104 resultados para Jogos de computador
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp e mandibular plane). Thirty patients (male or female), with age varying from 19 to 48 years old were analyzed. All patients were diagnosted with mandibular retrognathism and submitted to bilateral sagital mandibular advancement. All tracings were performed in lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained one week before surgery. The intraclass correlation coefficient analysis (ICC), the t test adjusted for Tukey-Kramer test and Schuirmann test were applied. The results showed that the manual tracings and Nemotec tracing had excellent reliabilities for all measures (ICC > 0.98). The Dolphin Imaging showed low reliability in anterior facial height (value of ICC = 0.70), Co-A (value of ICC = 0.47) and Co-Gn (ICC value = 0.49). In A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp, Mandibular plan, SNA and SNB there were no differences between the 3 tracings (p > 0.05), for the anterior facial height measures differences were found between the Dolphin Imaging and Nemotec tracings, but no differences were observed as compared to the manual tracing (p > 0.05), in Co-A and Co-Gn measures t Dolphin Imaging presented a significantly lower mean than the other methods (p > 0.05). The manual tracings were equivalent in 6 of 8 measures (A-Nperp, Pg-Nperp, md Plan, SNA, SNB and Co-A), there was no equivalence between the methods in the anterior facial height and Co-Gn measures (p < 0.01). The Dolphin Imaging method was not equivalent in any of the 8 measures. It was concluded that in the manual tracing only the Co- Gn, Pg-Nperp and SNB measures confirmed the diagnosis of mandibular retrognathism, and the Nemotec software showed better results than the Dolphin Imaging software.
Este artigo pretende, luz da teoria de Vygotsky e seus colaboradores, desvelar as contribuies dos Jogos de Faz-de-conta para aquisio da linguagem escrita pelas crianas. O trabalho apresentado decorrncia dos estudos realizados para elaborao da monografia de concluso de curso, e tem como objetivos: perceber se os jogos de faz-de-conta esto presentes na rotina das crianas pesquisadas; fazer um levantamento bibliogrfico sobre o assunto, para entender o que diferentes autores pensam a respeito e discutir luz da perspectiva hist- rico-cultural o valor que os jogos de faz-de-conta tm na aquisio da escrita pelas crianas. Cumpre salientar que os resultados apresentados so provenientes apenas dos estudos tericos realizados, visto que fazem parte de um projeto de pesquisa ainda em andamento.
A presente reflexo motiva-se no seio da crescente discusso sobre a utilizao das tecnologias de informao e comunicao na educao, assim como acerca do uso de computadores que permitem o acesso pesquisa e a informaes novas. Este trabalho decorrncia de estudos realizados para a disciplina de monografia de concluso de curso, e tem como objetivos: verificar o posicionamento de professores sobre o uso do computador como um recurso que estimule a leitura para alunos dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; averiguar o que os professores pensam sobre a incluso digital; descobrir para qual tipo de leitura o computador utilizado. Os resultados apresentados so provenientes apenas dos estudos tericos realizados, visto que fazem parte de um projeto de pesquisa ainda em andamento.
Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEB
Ps-graduao em Educao para a Cincia - FC
Esse estudo, de natureza qualitativa, objetivou investigar as diferentes classificaes dos jogos virtuais e os mais procurados pelos usurios. A pesquisa foi composta pela unio de pesquisas bibliogrficas e exploratrias, desenvolvida por intermdio de questionrio semi-estruturado, aplicado a usurios de jogos virtuais on-line, participantes de fruns on-line do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente. Dos 17 indivduos que responderam pesquisa, 82% so do sexo masculino e 18%, do sexo feminino, com idades entre 21 e 27 anos. O lugar que em que mais acessam os jogos virtuais so suas casas, e a maior freqncia de acesso de 7 dias por semana (29%), de 3 a 5 horas por dia (76%). O principal interesse pelos games acontece por esses serem uma forma de entretenimento. Dentre os jogos mais citados como seus favoritos esto Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Farmville, Age of Empires e The Legend of Zelda. Quando perguntados o porqu de seu interesse por tal jogo, os participantes responderam que eles promovem socializao, diverso, contm grficos (imagens e sons) e enredos interessantes, entre outros. A categoria de jogos favorita dos participantes a de tiro (First Person Shooter), com 35% de citaes, seguida por jogos de esportes, com 30%; porm, 23,5% respondeu no ter preferncia quanto categoria do game. Quanto Classificao Indicativa, 65% dos participantes a consideram um fator importante, enquanto 35% consideram-na desnecessria. Porm, 88% responderam no olhar a Classificao Indicativa do game antes de compr-lo ou utiliz-lo, citando, dentre os principais fatores, no se importarem ou ofenderem com qualquer contedo que o jogo possa apresentar e por serem maiores de idade.
