Introduction: The use of psychoactive substances by the student population has been the object of various studies in Brazil. Objective: To determine the prevalence of substance use among students. Methods: Quantitative study with a closed questionnaire based on standardized assessment instruments was developed. It consists of questions related to types of psychoactive substance use, abuse, frequency and duration of use, self-criticism regarding the use, consequences of use in relation to health, and misdemeanors committed under the influence of psychoactive substances. The sample included the participation of 268 students. A total of 183 (68.3%) questionnaires were analyzed, and only those with positive result for substance abuse at some point in life, the remainder, 85 (31%) questionnaires, had negative responses to psychoactive substances. Results: Students’ responses to the two years surveyed indicated that the first psychoactive substance used was alcohol (77.9%), followed by tobacco use (10.9%), and marijuana (7.6%). Of the students surveyed, 145 (79.2%) answered that still make use of psychoactive substances, and the current frequency of use varies from one or more times per week. When asked about the possibility of being or becoming drug addicts, 169 (92.3%) responded that they are not or will not become dependent. Conclusion: The results indicate the high rate of substance use among college students surveyed, and point to their contradiction to consider such psychoactive substances harmful to their health.
Introduction: We sought to evaluate the risk factors that may increase the propensity to use licit and illicit drugs among students at a public university. Methods: The project involved students (n = 268) enrolled in the first and fourth years of courses in the areas of the social and biological sciences at a public university. Data collection was conducted by means of self-administered, semistructured questionnaires, based on such standardized assessment instruments as Audit, Assist, Cage and Duse. Collected data were analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentages and evaluating the data in terms of categories of risk, classifying them by age, gender, religion, schooling, use (before or after entering university) and contexts of use. By means of this survey the researchers were able to correlate the use of drugs to the risk factors that might increase the students’ propensity to use these substances. Results: The results revealed a high proportion of current drug-using students, but showed no significant differences between the first and fourth year students as regards contexts of use. However, 67% of students regarded the university environment as encouraging the use of drugs. Students pointed to such major risk factors as friends’ and fellow-students’ influence, university parties, excessive curiosity and desire to experiment. Conclusion: Due to the high rate of drug use among university students, by the determination of the risk factors related to the university environment and also knowing that the process of addiction is one of growing chemical dependence, the importance of the development and implementation of public health policies at all levels, especially in terms of approaches and specific interventions addressing this population, should be noted.
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta de ampliação da moradia estudantil da UNESP do campus de São José do Rio Preto, o IBILCE - Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas. Para tanto, foram realizados levantamentos acerca da questão habitacional para os estudantes no país, da realidade dos sistemas de assistência aos estudantes universitários nas escolas de nível superior, em principal do IBILCE, e também levantamentos de outras moradias estudantis, nacionais e internacionais, buscando referências. Deste modo, o projeto visa atender as necessidades específicas dos usuários em questão apresentando unidades habitacionais que proporcionem maior conforto além de contemplar áreas para convívio, lazer e prática de esportes. Pretende-se com esse projeto propiciar novas vagas para o campus de São José do Rio Preto, beneficiando mais universitários com uma habitação que promova condições adequadas para o estudo e uma infra-estrutura que contemple tanto áreas coletivas que beneficiem a socialização e o convívio entre os moradores como também locais com privacidade para o descanso e estudo deles
Dormitories are places offered by Brazilian public Universities to undergraduate students evaluated as socio-economically less favored aiming to guarantee the housing of the student in the locality they take a given undergraduate course, once housing is one the points which compose the tripod that supports the concept of student permanence, along with conditions of transportations and food. These places, however, present problems in their management, specially the ones related to social and environmental questions, caused by wrong attitudes and pre-concepts of their own residents, other students and the communities who live around them. So, this project aims to identify and analyze the socio-environmental conditions of a students’ dormitory located in Botucatu/SP which is supported by the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp) as well as the community that surrounds it. The data collecting is based on an exploratory research characterized for interviews that used semi-structured questionnaires and for the creation of a photography record of the region. The obtained data corroborated the tendency of an increasing gap between the Brazilian public universities and the society as well as to the disengagement of them and their students. This diagnosis has permitted to build proposals of educational interventions based on Permaculture, Agroecology and Critical Environmental Education to the improvement of the existing relationships among the students who live at the dormitory and among them and the local community. These interventions may be used as subsidies to the development of future research and extension projects to the local community
The present work aims to expand and contribute to the understanding of issues related to social demands urgent today as regards of teachers’ formation of kindergarten and initial series. Through a survey of the profile of students in four years (2007-2010) of Pedagogy, UNESP, Bauru, I propose to trace discussions about the student profile that seeks to train teacher in higher education. This process will reveal the profile of the student who is preparing to enter the teaching profession and who in later years will work in public and private spheres of education as a teacher, coordinator and manager in the kindergarten and elementary education. For this research will develop both qualitative approach in that it analyzes the profile to the light of the literature and studied quantitatively the extent that is based on the results
Este projeto tem como proposta principal a produção de um website que consolide informações, pesquisas, artigos, teses, notícias e produções audiovisuais que abordem a temática da Televisão Digital. A concepção deve ser construir com as bases de um modelo transdisciplinar de informações, já que pretende condensar e reunir inúmeras áreas correlatas à temática citada. O website LabTVD! – www.labtvd.com.br, é voltado a um público de estratos sociais e faixa etária flexíveis, constituído por estudantes universitários, pesquisadores, profissionais da área, professores ou qualquer interessado na evolução do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre - SBTVD-T
Research articles in national and international journals provide abstracts usually written in English. This paper discusses the importance of working with this sub-genre with future researchers and translators during their university years. Two concepts of genre are presented (SWALES, 1990; BATHIA, 1993), as well as an approach on how to introduce academic genre to undergraduate students. After applying this approach to a mini-course about academic writing, we have noted that translation students have been more attentive to the way they deal with texts based on communicative purposes, tasks, target readers and language.
