74 resultados para Metàfora – Diccionaris


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Embora seja uma ideia muito divulgada, considerar a poesia como “desvio de linguagem” é, do ponto de vista teórico, uma noção que não se sustenta. A ideia de “anomalia”, nesse caso, não é, na verdade, um conceito cientifi camente embasado senão uma metáfora do senso-comum aceita de modo denotado. As análises que admitem a “anormalidade” da fala poética como um postulado carecem de rigor metodológico e, portanto, não podem ser acolhidas pela linguística.


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Em torno dos signos fascínio (do universo de Maurice Blanchot) e escritura (do universo de Roland Barthes), tendo como ponto de partida as concepções críticas e estéticas de Charles Baudelaire, este trabalho procura discutir algumas características da crítica-escritura: aquela que recria a metáfora das obras, constituindo-se ela própria como produção notável por suas especificidades metafóricas, podendo ser também denominada crítica-poética, crítica inventiva, crítica metafórica ou escritura- crítica, revelando que escritor é aquele que tem consciência da linguagem enquanto problematização e da força da literatura em sua luta contra a impossibilidade de representar o real.


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Ao estabelecer um diálogo com o cogito de Descartes, o cogito torquatiano aponta para um sujeito em crise, fragmentado, contraditório, aberto e plural, desconstruindo a idéia humanista e cartesiana de sujeito como ser autônomo, dotado de uma personalidade coerente. O comportamento de Torquato Neto é muito bem representado pelo mito vampírico e pela metáfora do escorpião, definitivamente amalgamados à persona e à imagem do poeta.Palavras-chave: Torquato Neto; anos 60; arte/comportamento; literatura brasileira; poesia contemporânea; crise do sujeito.


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Este trabalho tem a finalidade de enfocar as estruturas idiomáticas constituídas pela figura da comparação. Seus comparantes são convencionalizados pelos usuários da língua e se ligam a propriedades adjetivas ou verbais específicas que, por sua vez, são atribuídas a sujeitos comparados, de traços semânticos também específicos.


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Este artigo procura mostrar a importância do paradigma cognitivista e seus recentes progressos na descrição da linguagem humana, defendendo a manutenção dos chamados níveis de análise lingüística, como forma de tornar operacionais os procedimentos de descrição.


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Within the Wittgensteinian approach, the ideal of exactness, disconnected from concrete situations of language use, does not make any sense. Such an approach takes into account every and any kind of intersubjective communication, inasmuch as it is based on a previous agreement concerning the use of language and the interpretation of the world linked to it. This paper, throughout its three parts, seeks to understand this agreement, and evaluates whether or not philosophy plays a role in relation to it. To start with, the obstacles to such an agreement will be considered, namely, solipsism and private, subjective language. In the following stage, the intention is to indicate that the rupture from the subjectivist conception of language allows Wittgenstein to visualize another subject, the one incorporated by the community. From then on, the question is to verify whether reflectivity is possible in the ambit of a linguistic community or not, since the objectivity of concepts is not sought within knowledge, but within forms of life. In the third and last part, we will point to the language game metaphor correlative to the meaning emerging from the flow of life, of thought, and of culture and see how philosophy can represent a significant activity in the search for understanding that flow.


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The aim of this text is to draft an answer to the following questions: What is the relationship between war and politics in Antonio Gramsci’s thought? How is it possible to make a relationship of war and politics according to Gramsci with Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz’s same themes? The main hypothesis of this article points to understand that war as a metaphor of politics approach predominant point in Gramsci’s approach of war has a broader meaning that war as an interstate conflict, which is Clausewitz’s concept. Although the war is connected with politics in both authors, interstate conflict has a stronger emphasis in clausewitzian sense and a wider sense of war as politics is found in gramscian approach.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The aim of this work is the analysis of some figures of speech, which is based on the existence of a nature of metaphorical process. The research starts from the hypothesis that these figures form themselves by this process. The study is based on the reading of the chapter “Figuras de linguagem”, which is in the work Lições de gramática de usos do português (NEVES, in the press), in which are given lessons about figures of speech, using literary texts and suggesting a metaphorical base for the general sustenance of the analyses. From these lessons, that had already directed groupings and analyses in Seves (2009), a reanalysis was done according to a theoretical orientation which basis is cognitivist, what contribute to this idea about the origin of the figurative processes. The bases of the theoretical orientation, in this sense, are: the conceptual metaphor theory (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1980), which considers metaphor as a cognitive (mental) process; and the current of the systematic metaphor (CAMERON, 2005 apud SARDINHA, 2007) that defends the attention to the recurring use of metaphor in real language, before doing assertions about the mind’s functioning. The analyses indicated these conclusions: a) the theory of the conceptual metaphor can be considered efficient for the foundation of the analyses, what implies a minimization of the metonymic component in the exam of these figures; b) and in the basis of the majority of the founded figures it is evident the nature of a metaphorical process


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The language in use in a society is product of a culture and reflects the way a community thinks. Therefore, the lexical units, through the meanings assigned by a social group, establish a specific look of the universe. We intend to demonstrate that for the denomination of the sexual organs of the human body it usual to avoid the official anatomical terminology relegated to contexts of great formality and to adopt other lexical items during informal situations. We intend, with this research, to demystify some prejudices related to the erotic-obscene lexicon, its use and its creation, besides stimulating reflections, in Portuguese and Italian.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the presence of epic and ancient romance as construction’s mechanism of the poem Galáxias by Haroldo de Campos, whose work was, all of the time, dedicated to both: innovation in poetry forms and rescue of tradition. It is quite important to investigate how epic and ancient narrative elements contribute to the meaning construction of poem Galaxias, written by Campos during thirteen years. This investigation appears to be very challenging because seems to be an opportunity to think about post-modern and post-antique, at the same time, making both instances dialogue. Galáxias seems to be exemplary to show this dialogue between present and past: it is a sea voyage book and a book as sea voyage, not only because the epic and ancient narrative have strong presence in the poem, but also because the poem central theme is the sea voyages and the book.