403 resultados para História da Educação


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In 2008 two laws that changed the didactic- pedagogic and administrative organization of vocational schools were enacted: the Law 11.741/2008, which incorporated the Technical Professional Education for the Middle Level to Basic Education; and Law 11.892/2008,which has transformed Agrotechnical Schools, the CEFET 's and some technical schools linked to universities into Colleges of Education, Science and Technology (IFs). These institutions have been operating at all levels and types of education provided in the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education number 9394/1996, with the exception of Early Childhood Education. Vocational and training schools, which gave origin to the IFs,have historically restricted youth education to teaching professional techniques, but due to the reformist laws, they were led to revise their conceptions of work and education. Thus, the goal of this article is to analyze the concepts of Basic Education and work that permeate these laws and the organization of educational work at IFCE. Have these laws been promoting a rupture with the history of vocational education in the country? Have the IFs been accomplishing a teaching job in addition to technical training? The choice for these questions was motivated by two main reasons: a) Vocational Education in the aforementioned institutions have traditionally been restricted to the qualication of the labor force for learning a technical profession, without relating it to issues that concern basic education; b) The Reform of Basic Education, from 1990 to 2013, was conducted in the context of capital's structural crisis and aimed to adapt the educational system to the demands of productive sectors. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to explain the contradictions that exist in project of formation of the working class, in the context of a conictual society divided into classes, a situation that alienates the youth to live this time forever.


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The article discusses characteristics of the library collection of the Escola Estadual Lenidas do Amaral Vieira, from Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (SP), which subsidized the research on history of didactics at the Instituto de Educação of this school, from 1953 to 1975. We present aspects of the school and its collection about didactics in light of theoretical and methodological aspects related to the history of school subjects.


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Este artigo resultou de trabalhos realizados no mbito do projeto integrado de pesquisa A história da didtica em instituies de formao de professores no Brasil (1827-2011) , o qual se desenvolve junto a um programa de pesquisa com o mesmo ttulo e objetivos gerais, a saber: identificar, reunir, selecionar, sistematizar, analisar e interpretar aspectos da didtica, como disciplina e campo de conhecimento em instituies de formao de professores no Brasil, entre 1827 e 2011. Trata-se de investigaes inseridas no campo de investigao conhecido como história das disciplinas escolares, cujo quadro terico-metodolgico constitudo, sobretudo, segundo as formulaes de Ivor Goodson e Andr Chervel. Para esses pesquisadores, a constituio dos saberes escolares especficos de cada disciplina, do currculo, resultado de um complexo processo envolvendo conflitos, mediaes diferentes por diversos sujeitos e instituies, diante dos papis que, em cada poca e sociedade, so atribudos escola. Nesse sentido, estudar a história das disciplinas, considerando o saber professoral que as embalou em cada instituio de formao de professores no Brasil, significa dar margem a aspectos de um conjunto heterogneo de vozes e saberes que contribui para a compreenso do campo de conhecimento sobre a história da formao de professores no Brasil. Da nossas opes metodolgicas pautadas na história oral. Assim, neste artigo, nosso objetivo central apresentar alguns apontamentos acerca das contribuies da história oral para a pesquisa em história das disciplinas escolares.


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O presente trabalho visa, em meio crise de identidade que se instaura na Educação Fsica desde dcadas do seu incio oficial em 1851 com a Reforma Couto Ferraz at os dias de hoje onde se fala em Cultura Corporal (de Movimento) , enquanto rea do conhecimento, explorar seu contexto e constituio histricosocial, perpassar por suas principais abordagens, principalmente no que tange Educação Fsica Escolar e promover o entendimento da origem da perspectiva cultural, tal qual tem sido veiculada nos principais documentos oficiais que definem a constituio da rea e sua prxis. Nesse sentido, aborda-se o contexto higienista/eugenista, onde se buscava uma educação do fsico que o prevenisse de doenas e o purifcasse, com profundas influncias militares; o contexto nacionalista, na inteno do aperfeioamento fsico e aprimoramento das funes orgnicas, atrelado s questes de ordem moral e cvica; escolanovista, que proporcionou uma viso no s embasada biologicamente, mas se atentou fatores psicolgicos da criana; o contexto da ditadura militar, fortemente associado ao Esporte e a visibilidade internacional que ele acarretava ao pas, inclusive, remetendo Educação Fsica ao binmio Educação Fsica/Esporte; e o contexto que, a partir de dcada de 80, vem tentando instaurar uma Educação Fsica mais humana, sem deixar de lado questes relativas sade. a partir dessa ltima dcada que o tema ser aprofundado, apresentando-se alguns conceitos de cultura trazidos e utilizados pelas cincias sociais para, posteriormente, explanar como a Educação Fsica se apropria de tais conceitos para justificar-se enquanto contedo curricular obrigatrio, no contexto escolar. Abordar-se- as principais correntes com seus respectivos autores, referentes dcada de 80: desenvolvimentista, por Go Tani; da cultura infantil, com possvel aproximao ao construtivismo, por...


