57 resultados para Faro.
The objective of this study was to estimate variance components and genetic parameters for accumulated 305-day milk yield (MY305) over multiple ages, from 24 to 120 months of age, applying random regression (RRM), repeatability (REP) and multi-trait (MT) models. A total of 4472 lactation records from 1882 buffaloes of the Murrah breed were utilized. The contemporary group (herd-year-calving season) and number of milkings (two levels) were considered as fixed effects in all models. For REP and RRM, additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects were included as random effects. MT considered the same random effects as did REP and RRM with the exception of permanent environmental effect. Residual variances were modeled by a step function with 1, 4, and 6 classes. The heritabilities estimated with RRM increased with age, ranging from 0.19 to 0.34, and were slightly higher than that obtained with the REP model. For the MT model, heritability estimates ranged from 0.20 (37 months of age) to 0.32 (94 months of age). The genetic correlation estimates for MY305 obtained by RRM (L23.res4) and MT models were very similar, and varied from 0.77 to 0.99 and from 0.77 to 0.99, respectively. The rank correlation between breeding values for MY305 at different ages predicted by REP, MT, and RRM were high. It seems that a linear and quadratic Legendre polynomial to model the additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects, respectively, may be sufficient to explain more parsimoniously the changes in MY305 genetic variation with age.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Given the importance of Guzera breeding programs for milk production in the tropics, the objective of this study was to compare alternative random regression models for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values. Test-day milk yields records (TDR) were collected monthly, in a maximum of 10 measurements. The database included 20,524 records of first lactation from 2816 Guzera cows. TDR data were analyzed by random regression models (RRM) considering additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects as random and the effects of contemporary group (CG), calving age as a covariate (linear and quadratic effects) and mean lactation curve as fixed. The genetic additive and permanent environmental effects were modeled by RRM using Wilmink, All and Schaeffer and cubic B-spline functions as well as Legendre polynomials. Residual variances were considered as heterogeneous classes, grouped differently according to the model used. Multi-trait analysis using finite-dimensional models (FDM) for testday milk records (TDR) and a single-trait model for 305-days milk yields (default) using the restricted maximum likelihood method were also carried out as further comparisons. Through the statistical criteria adopted, the best RRM was the one that used the cubic B-spline function with five random regression coefficients for the genetic additive and permanent environmental effects. However, the models using the Ali and Schaeffer function or Legendre polynomials with second and fifth order for, respectively, the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects can be adopted, as little variation was observed in the genetic parameter estimates compared to those estimated by models using the B-spline function. Therefore, due to the lower complexity in the (co)variance estimations, the model using Legendre polynomials represented the best option for the genetic evaluation of the Guzera lactation records. An increase of 3.6% in the accuracy of the estimated breeding values was verified when using RRM. The ranks of animals were very close whatever the RRM for the data set used to predict breeding values. Considering P305, results indicated only small to medium difference in the animals' ranking based on breeding values predicted by the conventional model or by RRM. Therefore, the sum of all the RRM-predicted breeding values along the lactation period (RRM305) can be used as a selection criterion for 305-day milk production. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objetive of this research was to study the relation among body weight and average daily gain in different ages, using principal components analysis. Data on 1663 birth weight (BW), weaning weight adjusted to 230 days (WW), yearling weight adjusted to 365 days (YW), long yearling weight adjusted to 550 days (LYW), average daily gain from birth to weaning (AGW), average daily gain from weaning to 365 days (AGY) and average daily gain from 365 days weight to 550 day weight (AGL) from crossbred animals, and data on 320 observations of the same traits from straightbreed Nellore animals were analysed. The model included the fixed effects of breed (only crossbred data), contemporary group, and linear and quadratic effects of age at calving. For body weight in different ages, the first principal component contrasted heavier and light animals after birth and explained about 79,0% and 78,0% of the variation for data on crossbred and Nellore animals, respectively. The second principal component compared heavier animals at weaning and yearling weight those at long yearling weight. It explained around 13,5% and 15,5% of the total variation, respectively, for data on F1 and Nellore breed. The major source of variation among animals on the two data set for body weight was due to differences in weight followed by differences in the ages they got those weight. For the traits expressed as average daily gain, the variation among animals was due to differences in birth season, the first principal component explaining about 52,0% of the variation on crossbred animals. This component compared animal with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL. For data on Nellore breed, the first component explain about 56,0% of the total variation and also compared animals with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL.
