75 resultados para Cuidados centrados no indivíduo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In his work on human knowledge, Vygotsky reveals the second human nature, the one which is historical and cultural, due to people´s learning throughout life, through the mediation of others and the concrete conditions of life and education. In this eminently social process, the child grows into the intellectual life having the adult as a peer and learns human skills from this adult-child interaction. This means that, for working with abstract formulation, it is necessary understanding it as a complex, dynamic and functional act that is built by the insertion of individual performance into culture that is mediated by interaction with others. In this setting, each individual reaches knowledge through formal and non-formal learning that help on the formulation of scientific and everyday concepts. To make studies on the process of concept formation, Vygotsky adopted an experimental methodology based on the philosophical assumptions of Marxist theory of how mental processes occur, once he perceived these processes in a constantly changing and moving. Thus, the method called “Instrumental, Cultural and Historical” differed from conventional experimental studies focused on the performance of the task itself. The method adopted by Vygotsky was concerned with the process of concept formation and not only with fragmentary cutouts of cognitive processes. According to our study, the formation of the social nature of man develops from processes of appropriation and objectification of knowledge, which makes individual the historically constructed achievements by mankind, as, for example, types of sophisticated thinking, which requires the discussion of concept formation.
The pedagogical context can become a mediator between teaching and learning process. In a research conducted to obtain a Master’s degree, I could see how intentional organized environment refl ects in the knowledge appropriation and internalization historically produced. The objective of this study is to raise hypothesis about the favoring of the potentiating context of learning in the development of the individual with the Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as on the organization of pedagogic environment to mediate the actions of teaching and reading learning. It is the concern to meet children with behavior considered inappropriate for the classroom environment and failure before situations that involve them. The hypothesis is that when the teaching and learning environment provides motivation to the student and awakens in him the desire to produce knowledge and take ownership of it, it is possible that it may have a potentiating development of learning. As theoretical support, I used texts from Luria (1987, 1994), Vygotsky (1994), Vigotskii, Luria and Leontiev (1998), Beaton (2005),Graeff and Vaz (2008), Pastura, Mattos and Araujo (2005). The bibliographic research was the methodology used for the study.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The benefits of proper nutrition and analgesia are closely linked when it comes to animals that are suffering from any illness and are hospitalized. In patients who are ill or under the stress of hospitalization, increase secretion of glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone antagonize the effects of insulin, leading to hyperglycemia and degradation of tissue proteins to provide substrate for gluconeogenesis. These changes result in loss of lean body mass, reflecting negatively on tissue repair processes, immune response and prognosis. Likewise, the pain induced by noxious stimulation can lead to protein catabolism, stress, immunosupression, delayed wound healing and acceleration of disease processes. This review confirms the nutrition and pain control importance in hospitalized patients, showing their physiological benefits and reduction in hospital stay when the clinician understands these benefits and the animals are treated with such care
Abusive consumption of alcohol leads to several negative consequences to health and quality of life, as it increases the frequency of diseases that cause death or functional disabilities. The rates of patients admitted to hospital due to physical problems stemming from alcohol abuse are high. This study aimed at identifying patients according to variables age, gender and education level as well as at evaluating the prevalence of CAGE-positive patients and morbidity due to CID-10 (International Classification of Diseases) by the World Health Organization. It is a cross-sectional, observational, exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study. It was conducted at the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital (HC) from July to September 2010, at the Internal Medicine ward. This ward aggregates 5 specialties, namely, Cardiology, Hematology, General Medicine, Nephrology and Gastroclinic. Presently, it has 36 beds, of which four are for Intensive Care Therapy (ICT). Three hundred and ten medical charts were analyzed for identification of morbidities and of variables age, gender and schooling. A closed semistructured questionnaire including, among other questions, the CAGE test was applied to each individual. The CAGE test is a questionnaire that comprises four questions and considers that one who answers two or more of such questions affirmatively is a suspected case of alcoholism. The total population studied included 310 patients. Indexes of 60% (186) male and of 40% (124) female patients were found. As regards age range, a population with a higher prevalence of individuals from 51 to 70 years old (41%) was observed. The main education indexes were: incomplete Elementary School: 23.22% (72), complete Elementary School: 21.61% (67), incomplete Secondary School: 18.40% (57) and Illiteracy: 17.74% (55). As regards diseases, a higher proportion was observed for: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly, and chronic diseases have increased. Due to deficient health care services, the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases occur in the tertiary level, which increases costs and reduces the possibilities of early diagnoses. In view of the elderly population‟s increase and of the great demand at hospitalization units, it is important to learn about the difficulties and facilities faced by nursing teams when giving care to hospitalized individuals. In order to reach the objectives, a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive, analytical and qualitative study was performed with basis on Bardin‟s Content Analysis. Among the difficulties were patients‟ limitations, dependence level, behaviors and habits, interference from companions, feeling of abandonment, perception of needs, dealing with suffering and lack of time