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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A yeast strain (CBS 8902) was isolated from the nest of a leaf-cutting ant and was shown to be related to Cryptococcus humicola. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the 26S ribosomal DNA and physiological characterization revealed a separate taxonomic position. A novel species named Cryptococcus haglerorum is proposed to accommodate strain CBS 8902 that assimilates n-hexadecane and several benzene compounds. Physiological characteristics distinguishing the novel species from some other members of the C. humicola complex are presented. The phylogenetic relationship of these strains to species of the genus Trichosporon Behrend is discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The growth of the yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in complete broth for yeast and in liquid and semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media supplemented with several nitrogen and phosphorus sources was analysed in order to evaluate its potential utilization as biomass producer from vinasse. The trials were performed in a 1-liter fermentor, at 30-degrees-C, under magnetic agitation for 48 hours, and initial pH 5.0 for the liquid media. The parameters analysed were biomass, protein, and final pH. For the semi-solid media, agitated flasks under rotational agitation for 24 hours, at 30-degrees-C, and initial pH 5.0 were used. The results obtained showed that the yeast did not grow well in liquid sugar cane vinasse media, both supplemented or not, in comparison to the complete broth for yeast. The protein content was also lower in liquid sugar cane vinasse media. The medium pH did not alter markedly during the cultivation. The best results were obtained in semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media with supplementation, probably due to the known polysaccharide production by this species, which allows a better survival to solid substrates.


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Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.


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Aim: To determine the immunoreactivity of synthetic Cryptococcus-derived peptides. Materials & methods: A total of 63 B-cell epitopes from previously identified Cryptococcus gattii immunoreactive proteins were synthesized and evaluated as antigens in ELISAs. The peptides were first evaluated for their ability to react against sera from immunocompetent subjects carrying cryptococcal meningitis. Peptides that yielded high sensitivity and specificity in the first test were then retested with sera from individuals with other fungal pathologies for cross-reactivity determination. Results: Six of 63 synthetic peptides were recognized by antibodies in immunoassays, with a specificity of 100%, sensitivity of 78% and low cross-reactivity. Conclusion: We successfully determined the immunoreactivity of selected synthetic peptides of C. gattii derived proteins.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A busca de novas fontes de energia tem sido estimulada pela demanda crescente do mercado e o bioetanol é uma alternativa promissora para esta questão. A produção de etanol a partir de resíduos agroindustriais lignocelulósicos está sendo pesquisada em vários laboratórios do Brasil e do exterior. Os resíduos da agroindústria são formados, em grande parte, por fibra vegetal lignocelulósica, a qual é altamente resistente à degradação, dificultando a conversão dos componentes a monossacarídeos fermentescíveis. Desta forma, a prospecção de micro-organismos que viabilizem a conversão de material lignocelulósico em etanol tem aumentado consideravelmente. Sendo assim, o estudo de micro-organismos associados às formigas cortadeiras, os quais são adaptados ao uso da biomassa lignocelulolítica, pode ser promissor para a descoberta de enzimas adequadas à degradação eficiente da fibra vegetal, podendo significar um passo adiante na produção do etanol de segunda geração. Neste trabalho analisamos a ação hidrolítica e a liberação de açúcares fermentescíveis por fungos dimórficos do gênero Lecythophora e de leveduras do gênero Cryptococcus sobre o material lignocelulósico. A metodologia empregada consistiu na inoculação das linhagens em diferentes resíduos da agroindústria, como bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, casca de café, casca de arroz e sabugo de milho triturado, seguida da quantificação dos açúcares redutores liberados, bem como da produção de enzimas hidrolíticas extracelulares, como endoamilase, exoamilase, pectinase, endoglucanase, exoglucanase e xilanase. O gênero Lecythophora mostrou-se melhor produtor enzimático quando comparado com o gênero Cryptococcus, ambos em meio suplementado com bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. Ainda, foi realizado o inóculo de culturas mistas das melhores linhagens pertencentes ao gênero Lecythophora. A produção enzimática constatada indicou o potencial das linhagens...


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Birds are hosts for a rich fungal microbiota which can act as potent pathogens for humans and other species of animals, causing thereby serious public health problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the participation of birds kept in containers in the epidemiology of infectious diseases such as cryptococcosis and aspergillosis, thus verifying the maintenance and spread of pathogens in the environment. 36 samples of excretas of passeriformes were collected and were cultivated in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 4% at room temperature and 37°C. The isolated fungal colonies were classified according to their morphological and staining characteristics. Subsequently, those in yeast form were peaked in Niger Agar, incubated at 30°C. In one sample showed growth of more than one type of colony and there was verified the presence of 25.0% of Penicillium spp., 19.4% of Trichosporon spp., 13.9% of C. gattii, 11.1% of C. neoformans, 11.1% of Candida spp., 8.3% of Rhizomucor spp., 8.3% of Aspergillus spp., 2.8% of Nigrospora spp. and 2,8% of Geotrichum spp. It can be conluded by the expost that birds shed continuously pathogenic microorganisms in their feces acting in definitive form in the infectious diseases ecoepidemiology.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A total of 137 yeasts associated with the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 were characterized, being selected 93 for analysis. Twenty four species belonging to seven genera(Candida, Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces, Tremella, Trichosporon, Pichia) were isolated from the different analysed material. The genus Candida was widely distributed, with C. homilentoma, C. colliculosa-like, C. famata and C. colliculosa being the most prevalent. A few isolates did not fit the standard descriptions and probably some of them could be new biotypes or even new species. Three strains of black yeasts were also isolated, and four others were identified as being Candida spp. The effective number of yeast species was higher in newer sponge. The origin, distribution and relative importance of these microorganisms for the ants are discussed.