86 resultados para Extension of the arbitration clause


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A área da Bacia do Marajó apresenta feições geológicas e geomorfológicas devidas principamente à distensão Mesozóica e à neotectônica pós-miocênica. O evento de distensão, com fases do Cretáceo Inferior e Superior, originou quatro sub-bacias que contituem a Bacia do Marajó, com uma espessa seqüência clástica continental mostrando influência marinha. Falhas normais NW e NNW e direcionais NE e ENE controlaram a geometria da bacia. A distensão, relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Equatorial, propagou-se continente adentro ao longo de zonas de fraqueza crustal dos cinturões orogênicos pré-cambrianos Tumucumaque, Amapá e Araguaia. O evento neotectônico é um regime transcorrente que desenvolveu bacias transtensivas preenchidas por sedimentos marinhos rasos (Formação Pirabas) e seqüências transicionais (Grupo Barreiras) do Terciário Superior, seguidos por depósitos fluviais e seqüências transicionais do Quaternário, derivadas dos rios Amazoans e Tocantins e do estuário do Marajó. A paisagem atual tem morfologia tipicamente estuarina. A morfologia costeira apresenta escarpas em seqüências transicionais do Terciário Superior, enquanto no interior dominam elevações sustentadas por crosta laterítica do Pleistoceno Médio, aparadas por superfície erosiva a 70 m. No leste da Ilha do Marajó são reconhecidas várias gerações de paleocanais com seqüências estuarinas associadas, enquanto no lado oeste predomina uma planície flúvio-marinha.


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Through the text presented we intend to outline the debate that occurred in Portugal in the transition from the 19th to the 20th centuries. At the time, the imperatives of scientific development had reached education as a basis for the national prosperity. It was believed that Portugal had fallen behind in comparison to the other European countries because it was not capable of constructing a civilization directed by scientific criteria, through the expansion and spreading of culture. The debate over the extension of schools to increasingly broader segments of the population acquires a different meaning when the theorist of Education make use of language from several other areas of knowledge in order to create a mosaic of what has become known, since that time, as the Science of Education.


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The study of the influence of motion and initial intra-articular pressure (IAP) on intra-articular pressure profiles in equine cadaver metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints was undertaken as a prelude to in vivo studies, Eleven equine cadaver MTP joints were submitted to 2 motion frequencies of 5 and 10 cycles/min of flexion and extension, simulating the condition of lower and higher (double) rates of passive motion. These frequencies were applied and pressure profiles generated with initial normal intra-articular pressure (-5 mmHg) and subsequently 30 mmHg intra-articular pressure obtained by injection of previously harvested synovial fluid.The 4 trials performed were 1) normal IAP; 5 cyles/min; 2) normal IAP; 10 cycles/min; 3) IAP at 30 mmHg; 5 cycles/min and 4) IAP at 30 mmHg; 10 cycles/min. The range of joint motion applied (mean +/- s.e.) was 67.6 +/- 1.61 degrees with an excursion from 12.2 +/- 1.2 degrees in extension to 56.2 +/- 2.6 degrees in flexion, Mean pressure recorded in mmHg for the first and last min of each trial, respectively, were 1) -5.7 +/- 0.9 and -6.3 +/- 1.1; 2) -5.3 +/- 1.1 and -6.2 +/- 1.1; 3) 58.8 +/- 8.0 and 42.3 +/- 7.2; 4) 56.6 +/- 3.7 and 40.3 +/- 4.6. Statistical analyses showed a trend for difference between the values for the first and last minute in trial 3 (0.05>P<0.1) with P = 0.1 and significant difference (P = 0.02) between the mean IAP of the first and last min in trial 4. The loss of intra-articular pressure associated with time and motion was 10.5, 16.9, 28.1 and 28.9% for trials 1-4, respectively. As initial intraarticular pressure and motion increased, the percent loss of intra-articular pressure increased.The angle of lowest pressure was 12.2 +/- 1.2 (mean +/- s.e.) in extension in trials 1 and 2, In trials 3 and 4, the lowest pressures were obtained in flexion with the joints at 18.5 +/- 2.0 degrees (mean +/- s.e.). This demonstrated that the joint angle of least pressure changed as the initial intra-articular pressure changed and there would not be a single angle of least pressure for a given joint.The volume of synovial fluid recovered from the MTP joints in trial 3 compared to 4 (trials in which fluid was injected to attain IAP of 30 mmHg) was not significantly different, supporting a soft tissue compliance change as a cause for the significant loss of intra-articular pressure during the 15 min of trial 4.The pressure profiles generated correlate well with in vivo values and demonstrated consistent pressure profiles. Our conclusions are summarised as follows:1. Clinically normal equine MTP joints which were frozen and then later thawed were found to have mostly negative baseline intra-articular pressures, as would be expected in living subjects,2. Alternate pressure profiles of the dorsal and plantar pouch at baseline intra-articular pressure document the presence of pressure forces that would support 'back and forth' fluid movement between joint compartments. This should result in movement of joint fluid during motion, assisting in lubrication and nutrition of articular cartilage,3. If joint pressure was initially greater than normal (30 mmHg), as occurs in diseased equine MTP joints, joint motion further increased joint capsule relaxation (compliance) and, therefore, reduced intra-articular pressure.4. Peak intra-articular pressures reached extremely high values (often >100 mmHg) in flexion when initial pressure was 30 mmHg. Joint effusion pressures recorded for clinical MCP joints are frequently 30 mmHg. These IAP values are expected to produce intermittent synovial ischaemia in clinical cases during joint flexion.5, Additional in vivo studies are necessary to confirm our conclusions from this study and to identify the contributions of fluid absorption and the presence of ischaemia in a vascularised joint.


