129 resultados para Carbohydrates in human nutrition.


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Pristimerin has been shown to be cytotoxic to several cancer cell lines. In the present work, the cytotoxicity of pristimerin was evaluated in human tumor cell lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). This work also examined the effects of pristimerin (0.4; 0.8 and 1.7 mu M) in HL-60 cells, after 6, 12 and 24 h of exposure. Pristimerin reduced the number of viable cells and increased number of non-viable cells in a concentration-dependent manner by tripan blue test showing morphological changes consistent with apoptosis. Nevertheless, pristimerin was not selective to cancer cells, since it inhibited PBMC proliferation with an IC50 of 0.88 PM. DNA synthesis inhibition assessed by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in HL-60 cells was 70% and 83% for the concentrations of 0.4 and 0.8 mu M, respectively. Pristimerin (10 and 20 mu M) was not able to inhibit topoisomerase 1. In AO/EB (acridine orange/ethidium bromide) staining, all tested concentrations reduced the number of HL-60 viable cells, with the occurrence of necrosis and apoptosis in a concentration-dependent manner, results in agreement with trypan blue exclusion findings. The analysis of membrane integrity and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation by flow cytometry in the presence of pristimerin indicated that treated cells underwent apoptosis. The present data point to the importance of pristimerin as representative of an emerging class of potential anticancer chemicals, exhibiting an antiproliferative effect by inhibiting DNA synthesis and triggering apoptosis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antiretroviral resistance mutations (ARM) are one of the major obstacles for pharmacological human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) suppression. Plasma HIV-1 RNA from 306 patients on antiretroviral therapy with virological failure was analyzed, most of them (60%) exposed to three or more regimens, and 28% of them have started therapy before 1997. The most common regimens in use at the time of genotype testing were AZT/3TC/nelfinavir, 3TC/D4T/nelfinavir and AZT/3TC/efavirenz. The majority of ARM occurred at protease (PR) gene at residue L90 (41%) and V82 (25%); at reverse transcriptase (RT) gene, mutations at residue M184 (V/I) were observed in 64%. One or more thymidine analogue mutations were detected in 73%. The number of ARM at PR gene increased from a mean of four mutations per patient who showed virological failure at the first ARV regimens to six mutations per patient exposed to six or more regimens; similar trend in RT was also observed. No differences in ARM at principal codon to the three drug classes for HIV-1 clades B or F were observed, but some polymorphisms in secondary codons showed significant differences. Strategies to improve the cost effectiveness of drug therapy and to optimize the sequencing and the rescue therapy are the major health priorities.


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The free form of the iron ion is one of the strongest oxidizing agents in the cellular environment. The effect of iron at different concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 µM Fe3+) on the normal human red blood cell (RBC) antioxidant system was evaluated in vitro by measuring total (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione levels, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and reductase (GSH-Rd) activities. Membrane lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS). The RBC were incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide and phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.45, at 37oC, for 60 min. For each assay, the results for the control group were: a) GSH = 3.52 ± 0.27 µM/g Hb; b) GSSG = 0.17 ± 0.03 µM/g Hb; c) GSH-Px = 19.60 ± 1.96 IU/g Hb; d) GSH-Rd = 3.13 ± 0.17 IU/g Hb; e) catalase = 394.9 ± 22.8 IU/g Hb; f) SOD = 5981 ± 375 IU/g Hb. The addition of 1 to 100 µM Fe3+ had no effect on the parameters analyzed. No change in TBARS levels was detected at any of the iron concentrations studied. Oxidative stress, measured by GSH kinetics over time, occurs when the RBC are incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide at concentrations higher than 10 µM of Fe3+. Overall, these results show that the intact human RBC is prone to oxidative stress when exposed to Fe3+ and that the RBC has a potent antioxidant system that can minimize the potential damage caused by acute exposure to a colloidal iron hydroxide in vitro.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thirty-seven samples of human milk (colostrum) from donors living in the Ribeirao Preto region were analyzed to determine the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues. Donors were classified into two groups, i.e., occupationally exposed and non-exposed to pesticides. Other factors such as age, previous lactations, race, smoking habit, occupation, family income and educational level were also considered. Analysis was performed by preliminary lipid extraction followed by fractional partition on a column and finally by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Lindane was found in 32% of the samples in amounts of less than 0.001 mg/kg; heptachlor was found in 65% of the samples at mean levels of 0.001 mg/kg, i.e., a level five-fold lower than that established by FAO/WHO (1970) for cow's milk. Aldrin and endrin were not detected in any of the samples. Dieldrin was detected in only one sample at a level of 0.038 mg/kg, which is considered high. DDT and DDE amounts are reported as total DDT and at least one of these compounds was present in every sample. Amounts detected in donors occupationally exposed to pesticides ranged from 0.008 to 0.455 mg/kg (mean, 0.149 mg/kg), i.e., three times the limit established by FAO/WHO (1970), while values for donors who had not been exposed ranged from 0.002 to 0.072 mg/kg (mean, 0.025 mg/kg), i.e., half the limit. Considering the level of acceptable daily intake proposed by FAO/WHO (1973), lactents ingested 1% of the acceptable intake of lindane (all donors), 30% of the acceptable intake of heptachlor (all donors), 60% of the acceptable intake of DDT (non-exposed donors), and 3.7 times the acceptable intake of DDT (exposed donors). Comparing the present results with those obtained 10 years ago, the total DDT level in human milk is decreasing in this part of the country. The mean amount of organochlorine residues in non-exposed women's milk was one of the lowest levels among those recorded in the literature. DDT levels of occupationally exposed women's milk were comparable with those reported for developed countries and lower than those detected in Latin American countries. When the results of this survey are considered in relation to the advantages of breast-feeding, the risk-benefit balance is still favorable to breast-feeding. However, given the lack of long-term epidemiological studies, undesirable or harmful long-lasting effects cannot be excluded.


