64 resultados para Dario


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O principal objetivo do presente trabalho é registrar e compreender a trajetória do Projeto Comédia Popular Brasileira (CPB) e, consequentemente, da Fraternal Companhia de Arte e Malas-Artes por meio das personagens criadas durante 15 anos de pesquisa estética (1993-2008). São objetos de análise os projetos específicos desenvolvidos a cada fase do Projeto CPB, suas respectivas peças e espetáculos, concepções de personagens, o trabalho e formação dos atores e a relação estabelecida com o alvo principal de sua vida teatral: o público. Em sua primeira fase (1993-1997) - VER, a Fraternal cria personagens-tipo brasileiras, influenciada pelos comediógrafos Martins Pena, Artur Azevedo e Ariano Suassuna, retomando o diálogo com os tipos fixos da commedia dell´arte. Na segunda fase (1998-2001) - OUVIR, as personagens-tipo cedem o protagonismo às personagens inspiradas nas festas populares medievais, pautadas no estudo teórico de Mikhail Bakhtin. E, na terceira fase (2002-2008) - IMAGINAR, atores saltimbancos apresentam as personagens por meio da narração e da representação. Neste período, a Cia. aprofunda sua prática no jogo cênico estabelecido entre personagens, atores e narradores para a construção dramatúrgica e interpretativa de seus espetáculos, inspirada em Bertolt Brecht e Luigi Pirandello. A escolha de personagens como interlocutoras dos anseios e da história do povo brasileiro refletiu, desde o início, a específica visão de mundo e de cultura popular adotada pela Fraternal, referendada no ponto de vista contrário ao da classe dominante, o da classe dominada. Dario Fo (1999), Mikhail Bakhtin (1987), Walter Benjamin (1994) e Bertolt Brecht, pautados tanto no que concerne a uma apreensão da encenação e da interpretação cômica, quanto a seus posicionamentos críticos perante a atividade artística, foram essenciais à compreensão da trajetória da Cia.


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Organizado por João José Caluzi e Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro Zuliani, este livro traz uma série de estudos nos quais os autores procuram discutir o ensino da Química à luz da História da Ciência e das metodologias científicas consagradas pelas instituições de ensino brasileiras na disseminação dos conhecimentos sobre a matéria, sempre com um viés analítico e por vezes bastante crítico. A coletânea aborda desde uma proposta de integração da Filosofia da Química no currículo e na didática da matéria até a prevenção de acidentes na execução de experimentos de Química no ensino médio, passando por um balanço crítico sobre as obras de Química adotadas no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio e da utilização e avaliação dos objetos de aprendizagem por professores de Química nas salas de aula brasileiras. A obra também fala do ensino da Química do ponto de vista mais específico, como nos artigos que discutem os pressupostos históricos e filosóficos sobre o princípio da incerteza, a tentativa de uma leitura kuhniana do conceito de substância e o estudo do termo densidade como obstáculo verbal à compreensão dos conceitos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho descreve uma pequena parte da história do Processo Sol-Gel e sua implantação em nosso Departamento. É dedicado ao estudo do processo para a preparação de Xerogéis e Aerogéis monolíticos de Sílica, puros e dopados. O processo compreende a hidrólise ácida do Tetraethoxisilano estimulada por ultra-som e subseqüente policondensação, envelhecimento e secagem em condições normais (Xerogéis) e via extração hipercrítica do CO2, (Aerogéis). Também descreve de maneira sucinta, a química do processo Sol-Gel dos alcooxisilanos e os possíveis produtos, sua nomenclatura, algumas vantagens e desvantagens. Apresenta um método original que permite identificar os parâmetros que influenciam as reações de hidrólise dos alcooxisilanos e determinar as melhores condições experimentais para a obtenção de amostras monolíticas. Descreve também a técnica de preparação de aerogéis via extração hipercrítica do CO2 e caracterizações óticas e térmicas de várias amostras obtidas em nosso laboratório. O processo Sol-Gel, não é um método adequado para a produção de grandes quantidades de produtos de uso comum. Também não substitui os processos industriais convencionais, mas torna-se particularmente interessante para a preparação de materiais vítreos impossíveis de serem preparados por técnicas convencionais de fusão, como é o caso das matrizes de SiO2 dopadas com polímeros e corantes orgânicos.


