55 resultados para Anita Cobby
This paper analyzes the dynamics of Brazilian cultural policy between 1995 and 2010. Studies related defend the existence of a "contrast" between the results obtained by the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003- 2010), that divide it between a model "neo-liberal" and a "democratic" model of cultural policy. Our main achievement is to produce empirical knowledge that can verify these claims. The build of indicators was guided by the theoretical assumption of the historical new institutionalism, discussed by Pierson (2006), and the observed universe comprises the totality of cultural producers who have submitted projects to “Mecenato”, registered in SALICNET - Ministry of Culture.
Sectores tradicionales de la historiografía brasileña, siguiendo la idea de la cordialidad de ese pueblo, defendida por importantes intelectuales, suelen presentar la independencia del país como un proceso pacífico. El siete de septiembre de 1822, el hijo del rey de Portugal, que entonces vivía en Brasil, proclama la independencia del nuevo país e instaura un régimen monárquico que perdura hasta 1889 y mantiene unido en esa corona la inmensa extensión territorial que constituye actualmente el país. En realidad el proceso de construcción del estado brasileño no fue tan pacífico como cuentan los manuales de historia ni tampoco dejó de cosechar conflictos a lo largo de casi un siglo. En las últimas décadas historiadores y novelistas se han encargado de apuntar fisuras y disensiones en dicho proceso. La historia aparece así reescrita en varias novelas, desde paradigmas escriturales diversos. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo muestra como tres escritores trataron de aspectos de las guerras de independencia en el país en novelas históricas. La lectura de Viva o povo brasileiro (1984), de João Ubaldo Ribeiro; Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e Anita (1999), de Flávio Aguiar, muestra como la literatura puede leer de modo privilegiado los signos de la historia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Paraná Magmatic Province was generated by a large volcanic event occurred in the Lower Cretaceous, it was a phenomenon that preceded the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwana. In Brazil the volcanic rocks overlying about 75% of the surface of the Parana basin being the Serra Geral Formation essentially represented by basalts and andesites of tholeiitic nature and subordinate porphyritic rhyodacites, called Chapecó type and aphyric rhyolites, Palms type. Based on the chemical compositions, rocks of Palmas type are subdivided into Santa Maria, Clevelândia, Caxias do Sul, Jacuí and Anita Garibaldi. Rocks of Chapecó type are grouped into three distinct subtypes called Guarapuava, Tamarana and Ourinhos. These acidic rocks that overlying basalts are of two main types: high-Ti (Paranapanema, Pitanga and Urubici) and low-Ti (Gramado, Esmeralda and Ribeira). Representative profiles of these rocks were studied in detail in order to establish the lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of Palmas and Chapecó type. To do this was made a field work and the use of a database with 1109 samples with their geographical coordinates and geochemical information of major and trace elements, which were launched in maps generated by Google Earth. From these maps, it was verified that rocks of the Palmas type are distributed predominantly in the south region of the basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, accumulated along Torres Syncline, while those Chapecó type occur in the plateaus of midwestern Paraná, in this region was observed that Chapecó type overlap those Palmas type. In the profiles studied, within Palmas type, Caxias do Sul type is spread throughout the southern region of the basin, occurring at the base of the acid volcanic sequences, in other words, they are older compared to the others. It was also observed that the rocks of Santa Maria and Anita Garibaldi type occupy the top of the sequences, both covering rocks of Caxias do Sul..
Necrotic Enteritis (NE) caused by Clostridium perfringens (CP) in poultry is probably the most important bacterial disease in terms of economic implications. The disease is multi-factorial and is invariably associated with predisposing factors. The present study investigated the effect of a commercially available Lactobacillus-based probiotic (FM-B11) for the control of necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens. In experiment 1, one-day-of-hatch broiler chicks were randomly allocated to the following treatment groups: 1) Non-challenged (NC); 2) Challenged (C); 3) Challenged + probiotic (C+ FM-B11). Prior to placement, chicks in groups 2 and 3 received 0.25 mL of Salmonella typhimurium (ST) containing 105 cfu of viable cells by oral gavage. At 14, 15 and 16 days of age, all chicks in group 3 were treated with FM-B11 in the drinking water at a concentration of 106 cfu/ml. At 21d of age, all chicks in groups 2 and 3, were individually challenged with 5 × 104 sporulated oocysts of E. maxima by oral gavage. At 26d of age, all chicks in groups 2 and 3, were individually challenged with 108 cfu CP; body weight (BW) was recorded prior to challenge. The experiment was terminated at 29 days of age and the following parameters were evaluated: NE-associated mortality, CP lesion scores, CP concentrations in ileum, BW, and body weight gain (BWG). Chicks treated with FM-B11 had significantly (P < 0.05) higher body weight gain after challenge when compared to control challenge chickens. Total mortality was higher in the C group (48.8%) when compared to the C + FM-B11 (12.7%). Even though there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in lesion score between C and C + FM-B11, group C + FM-B11 had significantly (P < 0.05) lower total number of cfu of CP recovered from the ileal mucosa and content samples when compared to group C. Experiment 2 was a unique and remarkable case report of a field outbreak of NE in a commercial broiler farm in Argentina. A reduction and control of the mortality associated with NE following 3 days of administration of FM-B11 was observed as compared with the control non treated house. These results imply that the commercially available Lactobacillus-based probiotic FM-B11 was able to reduce the severities of NE, as a secondary bacterial infection, in an experimental NE challenge model; as well as, in a commercial field outbreak of NE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)