77 resultados para Gestão de serviços


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O acesso da população aos serviços de saúde é de fundamental importância para uma eficiente assistência à saúde. A localização geográfica dos serviços é um dos fatores que interferem nessa acessibilidade, como também as formas de locomoção que possibilitem o acesso e o estado das vias e calçadas que cercam o estabelecimento de saúde. Pretendeu-se estudar o acesso aos serviços de saúde no município de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo. Assim, a contribuição da abordagem geográfica abre a possibilidade do estabelecimento de novas linhas de estudo, planejamento e gestão, que surgem através da relação entre Geografia Humana e Saúde Pública


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This work contains a preliminary marketing plan for host services on Frei Galvão’s Church in Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. It started from the analysis of the current situation and of a study on visitors’ profiles. The development of the marketing plan proposal used the methodology of the 7 P’s of service marketing. The studies brought some relevant results, as they have indicated a lack of restaurants, adequate signalization, restrooms and a good parking lot. The studies have also shown that the host services managers lack data about number of visitors and about the distribution of pills. These results allowed the author to elaborate some strategies and formulate the proposal here presented


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Researchs about consumer behavior show influences coming from a lot of fonts. Among them culture, social class, personal influence, family and consumer situation. Personal influence it’s the font object of this research. Personal influence can define what a consumer will buy or will not buy, especially with closer friends. Normally people got the information and transmit to him group, him family, making some difference in the opinion of this people. Ten years ago we were i………..by a dozen of friends. In these days, we have more facility to communicate and more facility to receiver information trough internet. Our personal influence extended from our closest friend to the world wide web group. That’s why company’s must to know what the consumer is speaking on internet


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The implantation of environmental management systens (SGA) in companies is the first step to the company conquers the environmental certification and consequently the benefits of a sustainable production of products, services and activities can bring. However, in the way as they are proposals in bibliographies the implantation of the SGAs, does not identify the definition of the operational stages of implementation of the same ones, generating doubts on the real environmental and administrative performance that they can come to generate for the organization. In this direction, the present research brings a proposal of operational systematics for implantation of SGA in companies, detailing each stage of implantation, considering its particularitities. For in such a way, a revision of norm NBR ISO 14001:2004 was made, looking for to identify to the interpretation imperfections gifts in the normative system. Moreover, other methods of SGA implantation had been searched gifts in the bibliography, searching proposals that detailed the operational aspects of the implantation of the system. In the same way, the accomplishment of a period of training supervised in the first semester of 2007 made possible the practical experience of the functioning of a system of environmental management, beyond the contact with professionals of the area and the acquisition of documents that had helped in the development of the research. The result was the attainment of a detailed procedure more, defining the operational systematic of SGA implantation, beyond the generation of a flowchart, describing as to develop each stage. This detailing certainly will facilitate the implantation of a SGA in companies interested in improving its environmental performance.


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A avaliação de impacto ambiental tem sido muitas vezes, vista apenas como um procedimento burocrático para a obtenção da licença ambiental, desconsiderando os estudos realizados, após a aquisição da licença e contratando outros serviços para orientar a adoção de um sistema de gestão objetivando boas práticas ambientais. Porém sabe-se que a estrutura geral das metodologias de avaliação de impacto ambiental apresenta muitos pontos semelhantes se comparada à identificação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais de um sistema de gestão ambiental, o que indica uma interface entre os dois instrumentos apesar da execução integrada ainda não ser um procedimento comum na gestão ambiental de empreendimentos. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar as possibilidades do emprego de um sistema de gestão ambiental preconizado pela ISQ 14001 para o gerenciamento de programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental e de licenciamento ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas, através do foco específico naqueles progrmas relacionados diretamente com o monitoramento e o controle da qualidade e da qualidade da água do reservatório, que é um fator essencial para a função de produção de um empreendimento hidrelétrico. Para esta análise, utilizou-se o caso da usina hidrelétrica de Santo Antônio, identificando 9 programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental com grandes possibilidades de serem utilizados na estruturação de sistemas de gestão ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas e cuja adequada execução, corrobora com a integração entre os respectivos instrumentos além de corresponder à necessidade de compatibilização dos instrumentos de política ambiental na busca de um desenvolvimento com adequada proteção ambiental e de uma atuação mais consciente das organizações


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Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted


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The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises


