121 resultados para Heterogeneous regression
No presente trabalho, testou-se o efeito de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos sobre o crescimento e sua variabilidade no grupo (crescimento heterogêneo, CHet), numa espécie gregária, o curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus. O CHet foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de variação do peso dos animais, em dois períodos consecutivos de 21 dias. Os peixes foram agrupados em aquários (4 peixes cada) que receberam água corrente, com vazão constante, de tanques contendo (C) ou não (N) coespecíficos. Quatro condições foram delineadas de acordo com a água que abastecia os aquários: a) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (CC); b) água sem contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (NN); c) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos apenas no primeiro período, 0 a 21 dias (CN); e d) apenas no período de 21 a 42 dias (NC). Ao término dos experimentos, verificou-se que ocorre modulação química sobre a variabilidade de crescimento em P. lineatus: os peixes que receberam água com contato prévio com coespecífico (C) apresentaram exacerbação do CHet. Fato que corrobora a idéia de que o mecanismo predominante da determinação da variação intra-específica do crescimento, em espécies gregárias, está associado à ação de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Um modelo bayesiano de regressão binária é desenvolvido para predizer óbito hospitalar em pacientes acometidos por infarto agudo do miocárdio. Métodos de Monte Carlo via Cadeias de Markov (MCMC) são usados para fazer inferência e validação. Uma estratégia para construção de modelos, baseada no uso do fator de Bayes, é proposta e aspectos de validação são extensivamente discutidos neste artigo, incluindo a distribuição a posteriori para o índice de concordância e análise de resíduos. A determinação de fatores de risco, baseados em variáveis disponíveis na chegada do paciente ao hospital, é muito importante para a tomada de decisão sobre o curso do tratamento. O modelo identificado se revela fortemente confiável e acurado, com uma taxa de classificação correta de 88% e um índice de concordância de 83%.
Estudaram-se os processos de regressão ovariana e atresia folicular em cachara, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, mantida em cativeiro, na reprodução não induzida por hormônios. As características macro e microscópicas (diâmetro dos ovócitos e histologia) dos ovários foram descritas a cada 20 dias, em quatro estádios: na regressão inicial (Rg I - os primeiros 20 dias), na regressão intermediária (Rg II - do 21º ao 40º dia), na regressão final (Rg III - do 41º ao 80º dia) e na fase de recuperação ou de repouso II (R II - do 81º ao 150º dia). O experimento foi realizado do final de janeiro (verão-dias longos) a maio (outono-dias curtos). No início do experimento, as amostras apresentaram ovócitos com diâmetros que variaram de 437,5 a 1.187,5mm, sugerindo encontrarem-se nas fases perinucleolar, de maturação final e atrésicos. Aos 150 dias, os diâmetros atingiram os menores valores e pôde-se visualizar a zona radiata rompida e o vitelo reabsorvido. Concomitantemente, houve diminuição abrupta dos valores médios do índice gonadossomático, da temperatura da água, das horas de luz e de chuva. A involução gradual do longo processo foi dinâmica e complexa, afetando o êxito da desova (taxas de fertilização, de eclosão e de sobrevivência de larvas) e, conseqüentemente, o sistema produtivo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com este trabalho objetivou-se determinar parâmetros genéticos para peso corporal de perdizes em cativeiro. Foram utilizados modelos de regressão aleatória na análise dos dados considerando os efeitos genéticos aditivos diretos (AD) e de ambiente permanente de animal (AP) como aleatórios. As variâncias residuais foram modeladas utilizando-se funções de variância de ordem 5. A curva média da população foi ajustada por polinômios ortogonais de Legendre de ordem 6. Os efeitos genéticos aditivos diretos e de ambiente permanente de animal foram modelados utilizando-se polinômios de Legendre de segunda a nona ordem. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos pelos modelos de ordem 6 de ajuste para os efeitos genéticos aditivos diretos e de ordem 3 para os de ambiente permanente pelo Critério de Informação de Akaike e ordem 3 para ambos os efeitos pelos Critério de Informação Bayesiano de Schwartz e Teste de Razão de Verossimilhança. As herdabilidades estimadas variaram de 0,02 a 0,57. O primeiro autovalor respondeu por 94 e 90% da variação decorrente de efeitos aditivos diretos e de ambiente permanente, respectivamente. A seleção de perdizes para peso corporal é mais efetiva a partir de 112 dias de idade.