A total of 3.035 lactations of Holstein cows from four farms in the Southeast, to check the influence of data structure of milk yield on the genetic parameters. Four dataset with different structures were tested, weekly controls (CW) with 122.842 controls, monthly controls (CM) 30.883, bimonthly controls (CB) with 15,837 and quarterly controls (CQ) with 12,702. The random regression model was used and was considered as random additive genetic and permanent environment effects, fixed effects of the contemporary groups (herd-year-month of test-day) and age of cow (linear and quadratic effects). Heritability estimates showed similar trends among the data files analyzed, with the greatest similarity between dataset CS, CM and CB. The dataset submitted all the CB estimates of genetic parameters analyzed with the same trend and similar magnitude to the CS and CM dataset, allowing the claim that there was no influence of the data structure on estimates of covariance components for the dataset CS, CM and CB. Thus, milk recording could be accomplished in a CB structure.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to better understand the natural history of chronic functional constipation, a questionnaire was applied to 163 children and infants, before beginning standardized treatment. Median age (range) at start was 3 mo(0-108 mo) but age at arrival at the Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit was 53 mo(2-146 mo). In 62.4% of the cases symptoms began before or up to 3 mo after cow's milk introduction and rarely around (-/+ 6 mo) toilet training. Possible complications appeared progressively, often at preschool or school age or as the first noticeable manifestation: recurrent abdominal pain (61.1%), fecal soiling (45.4%), fecal blood (35%), enuresis (23.3%), vomiting (19%), urinary infection (17.9%), urinary retention (8.6%). Abdominal distension was rarely detected on physical examination and was usually discrete. In conclusion, children attended in Botucatu begin their constipation at an early age, frequently associated with weaning,and important complications may ensue along years. This evolution should be avoided by prevention and early treatment of constipation.
Reaction norm models have been widely used to study genotype by environment interaction (G × E) in animal breeding. The objective of this study was to describe environmental sensitivity across first lactation in Brazilian Holstein cows using a reaction norm approach. A total of 50,168 individual monthly test day (TD) milk yields (10 test days) from 7476 complete first lactations of Holstein cattle were analyzed. The statistical models for all traits (10 TDs and for 305-day milk yield) included the fixed effects of contemporary group, age of cow (linear and quadratic effects), and days in milk (linear effect), except for 305-day milk yield. A hierarchical reaction norm model (HRNM) based on the unknown covariate was used. The present study showed the presence of G × E in milk yield across first lactation of Holstein cows. The variation in the heritability estimates implies differences in the response to selection depending on the environment where the animals of this population are evaluated. In the average environment, the heritabilities for all traits were rather similar, in range from 0.02 to 0.63. The scaling effect of G × E predominated throughout most of lactation. Particularly during the first 2 months of lactation, G × E caused reranking of breeding values. It is therefore important to include the environmental sensitivity of animals according to the phase of lactation in the genetic evaluations of Holstein cattle in tropical environments.
This study investigates the genetic association of the SNP present in the ACTA1 gene with performance traits, organs and carcass of broilers to help marker-assisted selection of a paternal broiler line (TT) from EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry, Brazil. Genetic and phenotypic data of 1,400 broilers for 68 traits related to body performance, organ weights, weight of carcass parts, and yields as a percentage of organs and carcass parts were used. The maximum likelihood method, considering 4 analytical models, was used to analyze the genetic association between the SNP and these important economic traits. The association analysis was performed using a mixed animal model including the random effect of the animal (polygenic), and the fixed effects of sex (2 levels), hatch (5 levels) and SNP (3 levels), besides the random error. The traits significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the SNP were analyzed, along with body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), by the restricted maximum likelihood method using the multi-trait animal model to estimate genetic parameters. The analysis included the residual and additive genetic random effects and the sex-hatch fixed effect. The additive effects of the SNP were associated with breast meat (BMY), liver yield (LIVY), body weight at 35 days of age (BW35); drumstick skin (DSW), drumstick (DW) and breast (BW) weights. The heritability estimates for these traits, in addition to BW42, ranged from 0.24 ± 0.06 to 0.45 ± 0.08 for LIVY and BW35, respectively. The genetic correlation ranged from 0.02 ± 0.18 for LIVY and BMY to 0.97 ± 0.01 for BW35 and BW42. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that ACTA1 gene is associated with performance traits BW35, LIV and BMY, DW, BW and DW adjusted for body weight at 42 days of age. Therefore, the ACTA1 gene is an important molecular marker that could be used together with others already described to increase the economically important traits in broilers.