74 resultados para Natal dispersal
We studied the potential role as seed disperser of the pacu fish (Piaracrus mesopotamicus, Characidae) in the Pantanal of Brazil. The most important food item in the diet of the pacu in the wet season was fruits of the palm Bactris glaucescens found in the guts of 73 percent of all fishes collected (N = 70). We found a positive relationship between fish length, weight, and gape size and the number of intact seeds in their gut. Therefore, large pacus are especially important in dispersing B. glaucescens seeds within the studied system. Since the best seed dispersers are the largest fishes, which are preferred by commercial fisheries, we predict that the ongoing over fishing in freshwater ecosystems will have major impacts on the dispersal system of fish-dependent plants. We suggest that it is paramount to change the attitudes in fisheries management of fruit-eating fishes and urgent to evaluate the impact of fishing on forest regeneration.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this study we investigate aggregated patterns as a consequence of post-feeding larval dispersal in three blowfly species, based on the frequency distribution of sampling units in the substrate having 0, 1, 2,..., n pupae. Statistical analysis revealed that aggregated patterns of distribution emerge as a consequence of larval dispersal, and Cochliomyia macellaria has higher levels of aggregation when compared to Chrysomya megacephala and C. putoria. Aggregation during dispersal is associated with a spatial pattern where most larvae in the species tend to pupariate near the food source. The possible consequences for the population ecology of these species are discussed.
The natal teeth are defined as the presence of teeth at birth and the etiology is rather obscure. Clinically, the teeth show normal size and shape, although they reveal an immature appearance. The histological aspect show enamel with the possibility of presenting normal mineralization or being hypoplastic. The dentin may show alterations. The incidence of natal teeth varies greatly, with a predisposition for the female sex. This paper relates a case report of two partially erupted natal teeth in a female baby 9 days-old. The presence of teeth made the parents anxious. In their mind, that meant the child was abnormal. On the radiograph the erupted teeth showed little radioopacity, without a radicular formation. The therapy utilized was the keeping of the teeth and a periodic monitoring, cleaning and daily topical applications sodium fluoride. The case was monitored by monthly consultations. At 9 months of age the primary central lower did not present mobility. On the radiograph examination incomplete radicular formation was observed.
The effect of light and temperature on germination of Brachiaria decumbens as well as the action of some dormancy breaking chemicals were tested. Two seed batches stored different times were used. The results show that seeds failed to respond to alternating temperature regimes and different light qualities. Seeds were indifferent to white light at 25°C. KNO3, ethanol and H2SO4 failed to break seed dormancy, whereas KCN and H2O2 partially reduced dormancy of two month stored seeds. The results suggest a metabolic character of dormancy in new (freshly collected) seeds and confirm the occurence of two types of dormancy in B. decumbens seeds.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A reliable method of labeling is needed to study dispersal of the braconid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), an important biological control of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), on grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The feasibility of using aqueous solutions of rubidium chloride (RbCl) applied as a foliar spray or soil drench to label greenbugs and L. testaceipes developing within greenbugs was studied. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to identify the minimal concentration of RbCl to assure labeling of greenbugs and wasps, persistence of Rb throughout the wasp's life span, mobility of Rb to unsprayed sorghum leaves, and feasibility of studying dispersal using a release-recapture technique with Rb-labeled wasps. Both greenbugs and wasps could be labeled using RbCl at concentrations of 2,500-10,000 ppm. Rubidium content in labeled wasps did not significantly vary during the first 7 d after emergence. Greenbugs feeding on unsprayed leaves were labeled up to 4 wk after leaves were sprayed. Rb-labeled wasps were found at the maximum trap distance from the release site (60 m) within 1 d after release.
A total of 196 fetuses of crossbred Zebu between 106 to 246mm in length collected from a slaughterhouse in São Paulo, Brazil, and divided into groups of 10mm size differences intervals into 15 classes were measured and weighed. Liver, heart and lungs were also removed and weighed. In order to select the method of evaluation of growth several mathematical functions were applied. Among significant equations the monologarithmic function was selected. Furthermore, the fetuses in similar conditions of length and weight were compared with racially pure fetuses.
Child development from conception through the first years of life is marked by many changes. Tooth eruption follows a chronology corresponding to the date when the tooth erupts into the oral cavity. These dates have been established in the literature and are subjected to small variations depending on hereditary, endocrine and environmental features. At times, however, the chronology of tooth eruption suffers a more significant alteration in terms of onset, and the first teeth may be present at birth or arise during the first month of life. The expectations about the eruption of the first teeth are great and even greater when the teeth appear early in the oral cavity. The objective of the present study was to present a review of the literature with important aspects about natal and neonatal teeth.
Although widespread among fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses, seed dispersal mechanisms operated by rain are unusual among flowering plants. Generally speaking, two mechanisms are involved in seed dispersal by rains: the splash-cup and the springboard. Here we describe a new seed dispersal mechanism operated by rain in a Neotropical rainforest herb Bertolonia mosenii Cogniaux (Melastomataceae). The study was carried out at the lowland Atlantic rainforest, southeastern Brazil. We experimentally demonstrate that rain is necessary to release the seeds from the capsules through what we call squirt-corner seed dispersal mechanism: when a raindrop strikes the mature fruit, the water droplet forces the seeds outward to the angles (corners) of the triangular capsule and the seeds are released. As far as we know squirt-corner represents a new rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism, and a novel seed dispersal mode both for Melastomataceae and for flowering plants from Neotropical forests.
An unusual case of a newborn with two immature natal maxillary molars is presented. Clinical and histological examination showed that the teeth were rootless and incompletely mineralized. The patient was followed up during one year and we confirmed that the natal teeth were from normal primary series.
We observed Crested caracaras (Caracara plancus) consuming and dispersing fruits of the palm Attalea phalerata at Pantanal, Brazil. We reviewed the literature of seed dispersal by raptors and suggest that raptors may affect seed dispersal by three different paths: secondary seed dispersal by preying on frugivorous birds, primary seed dispersal of ornithocoric fruits and primary seed dispersal of large, lipid-rich fruits. The latter path may be an important long-distance seed dispersal mechanism for large seeds.
Maternal mortality rate (MM) is a health quality indicator that is directly influenced by the economic, cultural and technological level of a country. Official data of MM in Brazil, although underestimated, point to the lack of quality in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care services. This characteristic is common in developing countries, where poorer pregnant women as well as those facing greater difficulty to quality care access are found. Prenatal care cannot prevent major childbirth complications, which are important causes of MM; however, some interventions during the prenatal period can favor maternal prognosis and prevent MM. In this setting, this study brings a scientifically based update concerning effective interventions for maternal mortality prevention during the prenatal period. The most important strategies consist of a tripod with specific interventions related to maternal health promotion, risk prevention and assurance of nutritional support during gestation, in addition to criteria to investigate gestational risk and inclusion of the pregnant woman in the basic component of the prenatal care model. It ends with the definition of priorities in the prevention of MM related to eclampsia/preeclampsia and reinforces the importance of normalization of reference systems for obstetric emergency cases.