449 resultados para Literatura e Currículo de Ensino Fundamental. Curitiba. Norbert Elias


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This research analyzes the development of motor skills of kicking andhitting 60 children, six years old, from three schools in the city of Bauru. Thestudents were videotaped performing the task of kicking and hitting. Thecollected data were analyzed by three independent evaluators who rated theskills in development stages (early, elementary and mature), following thecharacteristics presented by Gallahue and Ozmun (2005), adding two morecategories: beginner / intermediate, elementary / intermediate. The resultsshowed that there were differences between the skills of kicking and hitting.This may be related to cultural aspects. Also found that most children havenot reached the mature stage of development the two skills, which is contraryto that expected in the literature.


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Os acidentes infantis causam alta morbimortalidade. Embora prevenveis pela educao, so escassos os subsdios para atuar com o tema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar estratgia educativa sobre preveno de acidentes infantis para o ensino fundamental. Participaram membros de um Grupo de Pesquisa, escolares de duas salas de 3 srie do ensino fundamental e as professoras. Utilizou-se literatura da rea, materiais reciclveis e impressos. Realizaram-se reunies para definio, elaborao e ensaio da estratgia, no Grupo de Pesquisa, e estudo piloto nas salas de aula. A estratgia resultante foi um Teatro de Fantoches abordando a preveno de queimaduras infantis, com Folheto Avaliativo do Aluno para antes e aps a ao e Questionrio Avaliativo do Professor aps a ao. Concluiu-se que a estratgia elaborada foi de fcil aplicao e boa aceitao, favorecendo a posterior aplicao e avaliao por professores.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Esse texto resultado das anlises preliminares do projeto de pesquisa intitulado: Literatura infantil e a presena da criana negra: uma anlise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE) de 2010, que tem como objetivo analisar a presena dos personagens negros nos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) no ano de 2010, com o objetivo de compreender como as crianas do primeiro e do quinto ano do ensino fundamental I veem a presena do personagem negro na literatura infantil. A escolha pela srie inicial e pela srie final do ensino fundamental I tem a inteno de investigar se as percepes acerca dos personagens negros so diferentes ao decorrer do processo escolar, ou seja, analisar se as crianas pequenas possuem representaes diferentes das crianas maiores. Por tratar-se da proposio de uma pesquisa de tipo etnogrfico, sero realizadas observaes para analisar e interpretar aspectos da literatura infantil veiculada na escola, entrevista semiestruturada para compreender como as crianas vem a presena do personagem negro na literatura infantil, reviso bibliogrfica e anlise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) de 2010. Foi escolhido o ltimo ano do programa com o intuito de analisar as obras que esto em circulao atualmente.


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This work aims at identifying, in literature and in the design of some elementary school teachers I, (s) concept (s) of school failure. This investigation was made from literature review, also had a period of data collection, which occurred through questionnaires sent to teachers in state schools. The first part of this work is aimed to study the literature on school failure. Looking up this part to understand the different concepts that underlie the subject. From this the questionnaires were organized by teachers of a school State elementary school in a city in the state of So Paulo, seeking to uncover the concepts they had on the subject. Subsequently the questionnaires was made comparing the data obtained from the literature. With the results of the questionnaires, we found that many historical perspectives remain in the design of teachers, especially those perspectives that relate to individual causes school failure and family. To counteract the data found with signs placed in the literature it can be stated that the teachers surveyed did not recognize the theory of social and cultural reproduction, as in this research as a source of explanation of school failure. Note that all the teachers who participated in the study said they believe experiences of failure can be overcome


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The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship


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Objetiva discutir os aspectos determinantes da descentralizao da Educao Bsica brasileira no perodo ps-1988 (nova Constituio Federal), com um enfoque na municipalizao do Ensino Fundamental a partir da instituio do Fundef (Fundo de Manuteno e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorizao do Magistrio). Investiga os sistemas de ensino de quatorze municpios que compem a Diretoria Regional de So Jos do Rio Preto (SP). A partir desta amostra, busca identificar quais aderem municipalizao por meio da anlise da evoluo das matrculas nos sistemas municipais de ensino no perodo compreendido entre 1997 e 2007, visto que grande parte da literatura aponta o Fundef como um fator indutor do processo de municipalizao do Ensino Fundamental. Os resultados indicam que uma parte desses municpios inicia um processo de municipalizao das matrculas do Ensino Fundamental com a implementao do Fundef. No caso especfico da Regio Administrativa estudada, no ano de 2002 que ocorre a inverso do contexto anterior, qual seja, a partir deste ano o nmero de matrculas nos sistemas municipais de Ensino Fundamental supera o total de alunos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino.