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In Brazil, rates of urban solid waste generation increase proportionally more than the annual growing of the population. The government, from its federal authority to the municipal spheres, faces increasing challenges for Urban and Environmental management regarding to solid waste in general and, in particular, municipal solid waste. Financial problems added to public health problems that worsen with the serious environmental impacts generated every year. In August 2010 Brazil the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste) was approved and sanctioned in which represented a true watershed in the country as a legal framework extremely ambitious and visionary. This work presents the successes and challenges that the municipality of Sorocaba/SP is facing after more than three years of PNRS sanctioned to conduct an Urban and Environmental management suited to the new legal bases towards the subject of solid waste. The results show a large gap between the content proposed by the law and the technical, financial and temporal reality to practical implementation by the municipal government. New legislation and federal incentives, consortiums among the cities, flexible deadlines and environmental education at all levels are certainly some proposals to catalyze processes that aim to solve and overcome the challenges of solid waste


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) plays a pivotal role in Toll-like receptor (TLR)- and interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R)-induced osteoclastogenesis. We examined the role of MyD88 on p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cell (NF-κB) activation and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (Nod) induction by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and IL-1 beta, and their effect on receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) production in bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC). RANKL, Nod1, Nod2, NF-κB, and p38 protein levels were determined by Western blot. Nod2 was stimulated with muramyl dipeptide (MDP) prior to TLR4 stimulation with LPS. MyD88 deficiency markedly inhibited RANKL expression after LPS stimulation and increased OPG messenger RNA (mRNA) production. Also, MyD88 was necessary for NF-κB and p38 MAPK activation. MDP alone did not induce RANKL and OPG expressions; however, when combined with LPS, their expressions were significantly increased (p < 0.05). Our results support that MyD88 signaling has a pivotal role in osteoclastogenesis thought NF-κB and p38 activation. Nod2 and especially Nod1 levels were influenced by MyD88.


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This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a new type of bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater using different filling materials like trickling filters post-reactor. This bioreactor has mixed characteristics of the UASB reactors and horizontal flow from the point of view of removal of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ssed (settled solids), TS (Total Solids), SS (Suspended Solid), SD (Dissolved Solids) and turbidity. The experimental model consists of a bioreactor with a volume of 12 m³, 2/3 filled by fluidized bed and 1/3 for fixed. The fluidized bed is made of polystyrene plates used as a system percolation and compartmentalized trickling filters, where each compartment was filled with a support medium with different characteristics (gravel number 4, plastic rings of polystyrene, PET and HDPE) . In addition, the output of a filter system was installed three entries filled with activated carbon. The bioreactor was installed in private residence in the city of Igarapava-SP (20° 02'40.18"S and 47° 45'01.36" W). The system was highly efficient as the removal of organic contaminant load 92% on average reducing the BOD, a significant result when compared to other anaerobic systems. For the other parameters, the mean reduction was 96% for turbidity, 99% ssed, 67.5% ST, 57% SD and 88% of SS. As for its operation the system was capable of operating in continuous flow without the need for maintenance during the entire period of evaluation and without energy, as it operates taking advantage of the natural slope of the terrain where it is installed. The environmental impacts were minimized due to the preservation of local vegetation allowing the ecosystem to remain unchanged beyond the prototype was completely sealed preventing exhalation of odors and therefore not causing inconvenience to neighboring populations. Given these facts it was concluded that the prototype is shown to be highly feasible deployed as a new alternative for treatment of sewage in rural and urban settings (individual homes, condos, farms, ranches, etc.) Due to ease of design and operability, and sustainability at all stages of execution.


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This article discusses the project of the Information Society and the discourses that undergo it, as part of a political and ideological conception universalized by those countries that created and dominate computer technology, which is in turn is aligned with the Post-Fordist industrial capitalist order and its emphasis on economic accumulation and consumerism. We explain how information technology creates routines and legitimate social orders, taking for analyzes the case of the Clinton-Gore policy in the United States, when the discourse of the computer society was associated with the development and social welfare. This association is revealed in the speech made by Clinton in the city of Knoxville in year 1996. There we see the beginnings of the concern about the Digital Divide as a new form of "social disease" that prevents the passage to a better world, focused on productivity, accumulation and consumption in information-dense societies. This generates a clash between the industrial-graph-centric world and the oral-pre-industrial communities, as a result of attempting to transplant the institutional forms of the developed West. We explain the pillars of the new computerized order, and how they replaced previous epic narratives creating techno-deterministic or techno-phobic discourses in prejudice of more critical approaches. We identify the effects such deterministic discourses that connote the association between the Information Society, welfare and development, questioning the urgency of deploying this system at global level without profound critical discussion, clear goals focused on the benefit of the human beings, and the open participation of the users of the system.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)