157 resultados para Evapotranspiration.
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate four reference methods to estimate evapotranspiration (Makkink, Hargreaves, Class A pan and Radiation), compared tb Penman-Monteith method, that is considered standard by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Errors due to variable measurements in the reference evapotranspiration estimate were taken into consideration. The research was developed in an experimental area of the Department of Rural Engieering of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State University. An automated weather station was used and it was equipped with sensors to measure global and net radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The aftermath showed a better adjustment to Hargreaves. Makkink, Class A pan and Radiation methods are different from Penman-Monteith, therefore, they cannot be compared. To evaluate methods to estimate evapotranspiration and avoid possible evaluation errors, ETo estimate errors must be considered.
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare measurements and estimates from Davis and Campbell Scientific Instruments in two automatic weather stations. Integrity of meteorological data for estimates of evapotranspiration of reference crop (ETo) from both stations was also evaluated. The following meteorological data were evaluated: air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, precipitation, net radiation and global solar radiation. The Penman-Monteith reference method to estimate ETo was evaluated daily. The weather stations were set up in an experimental area of the Rural Engineering Department-FACV/ UNESP, in Jaboticabal, State of Sao Paulo. Data were collected daily and statistical analysis was performed using linear regression analysis. The integrity of meteorological data to estimate ETo was evaluated. The results of the study in the stations using linear regression analysis showed that daily estimates for ETo had acceptable differences. The technique which evaluates the integrity of meteorological data revealed that data of relative humidity from both stations and of precipitation using Campbell Instruments were not good.
The inadequate land use in the low course of the river Acaraú is speeding up processes of erosion in some degrees. This process is accented in the areas where caatinga was removed for implantation of pastures and agriculture. Concomitantly, the plain of flooding of the river Acaraú an accumulation of sand with the carry of these sediments, resulting in the widening of the fluvial plain and reduction of the shape water, with increase of the evapotranspiration and consequence salinization, proceeding from the local substratum. This paper aimed at the crossing of diverse space information (geomorfology, soil, declivity, geology and land use) in environment SIG, for determination of the susceptible areas to the erosion and an accumulation of sand in the low course of the Acaraú river, north of the State of the Ceará, Brazil. The results allow to evaluate the application of this tool in the planning and management of the environment, from the crossing of the type of use with the used environment and the consequent impact to the ecosystem.
Climatic classification defines the geographical limits of different climate types all over the world, and it is considered essential to study similar areas. This work updates the climatic classification of the municipal districts of Botucatu and of São Manuel, State of Sao Paulo, where the experimental farms of the Schools of Agronomical Sciences - UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, State of São Paulo, are located. Koppen's and Thornthwaite's methods were used for the air temperature and precipitation data, in a 36-year period (from 1971 to 2006). For both municipal districts of Botucatu and São Manuel, the climate was characterized as being Cfa, hot climate with rains in the summer and drought in the winter, and the average temperature in the hottest month is above 22 °C. According to Thornthwaite's classification, there was a small difference due to the humidity index, characterized as B2rB′3a′ (humid climate with small hydro deficiency - April, July and August, with annual potential evapotranspiration of 945.15 mm and concentration of the potential evapotranspiration in the summer of 33%) in the district of Botucatu, and as B1rB′3a′ (humid climate with small hidric deficiency - April, July and August, with annual potential evapotranspiration of 994.21 mm and concentration of the potential evapotranspiration in the summer of 33%)in the district of São Manuel.
In the experimental area of the Department of Environmental Sciences (21.85° S; 48.43° W; 786 m), in the School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, an experiment was carried out using peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), cv. IAC-TATU-ST, to quantify the crop daily water requirements. During the peanut crop cycle, the environmental variables, such as rainfall, air temperature, air relative humidity, soil matric potential, soil heat flux and radiation balance, have been registered continually. These measurements were used to calculate the daily crop evapotranspiration, by the Bowen ratio method. The water replacement required by the peanut crop was done the dripping irrigation system, oriented by a dynamic agrometeorological model that computes the entrance and exit of water in the soil. During the peanut crop cycle, 9.0 mm of water was used from sowing to emergence; 67.0 mm of water, in the growth stage; 166.0 mm, in the flowering stage; 124.0 mm in the final stage and 46.0 mm from physiological maturity to harvest. Oot of 412.0 mm of the total consumption, 246.0 mm of water was supplied by irrigation and 166.0 mm by the rain. The grain yield was 3.15 t ha-1 for 15% of humidity, and the water use efficiency was 0.764 kg m-3.
