118 resultados para Ileum


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Two bradykinin-related peptides (Protopolybiakinin-I and Protopolybiakinin-II) were isolated from the venom of the social wasp Protopolybia exigua by RP-HPLC, and sequenced by Edman degradation method. Peptide sequences of Protopolybiakinin-I and Protopolybiakinin-II were DKNKKPIRVGGRRPPGFTR-OH and DKNKKPIWMAGFPGFTPIR-OH, respectively. Synthetic peptides with identical sequences to the bradykinin-related peptides and their biological functions were characterized. Protopolybiakinin-I caused less potent constriction of the isolated rat ileum muscles than bradykinin (BK). In addition, it caused degranulation of mast cells which was seven times more potent than BK. This peptide causes algesic effects due to the direct activation of B-2-receptors. Protopolybiakinin-II is not an agonist of rat ileum muscle and had no algesic effects. However, Protopolybiakinin-II was found to be 10 times more potent as a mast cell degranulator than BK. The amino acid sequence of Protopolybiakinin-I is the longest among the known wasp kinins. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three bradykinin-related peptides (nephilakinins-I to -III) and bradykinin itself were isolated from the aqueous washing extract of the capture web of the spider Nephila clavipes by gel permeation chromatography on a Sephacryl S-100 column, followed by chromatography in a Hi-Trap Sephadex-G25 Superfine column. The novel peptides occur-red in low concentrations and were sequenced through ESI-MS/MS analysis: nephilakinin-I (G-P-N-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2), nephilakinin-Il (E-A-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2) and nephilakinin-III (P-S-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2)- Synthetic peptides replicated the novel bradykinin-related peptides, which were submitted to biological characterizations. Nephilakinins were shown to cause constriction on isolated rat ileum preparations and relaxation on rat duodenum muscle preparations at amounts higher than bradykinin; apparently these peptides constitute B-2-type agonists of ileal and duodenal smooth muscles. All peptides including the bradykinin were moderately lethal to honeybees. These bradykinin peptides may be related to the predation of insects by the webs of N. clauipes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The molecular and ultrastructural profiles of the symbionts found in the midgut and ileum of Cephalotes atratus, Cephalotes clypeatus, and Cephalotes pusillus were determined using the V3 region of the bacterial 16S rDNA gene and transmission electron microscopy (T.E.M.). Two samples of C atratus, three of C clypeatus, and six of C. pusillus were analyzed. The coefficients of similarity ranged from 80% to 94% for the samples of symbionts from C. clypeatus and C. atratus, despite being collected in geographically distant sites. The variability within symbionts found in the samples of C. pusillus varied from 29% to 55%, in samples geographically close as well as distant. PCR-DGGE was effective for the purpose of this study and can be considered a versatile tool to analyze gut microbiota. Details of the ultrastructural aspect of these bacteria are presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Absence of enteric neurons is associated with thickening of the intestinal muscularis externa in Chagas' disease. The thickening is due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells and increased extracellular matrix components. The influence of the nervous system on the structure of the smooth muscle cells and its associated matrix has been poorly investigated. An experimental model of denervation of the ileum in rats was performed by application of the surfactant agent benzalkonium chloride that selectively destroys the myenteric plexus. Three months later, ileal tissue samples were obtained and studied by histochemistry and transmission electron microsocopy. Sham operated rats were used as controls. The diameter of collagen fibrils was evaluated in electron micrographs. The histopathological analysis showed thickening of the muscular layer. The thin and weakly arranged collagen and reticulin fibers surrounding the smooth muscle cells, observed in control cases by Picrosirius polarization (PSP) stain method, corresponded to a population of loosely packed thin collagen fibrils of uniform diameters (mean = 29.16 nm) at the ultrastructural level. In contrast, the thick and strongly birefringent fibers around the muscle cells, observed in the treated group, stained by PSP, corresponded to densely packed thicker fibrils with large variation in diameter (mean = 39.41 nm). Comparison of the data demonstrated statistically significant difference between the groups suggesting that the replacement of loosely arranged reticulin fibers by fibrous tissue (with typical collagen fiber), may alter the biomechanical function resulting in impairment of muscular contraction. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Para avaliar a substituição do feno Tifton 85 pelo caroço de algodão como fonte de fibra na dieta foram utilizados 24 bezerros da raça Holandesa, distribuídos em dois grupos. O grupo-feno recebeu feno e concentrado separados, fornecidos à vontade, e o grupo- algodão recebeu caroço de algodão incorporado ao concentrado (13,5%), à vontade. O consumo de alimentos, o peso, as alturas da cernelha e do íleo, as circunferências torácica e abdominal, a concentração de glicose sangüínea, as concentrações de acetato, propionato e butirato, o pH do fluido ruminal e os pesos dos compartimentos do estômago foram mensurados. O consumo de alimentos, o desenvolvimento ponderal dos animais, as concentrações de acetato, propionato e butirato, o pH do fluido ruminal, as concentrações de glicose sangüíneas e o peso dos compartimentos do estômago foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). À necropsia, não foram observadas alterações sugestivas de intoxicação por gossipol. Concluiu-se que o caroço de algodão substituiu, sem prejuízos, o feno como fonte de fibra na dieta de bezerros.