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Ps-graduao em Educação Matemtica - IGCE


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This was part of the post-doctorate study developed at the Faculty of Eucation in the University of Salamanca - Spain in 2010 with the Professor Jos Maria Hernndez Daz, who teaches the subject History of Education at the Pedagogy course provided by the institution. The objective of this reflection is to present some characteristics of that course, in order to highlight some of its peculiarities, and also indicate some similar issues when compared to Brazilian courses, thus producing a research useful for comparison and deepening of teachers training. The method was based on quali-quantitative nature (WOODS, 1996; BESSON, 1995): participant observation (EZPELETA; ROCKWELL, 1986; KETELE; ROEGIERS, 1993) and a questionnaire application (HEGENBERG, 1976; BOOTH; COLOMB; WILLIAMS, 1995) to the first and third classes in 2010, which resulted in a total of 99 students: 17 male and 82 female. This comparative information evinces the feminisation in that course, establishing direct relationship with Brazilian research. Another data, which has not yet been duly checked in Brazil, concerns the intellectual/social role of women in the classroom. Although this data is especific from that school environment, it is an important key-point for teachers training and teaching. The potentiality of this reflexition is exactly on this point.


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Many educators have a history of sexual education characterized by sexual repression. Considering that the way people deal with their own sexuality may be related to the way they will approach the theme in the classroom, it is necessary to work with their sexual reeducation. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate educatorss memory about childhood and adolescence sex education. For this purpose, eight educators wrote a redaction about his memories of family and school sex education. As a result, it could be seen that most of the participants described that their sexual education by family have been omissive and understanding the school was the place where they learned about the topic in biology classes and in informal conversations.


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O Projeto Grupo de Discusses sobre Sexualidade, Gnero e Mdia foi baseado na importncia de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gnero so representados nos meios de comunicao. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitrios dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicao (Jornalismo, Rdio e Televiso, Relaes Pblicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espao de dilogo entre as reas de Psicologia e Comunicao, com discusses sobre pesquisas acadmicas e materiais miditicos, com discusses e reflexes que contribussem para a formao dos estudantes destas reas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a durao de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clnica de Psicologia universitria. As principais discusses versaram sobre como a mdia produz e reproduz padres normativos, esteretipos, preconceitos e uma compreenso repressiva da sexualidade e do gnero, pensando juntos sobre formas possveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se tambm refletir sobre o processo de construo dos produtos miditicos e a importncia dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da prpria história de educação sexual, a trajetria pessoal e profissional e o quanto as prprias experincias, concepes, valores e tambm preconce


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In the 1940s and 1950s the Brazilian government implemented various policies towards the development of rural education adopting innovative orientations experienced in other iberoamerican countries. This article covers a study on the circulation and appropriation of education models seeking to apprehend the implications of the comparative operations by questioning the national processes in their interrelationship with much more ample phenomena of internationalization and globalization. The article uses as source of analysis the document entitled Rural Education in Mexico elaborated by Manoel Bergstrom Loureno Filho, in 1951, and later published in a Brazilian Magazine of Pedagogical Studies, in 1952. The article discusses the narrative construction of this report and the comparing operations which Loureno Filho has undertook presenting the Mexican education as a model.


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This research consists in photograph reading, more specifically, school photographs related to primary teaching in the city of Campinas, between 1897 and 1950. It is based on a heritage constituted of 55 images that analyzes four categories of photographs: school architecture, student classes, teaching body and school activities, these categories illustrate the discourse about school, human contexts and social relations revealed by those images. The text also focuses the iconography documentation relevance for History of Education research, specially, about educational institutions.


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Research partly motivated by Lewis Carroll's Euclid and his modern rivals (1879) portuguese translation, this paper presents some hermeneutical remarks taken as necessary to understand the context in which such book was produced. The paper focuses particularly on education, in general, and on the teaching of mathematics and Geometry in victorian England.


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Ps-graduao em Docncia para a Educação Bsica - FC


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The starting point of this paper are some avaliable analyses and characterizations about the academic production in History of Mathematics Education in Brazil. A specific reading of such readings an hermeneutical approach of those avaliable reviews allows us to put the focus on some features of Oral History thought as a qualitative methodological approach to researches in Mathematics Education.