64 resultados para Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introdução: Recentemente o papilomavírus humano (HPV) tem sido associado à carcinogênese oral. A metodologia empregada na detecção do vírus é uma das maiores causas observadas da grande variabilidade nas taxas de detecção do HPV. Objetivo: Este estudo comparou a sensibilidade de detecção do DNA do HPV em casos de carcinoma epidermoide de lábio utilizando a amplificação do DNA viral por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) ou nPCR. Material e método: Foram utilizadas 33 amostras provenientes de casos de carcinoma epidermoide de lábio. Para as extrações do DNA utilizou-se o sistema QIAamp DNA Mini Kit. Como controle interno utilizou-se o gene da b-globina. Das 33 amostras iniciais, 30 foram positivas para o gene b-globina, sendo utilizadas para detectar o DNA viral. Comparou-se a amplificação do DNA viral pelos métodos da PCR com os oligonucleotídeos MY09/MY11 e nPCR, empregando-se os pares de oligonucleotídeos iniciadores MY09/MY11 e, na segunda etapa, o par GP5+/GP6+. O controle positivo para a presença do DNA do HPV utilizado foi a linhagem de células HeLa e, como controle negativo, a mistura de amplificação sem DNA. A análise dos produtos de PCR e nPCR para HPV foi realizada por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida a 8%. Resultados: Utilizando-se o método da PCR, a amplificação do DNA do HPV foi constatada em dois casos. Com a nPCR foi verificada presença de DNA viral em 13 das 30 amostras. Conclusão: Com a utilização da nPCR, a detecção do HPV nos casos estudados aumentou mais de seis vezes.
Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are epitheliotropic viruses, that induce benign and malignant lesions on several body sites. It's a small circular DNA virus, non-enveloped and 75 types have been identified. Frequently HPV 6, 11 (benign lesions) and 16, 18 (malignant lesions) are occurred on mucosa. The infection takes place at the basal layer cells with microlesions, when the virus enters into the cells and looses the capsid. The benign HPV types is associated to cell's genome in epissomal way. In malignant lesions, it integrates into the cell's DNA. HPV viruses are sexually transmitted and responsable for malignant cell transformation. Thus this viruses have an extremely epidemiologic importance. This paper reports a HPV review study about: epidemiology, diagnostic methods and treatment to papillomavirus infection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Introduction: HLA-G and HLA-E are two nonclassical class I molecules, which have been well recognized as modulators of innate and adaptive immune responses, and the expression of these molecules in virus infected cells has been associated with subversion of the immune response. Objective: In this study we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of HLA-G and HLA-E in benign, premalignant and malignant laryngeal lesions, correlating with demographic and clinical variables and with the presence of high-risk and low-risk HPV types. Materials and methods: Laryngeal lesions were collected from 109 patients and stratified into 27 laryngeal papillomas, 17 dysplasias, 10 in situ laryngeal carcinomas, 27 laryngeal carcinomas without metastases, 28 laryngeal carcinomas with metastasis along with their respective draining cervical lymph nodes, and 10 normal larynx specimens. The expression of HLA-G and HLA-E molecules was determined by immunohistochemistry. HPV DNA detection and typing was performed using generic and specific primers. Results: HLA nonclassical molecules showed a distinct distribution pattern, according to the larynx lesion grade. HLA-G expression increased in benign and premalignant lesions, and gradually decreased in invasive carcinomas and in respective draining cervical lymph nodes. Conversely, HLA-E expression increased as far as lesion grade increased, including increased molecule expression in the draining lymph nodes of malignant lesions. Only 17 (15.6%) patients were HPV DNA positive. Conclusions: Overexpression of HLA-E and underexpression of HLAG appear to be good markers for malignant larynx lesion.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) is triggered by a variety of mechanisms that at least partly include genetic background. We present a Brazilian man with a 30-year history of flat, wart-like lesions with clinical, histopathological, and evolutive aspects consistent with papillomavirus (HPV)-associated EV. Histological analysis of the wart lesions showed epidermis with hyperkeratosis, regular acanthosis, hypergranulosis, and cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm. Moreover, a perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate was found in the superficial dermis, consistent with a viral wart. Type-2-HPV DNA was detected in various fragments of skin-wart lesions using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Two years after the EV diagnosis, the patient presented with an anesthetic well-demarcated, erythematous and mildly scaly plaque on his right forearm. A histopathological analysis of this lesion demonstrated the presence of a compact tuberculoid granuloma. Ziehl-Neelsen staining demonstrated the presence of rare acid-fast bacilli and confirmed the tuberculoid leprosy diagnosis. The patient's Mitsuda Intradermal Reaction was positive. To elucidate the possible mechanism involved in this case of EV, we genotyped the HLA genes of this patient. DQB genotyping showed the polymorphic HLA alleles DQB1*0301 and 0501. The patient was treated with a paucibacillary multidrug therapy scheme, and the disease was cured in six months. This report describes an EV patient with an M. leprae infection, confirming that tuberculoid leprosy patients possess a relatively specific and efficient cell-mediated immunity against the bacillus and, therefore, localized forms of the disease. Moreover, we show the possible involvement of the polymorphic HLA alleles DQB1*0301 and 0501 in EV induction mechanisms.
Penile carcinoma is a rare, male cancer. Although the incidence of penile carcinoma is very low in Western countries, in some countries, the incidence is significantly greater, with penile carcinoma accounting for ≤10% of all male malignancies. Greater insight has been gained in recent years as to its pathogenesis, the risk factors associated with its development, and the clinical and histological precursor lesions related to this disease. In this review, risk and conditions factors for penile carcinoma, molecular alterations in this type of cancer, histological types, and prognostic factors will be discussed in order to further our understanding of the biology and behavior of this cancer. ©2011 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.
Focal epithelial hyperplasia is a rare, contagious disease associated with infection of the oral mucosa by human papillomavirus types 13 or 32, characterized by multiple soft papules of the same color as the adjacent normal mucosa. It mainly affects the lower lip, buccal mucosa, and tongue. The purpose of this case report was to describe a rare verrucal lesion located in the upper gingiva that was clinically and histologically consistent with focal epithelial hyperplasia.