120 resultados para Inovação Aberta


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Os processos de formação dos grupos humanos estão sendo transformados pelas novas tecnologias de informação inovando procedimentos, técnicas e meios. As gerações atuais têm contatos com máquinas, computadores, senhas e códigos de acessos desconhecidos pelos mais velhos e àqueles distantes social e economicamente ainda destas tecnologias, meios, códigos e inovações. Negros e empobrecidos são os que mais se distanciam da geografia deste veículo e meio de aprender, de saber, de trocar, de dialogar e de obter poder. A escrita, a energia e a tecnologia computacional interligadas processam um efeito colateral avassalador associados à acumulação de riquezas e bens nas mãos de poucos e juntos promovem o mais árduo processo discriminador e de exclusão social no planeta, atingindo, sobretudo, as populações tradicionalmente mais vulneráveis pelo racismo e pelo machismo, ou seja, negros e mulheres, sendo eles os mais empobrecidos no planeta.


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Compreendida por um dispositivo para determinação do espectro de substâncias sólidas e líquidas, com possibilidades de medições in vivo, e exibindo diversas vantagens sobre os dispositivos precedentes, que apresenta uma relação sinalruído excelente e comparável a uma câmara fotoacústica com microfone convencional com a grande vantagem de ser aberta. O dispositivo é composto por um detector transparente de radiação de Tantalato de Lítio, ao qual é acoplada, por contato físico, a amostra a ser analisada. Os eletrodos do detector são em formato de anel, sendo recobertos por uma camada de óxido de índio-estanho (ITO). Ao detector deve ser acoplado um amplificador eletrónico com elevada impedância de entrada.


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Ao estudar os romances policiais mais vendidos no Brasil entre 2000 e 2007, Fernanda Massi constatou um grande distanciamento entre esses textos e os romances policiais tradicionais. Nos livros escritos por autores clássicos como Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle e Georges Simenon, há algumas características recorrentes: um crime de autoria desconhecida, um criminoso com motivos para assassinar e um detetive encarregado de encontrar a identidade do criminoso e entregá-lo à polícia para que receba a merecida punição. Nesta obra, Massi nota que autores contemporâneos como Rubem Fonseca, Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza e Dan Brown, entre outros, mantêm a tríade criminoso-vítima-detetive, pois ela é indispensável ao enredo. Mas utilizam o núcleo do romance policial para abordar outros temas, como adultério, corrupção em órgãos públicos, segredos de fundo religioso ou deterioração familiar. Assim, segundo a autora, esses escritores escrevem com uma liberdade característica da pós-modernidade: desenvolvem a narrativa seguindo o modelo fixo de estrutura do gênero policial, porém de modo vivo e adaptado à contemporaneidade, inclusive no que concerne aos valores morais. O diagnóstico alcançado lança nova luz sobre o cenário contemporâneo da literatura policial.


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Esta obra parte do pressuposto de que os processos de mudança tecnológica dependem não só das iniciativas de inovação promovidas pelas empresas, mas de diversos outros fatores que as sustentam. E por terem um caráter sistêmico, esses fatores coevoluem com o ambiente em que estão inseridos. A partir dessa visão, o economista Lourenço Galvão Diniz Faria analisa as dimensões do Sistema Setorial de Inovação (SSI) do setor automotivo - a demanda, o regime tecnológico e a base de conhecimento, os atores e as instituições envolvidas. Por meio de uma análise multidimensional, o autor busca compreender de que forma essas dimensões se relacionam entre si e definem os movimentos de todo o sistema. São apresentadas questões teóricas em torno dos processos de inovação e sua importância para a competitividade das empresas e o crescimento econômico. Também se discute o conceito de sistemas de inovação. No capítulo final do livro, o autor aplica a metodologia do SSI ao setor automotivo nos últimos dez anos, possibilitando uma visão sobre as diversas mudanças pelas quais o sistema vem passando, como a incorporação da microeletrônica aos automóveis, o investimento em alternativas de propulsão e as alterações na relação entre montadoras e determinados tipos de fornecedores, o que tem levado a um regime de coparticipação no desenvolvimento dos veículos. O livro demonstra, enfim, o significativo crescimento da complexidade e do dinamismo do SSI na fabricação de automóveis


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O livro trata da utilização da Televisão Digital na Educação, mais especificamente do uso do t-learning na Educação a Distância (EaD), discutindo as possibilidades de avanço e os limites estruturais da modalidade. Para o autor, o t-learning aplicado ao EaD poderia, se bem trabalhado, ensejar uma inclusão cidadã por meio de uma educação inovadora, com base em Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação inclusive já disponíveis na sociedade brasileira. O principal foco de análise do trabalho são as alternativas criadas pela TV Digital interativa (TVDi), uma mídia inovadora capaz de canalizar diversas convergências - tecnológica, de processos e de conteúdos -, e com enorme potencial para dar suporte a ambientes colaborativos de ensino-aprendizagem, abrindo fronteiras para a real universalização da educação. Segundo o autor, o emprego da TVDi no EaD poderia provocar mudanças até na atitude em geral passiva do aluno-telespectador, dando lugar a um aluno interagente ou interator, apto a se apropriar da interatividade possível por meio do canal de retorno, e de se posicionar de forma ativa e crítica diante de uma grade de multiprogramação


