263 resultados para Aeronautics in agriculture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os fertilizantes silicatados tem sido cada vez mais usados na agricultura devido a inúmeros benefícios, tais como correção da acidez de solos tropicais e efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento de gramíneas. A disponibilidade de nutrientes e a nutrição de plantas desempenham papel importante na produção de sementes e podem influenciar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.). Avaliou-se a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento de plântulas de aveia-branca em função da adubação com silício e fósforo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 20 e 200 mg dm-3 de P2O5, aplicados na forma de superfosfato triplo, combinados com 0, 150, 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de Si na forma de silicato de potássio. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, conduzindo-se sete plantas por vaso, com capacidade para 15 L de terra. As panículas foram colhidas e debulhadas manualmente e, as sementes, armazenadas em sacos de papel em condições normais de ambiente. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, condutividade elétrica, comprimento e massa da matéria seca de plântulas. Sementes de aveia-branca com qualidade superior são produzidas com 20 mg dm-3 de P2O5, independente da dose de Si. Sementes com maior germinação e vigor são obtidas com 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de K2SiO3, respectivamente. Os comprimentos da raiz e total das plântulas foram inferiores nas doses de Si até 300 kg ha-1, porém a dose de fósforo somente afetou o desenvolvimento das plântulas de maneira distinta quando aplicada junto com a maior dose de silício.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There are several methods for determining the Class-A pan coefficient (Kp) to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), which is of great importance to water management in agriculture. Most of these methods take into account the wind speed, relative humidity and the fetch area. This study was done in region of Botucatu, SP, in greenhouse and field in the months of July-August (dry) and September-October (rainy), used the methods of Doorenbos e Pruitt (1977), Cuenca (1989), Snyder (1992), Pereira et al. (1995), Allen et al. (1998) and correlation between ETo determined by Penman-Monteith (EToPM) and evaporation of the Class-A pan (ECA). The EToPM was used as standard for the correlations between the ETo determined by the Class-A pan (EToTCA) obtained by different methods of Kp. The Kp in greenhouse ranged between 0.51 and 0.85, and in the field from 0.33 to 0.85. The methods of Allen et al. (1998) and Snyder (1992) are the most recommended for dry months in greenhouse and rainy months the correlation between the ECA and EToPM e Cuenca (1989). In the field condition, the methods of Allen et al. (1998) and of correlation between the ECA and EToPM for dry months, and for rainy months of Allen et al. (1998) and Cuenca (1989). The method of Allen et al. (1998) was the most efficient, regardless of the environment and of months analyzed. The fixed value of Kp should only be used when it is not possible to determine from its more sophisticated methods.


