211 resultados para Frações da planta
The Plant of Generic Values (PVG) is part of the cadastral system of a city hall and is about an important document or support for the urban planning. For its conception some stages are necessary, amongst which the most remarkable: the collection of information and the proper evaluation. A norm number 14653-2 of the ABNT recommends the application of the comparative method of data of market for the evaluation of lands values, but not always this procedure is possible due to absence of significant samples, as in urban areas densely constructed the real estate transactions is restricted, practically, to remarkable are the constructed ones. Thus, this work aims at showing which one, the sources of these data and the problematic found to get them. Moreover, a method is presented, that is an alternative to get the values of lands in the regions where yhere is scarcity of these data, so as to make the results beter. This method deals with the junction of other methods of evaluation to the comparative method of market data. The use of the methodology provided better performance in the procedures, having as a consequence bigger uniformity between the data, that is, the value of evaluation and the value of market equalize. Besides, the separation of the area of work in zones of homogeneous data made possible to generate more models, making use of fewes variables, due to the similarity among the data.
The crop of the sugarcane is stood out in the Brazilian agricultural scenery, due to the great demand of sugar, alcohol and by-products. The present work had as objective to evaluate the effect of five doses and three sources of manganese applied at planting furrow in sugarcane, in two cuts, in the Northwest area of São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at Fujimoto farm with coordinates 20 degrees 32 'S and 50 degrees 58' O, and altitude of 361 meters, area administered by Distillery Vale do Parana S/A Alcool and Acucar, in Suzanapolis county - São Paulo state. A randomizef blocks design in a factorial scheme 5x3, being 5 doses of manganese (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10.0 kg ha(-1)), and 3 sources (Quelate, FTE and manganese sulfate), applied at planting furrow, in 4 repetitions was used. The plots were constituted by 4 lines of 5 m length, spaced by 1.5 m. The RB 86-7515 variety was used. The sources of manganese did not influence in the technological quality and productivity of stems in none of the cuts of sugarcane. The application of doses of manganese resulted in increase on values of recoverable total sugar per ha and ton of pol per ha in plant cane, not influencing in the other variables analyzed on plant cane and ratoon cane.
Due to the small and the round seeds represent a rather high proportion of an ear, this experiment viewed to study the effects of those factors on seed germinative performance in the field as well as on the plant traits related to grain yield. Six treatment combinations replicated five times were sown in Votuporanga/SP on 08/22/2008. Flat shaped (C) and round shaped (R) seeds were made to go through flat round and oblong hole screens which resulted in the following treatments: 1. C1: seeds remaining on the top of a 23/64 '' round hole screen, 2. C2G: 21/64 '', 3. C3M: 17/64 '' or 16/64 '', 4. R2GM: medium length seeds remaining on the top of 13 x 3/4 '' oblong hole screen, 5. R3M: medium length seeds remaining on a 12 x 3/4 '' (from 1 to 2 mm bigger than R3), and 6. R3: 12 x 3/4 ''. The soil of the experimental area was submitted to a no-till cultivation system and the rows were set 0.6 m apart from one another. Fifteen days after emergence (DAE), the plants were thinned to a population of 66,000 plants/ha. Harvest took place 115 DAE and the mean yield was of 12,498 kg ha(-1). Based on the results it was concluded that only the initial growth of the plants is significantly affected by seed size. Plant traits such as plant height, ear insertion height, culm diameter, number of grains per year, grain weight and size as well as grain yield evaluated 40 or more DAE are not significantly affected by seed size or seed shape.
Chemical composition of seed displays, in general, the same compounds found in other parts of the plant, and the environment where they grow plants, fertilizer and many other factors are able to change this constitution, increasing or decreasing the amount of certain components. The study aimed to determine the effect of application by seed doses of calcium and molybdenum on protein content of peanut seeds cv.IAC 886. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial design with four replicates per treatment, which are constituted by the combination of molybdenum doses (0, 50, 100 and 150 g ha(-1)) and calcium by seeds (0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg L-1). The peanut harvest was done manually. Seeds were removed from the pod manually and individually for each treatment and were taken to the Laboratorio de Genetica de Populacoes e Silvicultura, do Departamento de Fitotecnia, Tecnologia de Alimentos e Socio-Economia, da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira da Universidade Estadual Paulista, where we determined the protein (albumin-Alb, prolamin-PRO, glutelin-GLU and globulin-GLO, mg g(-1). Regardless of the doses used the albumin protein fraction showed the highest in the peanut seeds. The addition of molybdenum resulted in increased seed prolamin content in the peanut seeds. The combination of calcium and molybdenum applied to seeds resulted in increased levels of albumin, globulin and glutelin in the peanut seeds.