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The D allozyme of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) displays enzymatic properties at variance with those of the common PLAP allozymes. We have deduced the amino acid sequence of the PLAP D allele by PCR cloning of its gene, ALPP Two coding substitutions were found in comparison With the cDNA of the common PLAP F allele, i.e., 692C>G and 1352A>G, which translate into a P209R and E429G substitution. A single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) assay was developed using PCR primers that enable the amplification of a 1.9 kb PLAP fragment. Extension primers were then used on this PCR fragment to detect the 692C>G and 1352A>G substitution. The SNuPE assay on these two nucleotide substitutions enabled us to distinguish the PLAP F and D alleles from the PLAP S/I alleles. Functional studies on the D allozyme were made possible by constructing and expressing a PLAP D cDNA, i.e., [Arg209, Gly429] PLAP, into wildtype Chinese hamster ovary cells. We determined the k(cat) and K-m, of the PLAP S, F. and D allozymes using the non,physiological substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate at an optimal pH (9.8) as well as two physiological substrates, i.e., pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and inorganic pyrophosphate at physiological pH (7.5). We found that the biochemical properties of the D allozyme of PLAP are significantly different from those of the common PLAP allozymes. These biochemical findings suggest that a suboptimal enzymatic function by the PLAP D allozyme may be the basis for the apparent negative selective pressure of the PLAP D allele. The development of the SNuPE assay will enable us to test the hypothesis that the PLAP D allele is subjected to intrauterine selection by examining genomic DNA from statistically informative population samples. Hum Mutat 19:258-267, 2002. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The effect of dialysable leukocyte extracts (DLE) obtained from hamsters immunized with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (immune DLE) and from non-immunized hamsters (non-immune DLE) was studied in hamsters inoculated with P. brasiliensis by the intratesticular route. Treatment with immune or non-immune DLE was started during the third week of infection and was repeated at 7, 11, 15 and 19 weeks. A group of untreated infected animals was used as control. Animals were submitted to the delayed hypersensitivity skin test to P. brasiliensis antigen (PbAg) in vivo and assayed in vitro by the macrophage migration inhibition test in the presence of Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and PbAg and by immunodiffusion for specific antibody. The animals were sacrificed at 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. The morphology and extension of the lesions were studied at the inoculation site, and in lymph nodes, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. In contrast to the controls, animals treated with both DLEs maintained a positive cell-mediated immune response throughout the experiment and developed less extensive infection with a significantly lower number of fungi in the lesions. The results suggest that immune and non-immune DLE preparations modified the evolution of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis with equal efficiency. This similarity may be explained by the immunoregulatory activities of both extracts.


