127 resultados para Fasting and lairage


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A falta de consenso sobre os protocolos de rastreamento e diagnóstico do diabetes gestacional, associada às dificuldades na realização do teste oral simplificado do diabete gestacional (o teste de tolerância a 100 g de glicose, considerado padrão-ouro) justificam a comparação com alternativas. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar o teste padrão-ouro a dois testes de rastreamento: associação de glicemia de jejum e fatores de risco (GJ + FR) e o teste oral simplificado de tolerância a 50 g de glicose (TTG 50 g), com o teste de tolerância a 100 g de glicose (TTG 100 g). TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo de coorte longitudinal, prospectivo, realizado no Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. MÉTODOS: 341 gestantes foram submetidas aos três testes. Calcularam-se os índices de sensibilidade (S), especificidade (E), valores preditivos (VPP e VPN), razões de probabilidade (RPP e RPN) e resultados falsos (FP e FN), positivos e negativos da associação GJ + FR e do TTG 50 g em relação ao TTG 100 g. Compararam-se as médias das glicemias de uma hora pós-sobrecarga (1hPS) com 50 e 100 g. Na análise estatística, empregou-se o teste t de Student, com limite de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A associação GJ + FR encaminhou mais gestantes (53,9%) para a confirmação diagnóstica que o TTG 50 g (14,4%). Os dois testes foram equivalentes nos índices de S (86,4 e 76,9%), VPN (98,7 e 98,9%), RPN (0,3 e 0,27) e FN (15,4 e 23,1%). As médias das glicemias 1hPS foram semelhantes, 106,8 mg/dl para o TTG 50 g e 107,5 mg/dl para o TTG 100 g. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados da eficiência diagnóstica associados à simplicidade, praticabilidade e custo referendaram a associação GJ + FR como o mais adequado para o rastreamento. A equivalência das glicemias de 1hPS permitiram a proposição de um novo protocolo de rastreamento e diagnóstico do diabete gestacional, com menores custo e desconforto.


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The present study aimed at evaluating the histo-morphological changes resulting from different fasting periods before the collection of tissue samples in different segments of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) of 7-d-old male chicks of a broiler and a layer strain. A completely randomized experimental design in in a 2x7 factorial arrangement, being two strains with different growth rates (Ross 308 and HyLine® W36) and seven fasting periods (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours ), with six replicates, totaling 84 birds. The comparison of the morphometrics of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of broiler and layer chicks demonstrated faster digestive tract development in broilers relative to layers. The fasting period caused morphological changes in the liver and small and large intestines in both strains. Therefore, it must be highlighted that in studies involving organ weights and intestinal morphometrics, birds must not be submitted to fasting before tissue collection.


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We tested the correlation between growth rate before and after a food deprivation phase in twelve single held Nile tilapias, Oreochromis niloticus. The experiment was divided into three phases: before food deprivation (phase 1: 15 d), food deprivation (phase 2: 12 d) and refeeding (phase 3: 15 d). The specific growth rate - SGR, food conversion efficiency - FCE and feed ingestion increased significantly during phase 3. Positive and significant correlations were found either to SGR or to feed ingestion between Phase 1 and 3 but not for FCE. The SGR on phase 3, moreover, were positively correlated to FCE and feed ingestion, while on phase 1 SGR was positively correlated to FCE only. Thus, high pre-fasting SGR or feed ingestion reflects in likewise high post-fasting SGR or feed ingestion values. Moreover, since SGR and FCE are correlated to each other in both phase 1 and 3, but phase 3 SGR is also correlated to feed ingestion; we could suppose that hyperphagic behaviour could be the main compensatory mechanism. Accordingly, we suggest that a fish with an elevated growth performance shall display a proportionally raised post-fasting growth response in order to normalize its predetermined growth trajectory and resume its normal growth rate.