The scope of this experiment is to study the influence of soil water potential on lettuce productivity, particularly in relation to deficit and excess of water. Four lettuce cultivars (Americana, Roxa, Crespa and Mimosa), four minimum soil water potential (-0,001, -0,005, -0,012 and 0,022 MPa) and three replicates in experimental randomized design. The results allowed concluding that the -0,012 MPa has the tendency to produce the highest green mass among her soil water potential applied. The Mimosa showed the tendency to produce the highest evapotranspiration among the cultivars. The cultivars Americana e -0,05 MPa was the best combination (148,33g) the worst was the Roxa and -0,022 MPa minimum soil water potential.
The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.
Este artigo mostra a dinâmica da água após ser aplicada sobre a superfície de um solo cultivado com alface, num sistema fechado de um ambiente protegido. A aplicação de água se deu por meio de um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, com o CUD ( Coeficiente de Uniformidade de Distribuição ) igual a 97,06 %, o que garantiu uma ótima uniformidade de distribuição, desconsiderando como possíveis causas das variações de umidade do solo, a aplicação de lâminas variadas. Fazendo uso de técnicas de geoestatística, interpolando sessenta pontos amostrais de evaporação, umidade do solo e produtividade da alface, com as mesmas sessenta coordenadas para os três atributos, verificou-se que a umidade do solo, mesmo momentos após a irrigação, não permanece uniforme ao longo do sistema de irrigação, constatando-se que a evaporação local exerce influência de forma predominante sobre a dinâmica da água na superfície do solo. Concluiu-se que as regiões no interior da estufa de maiores evaporações, foram as de maiores variações de umidade do solo e na produção de massa verde da alface.
O manejo de irrigação pode influenciar o comportamento ecofisiológico e a produção da videira. O objetivo desse trabalho, conduzido em 2010 em Petrolina – PE, no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes estratégias de manejo de irrigação no potencial de água na folha e em aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das uvas do primeiro ciclo de produção da videira cv. Syrah/Paulsen 1103. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi gotejamento e a lâmina de água foi estimada com base na evapotranspiração da cultura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em 4 repetições e com 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena, realizada durante todo o ciclo de produção; a irrigação com déficit, onde a aplicação de água foi interrompida na fase fenológica de cacho fechado; e a irrigação com déficit controlado, onde a irrigação, também interrompida na fase de cacho fechado, foi eventualmente realizada após a interrupção, de acordo com o monitoramento da água no solo. A imposição de déficit hídrico às plantas favoreceu uma maior concentração de açúcares e a redução da acidez nos frutos, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade das uvas para vinificação.
Buscando quantificar o efeito do parcelamento da fertirrigação no desenvolvimento da alface, esta pesquisa procurou verificar o número de parcelas de fertirrigação que apresentasse o melhor desempenho no crescimento da cultura. O experimento se deu em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, quatro tratamentos de fertirrigação e três lâminas de irrigação (L1, L2 e L3). Em um dos tratamentos de fertirrigação (F1), toda a adubação necessária se deu no início do plantio; no tratamento F2, a metade da adubação se deu no início do plantio e a outra metade no meio do ciclo da cultura, uma vez planejada a colheita em 40 dias após o plantio; o tratamento F3 foi fracionado: 1/3 da adubação no início do plantio, 1/3 depois de 13 dias e o ultimo terço após 26 dias do plantio; o tratamento F4 seguiu o mesmo raciocínio, fracionando a aplicação em 4 partes, de 10 em 10 dias. Logo, os quatro tratamentos de fertirrigação receberam a mesma dosagem de fertilizantes. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a aplicação F1 resultou no pior desempenho, com massa fresca de 135,06 gramas por planta, enquanto o melhor resultado se deu no tratamento F2, com massa fresca de 161,40 g. Em todas as lâminas, o parcelamento F3 resultou em sistema radicular mais desenvolvido. O tratamento L1 apresentou em média maior desenvolvimento das raízes, seguido do L2 e L3. O tratamento L1 apresentou menor condutividade elétrica no extrato da solução dos vasos, sendo o único tratamento que diferiu estatisticamente dos demais.
The irrigation scheduling is basically the adoption of pre-established criteria to define the time and the amount of water to be applied through irrigation systems. Hence, the objective of this work was to develop and test a spreadsheet of easy comprehension, handling and interpretation by growers, which uses as inputs the physical-hydric soil attributes and tensiometer readings to the determination of irrigation depth and time. The spreadsheet enables the grower to make reading and to know in a fast way how much water to apply into the soil. The test of the spreadsheet was performed in an irrigated orchard of grapevines in Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Soil water retention curves and tensiometer readings from the effective rooting depth were used as a basis for obtaining the soil water matric potential, soil water content, water availability, soil water content to be replaced, net and gross irrigation depth and irrigation time. The analysis of the use of the irrigation scheduling spreadsheet resulted in a shorter time for irrigation in relation to the irrigation scheduling based only on the crop evapotranspiration. The spreadsheet can be helpful to growers adjust irrigation depth when irrigation scheduling is based only on crop evapotranspiration.
