166 resultados para Diagnosis related groups


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Statement of problem. To select the width of denture teeth, the distance between the marks indicating the location of the canines is usually measured around the curvature of the wax occlusal rim; however, most manufacturers' mold charts provide the measurements of the artificial 6 anterior teeth as if they were on a straight line.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be related to the combined width (straight measurement) of the 6 anterior teeth in 4 ethnic groups.Material and methods. Maxillary stone casts were obtained for 160 dentate subjects of 4 ethnic groups (40 whites, 40 blacks, 40 multiracial - descendants of white and black parents, and 40 Asians). The width of each maxillary anterior tooth was measured on the casts with sliding calipers. The combined width of the 6 anterior teeth (CW) corresponded to the sum of the width of each anterior tooth. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the canines (CD) was measured by using dental tape and sliding calipers. The Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to evaluate the relationship between CD and CW in each ethnic group (alpha=.05).Results. The mean CD and CW values (in mm) obtained were: whites (CD=52.12; CW=45.65); blacks (CD=56.10; CW=48.13); multiracial (CD=53.58; CW=46.54); and Asians (CD=53.29; CW=46.60). Significant (P<.001) correlations between CD and CW measurements were observed for all ethnic groups studied (whites, r=0.957; blacks, r=0.803; multiracial, r=0.917; and Asians, r=0.881). The following linear regression equations were obtained: whites [CD=1.1(CW)+0.3]; blacks [CD=0.95(CW)+9.3]; multiracial [CD=1.2(CW)-1.1]; and Asians [CD=1.0(CW)+5].Conclusions. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be accurately related to the combined width of the 6 anterior teeth in the selection of denture teeth for the studied ethnic groups. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:400-404)


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Previous works from our laboratory have revealed that food restriction (FR) promotes discrete myocardial dysfunction in young rats. We examined the effects of FR on cardiac function, in vivo and in vitro, and ultrastructural changes in the heart of middle-aged rats. Twelve-month-old Wistar- Kyoto rats were fed a control (C) or restricted diet (daily intake reduced to 50% of the control group) for 90 days. Cardiac performance was studied by echocardiogram and in isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle by isometric contraction in basal condition, after calcium chloride (5.2 mM) and beta- adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol (10(-6) M). FR did not change left ventricular function, but increased time to peak tension, and decreased maximum rate of papillary muscle tension development. Inotropic maneuvers promoted similar effects in both groups. Ultrastructural alterations were seen in most FR rat muscle fibers and included, absence and/or disorganization of myofilaments and Z line, hyper-contracted myofibrils, polymorphic and swollen mitochondria with disorganized cristae, and a great quantity of collagen fibrils. In conclusion, cardiac muscle sensitivity to isoproterenol and elevation of extracellular calcium concentration is preserved in middle-aged FR rats. The intrinsic muscle performance depression might be related to morphological damage.