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Metabolic changes during the transition from post-feeding to fasting were studied in Brycon cephalus, an omnivorous teleost from the Amazon Basin in Brazil. Body weight and somatic indices (liver and digestive tract), glycogen and glucose content in liver and muscle, as well as plasma glucose, free fatty acids (FFA), insulin and glucagon levels of B. cephalus, were measured at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120, 168 and 336 h after the last feeding. At time 0 h (the moment of food administration, 09.00 h) plasma levels of insulin and glucagon were already high, and relatively high values were maintained until 24 h post-feeding. Glycemia was 6.42 +/- 0.82 mM immediately after food ingestion and 7.53 +/- 1.12 MM at 12 h. Simultaneously, a postprandial replenishment of liver and muscle glycogen reserves was observed. Subsequently, a sharp decrease of plasma insulin occurred, from 7.19 +/- 0.83 ng/ml at 24 h of fasting to 5.27 +/- 0.58 ng/ml at 48 h. This decrease coincided with the drop in liver glucose and liver glycogen, which reached the lowest value at 72 h of fasting (328.56 +/- 192.13 and 70.33 +/- 14.13 mumol/g, respectively). Liver glucose increased after 120 h and reached a peak 168 h post-feeding, which suggests that hepatic gluconeogenesis is occurring. Plasma FFA levels were low after 120 and 168 h and increased again at 336 h of fasting. During the transition from post-feeding to fast condition in B. cephalus, the balance between circulating insulin and glucagon quickly adjust its metabolism to the ingestion or deprivation of food. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gluconeogenic activity and kinetic parameters of glucose metabolism were estimated during the different phases of prolonged food deprivation in quails. Gluconeogenic activity, estimated from the rate of increase of incorporation of (HCO3-)-C-14 into circulating glucose, was significantly higher in fasted quails than in fed birds, whatever the period of food deprivation. However, gluconeogenic activity during phase II, although higher than in the fed state, was significantly lower than in quails fasted for 2 days (phase I) or in those on the final (phase III) period of starvation. Gluconeogenic activity did not differ significantly in birds from phases I and III. Rates of glucose replacement, estimated with [6-H-3]-glucose, were very high (20.5 mg . kg(-1). min(-1)) in fed quails and were markedly reduced (to about 42% of fed values) by fasting, no difference being observed between quails fasted for 2 and 5 days. Because of the poor condition of the birds, glucose replacement rates could not be measured during phase III. The present data are the first to provide direct evidence for the changes in gluconeogenesis which occur during prolonged food deprivation.


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Four groups of horses of Brasileiro de Hipismo bred were submitted to fasting for 24 and 48 hours in order to study the absorption capacity of the small intestine. Two groups were fed with coast cross grass (Cynodon dactylon) and the other two groups with coast cross pasture and grains. At the end of the fasting periods, the groups received 1g of glucose/kg of body weight in a 20% solution through a nasogastric tube. Blood samples were collected immediately before and 70, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360 minutes after glucose administration. Glycemia was determined by the orthotoluidine method and insulin by radioimmunoassay. The animals which received grains showed larger increase in glycemia and insulinemia than those maintained on pasture regimen alone. The 48-hour fasting period induced higher glycemia and insulinemia levels than those observed after 24-hour fasting.


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The compensatory changes of carbohydrate metabolism induced by fasting were investigated in frugivorous bats, Artibeus lituratus and Artibeus jamaicensis. For this purpose, plasma levels of glucose and lactate, liver and muscle glycogen content, rates of liver gluconeogenesis and the activity of related enzymes were determined in male bats. After a decrease during the first 48 h of fasting, plasma glucose levels remained constant until the end of the experimental period. Plasma lactate levels, extremely high in fed bats, decreased after 48 h of fasting. Similarly, liver glycogen content, markedly high in fed animals, was reduced to low levels after 24 h without food. Muscle glycogen was also reduced in fasted bats. The expected increase in liver gluconeogenesis during fasting was observed after 48 h of fasting. The activities of liver glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase were not affected by food withdrawn. on the other hand, fasting for 24 h induced an increase in the activity of liver cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. The data indicate that liver gluconeogenesis has an important role in the glucose homeostasis in frugivorous bats during prolonged periods of food deprivation. During short periods of fasting liver glycogenolysis seems to be the main responsible for the maintenance of glycemia. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Broiler chicks aged 12 h after hatching were allotted according to a block design in a 7 x 2 factorial schedule of 14 treatments and four replications of 50 chicks each one. The main experimental factors were fasting for 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 h after chick placement and sex. Independent of sex, fasting had a negative linear effect on weight and productivity of broilers at market age (42 d) without affecting feed conversion or mortality index. Groups subjected to 18 and 36 h of fasting after placement, corresponding to 30 and 48 h posthatching fasting, had lower biometrical values for small intestine (length, weight, and size; villus height; and crypt depth) than chicks fed immediately after placement. According to the Pearson test, BW of birds at 21 and 42 d were significantly correlated to BW at 7 d (r = 0.77) and 21 d (r = 0.45), respectively. Males performed better than females but had higher mortality rates. Fasting did not influence serum concentrations of corticosterone or sexual steroid hormones. Nevertheless, early signs of sexual dimorphism arose from the high estradiol (E2) concentration on female serum. Heterophil:lymphocyte ratio was not different among treatments, indicating that early fasting did not seem to be a stress factor 21 or 42 d after fasting. The results suggested a maximum fasting of 24 h after hatching in order to preserve broiler productivity at market age.