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Environmental education (EE), a critical component to face the environmental crisis, must be present in formal education in a continuous, permanent and transversal way. Studies show, however, that EE occurs, often, in a sporadic and discontinuous way, and that it is mainly linked to Sciences. The objective of this study was to investigate the inclusion of environmental subjects in the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of a rural school, in Araraquara, SP. Through documentary analysis of the PPP, proposals for the Environmental Education for the last years of elementary education were examined. The results allowed the understanding, in a complex and contextualized way, of aspects related to the presence of environmental subjects in the school curriculum. They reveal that the suggestion of working with Environment attend the recommendations of the conference of Tbilisi and of Brazilian National Curriculum (PCN).


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The playful objects challenge and support the child to the playful action. These actions leverage the use of imagination and fantasy, necessary skills throughout our life. These objects are ways to create situations and play day by day. Games and toys are also augmenting resources of learning processes in various areas of knowledge. However, this process does not occur spontaneously, there is a need of scientific knowledge for selection and use of these resources in educational formal processes, especially in schools. The objective of this study was to identify, classify and analyze the play material performance of a primary school of the Municipal System of Education from Bauru-SP. To attain the goal, became a literature review in indexed data bases and printed materials. Subsequently, based on the theoretical references, tools for collection and analysis of data were developed, enabling the triangulation of data collected and analyzed for the closest to the reality studied. The instruments for collecting and analyzing data: a) survey and identification of playful collection based on COL (KOBAYSHI, 2009), b) questionnaire with school teachers and c) field observations. The survey results and the triangulation of sources allowed better characterization of the collection available at the school and their uses as resources and education and recreation procedures


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Content belonging to the movement's body culture and inserted in Official Documents such as National Curriculum Parameters and Curriculum of the state of Sao Paulo, Gymnastics, was object of this Course Conclusion Paper. After the reality of more then 20 years of researches pointing to a distancing of Gymnastics content in School Physical Education, this study aims to understand and analyze the experience with Gymnastics contents during the middle and High School in Physical Education classes, having as perspective the view of students in the third year of high school from state schools in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Participated in this study 97 students from eleven state schools in the city. It was presented the previous experiences with gymnastics contens developed in Physical Education classes, as well as the materials, the most developed content and the pleasure aroused by these classes


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O presente trabalho realiza um estudo referente Geometria Tridimensional, no que tange a sua metodologia apresentada nos livros didticos de Matemtica. Esse instrumento tem passado por um processo de avaliao mais rigoroso nas ltimas dcadas pelos rgos governamentais para a promoo do livro com qualidade o que importante, porm uma anlise crtica de seus contedos essencial para que esse instrumento torne-se adequado a cada realidade e um aliado no planejamento do educador no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Geometria. Essa disciplina considerada por vrios autores e especialista da educao como um conhecimento muito pertinente para a formao integral do aluno, ao proporcionar o desenvolvimento do raciocnio visual, espacial e lgico, abrangendo tambm a formao cultural e profissional. Nesse sentido, considerando a importncia da escolha de um livro adequado e coerente para a qualidade desse ensino, objetivouse com esse estudo realizar uma anlise e reflexo sobre os contedos da Geometria Tridimensional apresentada em dois livros didticos de matemtica do 5 ano do ensino fundamental submetidos aos critrios eliminatrios do Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico - PNLD (2013) e aprovado pelo Ministrio da Educao. Mediante levantamento bibliogrfico da literatura pertinente e anlise de documentos oficiais foi possvel verificar que os mesmos apresentaram progressos em alguns aspectos atendendo de forma parcial as propostas atuais para esse ensino demonstrando que ainda precisam evoluir


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)