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A method was developed to determine simazine, atrazine and their metabolite, 2-chloro-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine, in urine. The presence of these herbicides in urine may reflect possible exposure to pesticides. Sample preparation involved protein precipitation and solid-phase extraction. The samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The detection limits were 0.4 mug/l and the analytes have a linear response in the interval 6-800 mug/l. The precision of the method was reflected in the RSD of <2.4% for the herbicides studied. Based on the detectable herbicide levels from spiked urine samples collected from unexposed volunteers, this method can be used to determine the low levels necessary for establishing reference values of the selected herbicides and the metabolite. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Venom of the honey bee Apis mellifera induced a protective effect against the induction of dicentric chromosomes by gamma radiation (2.0 Gy) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes which the cultures were treated with 0.00015 mul venom/1 ml medium 6 h before irradiation. In cultures to which the venom was added immediately before irradiation with 0.25, 1.0 and 2.0 Gy, no significant differences in number of dicentric chromosomes induced was observed when compared to cultures submitted to irradiation only. The venom did not induce clastogenic effects nor did it increase the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges.


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Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.


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This study aimed to determine the lag time between increased fluoride (F) intake and F detection in human nails, as well as the influence of nails growth rate and length on this. Ten 20- to 35-year-old volunteers received 1.8 mg F daily, for 30 days. Nail growth rate and length were determined for all fingernails and toenails. Nail samples were collected at the beginning of the study and every 2 weeks (15 collections in all) and F concentrations were determined. The growth rate was statistically higher in fingernails than in toenails. No statistically significant differences were observed between right and left sides. Growth rate was significantly greater for big toenails than for the other toenails, but this pattern was not found for fingernails. The estimated mean lag times for F detection in fingernails and toenails were 101 and 123 days, respectively. An apparent increase in fingernail F concentrations was observed 84 days after the beginning of the study, although this was not statistically different from baseline. For toenails, statistically significant increases in F concentration in relation to baseline were observed 112 and 140 days after increased F ingestion. These increases occurred within the 95% confidence intervals for the calculated mean lag time for fluoride detection in nails. Considering the large amount of sample provided by the big toenails, together with their faster growth rate, as well as the fact that toenails are less prone to environmental contamination, our data suggest that big toenails are more suitable biomarkers of fluoride intake.


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This work describes an analytical procedure for vanadium determination in human hair slurries by electrothermal AAS using longitudinal heating (LHGA) and transversal heating (THGA) graphite furnace atomizers. The samples were powdered using cryogenic grinding and the hair slurries containing 0.2% (m/v) were prepared in three different media for determination of vanadium: 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3, 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and 0.1% (v/v) water soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C, pH 8). The limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ), and characteristic masses obtained were 0.28, 0.95 mu g L-1 and 35 pg (LHGA) and 0.34, 1.13 mu g L-1 and 78 pg (THGA), respectively. The accuracy of the analytical results obtained by the proposed procedure in both equipments was confirmed by a paired t-test at the 95% confidence level and compared with a conventional procedure based on acid digestion. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.