52 resultados para IAS
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lançados no processo de preparação da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peças publicitár ias veiculadas na mídia. Anal isamos a mobilização popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adesão em um movimento do país, de modo geral, e a preparação realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo específ ico, com as transformações operadas tanto no âmbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformação dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriação do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integração ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertença dos cidadãos cooperam para os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade contemporânea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgação do slogan da campanha publicitária como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hipótese de que a p ro d u ç ã o d a “p a i x ã o pelo futebol ” t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugestão massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s “e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s ” e o s “e f e it o s d e ima ge n s ” n o s múlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituição do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vínculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicações entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivação nas peças publicitárias selecionadas para este estudo.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and microscopic changes of MIH, and compare them to areas of healthy dental enamel. Methodology: epoxy resin replicas of healthy incisors and affected by MIH were evaluated qualitatively by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs. Results: Clinically it was observed that MIH incisors showed changes in color and surface, with significant structural losses. By SEM, these had irregular surfaces and margins with structural losses. Conclusions: The teeth affected by HMI have clinical and morphological characteristics that are important for the definition of patient's treatment plan.
In this work, nanometric displacement amplitudes of a Piezoelectric Flextensional Actuator (PFA) designed using the topology optimization technique and operating in its linear range are measured by using a homodyne Michelson interferometer. A new improved version of the J1...J4 method for optical phase measurements, named J1...J5 method, is presented, which is of easier implementation than the original one. This is a passive phase detection scheme, unaffected by signal fading, source instabilities and changes in visibility. Experimental results using this improvement were compared with those obtained by using the J1... J4, J1...J6(pos) and J1...J 6(neg) methods, concluding that the dynamic range is increased while maintaining the sensitivity. Analysis based on the 1/f voltage noise and random fading show the new method is more stable to phase drift than all those methods. © 2012 IEEE.
The theory presented in this paper was primarily developed to give a physical interpretation for the instantaneous power flow on a three-phase induction machine, without a neutral conductor, on any operational state and may be extended to any three-phase load. It is a vectorial interpretation of the instantaneous reactive power theory presented by Akagi et al. Which, believe the authors, isn't enough developed and its physical meaning not yet completely understood. This vectorial interpretation is based on the instantaneous complex power concept defined by Torrens for single-phase, ac, steady-state circuits, and leads to a better understanding of the power phenomenon, particularly of the distortion power. This concept has been extended by the authors to three-phase systems, through the utilization of the instantaneous space vectors. The results of measurements of instantaneous complex power on a self-excited induction generator's terminals, during an over-load application transient, are presented for illustration. The compensation of reactive power proposed by Akagi is discussed and a new horizon for the theory application is opened.
We aimed to identify the influence of dietary fat profile on body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in a middleclass general population sample. A cross-sectional study of 448 adults aged 35-85 years was carried out from January 2004 to December 2007. Patients were divided in two groups according to family income: Group 1 (G1) with higher income, and Group 2 (G2) with lower income. Demographic and socioeconomic status were identified, along with anthropometric data, health eating index (HEI) and dietary profile. The groups were similar with respect to gender, age, BMI and WC. HEI was higher in G1 due to a higher intake of protein (+12.8%), dairy products (p<0.001), higher intake of vegetables (p<0.01), fruit (p<0.001), and less dietary fat (-9.8%). The main contribution of fats was saturated fat for G1 (+5.0%) and polyunsaturated fat for G2 (+14.4%). Besides differences in socioeconomic status the groups had similar BMI and abdominal fatness. Only differences in fat profile were correlated with the anthropometric measures mostly explained by the lower vegetable oil intake in higher income participants.