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Este trabalho avaliou a ação do Diclofenaco de Sódio (DS) na cicatrização de anastomoses realizados no íleo terminal de ratos, tendo sido analisados os seguintes parâmetros: evolução clínica, resistência mecânica, colágeno tecidual e alterações histopatológicas. Foram utilizados 519 ratos Wistar divididos em 4 grupos experimentais. O Grupo 1: Controle sem anastomose, 52 ratos tratados com solução fisiológica (SF)3 ml/kg de peso, administrada por via intra-muscular (IM) por 4 dias; Grupo 2: 110 ratos submetidos à anastomose no íleo terminal + SF; Grupo 3: 52 ratos tratados com DS na dose de 3 mg/kg de peso por dia, IM, por 4 dias e o Grupo 4: 295 ratos tratados com DS e submetidos à anastomose no íleo terminal, recebendo DS de maneira idêntica ao grupo anterior. Dez animais sem manipulação, foram utilizados para medidas da força de ruptura e dosagens bioquímicas, com obtenção de parâmetros caracterizados como MO. Os parâmetros foram analisados no 4o, 7o, 14o e 21o dia de pós-operatório. Os animais do Grupo 1 não apresentaram alterações clínicas durante o período de acompanhamento. No Grupo 3, 15,4% dos animais apresentaram diarréia. Neste grupo houve uma diminuição do colágeno tecidual e da força de ruptura quando comparados com o grupo 1. Entre os animais submetidos à anastomoses no íleo terminal, observou-se taxa de mortalidade maior nos animais que receberam DS, além de retardo na cicatrização, caracterizado por uma maior reação inflamatória polimorfonuclear, retardo na regeneração da mucosa, diminuição de macrófagos e do colágeno tecidual. Pelos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que o DS é deletério à evolução cicatricial de anastomoses realizadas no íleo terminal de ratos