With the technology evolution for school proposals, became necessary the creation and modifica- tion of the pedagogical paradigms applied in the classroom. With this in mind, this monograph attempts to explain clearly and succinctly how to develop a complete game, following the precepts of appropriate pedagogy and software engineering steps, explaining the main entertainment devices and graphics suitable for the students intellectual development. Therefore, it is studied throughout this academic work, the complete process of development, making use of the development language ActionScript 3.0 , aided by some other technologies, show- ing that the use of technology articles in the classroom is possible and highly indicated
The objective of this paper is show the development of an Eletronic Control Unit (ECU) for Baja-SAE vehicles from its requirements to final implementation. An ECU for Baja-SAE vehicles is made of electric and electronic circuits (appropriated to the hostile situations of an off-road competition) able to make important measurements for the running or stand-by vehicle performance. For this development, some concepts were studied: embedded electronics concepts (mainly microcontrollers and data acquisition circuits) and sensoring. Both the studies were made considering the off-road environment. After these initial studies, the elaboration of the basics hardware and software (under simulations) has begun, and this elaboration objectives maximum performance and low implementation cost. After the theorical studies, basic definition of the hardware and softwares architectures and simulations, the printed circuit boards (PCB) were made, as exhaustive tests in these boards for debugging and verify if the boards work well. Once the system was tested in the university, it ran into a regional Southeast competition in 2010, that definitely proved the efficiency of the whole system
This work investigates the reasons that take teachers to use or not use manipulative materials in mathematics education as well as the knowledge that teachers of Basic Education schools of the city of Guaratingueta have about such resources. The experience in the classroom, while participating in projects, showed that these resources are important allies in knowledge production. However, we noticed that they are not often present in the teachers teaching practice. This leads us to investigate the relevance of such education resources from authors like Grando (2000) and Macedo (2012) and try to see the idea that math teachers have about their use. For this research we developed a questionnaire and we headed teachers to obtain data. Assuming a posture qualitative with phenomenological approach, organized researched data and interpreted following the procedures described by Bicudo (2011) and Machado (1994). We built three categories or regions of generality that lead us to consider that, for our research subjects, the use of manipulative materials is significant as Didactic Resources and Learning Aid, however, used from a Nave Knowledge that does not involve reflection on practice or relies on theoretical concepts
Due to the growing practice of recreational activities among enterprises, it became evident an increase in the possibilities of interdisciplinary action of Physical Education teachers as well as in the areas alike. However, just a few academic papers try to understand the relation involving recreational activities in the context of business companies, what motivated the attention of this study, which aims to investigate whether the games played in business trainings may somehow contribute for a better comprehension and development of actions between employees and employers and also, to analyze the acceptability of this resource in lectures or formal events, which are usual in trainings. This study which has a qualitative approach was developed and based on the union of both bibliographic and exploratory researches. Data were collected through a questionnaire with open and direct questions that was applied to an intentional sample of twenty-five employees from a company in the countryside of So Paulo. Those data were analyzed in a descriptive way, through Thematic Content Analysis Technique and they showed that the relationship among employees has improved, whereas the relationship between employers and employees hasnt improved that much and that the training which was given with dynamics and recreational strategies had a very positive result, because the goals were reached and the acceptability of this kind of training was unanimous among all the participants, It is extremely important that recreational activities can be developed in business trainings because with them, it is possible to reach more successfully their goals and the acceptability by the participants.