for adequate care. As to facilities, acceptance of the disease, adherence to treatment, collaboration, trust in the team, and older patients‟ politeness were reported, which shows that passiveness is an important indicator in caring for the elderly. Older individuals suffer the outcomes of certain physical, psychological and mental deficits. When facing disease conditions, they require special care, including hospitalization and greater attention. The nursing team provides daily care and follows patients‟ development; however, its members are still not knowledgeable enough about the ageing process. This contributes to increase prejudice and erroneous stereotypes about older persons. Therefore, not understanding such process compromises the full care to be provided to older patients. This leads team members to accelerate the care provision process in order to meet the daily work demand, thus compromising older patients‟ autonomy and making them more dependent on the team, whereas the process should follow the opposite path
O período correspondente ao Terceiro Reich alemão (1933-1945), quando a Alemanha esteve sob o domínio do Regime Nazista, foi caracterizado pelo alto grau de violência, de dominação e de exterminação em massa, e, também, pelo envolvimento “voluntário” de crianças e jovens na luta por um ideal que não lhes pertencia, as quais foram, desde a mais tenra idade, doutrinadas para matar e morrer em nome desse ideal. Para atingir esse fim, teorias, supostamente comprovadas, foram concebidas e incorporadas a educação de modo a fazer dela o grande veículo condutor da dominação que se pretendia. Por este motivo, o seu estudo se torna de grande importância para se pensar na educação – do presente e do futuro -, no sentido de sua utilização para atingir fins que não possuem como premissa a formação do sujeito livre e emancipado, capaz de agir de forma reflexiva e autônoma no mundo em que vive. No presente trabalho, pretende-se apresentar o resultado de uma pesquisa desenvolvida a partir da revisão bibliográfica, sobre o contexto histórico, social, econômico e educativo da Alemanha nazista com a finalidade de proceder ao levantamento e a análise de dados e informações em torno dos principais fatores que contribuíram para a ascensão do Partido Nazista, na figura de seu líder, Adolf Hitler. O objetivo maior deste trabalho foi buscar argumentos que possibilitassem a compreensão em torno dos motivos que levaram os jovens e as crianças a seguirem Hitler e o seu ideal até as últimas consequências. Como metodologia utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, com base qualitativa e em caráter historiográfico e exploratório. O material bibliográfico analisado trouxe diversas possibilidades que, apesar de não conclusivas, permitiram a compreensão em torno da eficácia dos mecanismos educativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The urbanization process established in Brazilian society since the middle of last century brought changes in the population habits and customs, which was responsible for the increased of chronic diseases incidence, such as arterial hypertension, for example. Although this is a common disease nowadays, it is still difficult to establish a significant control in subjects with this disease and its consequences. This is apparently due to lack of interest to the correct plan of care developed for the treatment of this disease. The nursing consultation identifies potential problematic situations and the patient needs, setting actions that are complementary to their benefit in order to promote health. The present work aims to observe how the nursing consultation is being used as strategy for patients with arterial hypertension, and to understand the difficulties faced during treatment of these patients. For this purpose, it was performed qualitative and quantitative studies with patients from Centro Saúde Escola (CSE), Unidade Auxiliar, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP, located in Botucatu, employing as methodology the Discourse of the Collective Subject and descriptive statistical analysis of quantitative results. The vast majority of consultations were held by medical professionals and it was observed that the multidisciplinary work still needs to be recognized and valued by users. The lack of knowledge of some individuals in relation to the potential and importance of the nursing consultation occurs not only for the treatment of arterial hypertension, but for the treatment and monitoring of the individual as a whole. Therefore, it is still necessary to clarify the true essence and necessity of the nursing consultation, since so important tool should be used in its entirely. Moreover, the role of the multidisciplinary team should be more discussed
The change from the uterine environment to the external environment that occurs afterbirth requires rapid adaptation of the newborn. The right care in the first 24 hours of life can significantly reduce calves’ mortality. In this context, are included essential care to animals that are born weak and require immediate assistance so they can adapt to the extra uterine environment, such as stimulating the onset of spontaneous breathing and thermoregulation. The essential care is also related to colostrum feeding and treatment of the navel. The objective of this work is to bring together some of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the first 24 hours of life of the newborn calf and discuss some of the special care that these animals require
O trabalho se baseia em uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos da literatura que abordam o tema adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, a efetividade do tratamento é caracterizada pela relação estabelecida em uma atmosfera na qual as alternativas terapêuticas são exploradas, o regime terapêutico é negociado, a adesão é discutida e o acompanhamento planejado. Para a manutenção da adesão ao tratamento, o paciente precisa ser esclarecido e auxiliado quanto suas próprias decisões. Além disso, é imprescindível entender as características do indivíduo, do processo de atendimento à saúde e de aspectos referentes aos elementos envolvidos. Portanto, faz-se necessário o conhecimento do farmacêutico sobre a importância da realização de intervenções personalizadas e com divisões de responsabilidades, que juntamente com a mudança de comportamento do profissional de saúde e com a existência de um sistema de saúde que garanta o acesso aos recursos terapêuticos irão contribuir para o aumento da adesão. Neste trabalho, a adesão ao tratamento em doenças crônicas tais como diabetes, epilepsia, hipertensão, tuberculose, e HIV/AIDS é avaliada, assim como as possíveis intervenções que visam o aumento da adesão e, consequentemente, proporcionam uma melhor qualidade de vida para o paciente.
