81 resultados para Capitalismo periférico


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Este artigo analisa a questão do capitalismo agrário brasileiro, tomando como campo para reflexão tanto tendências gerais do desenvolvimento do capitalismo no Brasil, como o desenvolvimento do capitalismo na região da Alta Sorocabana. O artigo divide-se em quatro partes: a primeira parte constitui-se na colocação do problema, e nela são elaboradas basicamente duas idéias que o artigo discute, quais sejam: I) haveria uma incapacidade do capitalismo rural de submeter completamente o trabalhador rural a suas regras, e 2) haveria uma incapacidade propriamente empresarial por parte dos proprietários de terra, o que os torna mais proprietários que empresários. Na segunda parte reflete-se sobre a primeira idéia, levando-se em conta aspectos encontrados na A Ita Sorocabana. A terceira parte é uma discussão da segunda questão, amplamente apoiada nos resultados de pesquisa empírica, e na quarta parte se chega a algumas tentativas de conclusões.


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Considering the importance of umbilical cord blood as a potential source of stem cell and, on the other hand, the use of the domestic swine (Sus scrofa) as a useful model for biomedical research in regenerative medicine and aiming to contribute about the quantification of lymphocyte subsets in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets, this study aimed to quantify CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood from pigs at term blood samples. Were analyzed samples of the umbilical cord blood and peripheral of 48 piglets of Topigs lineage, from healthy mothers, artificially inseminated and natural birth. Blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord at birth, by the umbilical vein, and peripheral blood by venous sinus retro-ophthalmic. The immunological measurements of CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ were obtained by flow cytometry. The relative average values for the CD4+, CD5+ e CD8+ counts in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets were inferior to those reported for peripheral blood in adult pigs, suggesting immunological immaturity. The ratio CD4+:CD8+ in umbilical cord blood (3.2±1.2%) and peripheral blood (3.2±1.7%) showed a predominance of TCD4+ over TCD8+. The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ cells was 1.37±0.86% and 1.15±0.57%, respectively, in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood.


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This paper has approached the coastal and Atlantic characters of such commercial activity in the port of Santos between 1808 and 1822 and the contradictions arising of this double condition, which is unique in the Southern coast of Portuguese America. This discussion was based on data collected in importation and exportation maps produced by customs of Santos to the Royal Board of Trade.


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This article analyzes the structural crisis of capitalism that began when the speculative home mortgage bubble burst in the United States in 2007, and the repercussions of that phenome- non. The current crisis is the outcome of a series of processes unleashed as a result of the crisis of overaccumulation of capital in the 1970s, which generated, on the one hand, the conditions for financial capital’s dominance and, on the other, a new frontier for the accumulation of cap- ital in East Asia, especially in China. The crisis calls into question the centrality of the North American economy, but that does not necessarily mean the shift of capitalism’s hegemonic cen- ter to Asia. Here we will argue that we are headed toward a multipolar world.


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The processes resulting from globalization are backdrop for the work. On the other hand the Regulation Theory is theoretical north that drives research directions. Considering these two basis, we studied the formation of economic groups as a consequence of the processes of concentration and centralization of capital, giving more emphasis on their national character. We see how they went through the restructuring process in the transition from Fordist accumulation regime to a flexible system of accumulation. We 'll discuss the brewery industry and how major industry groups are currently creating a sector overview, ranging from the productive process to the forms of competition among large companies. Specifically we will see the Petrópolis Group this framework and how the company relates to the territory, and what answers we have of this relationship in terms of local development in the territories where the group entered, and territorial changes which have occurred there


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Apocynin, a methoxy-catechol originally extracted from the root of Picrorhiza kurroa, has been used as an inhibitor of the NADPH oxidase complex in phagocytic and nonphagocytic cells. Its mechanism of inhibition is linked to their prior activation through the action of peroxidases leading to oxidation of the dimeric product, diapocynin. In this study, dipocinina was synthesized and investigated its effect as an inhibitor of activation NADPH oxidase in neutrophils (PMN) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The synthesis of diapocinina was performed by oxidation of apocinina by potassium persulphate in the midst of water for 5 minutes at room temperature. The precipitate was filtered and washed with water and methanol. Diapocinina was characterized by mass spectrometry. PMN and PBMC were obtained from peripheral blood of healthy donors and purified for gelatin sedimentation, or centrifugation with Histopaque ®, the red cells were lysed with ice water or ammonium chloride. Diapocinina or apocinina were incubated with opsonized zymosan, activation of PMNs and release of superoxide anion, these monitored by chemiluminescent assay dependent lucigenina. We found that diapocinina inhibitor was no better than the apocinina in PMN. However, diapocinina was more efficient than apocinina as an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase in PBMC. In conclusion, whereas PBMC are relatively poor compared with peroxidases PMN, our results are consistent with the need for oxidation apocinina for its effect as an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase


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Esse trabalho buscou contribuir teoricamente para o tema, com uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a Economia Institucional e a teoria de Veblen sobre consumo e racionalidade. Nesse trabalho foram identificados os principais conceitos do Institucionalismo, como divergem da Economia Neoclássica e a questão do consumo conspícuo abordado por Veblen


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Our previous studies have shown that low concentrations (noncytotoxics) of antineoplastic agents modulate positively the dendritic cells, favoring their in vitro maturation and improving their antigen presenting function. The effects on colorectal cancer cells (HCT-116) were also investigated and we have observed an increased immunogenicity and susceptibility to cytotoxic T cells. Thereby, this study aimed to investigate the effect of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) an azacitidine (AZA), in minimum effective and noncytotoxic concentrations on lymphocytes of healthy donors. In this study we have analyzed the cytotoxic effect of drugs at these concentrations as well as the proliferative ability of lymphocytes. In vitro production of IL-10 and IFN-γ has been also evaluated. We have observed that low concentrations of those chemotherapeutic agents are not cytotoxic for lymphocytes. However, the minimum effective concentrations (5-FU: 0,410±0,088 e AZA: 0,757±0,233; p<0, 05) have reduced the cell number. Proliferative activity of allogeneic lymphocytes in a mixed reaction (MLR) was not affected by the treatment. The cytokine production was not affected by the treatments, either. In conclusion, low concentrations of 5-FU and AZA has no deleterious effects on human peripheral blood lymphocytes and seems to be safe for combinatory administration with DC vaccines


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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A monografia procura analisar a essência da Economia Solidária no Brasil, para verificar se essa consiste apenas em mais um modo de adaptação à realidade econômica, frente ao desemprego e à pobreza, ou se possui uma profundidade maior, constituindo uma reação ao capitalismo, o que leva alguns autores a chamarem a ES de modo de produção. Para tanto, primeiramente foi realizado um levantamento de dados que expressam as características e dimensões dessa atividade no país. A seguir foram expostos os argumentos do principal autor e defensor do tema, Paul Singer, e colocadas críticas de autores marxistas. Por fim, foi feita uma análise das pretensões e resultados das políticas públicas implementadas pela SENAES, para averiguar se, na prática, essas seriam, em algum grau, facilitadoras da superação do capitalismo, ou se somente se limitam à parte da população excluída do mercado de trabalho