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Quality Management has become an essential requirement for all companies intending to compete and ensure its place in the labor market. Several tools have been created as a way of ensuring the effectiveness of quality management, in order to control and manage the quality of services and products to ensure a final product with a high degree of competition and quality, besides satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations. Due to the great importance it has at the presente time on the world stage and internationally, civil construction felt the need to eliminate the defects and the lack of quality that have become so common over time to ensure a quality product and it´s customers satisfaction. It was then that this industry began to implement and develop more modern techniques and tools for quality control in construction. Quality achieved position in global market, defining which companies would continue and which companies would leave it, not to mention it became insistently required by the customer. Some tools such as ISO 9000 guided companies seeking a quality management. This presentation will present some of these management tools and their applicability in the civil construction industry. Thus, it will be evident that despite the current resources it is necessary that civil construction professionals abandon the idea that considers quality management a problem and begin thinking about it as a solution to prevent future errors and ensure the quality of their services


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Currently the service sectors have an increasingly important role in the productive sector because they can represent a great advantage to the consumer. In this graduate work a study was conducted with the objective of process improveme nt services in the sector of technical assistance in a factory machinery and equipment. Through process mapping, through the technical blueprint, and time study were able to identify opportunities for improvement for reducing the time customer service, as well as the proposed performance indicators for the service


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This work brings to its content proposed deployment of a system of quality management in paving asphalt based on the elaboration of a basic training to meet those entering this area of civil engineering at a technical manual for the implementation of major services running on paving of roads. The training was designed to serve both those entering the field of asphalt paving, synthesizing the complex processes involved in paving services and providing an overview of the steps in implementation thereof, as well as entrants must meet the enterprise user of this system, providing them an idea of the method used by the company designing the paving of roads. The technical manual presented in turn, has 8 (eight) of the main services components of a work of paving, which are: Mobilization and Maintenance of construction site, Regularization and subfloor preparation, execution or sub-base BGS base (graded gravel plain), Execution of sub-base or base BGTC (graded gravel treated with cement), Implementation of subbase or base Macadam hydraulic Priming bituminous waterproofing, asphalt binder Priming and finally the execution flexible pavement - HMA (hot milled asphalt concrete). These services are presented in the form of IT-Education work, this seven items are presented that guide the performance of services, thus providing overall guidelines to perform the services described in it. The development of IT's was based on experiences in day-to-day paving near the theoretical precepts presented in the literature, so the conditions specified in these documents aim to always guide the implementation of services in general, giving the process a versatility major operation, as this work takes into account the dynamics of such services, as well as the variety of their execution according to local conditions and specified in the project. So in general we can say that this ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The objective of this study is to adress the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional in management of communication between the virtual services companies and their customers – the cybernauts. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about the cyberspace, Internet environment, as well as the cyberculture and the on-line consumer public. It was also studied the possible areas of Public Relations's action, their work tools and means of communication with the customer, in order to verify the specificities of communication mediated by new technologies. Based on these concepts, it was possible to propose an action of this professional in the organizations called dotcom, in order to contribute to the management of the communication flow between companies and this “invisible” public, which relates virtually to the organization, establishing different modes of interaction in relation to tradicional customers, requiring different strategies of relashionsip


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The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery


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The society continues demonstrating its need regarding the products and services, even though it becomes increasingly value the protection of the environment. In this context, environmental management is defined as a management method that emphasizes to continuously improve results and promote sustainable development. Moreover it has as a tool the laws which provide the benchmarks and mechanisms for companies to adapt their activities in such a way that does not alter the quality of the environment. In this sense, in order to propose improvements to a dairy aiming their environmental suitability, a present study was prepared by following the production activities of the enterprise, the raising of standards and applicable legal requirements and environmental assessment for the preparation of an array of aspects and impacts with the task of identifying the most significant according to MOREIRA (2006). The results indicated that some of the impacts of high relevance are related to the generation of wastewater and solid waste, which do not have treatment and / or proper disposal and indeed require intervention for their suitability. Through, these results were drawn up proposals for actions conformation. In addition, they were proposed meeting the requirement for health and safety at work, in accordance with the standard regulations. This study has the function, therefore, propose to the company in question, an environmental management plan that ensures the protection of the environment and health of employees and consequently the improvement of production processes and products


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The market has forced companies to maintain high levels of control over their processes , ensuring a product or service quality to its customers . This study comes in the issuance and registration carried out in a company of e-commerce , which is showing problems with the values of weights and dimensions used in the cases cited . The need to eliminate wasteful spending freight caused by shipment of products weighing more than the reality, and to increase the reliability of the information used in the management of processes led to the planning of this project . This work focuses on the development of a PDCA cycle to work in the identification and correction of the causes of the problem , in order to neutralize the current complications and ensure that the problem does not appear again. To aid the mapping of the processes involved , identifying the causes of the problem and implementation of the proposed improvements were used quality tools such as flowcharts , Ishikawa diagrams , Pareto diagrams , and applied statistics


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)