This research aimed do verify the contribution of the games of rules to the development and learning of the mathematics of a philantropic institution for preschool children Centro de Educao Infantil Santo Antnio (CEISA) - from March to September 2010. The overall universe comprehends one teacher, one class auxiliary, one trainee, the organization teaching coordinator and twenty six students. The main objective was to explore games as a strategic resource for the development and learning, by searching auxiliary contributions for teaching the mathematics, and ways to wake and keep the interest of the students for the games as tools of development and learning; to identify important points for such development and learning by using games; to detect the difficulties of the students in the process of teaching-learning mathematics; to use games as a moment for fun; to show the teachers the possibilities of using ludic materials as methodic resources and to make interventions, by means of the games, to enhance the process of teaching-learning the matematics, through a qualitative approach, using the interview as instrument by means of an observation and study of case
As aes do homem tm causado danos natureza, colocando em risco a vida na Terra, muitas vezes, pelo erro de se acreditar na infinitude dos recursos naturais. Torna-se assim necessrio um processo de educao para a formao da conscincia ecolgica, que pode ser definido como Educao Ambiental. A Botnica o estudo do Reino Vegetal, o que envolve seus aspectos estruturais, sua fisiologia, bem como seu papel no meio ambiente, sendo que este ltimo tem recebido muita nfase, dada a importncia dos vegetais na manuteno das condies da vida. Dada essa forte relao entre a Botnica e a Preservao ambiental, torna-se relevante a busca por propostas de ensino que articulem estes dois campos. Documentos como os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais, do ensino mdio e do ensino fundamental, assim como o Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educao Infantil incentivam uma abordagem contextualizada dos assuntos relacionados ao meio ambiente, de forma a permitir ao aluno, no apenas a compreenso da diversidade e complexidade dos seres vivos, mas tambm, a percepo de seu prprio papel como agente transformador do ambiente. No nvel infantil, a educao ambiental um dos temas que pode e deve ser abordado, favorecendo a formao da conscincia ambiental que se deseja, bem como despertando o interesse pelo ensino de Botnica para que este permanea nos prximos nveis de ensino e para a vida. A importncia das atividades prticas na Educao Infantil inquestionvel e o jogo uma das atividades que favorece o desenvolvimento da criana, podendo ser utilizado como material didtico capaz de auxiliar na formao de indivduos crticos e criativos. Reconhecendo-se a importncia da abordagem dos conhecimentos de Botnica para o desenvolvimento de temas de Educao Ambiental e a necessidade da... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
With the technology advancement, mobile devices have become increasingly more powerful and have started to have functions beyond of making phone calls. New applications, which perform these new functions, have been launched. The digital entertainment market has become one of the most benefited with this, once the games have become one of the most used applications for various types of users. This monograph presents the development of a game for Android OS, considering concepts like: physics, scenarios/views and character animation
Como todo fenmeno de massa, os acontecimentos esportivos so, atualmente, um dos preferidos da mdia, sobretudo por questes de ordem mercadolgica ou simblica, j que o esporte tem papel fundamental na construo de identidades e subjetividades. Tendo como base este fato, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em identificar como a mdia esportiva refere-se ao atletismo, quando da veiculao de reportagens jornalsticas. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens do jornal Folha de So Paulo, mais especificamente, do caderno Pequim/2008 num perodo de 15 dias antes dos Jogos Olmpicos de Pequim/2008, durante o seu desenvolvimento e 15 dias aps o trmino desse evento, isto , de 22/07/2008 a 08/09/2008. Nesse perodo, foram coletadas 49 edies desse jornal, nas quais analisamos 88 reportagens relacionadas ao atletismo. Em reviso bibliogrfica e com base na Anlise de Contedo foram identificadas as principais caractersticas dessas reportagens, alm dos temas mais recorrentes (unidades de registro) e o contexto (unidades de contexto) de cada uma delas. Foram criados 5 blocos de categorias, a saber: 1. Breves notas informativas sobre o atletismo; 2. Curiosidades acerca do atletismo mundial; 3. Resultados obtidos nas provas do atletismo; 4. Preparao dos atletas e expectativa em relao ao desempenho e 5. Destaques do atletismo nos Jogos Olmpicos de Pequim. A descrio de cada um dos blocos de categorias favoreceu a exposio dos resultados, dentre os quais: a falta de informao que dedicada ao atletismo pela mdia em perodos em que no ocorrem grandes competies esportivas, a nfase dada por ela por ocasio de eventos de repercusso internacional e a ateno especial voltada aos atletas que esto no auge da carreira e que, de alguma forma, passam a ser reconhecidos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)