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In this paper we present an extension to the nonplanar case of the asymmetric expansion of the averaged resonant disturbing function of Ferraz-Mello & Sato (1989, A&A 225, 541-547). Comparions with the exact averaged disturbing function are also presented. The expansion gives a good approximation of the exact function in a wide region around the center of expansion.


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The South Orkney Islands are the exposed part of a continental fragment on the southern limb of the Scotia are. The islands are to a large extent composed of metapelites and metagreywackes of probable Triassic sedimentary age. Deformation related to an accretionary wedge setting, with associated metamorphism from anchizone to the greenschist facies, are of Jurassic age (176-200 Ma). on Powell Island, in the centre of the archipelago, five phases of deformation are recognized. The first three, associated with the main metamorphism, are tentatively correlated with early Jurassic subduction along the Pacific margin of Gondwana. D-4 is a phase of middle to late Jurassic crustal extension associated with uplift. This extension phase may be related to opening of the Rocas Verdes basin in southern Chile, associated with the breakup of Gondwanaland. Upper Jurassic conglomerates cover the metamorphic rocks unconformably. D-5 is a phase of brittle extensional faulting probably associated with Cenozoic opening of the Powell basin west of the archipelago, and with development of the Scotia are.


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Prosthodontics should be one of the means of establishing conditions for the maintenance of periodontal health. The forces applied to the abutment teeth and their effects are very important considerations in the design and construction of the removable partial dentures. This 6-month follow-up clinical study evaluated the degree of mobility of abutment teeth of distal extension and tooth supported removable partial dentures by using Periotest. Two types of clasp design were selected for evaluation. In cases with unilateral and bilateral distal-extension, a clasp design including a T clasp of Roach retentive arm, a rigid reciprocal arm and a mesial rest were used. For the abutments of tooth-supported removable partial dentures, a second clasp design with a cast circumferential buccal retentive arm, a rigid reciprocal clasp arm and a rest adjacent to the edentulous ridges was selected. A total of 68 abutment teeth was analysed. Periotest values were made at the time of denture placement (control) and at 1, 3 and 6 months after the denture placement. The statistical analysis was performed using Friedman test. All analysis was performed at a 0.05 level of significance. The results revelled that no significant changes in tooth mobility were observed during the 6-months follow-up (P > 0.05). In conclusion, our findings suggest that adequate oral hygiene instructions, careful prosthetic treatment planning and regular recall appointments play an important role in preventing changes in abutment tooth mobility caused by removable partial denture placement.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In 21 normal adult male subjects, the muscular activity of the levator scapulae and rhomboideus major muscles was studied electromyographically during the movements of the shoulder and arm. Two single coaxial needle electrodes were used for registering the action potentials. Concerning shoulder movement, it was shown that the levator scapulae was active in elevation and rhomboideus major was active in retraction. Both muscles were inactive during protrusion, in most events. Concerning free movements of the arm, both muscles were active in abduction, elevation, adduction, flexion and circumduction, but inactive in extension. During the same movements, performed with a load, we observed greater intensity in the activity of these muscles in comparison to their activity during free movements.


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The authors studied the trapezius (middle portion) and rhomboideus major muscles in movements of flexion, extension, inclination and rotation of the trunk. The electromyographic records demonstrate that such muscles show activity only at the ending of flexion, being inactive in the other movements.


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The authors studied the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles in movements of flexion, extension, inclination and rotation of the head. The electromyographic records demonstrated that referred muscles are inactive in these different movements.


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The participation of the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles in free movements of abduction, adduction, flexion, extension and hyperextension of the arm was studied electromyographically. These muscles were active and synergic in all analysed movements, both acting with intensity that ranged from moderate to very marked.


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The electromyographic study of the trapezius (pars superior) and levator scapulae mm. in the head movements was carried out in 30 young, adult male volunteers of both sexes and with no antecedent muscular or articular problems. The analysis was carried out with a two-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and with single coaxial needle electrodes. Inactivity of the trapezius (pars superior) and levator scapulae mm. was noticed in all cases, in flexion and extension movements, whereas in homolateral and heterolateral rotation movements, these muscles showed to be inactive in most cases.


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We give a multidimensional extension of a one-dimensional integral inequality due to F. Carlson. The extension presented here involves Lp spaces with mixed norms in a very natural way. © 1984.