported by data collected through desk research, systematized information on the projects and activities of the Consortium, pointing among the members those which effectively beneficed from the supposed cooperation, along with the difficulties faced and the context which led the consortium to the state of stagnation in which plunged after 1999. The results showed that, despite its historical and regional importance, the consortium could not be seen as a management model, being weakened by the political and institutional environment, the local realities, the absence of maturity of partners for joint cooperation, in addition to the lack of clarity on the regional dimension of the projects.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dada a atual importância ambiental e econômico-política da Amazônia, busca-se analisar e compreender a totalidade da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM) em relação à Amazônia Ocidental, à Amazônia Brasileira, ao Brasil, aos outros países amazônicos e à Comunidade Internacional, sob os âmbitos histórico-econômico, ambiental, político e social. A escolha da Zona Franca de Manaus como recorte se deve à forma pontual com que este projeto geopolítico se desenvolveu gerando um pólo industrial regional/nacional/internacional e, simultaneamente, evitando a exploração e devastação da floresta amazônica ocidental. A escolha do período de 2002 a 2014 se dá em função da necessidade de um maior aprofundamento de análise somada ao fato de que a República Federativa do Brasil se encontra - neste período - sob a mesma linha diretiva política, evidenciando assim a necessidade de pesquisar o que tem sido feito na ZFM pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) nos governos de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) e Dilma Roussef (2011-2018). Os dados têm mostrado que a ZFM busca estar em consonância com o Governo Federal à medida que esta tem investido em instituições locais de ciência, tecnologia e inovação (como por exemplo o Centro de Biotecnologia da Amazônia - CBA), buscando internacionalizar a indústria local, assim como interiorizar o desenvolvimento para a região
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA