226 resultados para Nonlinear Optics


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Dynamics and stability of solitons in two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), with one-dimensional (1D) conservative plus dissipative nonlinear optical lattices, are investigated. In the case of focusing media (with attractive atomic systems), the collapse of the wave packet is arrested by the dissipative periodic nonlinearity. The adiabatic variation of the background scattering length leads to metastable matter-wave solitons. When the atom feeding mechanism is used, a dissipative soliton can exist in focusing 2D media with 1D periodic nonlinearity. In the defocusing media (repulsive BEC case) with harmonic trap in one direction and nonlinear optical lattice in the other direction, the stable soliton can exist. Variational approach simulations are confirmed by full numerical results for the 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.


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Using variational and numerical solutions we show that stationary negative-energy localized (normalizable) bound states can appear in the three-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a finite square-well potential for a range of nonlinearity parameters. Below a critical attractive nonlinearity, the system becomes unstable and experiences collapse. Above a limiting repulsive nonlinearity, the system becomes highly repulsive and cannot be bound. The system also allows nonnormalizable states of infinite norm at positive energies in the continuum. The normalizable negative-energy bound states could be created in BECs and studied in the laboratory with present knowhow.


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We work on some general extensions of the formalism for theories which preserve the relativity of inertial frames with a nonlinear action of the Lorentz transformations on momentum space. Relativistic particle models invariant under the corresponding deformed symmetries are presented with particular emphasis on deformed dilatation transformations. The algebraic transformations relating the deformed symmetries with the usual (undeformed) ones are provided in order to preserve the Lorentz algebra. Two distinct cases are considered: a deformed dilatation transformation with a spacelike preferred direction and a very special relativity embedding with a lightlike preferred direction. In both analysis we consider the possibility of introducing quantum deformations of the corresponding symmetries such that the spacetime coordinates can be reconstructed and the particular form of the real space-momentum commutator remains covariant. Eventually feasible experiments, for which the nonlinear Lorentz dilatation effects here pointed out may be detectable, are suggested.


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Properties of localized states on array of BEC confined to a potential, representing superposition of linear and nonlinear optical lattices are investigated. For a shallow lattice case the coupled mode system has been derived. We revealed new types of gap solitons and studied their stability. For the first time a moving soliton solution has been found. Analytical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with jointly acting linear and nonlinear periodic potentials. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study wave propagation in local nonlinear electrodynamical models. Particular attention is paid to the derivation and the analysis of the Fresnel equation for the wave covectors. For the class of local nonlinear Lagrangian nondispersive models, we demonstrate how the originally quartic Fresnel equation factorizes, yielding the generic birefringence effect. We show that the closure of the effective constitutive (or jump) tensor is necessary and sufficient for the absence of birefringence, i.e., for the existence of a unique light cone structure. As another application of the Fresnel approach, we analyze the light propagation in a moving isotropic nonlinear medium. The corresponding effective constitutive tensor contains nontrivial skewon and axion pieces. For nonmagnetic matter, we find that birefringence is induced by the nonlinearity, and derive the corresponding optical metrics.


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The problem of generation of atomic soliton trains in elongated Bose-Einstein condensates is considered in framework of Whitham theory of modulations of nonlinear waves. Complete analytical solution is presented for the case when the initial density distribution has sharp enough boundaries. In this case the process of soliton train formation can be viewed as a nonlinear Fresnel diffraction of matter waves. Theoretical predictions are compared with results of numerical simulations of one- and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and with experimental data on formation of Bose-Einstein bright solitons in cigar-shaped traps. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In previous publications, the concepts of dressed coordinates and dressed states have been introduced in the context of a harmonic oscillator linearly coupled to an infinity set of other harmonic oscillators. In this paper, we show how to generalize such dressed coordinates and. states to a nonlinear version of the mentioned system. Also, we clarify some misunderstandings about the concept of dressed coordinates. Indeed, now we: prefer to call them renormalized coordinates to emphasize the analogy with the renormalized fields in quantum field theory.