The Irrigameter is aevapotranspiration measuring device used in irrigation management to optimize water. However, its use requires a prior adjustment to weather conditions where it will be used. The objective of this study was identify the corresponding height of water level inside the evaporimeterIrrigameter that estimate reference evapotranspiration in climate of the plateau of Vitoria da Conquista - BA, in different seasons. The experiment was a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. For each treatment was determined an average coefficient for the Irrigameter called K I, calculated as the ratio of estimated evapotranspiration in Irrigameter (ET I) and reference evapotranspiration (ET 0). The ET 0 was obtained by the Penman-Monteith - FAO 56. The results showed that the coefficients of Irrigameter increased exponentially with increasing water level inside the evaporimeter, and the equipment must be operated with the water level equal to 5.2 cm for better estimation of ET 0. The remaining heights observed in different seasons showed no significant difference when compared to annual average used as a reference in this study.
O consumo de águas salinas pelas plantas na maioria dos casos afetam o rendimento das culturas em suas diversas fases prejudicando desenvolvimento e produção. O trabalho avaliou o consumo hídrico da rúcula (Eruca sativa) em sistema hidropônico NFT com águas salinas. Foram analisados seis níveis crescentes de salinidade da água (CEa), quais sejam: 0,2; 1,2; 2,2; 3,2; 4,2 e 5,2 (dS m-1) utilizaram-se duas fontes de sais: águas salobras (AS) e NaCl. Foi determinado o volume evapotranspirado por planta (VETc) no sistema durante o cultivo. O consumo hídrico nos primeiros dias após transplantio foi de 250 mL dia-1 aproximadamente para ambas as testemunhas e decresceram com o aumento da salinidade, a eficiência de utilização da água foi reduzida revelando uma resposta linear decrescente em função da salinidade ocorrendo uma resposta negativa das plantas que apresentaram uma redução na quantidade de folhas de 3,34%.
In the Nilo Coelho irrigation scheme, Brazil, the natural vegetation has been replaced by irrigated agriculture, bringing importance for the quantification of the effects on the energy exchanges between the mixed vegetated surfaces and the lower atmosphere. Landsat satellite images and agro-meteorological stations from 1992 to 2011 were used together, for modelling these exchanges. Surface albedo (α0), NDVI and surface temperature (T0) were the basic remote sensing retrieving parameters necessary to calculate the latent heat flux (λE) and the surface resistance to evapotranspiration (rs) on a large scale. The daily net radiation (Rn) was obtained from α0, air temperature (Ta) and short-wave transmissivity (τsw) throughout the slob equation, allowing the quantification of the daily sensible heat flux (H) by residual in the energy balance equation. With a threshold value for rs, it was possible to separate the energy fluxes from crops and natural vegetation. The averaged fractions of Rn partitioned as H and λE, were in average 39 and 67%, respectively. It was observed an increase of the energy used for the evapotranspiration process inside irrigated areas from 51% in 1992 to 80% in 2011, with the ratio λE/Rn presenting an increase of 3 % per year. The tools and models applied in the current research, can subsidize the monitoring of the coupled climate and land use changes effects in irrigation perimeters, being valuable when aiming the sustainability of the irrigated agriculture in the future, avoiding conflicts among different water users. © 2012 SPIE.
The municipality of Petrolina, located in the semi-arid region of Brazil, is highlighted as an important agricultural growing region, however the irrigated areas have cleared natural vegetation inducing a loss of biodiversity. To analyze the contrast between these two ecosystems the large scale values of biomass production (BIO), evapotranspiration (ET) and water productivity (WP) were quantified. Monteithś equation was applied for estimating the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), while the new SAFER (Simple Algorithm For Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm was used to retrieve ET. The water productivity (WP) was analysed by the ratio of BIO by ET at monthly time scale with four bands of MODIS satellite images together with agrometeorological data for the year of 2011. The period with the highest water productivity values were from March to April in the rainy period for both irrigated and not irrigated conditions. However the largest ET rates were in November for irrigated crops and April for natural vegetation. More uniformity of the vegetation and water variables occurs in natural vegetation, evidenced by the lower values of standard deviation when comparing to irrigated crops, due to the different crop stages, cultural and irrigation managements. The models applied with MODIS satellite images on a large scale are considered to be suitable for water productivity assessments and for quantifying the effects of increasing irrigated areas over natural vegetation on regional water consumption in situations of quick changing land use pattern. © 2012 SPIE.