Sexual violence against girls under the age of eighteen, in the form of sexual abuse has been identified as an endemic phenomenon by public officials in the cities of São Paulo. Among t agents and tutelary councilors, which reveal the size of their work linked to the Social Assistance System, the Health System and the Public Security System, dialoguing with their local agents. However, prevent sexual abuse and exploitation constitutes a greater challenge, consciously or unconsciously. This paper opens a discussion on the urgency of designing social networks to prevent sexual violence, with participation of researchers and university students. It is based on surveys of public officials in the years 2011 to 2013 in five cities of São Paulo, with over 200 thousand inhabitants.
This article aims to approach, under a critical perspective, images about German language and their speakers, presented by Brazilian university students interested in or engaged in learning this language in the first stage of studies. The purpose is to deal with evidences of the occurrence of stereotypical images and to discuss their implications in/for the teaching-learning process, aiming with this study to show the importance of considering and establishing as a relevant goal in the teaching of German, the necessity of a destrangement route or period, through a methodological approach aimed at helping the students in the process of developing intercultural competence. Such discussions are founded in theoretical conceptions related to the notions of other and self, intercultural competence, intercultural approach, as well as in results obtained through an investigation conducted within the field of foreign language (German) learning.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns entre estudantes de medicina e respectivos fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 551 universitários de um curso de medicina de Botucatu, SP. Utilizou-se questionário auto-aplicável investigando aspectos sócio demográficos, relacionados ao curso e o Self Reporting Questionnaire. Para análise dos dados empregaram-se os testes de qui-quadrado e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Participaram 82,6% dos alunos matriculados no curso, predominando mulheres (61%), jovens (60% 20-23 anos), procedentes de outros municípios (99%). A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns foi de 44,7% associando-se independentemente a: dificuldade para fazer amigos (RC=2,0), avaliação ruim sobre desempenho escolar (RC=1,7), pensar em abandonar o curso (RC=5,0), não receber o apoio emocional de que necessita (RC=4,6). Embora na primeira análise a prevalência tenha se mostrado associada ao ano do curso, esta associação não se manteve na análise multivariada. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns mostrou-se elevada entre os estudantes de medicina, associando-se a variáveis relacionadas à rede de apoio. As experiências emocionalmente tensas como o contato com pacientes graves, formação de grupos, entre outras, vividas nos últimos anos do curso, são provavelmente potentes estressores, especialmente para sujeitos com uma rede de apoio considerada deficiente. Sugere-se que instituições formadoras estejam atentas a esse fato, estabelecendo intervenções voltadas ao acolhimento e ao cuidado com o sofrimento dos estudantes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study evaluates seven higher learning practices performed on a subject of a Speech-language pathology course at São Paulo State. It was done with 31 sophomore students of a public university, with a 21-26 age range. Teaching practices were planned according to the Teaching plan of the Professor responsible for the subject, the recommendations of the National Curricular Directions of the Speech-language pathology undergraduate course and the theory assumptions of Behavior Analysis. The results showed that 394 teaching practices evaluations were performed by the students, 259 of them (66%) favorably and 135 (33%) unfavorably. The statement of the experience was the teaching practice better evaluated (70%) different from the interview (62%). This paper showed the potentialities and fragilities of each teaching practice performed and may contribute to Speech-language pathology teachers and other areas of teaching on the conception of the teaching plan.