119 resultados para Maximum Modulus
Avaliou-se o efeito do nitrogênio no sistema radicular da espécie Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. IPR-86 Milênio, sob pastejo. As doses de N utilizadas foram 0; 150; 300 e 450 kg/ha.ano. As densidades de raízes no pré-pastejo foram avaliadas no quinto ano de aplicação de N, em três profundidades (0-10; 10-20 e 20-40 cm), com crescimento aos 7; 14; 21 e 35 dias após o pastejo. O método de pastejo utilizado foi o de lotação rotacionada. Os valores máximos de densidades de comprimento e de massa das raízes no pré e no pós-pastejo foram obtidos nas doses de N de 204; 206; 192 e 197 kg/ha, respectivamente. Nas doses de N de 0, 150 e 300 kg/ha, o crescimento das raízes (em densidade de comprimento) aumentou, em média, até 29 dias após o pastejo, enquanto, na dose 450 kg/ha, o aumento foi linear. Independentemente da dose de N, 60 a 25% do sistema radicular do cultivar IPR-86 Milênio concentrou-se nas camadas de 0-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade, respectivamente.
The coarsening of the nanoporous structure developed in undoped and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 sol-gel dip-coated films deposited on a mica substrate was studied by time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) during in situ isothermal treatments at 450 and 650 degrees C. The time dependence of the structure function derived from the experimental SAXS data is in reasonable agreement with the predictions of the statistical theory of dynamical scaling, thus suggesting that the coarsening process in the studied nanoporous structures exhibits dynamical self-similar properties. The kinetic exponents of the power time dependence of the characteristic scaling length of undoped SnO2 and 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films are similar (alpha approximate to 0.09), this value being invariant with respect to the firing temperature. In the case of undoped SnO2 films, another kinetic exponent, alpha('), corresponding to the maximum of the structure function was determined to be approximately equal to three times the value of the exponent alpha, as expected for the random tridimensional coarsening process in the dynamical scaling regime. Instead, for 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films fired at 650 degrees C, we have determined that alpha(')approximate to 2 alpha, thus suggesting a bidimensional coarsening of the porous structure. The analyses of the dynamical scaling functions and their asymptotic behavior at high q (q being the modulus of the scattering vector) provided additional evidence for the two-dimensional features of the pore structure of 3% Sb-doped SnO2 films. The presented experimental results support the hypotheses of the validity of the dynamic scaling concept to describe the coarsening process in anisotropic nanoporous systems.
This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.
In order to compare the in situ degradability of tanzania grass samples obtained as by extrusa or hand plucked, three ruminal fistulated cows were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot scheme. Five grams of extrusa or hand harvested grasses were placed in nylon bags rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The degradability of DM, CP, NDF and ADF were, in this sequence, 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for hand-harvested grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa. In situ degradability data of hand harvested samples were not reliable.
Milk, fat, and protein yields of Holstein cows from the States of New York and California in the United States were used to estimate (co)variances among yields in the first three lactations, using an animal model and a derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (REML) algorithm, and to verify if yields in different lactations are the same trait. The data were split in 20 samples, 10 from each state, with means of 5463 and 5543 cows per sample from California and New York. Mean heritability estimates for milk, fat, and protein yields for California data were, respectively, 0.34, 0.35, and 0.40 for first; 0.31, 0.33, and 0.39 for second; and 0.28, 0.31, and 0.37 for third lactations. For New York data, estimates were 0.35, 0.40, and 0.34 for first; 0.34, 0.44, and 0.38 for second; and 0.32, 0.43, and 0.38 for third lactations. Means of estimates of genetic correlations between first and second, first and third, and second and third lactations for California data were 0.86, 0.77, and 0.96 for milk; 0.89, 0.84, and 0.97 for fat; and 0.90, 0.84, and 0.97 for protein yields. Mean estimates for New York data were 0.87, 0.81, and 0.97 for milk; 0.91, 0.86, and 0.98 for fat; and 0.88, 0.82, and 0.98 for protein yields. Environmental correlations varied from 0.30 to 0.50 and were larger between second and third lactations. Phenotypic correlations were similar for both states and varied from 0.52 to 0.66 for milk, fat and protein yields. These estimates are consistent with previous estimates obtained with animal models. Yields in different lactations are not statistically the same trait but for selection programs such yields can be modelled as the same trait because of the high genetic correlations.