As a result of the 20th-century industrial development, and particularly after World War II, cars have become an important consumer good, and this has led to a large number of circulating vehicles. To this day, the number of cars has increased exponentially worldwide, which results in a high number of traffic accidents (TAs) every day. TAs are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year, and in Brazil, they are considered to be a public health problem, considering that its traffic is regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. In addition to temporary or permanent physical disabilities that bring great harm to individuals, accidents also cause psychological disorders, such as the post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, considering the importance of TAs in the country and their outcomes, this study aimed at investigating the epidemiological aspects of car accidents occurring in 2010 who were assisted in the emergency room of a university hospital in São Paulo state. By means of records made by the nursing team and medical records analysis, it was possible to extract a stratified sample of 88 cases involving adults and eight cases involving children. The sample was analyzed by the SAS software for Windows, version 9.2. As regards the accidents involving adults, there was a predominance of males (67%), with an approximate 2:1 ratio in relation to females. The victims’ most frequent age range was 20-29 years (39%), and they were mostly single (56%). The month showing the largest number of occurrences was July, with 17%, and the weekday was Sunday, with 25%. Showing 32%, the time period when most accidents occurred was from 06:00 o’clock p.m. to 11:59 p.m. As regards vehicles types involved, motorcycles were in first place, with 47% of cases, and the most common accident type was crashing between vehicles, with 43%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O estudo objetivou apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a filogenia, evolução, comportamentos reprodutivos e a evolução do cuidado parental em peixes da família Cichlidae, com ênfase em Cichlinae (ciclídeos Neotropicais). Atualmente a filogenia do grupo tem confirmado o monofiletismo da subfamília Etroplinae (India, Sri Lanka e Madagascar) como grupo irmão dos demais ciclídeos. Ptychochrominae (Madagascar) também monofilética é considerada grupo irmão dos clados Cichlinae (neotropicais) e Pseudocrenilabrinae (africanos), sendo os últimos clados irmãos entre si. Em relação às estratégias reprodutivas dos Cichlidae pode-se dividi-los quanto sua incubação em: Incubadores bucais (mouth-brooders), incubadores de substrato (substrate-spawners) e incubadores bucais tardios (mouth-brooders tardios), tais características podem nos oferecer embasamento para a compreensão das condições pelas quais as diferentes formas de cuidado parental e métodos de acasalamento evoluíram. O estudo enfatiza os comportamentos reprodutivos e cuidados parentais nos Cichlinae, descrevendo comportamentos que auxiliam na compreensão da biologia reprodutiva do grupo e sugerindo hipóteses sobre a origem e irradiação dos Cichlidae
Pederneiras, uma cidade do Centro-oeste Paulista com cerca de quarenta e dois mil habitantes e cento e dezoito anos, possui uma população que, assim como na maior parte das cidades brasileiras, em geral, não percebe e também não entende o espaço a sua volta, por isso, a relação arquitetura/indivíduo fica limitada a elementos de ordem funcional e estética. Com este trabalho, pretende-se, através de uma intervenção primeiramente pontual em um determinado espaço da cidade, estimular pessoas não ligadas à área de estudo da cidade a enxergar a obra arquitetônica e o local em que ela está inserida de forma mais abrangente, fazendo com que haja uma interação maior entre população e espaço. Com isso, cada indivíduo passa a perceber a arquitetura e a cidade de maneira diferenciada, dessa forma, as relações e os sentimentos envolvidos nessa visão subjetiva, resultam na apropriação do objeto em questão pela pessoa, ou seja, uma obra arquitetônica, uma área verde e os espaços públicos em geral que antes pareciam longe, fora do alcance, se tornam parte de seu ser, e consequentemente ela é estimulada a pensar e a zelar pelo que está a sua volta. Por isso, entende-se que um dos papéis da arquitetura, assim como qualquer tipo de arte, é tentar entender o que acontece em nosso mundo e abrir os olhos daqueles que ainda não o enxergam e não se enxergam como parte constituinte desse mundo. Para que isso aconteça, foi proposto o projeto de uma biblioteca em um determinado espaço dentro da cidade, e as relações entre ela, as linhas de força presentes no local e em todo o entorno imediato, garantirão dar continuidade à discussão levantada, assim como sanar algumas carências da cidade com relação à oferta desse tipo de serviço. Por isso, este projeto visa abrir a discussão de como a população em geral entende o espaço a ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Due to the importance of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in small animals, this paper aimed to discuss the pathophysiology of the TBI, the pre-hospital and hospital therapeutic procedures, as well as considerations related to transport and initial care of the patient immediately after trauma. The professional must identify the pre-hospital TBI and to treat the victim as a polytraumatized patient, including immobilization. In hospital therapy the procedures of craniotomy are important, especially to remove blood clots. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids must be avoided because of side effects, but combination therapies such as mannitol with furosemide increase the probability of success