223 resultados para Falu Tank


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Mastitis is the most common infectious disease affecting dairy cattle; in addition, it remains the most economically important disease of dairy industries around the world. Streptococcus agalactiae, a contagious pathogen associated with subclinical mastitis, is highly infectious. This bacterium can cause an increase in bulk tank bacterial counts (BTBC) and bulk tank somatic cell counts (BTSCC). The microbiological identification of S. agalactiae in samples from bulk tanks is an auxiliary method to control contagious mastitis. Thus, there are some limitations for time-consuming cultures or identification methods and additional concerns about the conservation and transport of samples. Bulk tank samples from 247 dairy farms were cultured and compared through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), directed to 16S rRNA genes of S. agalactiae, followed by BTBC and S. agalactiae isolation. The mean value of BTBC was 1.08 x 10(6) CFU mL(-1) and the bacterium was identified through the microbiological method in 98 (39.7%; CI95% = 33.8-45.9%) and through PCR in 110 (44.5%; CI95% = 38.5-50.8%) samples. Results indicated sensitivity of 0.8571 +/- 0.0353 (CI95% = 0.7719-0.9196) and specificity of 0.8255 +/- 0.0311 (CI95% = 0.7549-0.8827). The lack of significant difference between microbiological and molecular results (kappa = 0.6686 +/- 0.0477 and CI95% = 0.5752-0.7620) indicated substantial agreement between the methods. This suggests that PCR can be used for bulk tank samples to detect contagious mastitis caused by S. agalactiae. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se determinar a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes de rações com diferentes níveis de fitase formuladas com alimentos de origem vegetal, em 90 juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo, pesando em média 120,0 g, alojados em nove tanques-rede (dez peixes/tanque). Adotou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração suplementada com fósforo (controle) e de oito sem suplementação de fósforo, porém com 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500 e 4.000 unidades de fitase (UF)/kg de ração, todas isoenergéticas e isoprotéicas. A inclusão de 1.500 UF melhorou a digestibilidade da MS e da EB e a disponibilidade de cálcio e fósforo das rações. O nível de 1.000 UF melhorou a disponibilidade de zinco e manganês.


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The aim was to evaluate the nutritional value of the root and leaves of cassava (Manihot sculenta) for juveniles of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Three diets were prepared, a reference and two test diets. The first tested diet contained 50.0% of cassava root and 50.0% of reference diet and the second one consisted of 30.0% of cassava leaf meal and 70.0% of reference diet. Moreover, in every diet was added 0.1% chromium oxide-III (Cr2O3) as inert marker. Sixty juveniles (100.0 +/- 9.0 g) were accommodated in cages (10 fish/cage) for feeding and feces collection. During the day these cages were maintained in a feeding tank (250 L), one tank for each treatment, where they were fed until apparent satiation. After the aforementioned feeding period they were transferred to a fecal collection tank, where they remained until next morning. The collected feces were frozen and dried for analyzes. The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) were calculated on basis of Cr2O3 concentration present in diets and feces. The ADC of reference diet for DM, cassava leaf and root were, respectively 85.23%, 81.22% and 91.44%; CP to 97.35%, 73.37% and 91.46% and for the GE to 87.70%, 64.70% and 92.20%, the values obtained for the diet with cassava root significantly higher (P<0.05). Summarizing, root and cassava leaves can be used as alternative ingredients for compose balanced diets for Nile tilapia juveniles.


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Body size and prior residence can modulate agonistic interaction in several animal species, but scientists know little about these relationships in echinoderms. In this study, we tested the effects of these traits on interactions in the black sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter). After a sea urchin was isolated for 24-h in a glass tank to establish prior residence, we introduced an intruder animal adjacent to the resident in the tank and observed interactions for 30 min. The intruder animal was larger, smaller, or size-matched to the resident. We found body size and prior residence concomitantly modulated interactions among black sea urchins, with prior residence as the major determinant. Black sea urchins mainly exhibited opponent inspection and fleeing responses during interaction to avoid fights, especially when a fight could be seriously disadvantageous (small intruder vs. large resident). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-place learning based on food association was investigated in eight food-restricted Nile tilapias. Each fish was individually housed for 10 days in an experimental tank for adjustments to laboratory conditions, and fed daily in excess. Feeding was then interrupted for 17 days. Training was then started, based on a food-restricted regime in a tank divided into three interconnected compartments. Daily food was offered in one compartment (left or right side) of the tank in the morning and on the opposite side in the afternoon, for a continuous 30-day period. Frequency of choices on the right side was measured on days 10, 20 and 30 (during these test days, fish were not fed). Following this 30-day conditioning period, the Nile tilapias were able to switch sides at the correct period of the day to get food, suggesting that food restriction facilitates time-place learning discrimination. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Following previously published observations that a conditioned response (CR) was lost more quickly by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibiting a high responsiveness to stressors than by low responding individuals this study was designed to investigate the effects of exogenous cortisol on the retention of a CR in unselected rainbow trout. Fish held in isolation were conditioned over a 10-day period by pairing an innocuous signal (conditioned stimulus, CS: a water jet played on the surface of the tank water) with a mild stressor (unconditioned stimulus, US: 30 min of confinement). This resulted in a brief elevation of plasma cortisol levels (the CR) when the fish was exposed to the CS only. The effect of exogenous cortisol on the retention of the CR was evaluated by comparing the performance of fish that received cortisol-containing slow-release intraperitoneal implants, with fish receiving vehicle-only implants. Retention of the CR was assessed at intervals up to 35 days after conditioning ceased. The CR was considered to be evident when 30 min following presentation of the CS, mean plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in conditioned than untrained fish. on day 1 both cortisol-implanted and vehicle-implanted conditioned fish exhibited a CR. However, from day 5 onwards the CR was observed only in the vehicle-implanted and conditioned group. This finding indicates that administration of cortisol accelerated the extinction of the CR in the cortisol-implanted fish, suggesting that elevated plasma cortisol levels can impair memory processes in rainbow trout. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied the colour preference of isolated Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and whether previous residence or body size can affect environmental colour choice. In the first phase, a cylindrical tank was divided into five differently coloured compartments (yellow, blue, green, white and red), a single fish was introduced into the tank and the frequency at which this fish visited each compartment was recorded over a 2-day study period. An increasingly larger fish (approx +2 cm in length each time) was then added into the tank on each of days 3, 5 and 7 (=four fish in the tank by day 7), and the frequency at which each fish visited the different compartments of the tank was observed twice a day to obtain visit frequency data on the differently sized fishes. This experiment was replicated six times. In the first phase, the solitary fish established residence inside the yellow compartment on the first and second days. Following the introduction of a larger fish, the smaller fish was displaced from the occupied compartment. Nile tilapia possibly shows this preference for yellow as a function of its visual spectral sensitivity and/or the spectral characteristics of its natural environment. Moreover, body size is an important factor in determining hierarchical dominance and territorial defence, and dominant fish chose the preferred environmental colour compartment as their territory.