We set new limits for the maximum number of fluxons trapped inside columnar defects, for both cases of metallic and insulated cores. We show that the saturation limit predicted by the Mkrtchyan and Shmidt theory is just a first approximation to our results, because it does not consider the presence of the remaining flux lines exterior to the defects.
This work reports on the mechanical properties of germanium-rich amorphous carbon-germanium alloys prepared by RF sputtering of a germanium/graphite target under an argon/hydrogen atmosphere. Nano-hardness, elastic modulus and stress were investigated as a function of the carbon content. The stress, which is reduced by the incorporation of carbon, was related to the film structure and to the difference in the Ge-Ge and Ge-C bond length. Contrary to what was expected, the hardness and elastic modulus of the alloys are lower than the corresponding values for pure amorphous hydrogenated germanium film, which in turn has both properties also smaller than those of crystalline germanium. These properties are analyzed in terms of the structural properties of the films. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.
Glassy polymeric carbon (GPC) is a useful material for medical applications due to its chemical inertness and biocompatible characteristics. Mitral and aortic and hydrocephalic valves are examples of GPC prosthetic devices that have been fabricated and commercialized in Brazil. In this work, ion beam was used to improve the mechanical characteristics of GPC surface and therefore to avoid the propagation of microcracks where the cardiac valves are more fragile. A control group of phenolic resin samples heat-treated at 300, 400, 700, 1000, 1500, and 2500 degrees C was characterized by measuring their hardness and Young's reduced elastic modulus with the depth of indentation. The control group was compared to results obtained with samples heat-treated at 700, 1000, and 1500 degrees C and bombarded with energetic ions of silicon, carbon, oxygen, and gold at energies of 5, 6, 8, and 10 MeV, respectively, with fluences between 10x10(13) and 10x10(16) ions/cm(2). GPC nonbombarded samples showed that hardness depends on the heat treatment temperature (HTT), with a maximum hardness for heat treatment at 1000 degrees C. The comparison between the control group and bombarded group also showed that hardness, after bombardment, had a greater increase for samples prepared at 700 degrees C than for samples prepared at higher temperatures. The Young's elastic modulus presents an exponential relationship with depth. The parameters obtained by fitting depend on the HTT and on the ion used in the bombardment more than on energy and fluence. The hardness results show clearly that bombardment can promote carbonization, increase the linkage between the chains of the polymeric material, and promote recombination of broken bonds in lateral groups that are more numerous for samples heat-treated at 700 degrees C. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and ruminal degradation of Panicum maximum, J. cv. Tanzania samples obtained by clipping (square method) or extrusa collection (animal selection). In the in situ trial, three ruminal fistulated dry crossbred cows, with 499 kg LW, were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot arrangement design. Five grams of clipped (+/- 2 cm) grass or extrusa samples were placed in nylon bags (7 x 14 cm) and rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The IVDMD and the CP, NDF and ADF content were, respectively, 55.8, 7.6, 81.9 e 43.6%, for the clipped grass and .66.5, 12.1, 78.8 e 39.5%, for the extrusa samples. The potential degradability of DM, C P, NDF and ADF were 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for clipped grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa samples. The quality of the selected animal diet (extrusa) was better than the available forage in terms of IVDMD and chemical composition (high protein and low fiber content). In situ degradability trials carried out with clipped samples, and non selected by animal, could not supply reliable results closed to the animal diet.
The present article presents a means of determining the maximum impact force between two bodies from the determination of the involved impulse in the impact and the sound emitted by the shock of the bodies during this impact.It also presents a case study applied to the shock between the skulls of male sheep of the Ovis aries species. These animals do not possess horns and dispute the territorial leadership by fighting, during which the skull is used as a weapon of attack, similar to a battering ram.Initially, a revision of basic physics approaching the theory of impulse is made, which shows that the average force during an impact can be obtained by the quantity of movement of the bodies. In its turn, the quantity of movement is obtained through the average speed of approach and the mass of the bodies. The maximum force is obtained from the average force, using the approach of the Force X Time curve with the Sonorous Intensity X Time Curve.In order to study the case of a shock between two sheep, the mass of the bodies was obtained through direct weighing and the average speed of approach obtained indirectly through filming, thus making possible the calculation of the average force. The Sonorous Intensity X Time Curve was obtained through the recording of the sound of the impact during a filmed fight, with later manipulation through computer programs. With this data the maximum force exercised between the skull of the sheep during the impact was obtained, which will be used in later studies.