Com o objetivo de determinar a dinâmica do proteinograma sangüíneo e da atividade enzimática da gamaglutamiltransferase sérica de vacas antes e após o parto, foram utilizadas 26 vacas do período pré-parto até 180 dias após o parto, todas da raça Holandesa. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as vacas, no momento do parto, apresentam menores concentrações séricas de proteína total, das frações albumina e betaglobulina, bem como de imunoglobulinas G e M, do que nos períodos ante e pós-parto, apresentando, a partir dos nove dias pós-parto, elevação gradativa desses constituintes até os 180 dias após o parto. Não houve diferença na atividade da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase nos momentos estudados.
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the amount of colostrum (two and four liters) and methods of colostrum feeding (direct suckling from the cow, feeding colostrum using nipple bottle, and no feeding colostrum) on different blood traits. Thirty two Holstein calves (four groups of eight animals each) were randomly allotted to four treatments: treatment 1 - calves were hand fed four liters of colostrum; treatment 2 - calves were hand fed two liters of colostrum; treatment 3 - calves were fed colostrum directly from the cow, and treatment 4 - calves were not fed colostrum. Higher values of total serum protein, betaglobulins and gamaglobulins were observed in the calves after 24 hours of colostrum feeding. No differences among animals fed colostrum directly from the cow and hand fed two or four liters of colostrum were observed for total protein and eletrophoretic fractions. However lower values of total and eletrophoretic fractions were observed for calves that were not fed colostrum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho contribui para a caracterização química de Aegiphila sellowiana Cham. (Verbenaceae). As partes aéreas da planta foram extraídas corn solventes orgânicos e fracionadas cromatograficamente. As frações resultantes foram analisadas por rnétodos espectrométricos, fornecendo hidrocarbonetos alifáticos lineares, estigmasterol, α-amirina e o verbascosideo.
A cana-de-açúcar possui grande importância econômico-social e política para o Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses e fontes de manganês nessa cultura. O experimento foi realizado no sítio Fujimoto, área administrada pela Destilaria Vale do Paraná S/A Álcool e Açúcar, no município de Suzanápolis, SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso no esquema fatorial 5 x 3, sendo cinco doses de Mn (0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; e 10,0 kg ha-1) e três fontes (quelato, FTE e sulfato de manganês), aplicadas no sulco de plantio, em quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por quatro linhas de 5 m de comprimento e espaçadas 1,5 m. A variedade de cana-de-açúcar utilizada foi a RB 86-7515, realizando-se dois cortes. As fontes de Mn proporcionaram semelhantes produtividades de colmos, tanto da cana-planta quanto da primeira cana-soca. O quelato de Mn proporcionou maior número de colmo por metro de sulco na cana-soca. As doses de Mn não influenciaram a produtividade de colmos da cana-planta e da cana- soca, porém aumentaram o número de internódios e o diâmetro de colmo na cana-planta até as doses de 6,9 e 6,6 kg ha-1 de Mn, respectivamente.
Estudou-se a distribuição da produção, a qualidade da semente e o peso de frutos em relação às diferentes posições do fruto na planta de algodão. Os dados foram oriundos do mapeamento de 360 plantas da cultivar CNPA 7H, em área irrigada no município de Bom Sucesso, PB. Mais de 80% da produção da cultivar é proveniente do baixeiro e terço médio e da primeira e segunda posição frutífera da planta. A qualidade das sementes é afetada à medida que os frutos se afastam da primeira posição para as demais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivou-se avaliar a aplicação de boro ao substrato de produção de mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo, para o estabelecimento dos níveis críticos do B no solo e na planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As doses de boro, na forma de ácido bórico, foram: 0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75 e 1,0 mg de B dm-3 de solo. As mudas receberam doses de N, P, K e Zn, de 300; 450; 150 e 5 mg dm-3, respectivamente, sendo o N e o K parcelados em três vezes (15; 30 e 45 dias após o plantio). O experimento foi conduzido em condições de casa de vegetação, em vasos com 2 dm-3 de substrato de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Após 70 dias do plantio, foram avaliados: o diâmetro do caule, a altura da planta, o número de folhas e a matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, bem como os teores de macro e micronutrientes. As mudas de maracujazeiro responderam à aplicação de boro em substrato com baixa concentração (0,06 mg dm-3), extraído com água quente. O maior desenvolvimento das plantas esteve associado à dose próxima de 0,5 mg de B dm-3 e à concentração de 0,4 mg de B dm-3 no substrato e um teor de 22 mg de B kg-1 na parte aérea.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)