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Um experimento foi conduzido para avaliar a influência de fatores antinutricionais de alguns alimentos sobre o epitélio intestinal e o desempenho de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 480 pintos de um dia de idade, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (A = ração testemunha à base de milho e soja; B = ração contendo Leucaena leucocephala - 6% [LL]; C = ração contendo Leucaena cunningan - 6% [LC] e D = ração contendo feijão guandu - Cajanus cajan - 20% [CC]), quatro repetições e 30 aves por unidade experimental. Houve redução de ganho de peso e aumento da conversão alimentar com a utilização de LL e LC, no período de 1a 21 e de 1a 42 dias de idade. Aos 21 dias de idade, observou-se aumento no tamanho dos vilos do jejuno e na relação vilo:cripta do jejuno e íleo, nas aves que receberam LC. Houve aumento significativo (P<0,05) das células caliciformes no duodeno e jejuno em aves de todos os tratamentos e apenas LL e LC aumentaram as células caliciformes do íleo. Aos 42 dias de idade, houve aumento no número de células caliciformes causado por CC no duodeno e por LL, LC e CC no íleo. O consumo de ração e a profundidade de cripta não foram influenciados. A alteração da morfologia da vilosidade do jejuno, bem como a alteração na relação vilo:cripta no período inicial, influenciou negativamente o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar nos períodos inicial e total.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This experiment was carried out with six half-bred Bretao-Campolinacolts with ileum fistulated to evaluate the difference in the ileum dry matter flow estimated by chromic oxide, cellulose, NDF, lignin and fecal lignin through the collection of ileum samples digesta at 28 h intervals, totalizing six samples per animal, starting at 10:00 a.m. The animals were fed ad libitum with the following diets: R1: clephantgrass, R2: elephantgrass plus ground corn, and R3: elephantgrass plus ground corn plus soybean meal. The data was statistically described, based on the coefficient of variation. The values of dry matter prececal digestion coefficients were, respectively, for diets 1, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (-16.4; 21.4 and 6.6%), NDF(-34.7; 28.8 and -12.8%), to lignin (-51.5; -5.1 and -25.7%), in two schedules for cellulose (-13.4; 25.6 and 21.5%), fecal lignin (-37.1, 16.6 and -6.4%) and chromic oxide (-219.3, 36.4 and 9.5%). The coefficients of variation were, respectively, for the diets i, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (148.3; 107.5 and 522.7%), NDF (95.4; 80.9 and 314.3%), lignin (210.2; 752.3 and 209.6%), at two schedules for cellulose(148.5; 80.7 and 70.0%), fecal lignin, (262.4; 177.9 and 723.5%) and chromic oxide (141.1; 158.9 and 473.4%). In diet i, the ileum dry matter now were over estimated for all markers, showing that chosen collection lime to estimate the flows were not adequate. Based on the coefficient of variation of the diets 2 and 3, the cellulose at two schedules was the most marker indicator to determine the ileum dry matter flow.


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We studied the effect of feed and water deprivation on gastrointestinal tract and intestinal mucosa development of chicks at 24, 48, and 72 h posthatching. The treatments were water and feed ad libitum, water ad libitum and no feed, no water but feed ad libitum, and no water and no feed. The relative weight of the yolk sac was not influenced by the treatments. However, at 48 and 72 h posthatching, the relative weight of the liver increased, and the gizzard + proventriculus weight decreased in birds receiving feed ad libitum. An increase in jejunum and ileum relative weights and lengths was observed when the birds were supplied with feed and water. The lack of water produced the same effect as the lack of feed, both causing a higher number of villi per area with reduction in villus size, when compared with feed and water ad libitum treatments. The results of this study revealed that feed and water are able to affect intestinal villus development after hatching, indicating that both feed and water must be supplied to the chicks immediately after hatching.


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The objective of the present study was to develop and apply the direct immunohistochemistry (D-IHC) assay to search for turkey coronavirus (TCoV) antigens in formalin-fixed embedded-paraffin tissues by the use of biotin-labeled polyclonal antibody. Twenty-eight-day-old embryonated turkey eggs (n = 50) were inoculated with TCoV-purified virus, and 3 d after inoculation, sections from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca were harvested, fixed in neutral formalin, and embedded in paraffin blocks and used as positive control. In addition, a total of 100 field samples from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca, collected from 30 to 45-d-old turkeys poults experiencing an outbreak of acute enteritis, were used to search for TCoV by the same D-IHC. All results were compared with those obtained by conventional RT-PCR and indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) for all tested samples. Turkey coronavirus was detected in experimentally infected embryo tissues and also in field samples in 100% of ileum-cecal junction and ceca by the 3 detection procedures. With IFA as a reference assay, sensitivity and specificity of D-IHC were 98 and 58%, whereas sensitivity and specificity of reverse transcription-PCR were 96 and 66%, calculated from the total of tested samples from experimental infection. Each of the examined procedures was highly specific (D-IHC, 93%; RT-PCR, 90%), sensitive (D-IHC, 85%; RT-PCR, 86%), and agreement of both D-IHC and RT-PCR was 99 and 100%, respectively, compared with IFA results obtained from all the field samples. These findings demonstrated the utility of D-IHC for direct detection of TCoV from field samples and considering the sensitivity and specificity found here, can be used as an alternative technique.