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Critical limits of a stationary nonlinear three-dimensional Schrodinger equation with confining power-law potentials (similar to r(alpha)) are obtained using spherical symmetry. When the nonlinearity is given by an attractive two-body interaction (negative cubic term), it is shown how the maximum number of particles N-c in the trap increases as alpha decreases. With a negative cubic and positive quintic terms we study a first order phase transition, that occurs if the strength g(3) of the quintic term is less than a critical value g(3c). At the phase transition, the behavior of g(3c) with respect to alpha is given by g(3c)similar to 0.0036+0.0251/alpha+0.0088/alpha(2).


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Considering the static solutions of the D-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with trap and attractive two-body interactions, the existence of stable solutions is limited to a maximum critical number of particles, when D greater than or equal to 2. In case D = 2, we compare the variational approach with the exact numerical calculations. We show that, the addition of a positive three-body interaction allows stable solutions beyond the critical number. In this case, we also introduce a dynamical analysis of the conditions for the collapse. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A critical review of gravitational wave theory is made. It is pointed out that the usual linear approach to the gravitational wave theory is neither conceptually consistent nor mathematically justified. Relying upon that analysis it is argued that-analogously to a Yang-Mills propagating field, which must be nonlinear to carry its gauge charge-a gravitational wave must necessarily be nonlinear to transport its own charge-that is, energy-momentum.


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Asymptotic behavior of initially large and smooth pulses is investigated at two typical stages of their evolution governed by the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation. At first, wave breaking phenomenon is studied in the limit of small dispersion. A solution of the Whitham modulational equations is found for the case of dissipationless shock wave arising after the wave breaking point. Then, asymptotic soliton trains arising eventually from a large and smooth initial pulse are studied by means of a semiclassical method. The parameter varying along the soliton train is calculated from the generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule, so that the distribution of eigenvalues depends on two functions-intensity rho(0)(x) of the initial pulse and its initial chirp v(0)(x). The influence of the initial chirp on the asymptotic state is investigated. Excellent agreement of the numerical solution of the defocusing NLS equation with predictions of the asymptotic theory is found.


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We derive the soliton matrices corresponding to an arbitrary number of higher-order normal zeros for the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem of arbitrary matrix dimension, thus giving the complete solution to the problem of higher-order solitons. Our soliton matrices explicitly give all higher-order multisoliton solutions to the nonlinear partial differential equations integrable through the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem. We have applied these general results to the three-wave interaction system, and derived new classes of higher-order soliton and two-soliton solutions, in complement to those from our previous publication [Stud. Appl. Math. 110, 297 (2003)], where only the elementary higher-order zeros were considered. The higher-order solitons corresponding to nonelementary zeros generically describe the simultaneous breakup of a pumping wave (u(3)) into the other two components (u(1) and u(2)) and merger of u(1) and u(2) waves into the pumping u(3) wave. The two-soliton solutions corresponding to two simple zeros generically describe the breakup of the pumping u(3) wave into the u(1) and u(2) components, and the reverse process. In the nongeneric cases, these two-soliton solutions could describe the elastic interaction of the u(1) and u(2) waves, thus reproducing previous results obtained by Zakharov and Manakov [Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 69, 1654 (1975)] and Kaup [Stud. Appl. Math. 55, 9 (1976)]. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Nonlinear effects on the early stage of phase ordering are studied using Adomian's decomposition method for the Ginzburg-Landau equation for a nonconserved order parameter. While the long-time regime and the linear behavior at short times of the theory are well understood, the onset of nonlinearities at short times and the breaking of the linear theory at different length scales are less understood. In the Adomians decomposition method, the solution is systematically calculated in the form of a polynomial expansion for the order parameter, with a time dependence given as a series expansion. The method is very accurate for short times, which allows to incorporate the short-time dynamics of the nonlinear terms in a analytical and controllable way. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)