61 resultados para Escarificador


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research has been conducted to identify the best nitrogen (N) rate for maize in most diverse types of soil management. However, there is no agreement on the results, once the dynamic of N is influenced by soil management and cover crops. This study evaluated dry mass production and nutrient uptake by cover crops, agronomic parameters and grain yield of maize in response to soil management and N rates. Field trials were carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20º 20' S and 51º 24' W, 340 m asl). Thirty-six treatments were established with four replications, in a randomized blocks design, with the combination of cover crops (millet, Crotalaria juncea and millet + Crotalaria juncea), soil management systems (tillage with chisel plow + lightweight disking, heavy disking + lightweight disking, and no-tillage) and topdressing N rates (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 - urea as source). Maize hybrid DKB 350 YG® was used and N applied at stage V5 (fifth expanded leaf). A linear increase with the increase of N rates was observed for chlorophyll leaf index, leaf N content, ear length and diameter, and grain weight and yield. Previously grown sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp grown, associated with 120 kg ha-1 N for maize, induced a higher grain yield after two growing seasons.


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Research has investigated the best nitrogen rate for maize under the most diverse types of soil management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cover crops, soil management and topdressed N rates on the dry matter production, nutritional status, plant lodging, plant height and first-ear insertion of maize. Field experiments were carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20º 20' S and 51º 24' W, at 340 m asl). Thirty-six treatments were established with four replications, in a randomized blocks design, to test combinations of cover crops (millet, Crotalaria juncea and millet + Crotalaria juncea), soil management (tillage with chisel plow + lightweight disking, heavy disking + lightweight disking, and no-tillage system) and N rates (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 - urea as source). The maize hybrid DKB 350 YG® was used and topdressing N applied at stage V5 (fifth expanded leaf). Previously grown sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp resulted in a higher shoot dry matter, P leaf content and total N, P and K uptake. In the no-tillage system, the initial and final population and shoot dry were highest, and first-ear insertion and plant height lower. The application of 120 kg ha-1 topdressed N increased the P leaf content, N and P in the entire plant, shoot dry matter, total N, P and K uptake, plant height, and the first-ear insertion of maize.


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O trabalho foi conduzido em área de expansão de cana-de-açúcar da Usina Vale do Paraná, no município de Suzanápolis - SP, na região do noroeste paulista. Foi utilizada a variedade de cana RB92-5345, espaçamento de 1,5 m entre linhas, em ARGISSOLO VERMELHO. O trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade em cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca e alguns atributos químicos de solo, em função dos métodos de preparo do solo e aplicação ou não de gesso. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos, fatorial 3x2, e seis repetições. Os tratamentos principais foram preparos de solo com três equipamentos: arado de aivecas, escarificador e grade pesada, e dois tratamentos secundários com aplicação de 1 t ha-1 de gesso e sem gesso. Após cada colheita da cana, o solo foi caracterizado quanto aos indicadores de fertilidade nas camadas de 0,0-0,15; 0,15-0,30 e 0,30-0,45 m. As diferenças dos atributos químicos do solo, devido aos métodos de preparo ocorridas na cana-planta, não perduraram até a colheita da 1ª cana-soca e também não influenciaram na produtividade da cultura. A gessagem proporcionou maiores valores de ATR e produtividade de TCH, para cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca, respectivamente, confirmando a hipótese inicial.


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Technologies that increase crop yields are possible when providing profitability to the producer. The objective of this study was to evaluate production costs and profitability of maize in production systems in Cerrado. The study was conducted in Selviria (Mato Grosso do Sul State), Brazil, in the years 2009/10 and 2010/11. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks with four replications in factorial and mixed with tracks. We established 36 treatments, three green manures (Pennisetum glaucum, Crotalaria juncea and intercropping Pennisetum glaucum + Crotalaria juncea), three soil management practices (no-tillage system, "heavy disking" + "levelling disking" and "chisel plow" + "levelling disking") and four doses of N (0, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha(-1)). For economic analysis were estimated operational cost, the gross revenue obtained by the product of the productivity of the treatments and the value of corn (R$ 0,417 kg or R$ 25,00 sc(-1)) and the ratio revenue / cost of treatment. Whereas higher values (revenue/cost > 1) and lower (revenue/cost ratio < 1) as a parameter in the analysis of profitability, it can be concluded that corn under no-tillage had the highest profitability in succession to Pennisetum glaucum growing profitability with increasing N rates, in succession to Crotalaria juncea and in the absence of nitrogen application on the coverage achieved higher profitability compared to other treatments and in succession to the consortium Pennisetum glaucum + Crotalaria juncea doses of N was between 50 and 55 kg ha(-1) offer greater profitability to the cultivation of corn.


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The sunflower oleaginous is the fourth of recognized importance in the oil production and few studies related to agricultural operations adopted for this crop. The objective of the present work was to study the performance of agricultural machines in the conventional tillage and reduced in the plantation of the sunflower crop. The experiment was installed at the Experimental Farm of Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of UNESP, located in Botucatu-SP. It consisted of two types of tillage (conventional tillage-CC and reduced tillage-CR), with experimental design in randomized blocks and four replications. The treatment CC promoted less coverage of the soil surface protected with waste when compared to CR treatment. The chisel plow was the tillage of equipment that required the tractor higher average traction force, average power traction and slippage, consequently, promoted lower average speed of work. The theoretical field capacity and area of land involved in the treatment CR were superior when compared to treatment CC, thereby lower consumption of fuel per hour worked was lower in CR treatment.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of preparation: intermediate grade, minimum tillage and no-till on the agronomic characteristics and energy demand of transgenic soybean cultivars and non-GMO soybeans. Soil preparation aims at improving physical, chemical and biological conditions, aiming at good emergence and plant development. The different types of tillage may interfere with the agronomic characteristics and productivity of plants, and in energy use which can cause variation in production costs. Genetically modified plants can be one of the alternatives for reduction of production costs in crops by reducing pesticide applications, enabling higher productivity with less environmental impact. The test was conducted in 2010/2011 at the agricultural Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences – UNESP, located in the city of Botucatu, SP in an area using no-till systems for the past 12 years. The experiment was carried out in a 3 x 2 factorial, randomized treatments were comprised of three soil preparation systems, minimum cultivation, intermediate grade preparation and no-till, with two cultivars of soybeans: MGBR-46 Conquest (conventional), Valuable RR (Transgenic). The data obtained was submitted to variance analysis using Tukey test at a 5% probability. With the results analyzed it might be observed that there was no significant difference between treatments, in the variables, the percentage of soil cover, final soybean plant population, grain yield and plant height. The results obtained show that the no-till system resulted in higher productivity than conventional tillage and minimum cultivation. The higher specific energy use per area was observed in minimum cultivation with a chisel plough, when compared to the preparation across the grid. The greatest fuel consumption was to treat minimum cultivation with chisel plough. The highest values were found in the skating system of minimum cultivation, being greater in conventional tillage system. It is more satisfactory for the producer to sow transgenic soy using a no-till system, because productivity retrieved from that system compensates for fuel expenditure.