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The effects of water and feed fasting for 24, 48 and 72 hours post-hatching on blood parameters (mean corpuscular volume, MCV; red blood-cell, RBC; hematocrit, HCT; hemoglobin, HGB; plasma glucose, CGP; plasma total protein, PP, and differential leukocytes count), and on body, liver, spleen, bursa, and yolk sac weights were analyzed. Erythrogram data were obtained with a blood cell counter. Total plasma protein and plasma glucose were determined by using the Bradford method (1976) and a glucose PAP liquiform kit (Labtest, cat. n. 84), respectively. Specific leukocyte counts were carried out on blood smears stained with Rosenfeld solution. According to the obtained data, water and feed post-hatching fasting reduced MCV values, which also were lower in males than that in females. Fasting for 48 hours promoted an increase in PP, while fasting for 72 hours reduced HCT. Chicks submitted to fasting presented lower body weights as compared to fed chicks, but their liver weight did not increase between 48 and 72 hours of age. Fasting decreased spleen weight, but bursa and yolk sac weight were not affected. Data showed that female and male chicks react in a similar way to post-hatching fasting, which affects body weight, liver and spleen weight, and HCT and PP values. Moreover, 72 hours of fasting affected more intensely HCT and MCV values.


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Background: This study compared the influence of fasting/refeeding cycles and food restriction on rat myocardial performance and morphology. Methods: Sixty-day-old male Wistar rats were submitted to food ad libitum (C), 50% food restriction (R50), and fasting/refeeding cycles (RF) for 12 weeks. Myocardial function was evaluated under baseline conditions and after progressive increase in calcium and isoproterenol. Myocardium ultrastructure was examined in the papillary muscle. Results: Fasting/refeeding cycles maintained rat body weight and left ventricle weight between control and food-restricted rats. Under baseline conditions, the time to peak tension (TPT) was more prolonged in R50 than in RF and C rats. Furthermore, the maximum tension decline rate (-dT/dt) increased less in R50 than in RF with calcium elevation. While the R50 group showed focal changes in many muscle fibers, such as the disorganization or loss of myofilaments, polymorphic mitochondria with disrupted cristae, and irregular appearance or infolding of the plasma membrane, the RF rats displayed few alterations such as loss or disorganization of myofibrils. Conclusion: Food restriction promotes myocardial dysfunction, not observed in RF rats, and higher morphological damage than with fasting/refeeding. The increase in TPT may be attributed possibly to the disorganization and loss of myofibrils; however, the mechanisms responsible for the alteration in -dT/dt in R50 needs to be further clarified. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) regulations establish 12 hours as the maximum pre-slaughter fasting period for broilers; however, many processing plants have considered this time is not sufficient, and consequently return the birds to the farms, with consequent economic losses and welfare problems. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the possible effects of longer pre-slaughter fasting times. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of pre-slaughter fasting times longer than those established by MAPA on broiler welfare, breast meat quality, and intestinal integrity. Forty 42-d-old broilers were submitted to different pre-slaughter fasting times: group I: 6 hours, group II 9h, group III 12h, and group IV 15h. Bird welfare was assessed before slaughter. After sacrifice, intestinal samples were collected to assess their morphology and morphometrics, and the Pectoralis major muscle was analyzed for pH and color. There was no influence (p>0.05) of treatments on breast muscle pH or color.There were no significant changes in intestinal morphometrics (p<0.05). Bird behavior was affected (p<0.05), suggesting that welfare was impaired as fasting time increased, but no differences in the analyzed parameters were detected between broilers fasted for 12 or 15 hours. It was concluded that the behavioral differences between birds fasted for 12 and 15 hours are not sufficient to assert that those fasted for 15 hours were in worse welfare conditions.