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Food restriction (FR) has been shown to promote myocardial dysfunction in rats. The aim of this study was to verify the participation of calcium and beta-adrenergic system on myocardial mechanical alteration in rats submitted to FR. Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricular papillar muscle from young Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) submitted to FR or to control diet. The groups subjected to FR were fed 50% less food than the control group for 90 days. Mechanical function was studied in isometric contraction at post-rest contraction of 30 seconds (PRC), calcium chloride concentration 5.20 mM, and beta-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol 10(-6) M. FR decreased the body weight, and left and right ventricular weight. In basal condition (1.25 MM of calcium) time to peak tension (TPT) and time from peak tension to 50% relaxation (RT50) were greater in the FR group. Muscle function was. The same in both PRC groups. TPT decrease in both high calcium groups, more in FR rats; RT50 dropped only in FR animals. TPT decreased in both Isoproterenol groups, more intensely in the FR group. This result suggests that food restriction impairs myocardial performance and these changes may be attributed to alterations in the intracellular calcium cycling and beta-adrenergic system. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Diet compounds may influence obesity-related cardiac oxidative stress and metabolic sifting. Carbohydrate-rich diet may be disadvantageous from fat-rich diet to cardiac tissue and glycemic index rather than lipid profile may predict the obesity-related cardiac effects.Materials and methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into three groups (n=8/group): (C) receiving standard chow (3.0 kcal/g); (CRD) receiving carbohydrate-rich diet (4.0 kcal/g), and (FRD) receiving fat-rich diet (4.0 kcal/g). Rats were sacrificed after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 60 days of dietary treatments. Lipid profile and oxidative stress parameters were determined in serum. Myocardial samples were used to determine oxidative stress, metabolic enzymes, glycogen and triacylglycerol.Results: FRD rats showed higher final body weight and body mass index than CRD and C. Serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein were higher in FRD than in CRD, while triacylglycerol and oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were higher in CRD than in FRD. CRD rats had the highest myocardial lipid hydroperoxide and diminished superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Myocardial glycogen was lower and triacylglycerol was higher in CRD than in C and FRD rats. Although FRD rats had depressed myocardial-reducing power, no significant changes were observed in myocardial energy metabolism. Myocardial beta-hydroxyacyl coenzyme-A dehydrogenase and citrate synthase, as well as the enhanced lactate debydrogenase/citrate synthase ratio indicated that fatty acid degradation was decreased in CRD rats. Glycemic index was positively correlated with obesity-related cardiac effects.Conclusions: Isoenergetic carbohydrate-rich and fat-rich diets induced different degree of obesity and differently affected lipid profile. Carbohydrate-rich diet was deleterious relative to fat-rich diet in the heart enhancing lipoperoxidation and shifting the metabolic pathway for energy production. Glycemic index rather than dyslipidemic profile may predict the obesity effects on cardiac tissue. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A talassemia alfa é uma anemia hereditária resultante da síntese deficiente de cadeias alfa, provocando um excesso relativo de cadeias beta, que vão formar tetrâmeros identificados como hemoglobina H (Hb H) no indivíduo adulto. Para direcionar o diagnóstico laboratorial desta anemia, a análise dos índices eritrocitários, a eletroforese em acetato de celulose em pH neutro e a pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H são essenciais. O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar o perfil hematológico, por meio dos índices eritrocitários, dos portadores de talassemia alfa das regiões Sudeste e Nordeste do Brasil. Foram analisadas 1.010 amostras de sangue periférico após consentimento informado. Os índices eritrocitários como contagem de glóbulos vermelhos (RBC), dosagem de hemoglobina (HGB), hematócrito (HCT), volume corpuscular médio (VCM), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) foram fornecidos por aparelhos automatizados com controle de qualidade interno e externo. Para o diagnóstico de talassemia alfa foram utilizados testes de triagem e complementares para talassemias, como eletroforese em pH neutro e pesquisa de corpos de inclusão de Hb H com coloração de azul cresil brilhante. Comparando-se os valores hematológicos observados nos dois grupos, notou-se que, em ambas as regiões, os índices com valores discrepantes foram os níveis de HGB e HCT, sendo a maior freqüência de variação observada entre as mulheres. Nos portadores do fenótipo alfa talassêmico da região Nordeste, todos os índices eritrocitários estavam abaixo dos valores de normalidade. Estes resultados evidenciam a necessidade de melhor avaliação do perfil hematológico de talassemia alfa em diferentes regiões, considerando-se os interferentes ambientais para um diagnóstico mais preciso.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this article was to describe the clinical and microscopic features of an intraosseous foreign-body granuloma in the mandible that developed after the traumatic implantation of metal fragments during a work-related accident. A 65-year-old male patient had a severe pain in the body of mandible. Clinical examination showed facial asymmetry and a scar, extending to the left mental region. Intraoral examination revealed a soft mass involving the left alveolar bone with normal appearance of the mucosa surface. Panoramic radiographs showed a radiolucent lesion along the mandible extending from the central incisive to the first molar. Computed tomography revealed an osteolytic mass in the same area. His medical history included a work-related accident twenty years prior to evaluation. During the biopsy an important amount of bright metal-like pieces surrounded by soft tissue were found. A microscopic examination showed a foreign body associated with an aggregation of multinucleated giant cells. The final diagnosis was a foreign body granuloma. Even though foreign-body granulomas in the mandible are rare lesions, dentists should be familiar with their features and include them in the differential diagnosis of tissue masses.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Infecções oportunistas do trato gastrointestinal constituem ameaça à população crescente de portadores de imunossupressão. O comprometimento do estômago por Cryptosporidium é incomum. Quando identificado no exame histopatológico da mucosa gástrica, é mandatória a investigação do estado imunológico do hospedeiro. São apresentados os dados clinicopatológicos e endoscópicos de uma paciente de 64 anos com gastrite erosiva associada à infecção por Cryptosporidium. O encontro deste agente oportunista no exame histopatológico da mucosa gástrica foi fundamental para esclarecer a doença de base da paciente, que era a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida.


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RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago tem impacto relevante no metabolismo protéico do hospedeiro, mas pouco se conhece sobre as implicações no metabolismo protéico sulfurado. Deste, destaca-se a taurina, composto participante de várias funções fisiológicas importantes como a manutenção do sistema de defesa celular e possível sobrevida do paciente. OBJETIVO: Estudar as variações plasmáticas da taurina e de seus precursores em pacientes com câncer de esôfago. MÉTODO: em estudo transversal foram triados 16 pacientes (43-73 anos) com câncer de esôfago e 20 voluntários (27-65 anos) controles sadios que preencheram os critérios clínicos e éticos da pesquisa. Para caracterização do estado geral de saúde efetuou-se avaliação antropométrica, hematimétrica (Hb, Ht, glóbulos brancos, linfócitos) e bioquímica (albumina, glicose, lipídios, aminotransferases). Adicionalmente, foram realizadas, no plasma, análises cromatográficas de taurina e seus precursores cisteína e homocisteína. Foi registrado o tempo de sobrevivência dos pacientes, a partir do diagnóstico histopatológico. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com câncer de esôfago foram predominantemente do sexo masculino, raça branca, classe socioeconômica baixa, tipo carcinoma espinocelular de localização no terço superior, em estádio IV, sobrevida de 7,8 ± 5,5 anos, referindo perda de peso em 16,4% e apresentando hipoalbuminemia em 50%, com massa muscular e adiposa semelhante ao controle. Os pacientes apresentaram valores estatisticamente menores do que os controles para Hb, Ht, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol e cisteína e maiores de AST, ALT, taurina e homocisteína. Dentre os pacientes houve correlação positiva da taurina tanto com a contagem total de linfócitos, como com a sobrevida dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os níveis reduzidos de cisteína e elevados de homocisteína, taurina e as associações positivas da taurina com os indicadores da imunocompetência celular e da mortalidade sugerem participação efetiva da taurina na sobrevida dos pacientes e, portanto, os cuidados nutricionais específicos com a sua via geradora (cisteína, metionina e vitaminas do complexo B).