The study was conducted at Nucleo de Pesquisas Zootecnicas Nordeste of the Instituto de Zootecnia, Ribeirao Preto, SP, in a rotational grazing area of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum), to estimate the dry matter intake by lactanting cows. The estimation of dry matter intake was calculated from the feces production estimated using extrusa Chromium-mordent and the in vitro digestibility of diet. The three treatments were crossbreed cows fed 3 kg.day(-1) of concentrate, crossbred cows without concentrate suplementation and pure Gir cows also without concentrate supplementation. The milk production was 11.98, 6.53 and 5.46 kg per cow per day, the grass intake was 8.26 +/- 5.66, 11.01 +/- 5.37 and 9.55 +/- 2.31 kg of dry matter per day or 2.15%, 2.37% and 2.34% of live weight for the three experimental groups respectively. The milk production was higher (P<0.01) for cows fed with concentrate. No difference was found for dry matter intake.
Influence of Wood Moisture Content on the Modulus of Elasticity in Compression Parallel to the Grain
Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR7190:1997 for timber structures design, adopts a first degree equation to describe the influence of wood moisture content. Periodically, when necessary, the referred standard is revised in order to analyze inconsistencies and to adopt considerations according new realities verified. So, the present paper aims to examine the adequacy of its equation which corrects to 12% of moisture the values of rigidity properties obtained on experimental tests. To quantify the moisture influence on modulus of elasticity, it was applied tests of compression parallel to the grain for six specimens of different strength classes, considering nominal moisture of 12; 20; 25; 30%. As results, modulus of elasticity in the moisture range 25-30% showed statistically equivalents, and was obtained a first degree equation to correlate the studied variables which leads to statically equivalent estimations when compared with results by ABNT NBR7190:1997 equation. However, it was indicated to maintain the current expression for the next text of the referred document review, without prejudice to statistical significance of the estimates.
In order to verify the effect of Panicum maximum plant density on the initial growth of Eucalyptus grandis plants, one assay was conducted under semi-controlled conditions of soil fertility and humidity. Dark red Latossol, collected from the arable layer, was used as substrate in 50 liters amianthus cement boxes. One seedling of Eucalyptus was planted in each box. Fifteen days later, seedlings of P. maximum were transplanted on the same box. The treatments consisted of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 plants of P. maximum per m 2. The experimental design was the complete randomized design, with six treatments and eight replicates for P. maximum. One hundred and ten and 190 days after transplanting, Eucalyptus plants grown among P. maximum showed an average reduction of 30.80 and 46.55% stem diameter, 25.10 and 22.50 plant high, 40.18 and 31.29% stem dry weight, 61.32 and 54.06% branch dry weight, 53.72 and 51.82% root dry weight, 44.62 and 38.50% leaf dry weight, 22.51 and 23.16 branch number, 20.72 and 19.97% leaf number, and 33.88 and 17.05% leaf area, respectively.
Bioceramic systems based on hydroxylapatite (HAP) are an important class of bioactive materials that may promote bone regeneration. The aim of this research was to evaluate how the stoichiometry of HAP influences its microstructural properties when diagnosed using the combined Rietveld method and Maximum entropy method (MEM). The Rietveld Method (RM) is recognizably a powerful tool used to obtain structural and microstructural information of polycrystalline samples analyzed by x-ray diffraction. Latterly have combined the RM with the maximum entropy method (MEM), with the goal of improve structural refinement results. The MEM provides high resolution maps of electron density and their analysis leave the accurate localization of atoms inside of unit cell. Like that, cycles Rietveld-MEM allow an excellent structural refinement In this work, a hydroxylapatite sample obtained by emulsion method had its structure refined using one cycle Rietveld-MEM with x-ray diffraction data. The indices obtained in initial refinement was Rwp = 7.50%, Re = 6.56%, S - 1.14% e RB = 1.03%. After MEM refinement and electron densities maps analysis to correction of atomics positions, the news indicators of Rietveld refinement quality was Rwp = 7.35%, Re = 6.56%, S = 1.12% and RB = 0.75%. The excellent result obtained to RB shows the efficiency of MEM as auxiliary in the refinement of structure of hydroxylapatite by RM.