73 resultados para Cuidador de idoso
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly, and chronic diseases have increased. Due to deficient health care services, the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases occur in the tertiary level, which increases costs and reduces the possibilities of early diagnoses. In view of the elderly population‟s increase and of the great demand at hospitalization units, it is important to learn about the difficulties and facilities faced by nursing teams when giving care to hospitalized individuals. In order to reach the objectives, a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive, analytical and qualitative study was performed with basis on Bardin‟s Content Analysis. Among the difficulties were patients‟ limitations, dependence level, behaviors and habits, interference from companions, feeling of abandonment, perception of needs, dealing with suffering and lack of time for adequate care. As to facilities, acceptance of the disease, adherence to treatment, collaboration, trust in the team, and older patients‟ politeness were reported, which shows that passiveness is an important indicator in caring for the elderly. Older individuals suffer the outcomes of certain physical, psychological and mental deficits. When facing disease conditions, they require special care, including hospitalization and greater attention. The nursing team provides daily care and follows patients‟ development; however, its members are still not knowledgeable enough about the ageing process. This contributes to increase prejudice and erroneous stereotypes about older persons. Therefore, not understanding such process compromises the full care to be provided to older patients. This leads team members to accelerate the care provision process in order to meet the daily work demand, thus compromising older patients‟ autonomy and making them more dependent on the team, whereas the process should follow the opposite path
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Este trabalho apresenta a elaboração de um projeto de intervenção arquitetônica e urbanística no município de Bastos/SP que busca incentivar a integração do idoso na sociedade, propondo a valorização de um espaço público, de forma a proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida tanto da população idosa quanto das outras faixas etárias. Para tanto, foi necessário realizar discussões bibliográficas sobre o idoso e a sociedade e sobre espaços livres públicos e lazer contemporâneo. A partir dos levantamentos da área de intervenção e da aplicação de questionários, foram propostas diretrizes gerais e um projeto arquitetônico e urbanístico de praça pública, mantendo o conceito inicial de incentivo à integração do idoso, além da apropriação, valorização e utilização do espaço público
With aging process, there is a natural biological decline that eventually may lead to a functional and cognitive decrease. It is important that older people preserve these functions so they can live an independent life. Some declines in old people who attend Geriatric Day-Care tend to be more severe and recurrent. The Square Stepping Exercise (SSE) is a program created by Shigematsu & Okura (2006), in order to improve the balance of its practitioners, thereby decreasing the risk of falls. It is also believed that the SSE stimulates cognition, and thus, executive functions. The present study, with a longitudinal design, evaluated the effects of SSE in balance performance and executive functions of elderly from the “Centro-Dia do Idoso Padre Casagrande” from Rio Claro – SP. A group of 15 people (GT, n = 15), which performed a four month SSE intervention, and a control group (GC; n = 17) answered the following evaluations.: Questionnaire Registration Data and Anamnesis, Questionnaire Baeck Modified for Elderly, Mini-Mental State Examination, Modified Card Sorting Test, Geriatric Depressive Scale, Questionnaire Pfeffer for Instrumental Activities, Berg Balance Scale and Time Up and Go Test. Although significant improvements have not been observed in GT, the results showed a decline in instrumental activities performance in GC, as well as maintenance in executive functions and balance, and also an improvement in depressive symptoms in GT. This way, Square Stepping Exercise can be considered an activity that helps maintaining functional capacity, among them balance, and executive function in elderly people.
The improvements on the quality of life are causing the number of the elderly to grow on a global level, which is causing changes in our society. This new phenomenon demands that some actions are executed in several areas. On the communications field, it is needed to put the older people in the spotlight, so they can know themselves better and be included in the society. The goal of this work is to investigate if there is visibility for the elderly on Folha de São Paulo, using the daily cultural section (Ilustrada) and the weekly papers (the extinct Mais! and Ilustríssima) as a basis for the study. In order to find out the main aspects of the newspaper’s coverage, the Content Analysis is going to be used, a methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative techniques and which intent is to reveal the material’s implicit content. Through it, it will to be possible to understand how the elderly are treated on Folha de São Paulo, and what can be done to better their position in the newspaper
In the information society, the use of Technologies has been incorporated to our quotidian. The use of personal computers and internet, however, does not reach to all the individuals, creating the problem of digital exclusion. Nowadays, many inclusion politics are being developed to diminish the digital abyss in society, in a way to enable a plural access to the internet. Between these initiatives, we highlight the projects of digital inclusion among the elderly, slice of the population that grows more each day and seek quality of life, social reinclusion and health. In this context, the open universities for the elderly bring to the aged courses and workshops, in order to encourage the activity in this age group. An example of this idea is the Unati of UNESP Bauru, that develops the project “Terceira Idade Digital”. This work aims to analyze the relation between the elderly with certain technologies, apart from showing the digital inclusion scenario, with its delays and progresses
According to data from the World Health Organization, the older population will grow sixteenfold from 1950 to 2025 in comparison to a fivefold population growth in the same period, which is referred to by UNO as the “Ageing Era”. This places Brazil in the sixth position in the contingent of older individuals worldwide, with a number that is higher than 32 million. Considering how topics such as quality of life and social vulnerability are important in face of the growing older population, these topics must be furthered studied so that they can be understood as important variables for both better clinical practice and scientific research. To describe the social vulnerability and evaluate the quality of life of older individuals in a population hospitalized in the internal medicine ward of Bauru State Hospital. This is a descriptive qualitative study that was conducted by means of interviews and using Bardin’s discourse analysis. The inclusion criteria used in this study were: individuals at 60 years of age who were mentally capable of answering the proposed questions. Two categories concerning Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability emerged from the interviews. The following emerged from the theme Quality of Life: “Life as something important” and subcategories that involved feeling useful in society, having a supportive family, independence, optimism and joy and survival. Also, the following emerged from the theme Social Vulnerability: “Negative recognition of older individuals in society” and subcategories that involved lack of respect, functional disability, family indifference, housing-related insecurity, an inefficient health care system and loneliness. Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability are largely discussed themes in the present scenario. In this study, it was possible to perceive that the older population needs social support, effective public... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Em muitos países, principalmente os mais desenvolvidos, o aumento da expectativa de vida é um fato constatado através das pesquisas públicas. No Brasil, a idade máxima atingida pela população é, em média, de aproximadamente setenta e dois anos. Porém, estes números foram resultado de um crescimento contínuo e persistente da expectativa de vida no país e que continua acontecendo. São consideradas idosas as pessoas com mais de sessenta anos. No Brasil, já existem investimentos em pesquisas e projetos voltados para os idosos, com necessidades peculiares, os recursos e equipamentos adequados para essa parte da população, mas não são suficientes. O projeto em questão busca resolver com a Arquitetura e o Urbanismo muitos dos problemas enfrentados na terceira idade. Sem excluir nenhuma faixa etária da população, mas dando ênfase aos idosos, o projeto estuda um espaço público já existente para dar-lhes acessibilidade e estrutura de serviços para serem realizadas as atividades de rotina e lazer. O projeto terá vários focos dentro de uma área dos bairros de Pinheiros e Vila Madalena, na cidade de São Paulo, para promover uma maior e mais eficiente inclusão do idoso no espaço urbano. O primeiro foco é uma praça que terá equipamentos que ajudam no físico, na saúde e no entretenimento dos idosos. O segundo é a revitalização da Rua Mourato Coelho, que liga a praça com a Feira Livre, além de todos os comércios e atividades propostos na rua e até o próprio bairro, atraindo mais atenção à praça. Este comercio, próximo, poderá proporcionar atividades de trabalho para os idosos, sendo um terceiro foco de tentativa de inclusão deste contingente no espaço urbano
Worldwide, growth is seen in the elderly population, which has prompted the use oftechnologies of care that include all stages of life and for that use, it is necessary toprepare professionals to meet this growing demand population. This work aims to understand how old people feel by their condition and identify how old people perceive this treatment in the Family Health Unit. The research is characterized asqualitative and Minayo second analysis was used Bardin. After, thematicinterviews, it was possible to appreciate the topics: Good, dissatisfaction through the life and likes / dislikes of the service unit. This work can be seen that the elderlywho were well, allied to good living with this family, with spouses, autonomy, respect they encounter in society. And when compared with those who have a complaint, we find that lack of family and age restrictions and diseases are the main complaints
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Demographic census from the last decades of the twentieth century began to reveal a tendency concerning the increasing average age of the population. The Brazilian government began introducing ways to manage the effects and consequences of this trend, the most recent being the creation of the "Fundos do Idoso" (Funds for seniors) in the Federal, state and municipal spheres. That law allows transferring federal taxes from common citizens and companies to the funds. This article is specifically written as a critical examination of this governmental initiative towards the problem of an ageing population from the point of view as to how the law has been implemented. With the creation of the funds there will be the enlargement and improvement of services destined for seniors. However, the law mentioned above does not predict an active participation of the seniors in the management of this funds and policies that will come as result.
The ‘Estatuto do Idoso’ (senior citizen statute), Brazilian federal law promulgated in 2003, defines senior citizen as the person with 60 years old, or more. Revered as a landmark recognition of the senior´s rights, it guarantees, among others, the right of education. According to the statutory provisions, the education is personal right of the elderly person and must be assured with absolute priority by the State, the family, the society, as well by entities. However, in practice, just few senior citizens enjoy the right of education, since this policy has not been developed with focus in the old age, since educational practices are aimed, in most cases, to the younger age groups. Nevertheless, some initiatives seek to invest in the education for the elderly, like happens with the University of the Third Age (U3A). Although this kind of initiatives have been reason of celebration such projects should be enforced and consolidated as an object of better political investment to enlarge the access to the education right to the senior citizens in general. Due to the visibility achieved by the senior population, a possible way to the establishment of services in the area of education, would be the formation of partnerships between educational institutions that understand old age as a potential expansion of cultural goods and production of knowledge.
The “Estatuto do Idoso”, is a low created from arrangements about seniors citizens contained in the “Constitution of 1988”, assumes a substantial function in the way that the old age is seen and treated in the Brazilian society. This article, a resulted from a research made by the actual researchers, had how analyses’ objective the content of the “Estatuto”, trying to identify images and senses attributed to the old age, with which the senior’s figure have been built, like a differentiated figure. Was possible to apprehend in the “Estatuto” the attempt of differentiating the seniors like citizens of rights, marked by own characteristics who demand protections, services and special benefits. However, a critical examination of the preoccupation, supports, and protection contained in the “Estatuto” allows understanding that the senior finishes being built like fragile, impotent and incompetent being to assuming the management of them lives.
This study aimed to draw the profile of informal caretakers in the city of Assis, SP, analyzing the relationships between quality of life (QL) and burden rates (BR) due to the care tasks. It is a Sample Study of the traverse type, in which 165 female informal caretakers, above 18 years old, residents in the urban area were interviewed through a structured questionnaire and standardized scales. We observed that the caretakers of our sample do not fell themselves too much burdened and, yet they present reasonable indexes of quality of life. However, differences in the rates of burden and quality of life were observed when considering social markers (social class, educational level, generation and parenthood), living or not with the person who is being cared. Besides, we found a significant negative correlation between BR and QL, that is, as higher the burden perception, as lower the QL evaluation. These inequalities urge for new studies and reflections in what concerns public policies in the sense of supporting and improving home care.