224 resultados para Intensidade térmica
This paper aims at evaluating the occurrence of Diplostommn (Anstrodiplostomum compactum (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in the eyeball of Plagioscion sqnamosissimus (corvina) and Cichla ocellaris (tucunaré), monthly captured in Paraná river, Presidente Epitácio, state of São Paulo, Brazil. From 61 corvinas under analysis, 56 of them contained parasites (92%) with intensity rate of 42.0 host parasites. From an amount of 81 tucunarés, 45 contained parasites (55%) with intensity rate of 9.3 parasites. Corvinas showed prevalence from 71 to 100% with the highest intensity rates (103.3 and 106.9) from February to March, 2001. Comparatively, the tucunaré showed the highest prevalence from November 2000 (90%) to February 2001 (80%). The tucunaré highest intensity rates occurred on September, 2000 (12.7), December, 2000 (12.2) and February, 2001 (16.1). Metacercariae showed a hollow womb body and a posterior region of a sinuous conic protuberance, an oral sucker smaller than the acetabulae, a simple acetabulae located in the pre-equatorial region of helminto. A short pre-pharynx followed by a muscular pharynx, genital pore next to acetubulae. Corvina metacercariae presents 1.434,0 μm (880 to 1.840) long by 611.2 ± 93.4 μm (400 to 792) wide. Tucunaré metacercariae, 1.462.4 μm (960 to 2.480) by 710.8 μm (560 to 960). Authors confirmed corvina great susceptibility to Diplomastum and the relationship between the parasitism and the aquatic and climatic parameters.
The use of oxygen to enrich the combustion air can be an attractive technique to increase capacity of an incinerator originally designed to operate with air. If incinerator parameters such as operation temperature, turbulence level and residence time are fixed for a certain fuel supply rate, it is possible to increase the residue consumption rate using enriched air. This paper presents the thermal analysis for operation with enriched air of an aqueous residue experimental incinerator. The auxiliary fuel was diesel oil. The theoretical results showed that there is a considerable increase in the incineration ratio up to approximately 50 % of O 2 in the oxidiser. The tendency was confirmed experimentally. Thermal analysis was demonstrated to be an important tool to predict possible incinerator capacity increase.
Sparfloxacin, a third-generation fluoroquinolone, is a potent antibacterial agent against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, for example Streptococcus pneumonias, Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains), Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. This compound has been submitted to thermal analysis and the results are presented here. The DSC curve of sparfloxacin has an endothermic peak that indicates a melting point at 276.5 °C. The DTA curve of the sample in synthetic air shows two exothermic peaks, at 341.6 and 579.2 °C, attributed to compound decomposition. In the TG curve, the loss of mass can be seen to occur in two steps between 285.5 and 645.3 °C. The DTA curve obtained in a nitrogen atmosphere shows an exothermic peak, with decomposition of sparfloxacin at 340.0 °C; from the corresponding TG plot, the loss of mass starts at 254.4 °C.
Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.
This study aims to examine the thermal structure of the urban climate based on the interpretation of the satellite Landsat 7 (thermal channel) and measures for the area. It identifies how the production of urban climate develops based on an analysis of the structure of space forms and characteristics of land use and constructive materials in the generation of heat islands and their implications in environmental comfort in a tropical climate medium size city at Brazil. To check intra-urban air temperature, measures were carried out in mobile transects in the North-South and East-West routes. Thermal Channel data of Landsat-7, were converted to surface values. The results showed that the pattern of urbanization and characteristics of land use are responsible for the distribution of temperature generating heat islands in downtown and popular densely built neighborhoods. In those cases the highest indexes of social segregation added to higher temperature also provokes elevation in the number of illnesses and morbidity cases, mostly of respiratory diseases.
The effects of temperature on the rate of biological processes such as the germination are reported in several papers. The analysis of the thermal effect can be performed either from numerical indices or germination curves, which is usually presented as the accumulated percentage of germination versus time. Such curves can be fitted by empirical models and generally they offer a better description of the time-course of germination than single-value indices. On the other hand, in analyzing the germination curves, a question arises whether the model parameters have biological meaning. Thus, it is desirable that the model parameters both describe properly the germination curve and have biological meaning, which often does not occur. Considering the involvement of populations and percentages in germination assays, an analytical model has been widely used in the last two decades which is based on the concept of thermal time. This article discusses the conceptual basis and provides procedures for applying the thermal-time model in germination studies by using the probit regression method, both at infra and supra-optimal temperatures.
This paper aims at extracting street centerlines from previously isolated street regions by using the image of laser scanning intensity. In this image, streets are easily identified, since they manifest as dark, elongate ribbons contrasting with background objects. The intensity image is segmented by using the region growing technique, which generates regions representing the streets. From these regions, the street centerlines are extracted in two manners. The first one is through the Steger lines detection method combined with a line length thresholding by which lines being shorter than a minimum length are removed. The other manner is by combining the skeletonization method of regions based on the Medial Axis Transform and with a pruning process to eliminate as much as possible the ramifications. Experiments showed that the Steger-based method provided results better than the method based on skeletonization.
Influência da seleção dos estágios incrementais sobre a intensidade de lactato mínimo: Estudo piloto
The purposes of this study were to assess the influence of stage selection from the incremental phase and the use of peak lactate after hyperlactatemia induction on the determination of the lactate minimum intensity (iLACmin). Twelve moderately active university students (23±5 years, 78.3±14.1 kg, 175.3±5.1 cm) performed a maximal incremental test to determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP) (initial intensity at 70 W and increments of 17.5 W every 2 minutes) and a lactate minimum test (induction with the Wingate test, the incremental test started at 30 W below RCP with increments of 10 W every 3 minutes) on a cycle ergometer. The iLACmin was determined using second order polynomial adjustment applying five exercise stage selection: 1) using all stages (iLACmin P); 2) using all stages below and two stages above iLACminP(iLACminA); 3) using two stages below and all stages above iLACminP(iLACminB); 4) using the largest and same possible number of stages below and above the iLACminP(iLACminI); 5) using all stages and peak lactate after hyperlactatemia induction (iLACminD). No differences were found between the iLACminP(138.2±30.2 W), iLACminA(139.1±29.1 W), iLACminB(135.3±14.2 W), iLACminI(138.6±20.5 W) and iLACmiD(136.7±28.5 W) protocols, and a high level of agreement between these intensities and iLACminPwas observed. Oxygen uptake, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and lactate corresponding to these intensities was not different and was strongly correlated. However, the iLACminBpresented the lowest success rate (66.7%). In conclusion, stage selection did not influence the determination of iLACmin but modified the success rate. © Creative Commom.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC