86 resultados para Heart of Darkness


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Palm of Arecoideae subfamily, the pejibaye palm occurs mostly at Tropical America areas, and has achieved outstanding economic importance for heart-of-palm production with traditional farming. This work aimed to describe and record propagation structures and seedlings, throughout the different stages of their germination process, since this species is mainly propagated by seeds. The seeds were set for germination on trays with cotton and sterilized water. Representative samples were taken out from each of the different germination stages. They were photographed and drafted using a clear chamber. The propagation structures and seeds external surface were outlined and photographed. The seeds were longitudinally cut for observation and documentation of the inner morphology. The first germinative event was the growth of an undifferentiated, approximately globular cells mass, which emerged from the micropilar depression. Then, the cells mass acquired a cylinder aspect, with the early shoot and root differentiation taking place. Later, there was evidence of primary root and aerial portion. This shoot was coated by a closed and chlorophylled sheath. A lateral root outgrown at the primary root's base and an adventitious root became visible at the embryonic axis. Three other sheaths evolved at the shoot, unrolling one at a time, allowing, finally, the emergence of the primary leaf which is bifid and has parallel veins, typical of its family. Internally, an haustorial structure was developed and seemed to be related with the digestion of the endosperm, occupying, gradually, all the seed's internal space.


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Palms of the Syagrus genus have several natural hybrids in Brazil. They are widely cultivated around the world as ornamental palm. S. romanzqffiana is the parental of natural hybrids with other Syagrus species that are potentially useful as palm cultivated for heart of palm production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pollen grains viability got from plants grown in the Experimental Nursery of the FCAVJ/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Pollen grains were sampled from inflorescence in three occasions: in the right day of anthesis, one day before and one day after anthesis. For each day, the inflorescence was subdivided in apical, medium and basal portions where pollen grains were collected. The results shown that: a) for S. coronata there was no statistical differences in pollen viability (pollen viability average = 92.89%); b) for S. romanzoffiana the average pollen viability was 87.27%, 87.47% e 86.85% before, during and after the anthesis, respectively. The basal portion pollen grains had lower viability (85.19% - p<0.01) than those from the medium (88.17%) and the apical (88.46%) portion of the inflorescence. These results shown that both species have no problems with pollen viability and can be used as parental of hybrids with other Syagrus species.


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This paper aims at studying the influence of photoperiod on the cultivation of Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1849) (Osteichthyes, Characidae) post-larvae submitted to four treatments: 0L-24D (L=Light; D=Dark), 10 - L14D, 14L - 10D and 24L-0D, with 3 repetitions. Post-larvae measuring 7.8±0.7mm and weighting 3.5±0.8mg were distributed in 12 aquariums (10L), stocked with 12 post-larvae per aquarium. Fishes were fed daily with Artemia sp. nanplii, in 10 days experiment. A positive relationship between the survival rate (88.9±9.7%) observed in the treatment with 24 hours of luminosity, and the lowest (58.3±8.3%), in the treatment with 24 hours of darkness. No difference was showed (P>0.05) in the mean length and weight of the post-larvae, although there was greater heterogeneity among the post-larvae cultivated at the longer darkness period.


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A novel instrument for measurement of X-ray intensity from mammography consists of a sensitive pyro-electric detector, a high-sensitivity, low-noise current-to-voltage converter, a microcontroller and a digital display. The heart of this device, and what makes it unique is the pyro-electric detector, which measures radiation by converting heat from absorbed incident X-rays into an electric current. This current is then converted to a voltage and digitised. The detector consists of a ferro-electric crystal; two types were tested; lithium tantalate and lithium niobate. X-ray measurement in mammography is challenging because of its relatively low photon energy range, from 11 keV to 15 keV equivalent mean energy, corresponding to a peak tube potential from 22 to 36 kV. Consequently, energy fluence rate or intensity is low compared with that of common diagnostic X-ray. The instrument is capable of measuring intensities as low as 0.25 mWm -2 with precision greater than 99%. Not only was the instrument capable of performing in the clinical environment, with high background electromagnetic interference and vibration, but its performance was not degraded after being subjected to 140 roentgen (3.6 × 10 -2 C kg -2 air) as measured by piezo-electric (d 33) or pyro-electric coefficients. © IFMBE 2005.


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Sixty-six trairão (Hoplias lacerdae) fingerlings (average weight of 2.0±0.5 g and total length of 5.8±0.2 cm), trained to accept dry rations, were allotted to six 15-L aquariums, with aeration and controlled temperature (24.0±0.5°C), in a density of 0.7 juveniles/L, aiming to evaluate the effects of darkness on fish productive performance. The treatments consisted of two photoperiods: 12 hours light: 12 hours dark (12L:12D) and 0 hour light: 24 hours dark (OL:24D), with three replicates. Fingerlings were fed ad libitum a commercial extruded diet (42% CP), twice a day. The aquariums were cleaned daily for excrement withdrawal through siphoning, exchanging 1/4 total volume. At the end of the experiment (30 days), weight gain, feed:gain ratio and survival and cannibalism rates were evaluated. The results showed that darkness did not affect the productive performance of trairão juveniles.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)