The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of the cationic iron porphyrins Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 in the epoxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene by PhIO in homogeneous solution and supported on silica gel (SG), imidazole propyl gel (IPG) or SG modified with 2-(4-sulfonatophenyl)ethyl groups (SiSO3) have been accomplished. When supported on IPG, both cationic FeP bind to the support via Fe-imidazole coordination. Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]IPG contains a mixture of low-spin bis-coordinated (FeP)-P-III and high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III species, whereas Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]IPG only contains high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III. These FePIPG catalysts also contain (FeP)-P-II species, whose presence was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using NO as a paramagnetic probe. Both cationic FePs coordinate to SG through Fe-O ligation and they are present as high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. The cationic FePs supported on SiSO3- are also high-spin (FeP)-P-III species and they bind to the support via electrostatic interaction between the 4-N-methylpyridyl groups and the SO3- groups present on the matrix. In homogeneous solution, both Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 have similar catalytic activity to Fe(TDCPP)Cl and Fe(TFPP)Cl, leading to cis-epoxycyclooctane yields of 92%. When supported on inorganic matrices,both FePs lead to epoxide yields comparable to their homogeneous analogues and their anchoring enables catalyst recovery and re-use. Recycling of Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]SiSO3- shows that this FeP maintains its activity in a second reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Data comprising 1,719 milk yield records from 357 females (predominantly Murrah breed), daughters of 110 sires, with births from 1974 to 2004, obtained from the Programa de Melhoramento Genetic de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) and from records of EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental - EAO herd, located in Belem, Para, Brazil, were used to compare random regression models for estimating variance components and predicting breeding values of the sires. The data were analyzed by different models using the Legendre's polynomial functions from second to fourth orders. The random regression models included the effects of herd-year, month of parity date of the control; regression coefficients for age of females (in order to describe the fixed part of the lactation curve) and random regression coefficients related to the direct genetic and permanent environment effects. The comparisons among the models were based on the Akaike Infromation Criterion. The random effects regression model using third order Legendre's polynomials with four classes of the environmental effect were the one that best described the additive genetic variation in milk yield. The heritability estimates varied from 0.08 to 0.40. The genetic correlation between milk yields in younger ages was close to the unit, but in older ages it was low.
Basic or acid oxides, used as heterogeneous promoters of carbonylruthenium catalysts in liquid-phase hydrocarbonylation reactions on oxygenated substrates, strongly affect the activity and selectivity of the catalytic system. Concurrent or successive reactions of simple carbonylation, homologation, hydrogenation to hydrocarbons, and etherification take place to varying extents. Carbonylation and etherification are favored by acid oxides and homologation and hydrogenation by basic oxides. This behavior is related to the formation and stabilization by the oxides of H+ and H- hydridocarbonylruthenium catalytic species, whose relative concentrations in solution depend on the nature of the oxide. Heterogeneous oxides are easily separated and recycled from the reaction mixture. Their use simplifies the catalytic system and allows one to direct the catalytic process toward the target product.
Although cluster environments have an enormous potential processing power, real applications that take advantage of this power remain an elusive goal. This is due, in part, to the lack of understanding about the characteristics of the applications best suited for these environments. This paper focuses on Master/Slave applications for large heterogeneous clusters. It defines application, cluster and execution models to derive an analytic expression for the execution time. It defines speedup and derives speedup bounds based on the inherent parallelism of the application and the aggregated computing power of the cluster. The paper derives an analytical expression for efficiency and uses it to define scalability of the algorithm-cluster combination based on the isoefficiency metric. Furthermore, the paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for an algorithm-cluster combination to be scalable which are easy to verify and use in practice. Finally, it covers the impact of network contention as the number of processors grow. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Increase in heterogeneous growth as a result of grouping in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), is presumed to be partially promoted by the social stress imposed by the dominant fish on the subordinates. Such stress may decrease the energy available for growth. In this study, the effect of social stress on carbohydrate metabolism was studied in adult, growing males. All animals were deprived of food during the experimentation period and pairing was imposed for either 2 or 4 days. Glycemia was measured before and after pairing, and muscle and liver glycogen contents were determined only after pairing. Subordinate fish showed the highest consumption of carbohydrate reserves. This response was caused by the social stress imposed which corroborates the idea that metabolic differences promoted by social stress may be involved in the rouping effect on heterogeneous growth in the Nile tilapia.
A simplified dissolution and reaction modeling was employed to study the hydrolysis of heterogeneous tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-water-HCl mixtures under ultrasound stimulation. The nominal pH was changed from 0.8 to 2.0. The acid specific hydrolysis rate constant was determined as k = 6.1 mol(-1) 1 min(-1) [H+](-1) at 39 degreesC, in good agreement with the literature. Along the heterogeneous step of the reaction, the ultrasound maintains an additional quantity of water under a virtual state of dissolution besides the water dissolved due to the homogenizing effect of the alcohol produced in the reaction. The forced virtually dissolved water is probably represented by water at the TEOS-water interface during the heterogeneous step of the reaction. The mean radius of the heterogeneity represented by water dispersed in TEOS phase, while hydrolysis has not started yet, was evaluated as about 290 A. The HCl concentration accordingly increases the hydrolysis rate constant but its fundamental role on the immiscibility gap of the TEOS-water-ethanol system has not been unequivocally established. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study of 19 quinone compounds with trypanocidal activity was performed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Principal Component Regression (PCR) methods with the use of leave-one-out crossvalidation procedure to build the regression models. The trypanocidal activity of the compounds is related to their first cathodic potential (Ep(c1)). The regression PLS and PCR models built in this study were also used to predict the Ep(c1) of six new quinone compounds. The PLS model was built with three principal components that described 96.50% of the total variance and present Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The results obtained with the PCR model were similar to those obtained with the PLS model. The PCR model was also built with three principal components that described 96.67% of the total variance with Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The most important descriptors for our PLS and PCR models were HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO), Q4 (atomic charge at position 4), MAXDN (maximal electrotopological negative difference), and HYF (hydrophilicity index).