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This study has investigated the genetic variation for silvicultural traits in an open-pollinated progeny test of Astronium graveolens Jacq., established at Luiz Antônio Experimental Station (State of São Paulo, Brazil). The trial was planted in a random block experimental design, containing 23 families, six replications and five plants per plot. The traits measured were diameter at breast height (DBH), total height and stem form. The assessments were taken at the age of 19 years. Significant differences were not detected by the analysis of variance, suggesting that the genetic variation was low, as well as the probability to raising genetic gains through selection among progenies. The coefficient of genetic variation was moderate for the traits height (8.2%) and DBH (21.2%) and low to stem form (4.0%). However, the average coefficient of heritability among progenies was low for all studied traits (ranging from 0.02 to 0.15), confirming the low probability of genetic improvement of this population by selection among progenies.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters on a progeny test of Enterolobium contortisiliquum, located at the Fazenda Experimental de Luíz Antônio (IF-SP), São Paulo State, Brazil, for genetic selection and seed production. The coefficients of genetic variation and heritability, as well as the genetic and phenotypic correlations for the silvicultural traits diameter at breast height (DBH) and total height of plants at the age of 19, 20, and 21 years and bifurcation (BIF) and stem straightness (RET), at the age of 19 years were estimated. The F test of analysis of variance detected significant variation among the progeny for the traits DBH, height in the three tested ages, and straightness of the trunk, which indicates that the tested population can be improved by selection among progenies. The estimation of heritability at the level of progeny (h²m, minimum of 0.50) for all traits was high and at the levels of individual plants (h²i, minimum 0.18) and within progenies (h²d, minimum of 0.14) was medium, indicating that the population can be improved by selection among and within progenies. Significant high genetic and phenotypic correlations among pairwise growth traits of the same age were detected as well as among those with different ages. Therefore, the direct selection, of a trait allows indirect selection of another. The results showed the potential of this progeny test to enhance a seed orchard by selection and seed production for commercial and environmental reforestation plans.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Innovation and its processes, especially in the field of technology, are a focus of Information Science as a science of Human, as they determine the establishment of new habits, relevant socio-cultural indicators to understanding the history of cultures. Objective: This article reflects on the problematic: whether and how Information and Communication Technologies have impacted the lives of digital natives, whether the average individual is prepared to conscientiously experience the technological environment, how the current system can prepare future generations of professionals, and how the adults who grew up in the twentieth century, in an analogue society can prepare young people for a twenty-first century digital reality, widely different from theirs. Methodology: This paper was based on Literature Review. Results: As the sophistication of technology advances, society has to continually review the way it appropriates information to adjust to these changes. Conclusions: As for relevance of the methodologies that lead to innovative disruptive actions in hybrid realities such as the Brazilian one, with niches of poverty and prosperity, it is believed that it is in poor countries or countries with significant social differences such as Brazil where the need for a change of socio technocultural paradigm and innovative action urge to take place.


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Introduction: Aging is part of the natural human way. Aging is also synonymous with continuous gain experience. Aging, especially in our culture, unfortunately, can also be synonymous with exclusion, but not in relation to the UNATI Marília SP Open University of the Third Age, which has as main objective the integration through social interaction in academia, transforming experience and knowledge in quality of life in a constant learning. Objective: This article aims to report an investigation into the reasons attributed to the importance of an elderly attending the Open University of the Third Age in the vision of the elderly who attend. Material and Method: Bring a profile of the elderly by gender, age, marital status, education level, profession, financial aspects. The sample consisted of 52 elderly and the sampling method was convenience. Results: The results showed that the greater importance attached to participation was to gain more knowledge and be updated followed by meeting new people and making new friends, exercising the memory, healthy and interestingly filling free time and to improve quality of life. The participation of the elderly caused possibilities of making new friends, improvement in depression and motivation to acquire new knowledge. Conclusion: We conclude that the Open University of the Third Age can contribute to improvement of quality of life especially with regard to social interaction and cognitive aspect.


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In the contemporary world, the Internet enables the development of a Collaborative Web where the decentralization and sharing of information and knowledge generate new cultural configurations of increasing representation in informational flows. In this environment, collaboration and remix practices are covered by a legislation established for another context, and an imbalance is created between what is provided by the technology and what is established by Copyright. Therefore, it is necessary to address, under the perspective of the third time in Information Science, contemporary issues concerning creation, recreation, use, reuse, sharing and dissemination of intellectual content under the legislation which regulates them. This article seeks to highlight the dilemma that contemporaneity is experiencing and how important is for both society as a whole and specially the professional of Information Science to know the legal conditions for the processes of generating, processing, using, recovering and, especially, re-using information on the Web at a larger scale. The Creative Commons licenses are emerging alternatives that offer individuals options to become not only users but also holders and creators of intellectual content under legal conditions.


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This article aims to present, describe and discuss the innovation model of the first territorial open-air museum, designed in a favela in Rio de Janeiro, the Favela Museum (MUF). The concepts of slums, traditional museum and ecomuseums differentials are introduced in order to contextualize the universe MUF is inserted. Moreover, the paper discusses the concept of territorial open-air museum collection and how curatorship takes place this context, as well as the possible forms of interaction with the diversity of individuals served by a museum such as MUF. Furthermore, the role of this new museum typology in society is discussed, entities created by bottom up innovation initiative undertaken by MUF into the new museology of action. It concludes with considerations about the shift of focus on the role played by MUF as agent of social and cultural development.