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The effect of chronic social stress on growth, energetic substrates and hormones was tested in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. After a 14-day isolation period, the fish were paired for 8 days. In order to expose fish to chronic intermittent social contact during pairing, they were maintained in direct contact with each other during the first day. After that, a black plastic screen partition was introduced in each tank, preventing direct contact between animals. Every day the partition was removed for 30 min, allowing physical interaction between fish. At the end of pairing period, they were isolated again for 13 days. Fish were weighed and blood was sampled frequently during the experiment. Plasma levels of cortisol, growth hormone, glucose, total protein and free amino acids were quantified. Both dominants and subordinates had specific growth rate decreased during the pairing period, but only subordinates increased when the stressor was abolished (dominants: 0.32 +/- 0.21 and 0.24 +/- 0.41, subordinates: -0.77 +/- 0.29 and 0.37 +/- 0.31, respectively). Dominants showed a higher cortisol level one week after pairing condition had been abolished than subordinates (dominants: 56.76 +/- 13.26, subordinates: 31.89 +/- 13.36). We conclude that chronic condition of intermittent social stress represents a stressful condition for animals of both hierarchical ranks and a treatment of one daily short direct contact between conspecifics does not promote habituation in fish, as mentioned for other stressors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Strains belonging to two novel yeast species, Candida bromeliacearum and Candida ubatubensis, were isolated from the bromeliad tank of Canistropsis seidelii (Bromeliaceae) in a sandy coastal plain (restinga) ecosystem site in an Atlantic rainforest of south-eastern Brazil. These species were genetically distinct from all other currently accepted ascomycetous yeasts, based on sequence divergence in the D1/D2 domains of the large-subunit rDNA and in the small-subunit rDNA. The species occupy basal positions in the Metschnikowiaceae clacle. The type strains are Candida bromeliacearum UNESP 00-103(T) (=CBS 10002(T) = NRRL Y-27811(T)) and Candida ubatubensis UNESP 01-247R(T) (=CBS 10003(T) = NRRL Y-27812(T)).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se o estudo do desenvolvimento de um controlador não-tradicional baseado em um mecanismo de histerese com auto-ajuste para o controle de nível de líquido de um sistema de separação e bombeio submarino conhecido como VASPS. O controlador desenvolvido gera sinais enviados para a bomba centrífuga submersa para controlar o nível de líquido no tanque do separador, evitando que ele atinja valores muito baixos que poderiam danificar a bomba ou valores muito altos que reduziriam a eficiência da separação líquido/gás. Os sinais de controle gerados pelo controlador visam solicitar a bomba o mínimo possível de modo a evitar o seu desgaste e falhas prematuras. Nas simulações, o controlador desenvolvido foi testado sob grandes variações nas condições de operação, tais como golfadas, produzindo resultados bastante satisfatórios e promissores.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis métodos para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação aeróbia de hidrocarbonetos (tratamentos ex-situ). Neste trabalho, processos de biorremediação foram aplicados a um solo arenoso com alto nível de contaminação ocasionada por um vazamento de um tanque de armazenamento de óleo diesel subterrâneo em um posto de combustíveis. Experimentos em escala laboratorial (respirômetros de Bartha) foram utilizados para avaliar a biodegradação do óleo diesel. Estímulo da biodegradação foi realizado utilizando-se as técnicas de bioestímulo (adição de soluções de nitrogênio e fósforo ou surfactante Tween 80) e de bioaumento (consórcio bacteriano isolado de um sistema de landfarming). Para investigar as interações entre os fatores otimizadores, e encontrar a melhor combinação entre esses agentes, o estudo foi baseado em um delineamento experimental fatorial completo. A eficiência de biodegradação foi simultaneamente medida com dois métodos: respirométrico (produção de CO2 microbiano) e cromatografia gasosa. Testes de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia similis foram aplicados para examinar a eficiência dos processos em termos de geração de produtos menos tóxicos. Resultados mostraram que todas as estratégias de biorremediação aceleraram a biorremediação natural do solo contaminado e os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando os tratamentos tinham adição de nutrientes. Dados respirométricos indicaram uma máxima mineralização de hidrocarbonetos de 19,8%, obtida com a combinação dos três agentes, com uma remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (TPH) de 45,5% em 55 dias de tratamento. No final dos experimentos, duas espécies predominantes de bactéria foram isoladas e identificadas como Staphylococcus hominis e Kocuria palustris.