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O fungo Sclerotium rolfsii causa grandes perdas em algumas culturas econômicas. Por produzir estruturas de resistência (escleródios), este fungo é de difícil controle. Há escassez de novos ingredientes ativos eficientes para o controle deste patógeno. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar se existe atividade fungitóxica na planta Momordica charantia (melão-de-sãocaetano), com potencial futuro para ser estudado no controle de S. rolfsii. Para isso, dois ensaios foram realizados, um in vitro (laboratório) e outro in vivo (câmara de crescimento). em in vitro, escleródios do patógeno ficaram em contato com extratos hidroetanólico e aquoso de folhas e ramos de M. charantia e sem extrato por 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. A sobrevivência dos escleródios foi avaliada em meio de cultura específico, após cada tempo. em in vivo, testou-se a ação dos mesmos extratos de maneira preventiva e curativa (aplicação aos 6 e 3 dias antes do plantio; no dia do plantio; e aos 3 e 6 dias após o plantio) e no tratamento de semente, no patossistema feijoeiro cv. Carioquinha versus S. rolfsii. A eficiência da ação dos extratos foi avaliada por meio da severidade da doença. Os extratos hidroetanólico e aquoso, in vitro, de forma semelhante, controlaram 100% os escleródios, num período de 0 a 7 dias. No ensaio in vivo, o extrato hidroetanólico, aplicado tanto em 6 ou 3 dias, antes do plantio, de forma preventiva, diminuiu a severidade da doença em 74%. Há atividade fungitóxica na parte aérea da planta de melão-de-são-caetano, com potencial futuro de estudo para controlar S. rolfsii, preferencialmente, de maneira preventiva.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Disposal of tons of sludge produced daily by sewage treatment plants in large cities is a serious problem. Because recycling and application in agriculture have been proposed, the Brazilian National Environmental Council (CONAMA, 2006) issued a legal norm that regulates the use of the sewage sludge (SS) in crops. Due to the complex chemical nature of such products, characterization by analytical methods for health and environmental risk assessment has severe limitations. To overcome such limitations, it is necessary to (1) assess the toxicological potential of SS and (2) identify possible adverse effects in vivo in order to provide critical information for future environmental regulations. The present study was conducted to determine the potential toxicity of SS obtained from a representative urban treatment plant located in the São Paulo State, Brazil. Male and female Wistar rats were fed ad libitum a pelleted diet containing varying amounts of SS. No relevant clinical, hematological, urinary, or gross organ morphological alterations were observed in both genders of rats orally exposed to SS at up to 3.8 g/kg/d for 90 d. Sewage slude produced increased incidence of centrilobular hepatocyte hyperplasia at the high dose and significantly increased aspartate aminotransferease (AST) activities at all doses in both genders. Although the present data indicate some liver involvement, these alterations were considered adaptative and not toxicologically relevant, as the responses were relatively mild, not dose dependent, and no other parameters were markedly affected. The present results may contribute to the establishment of protocols for potential usage in SS agricultural soil application.


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The orb-web spiders are polyphagous animals in which the web plays a very important role in the capture of preys; oily droplets usually cover the capture-web of the spider Nephila clavipes and seem to be of great importance for prey capture. The knowledge of the chemical composition of these droplets is necessary to understand the function of this adhesive material in web mechanics and prey capture. A novel subclass of spider toxins, tetrahydro-beta-carboline, was identified among the weaponry of compounds present inside of oily droplets. This type of alkaloid is not common among the natural compounds of spider toxins. Apparently, when the prey arthropods get caught by the spider web, their bodies are covered with many adhesive oily droplets, which disrupt delivering the tetrahydro-beta-carboline to the direct contact with the prey integument. Toxicity assays demonstrated a potent lethal effect of the alkaloid toxin to the spider preys; topical applications of the teirahydro-beta-carboline at first caused clear signs of neurotoxicity, followed by the death of preys. The structure of the major component, a tetrahydro-beta-carboline, among the alkaloid toxins was elucidated by means of UV spectrophotometry, ESI mass spectrometry, H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The structure of the natural toxin was determined as 1-(2-guanidinoethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-hydroxymethyl)-beta-carboline; the investigation of the pharmacological properties and neurotoxic actions of this compound may be used in the future as reference for the development of new drugs to be applied at level of pest control in agriculture.


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A new, highly active tetrahydro-p-carboline toxin from the spider Parawixia bistriata, the most-common species of social spider occurring in Brazil, was isolated. The new toxin was identified as 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-beta-carboline (= N-[3-(2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-1H-pyrido[3,4-b]indol-1-yl)propyl]guanidine; 3). This type of alkaloid, not common among spider toxins, was found to be the most-potent constituent of the spider's chemical weaponry to kill prey. When P bistriata catch arthropods in their web, they apparently attack their prey in groups of many individuals injecting their venoms. In vivo toxicity assays with 3 demonstrated a potent lethal effect to honeybees, giving rise to clear neurotoxic effects (paralysis) before death. The compound's toxicity (LD50 value) was determined to be ca. 8 ng/g of honeybee. The investigation of the pharmacological properties and neurotoxic actions of 3 may be used in the future for the development of new drugs to be applied for pest control in agriculture.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The extensive use of buffalo in agriculture, especially in developing countries, begs for genetic resources to evaluate and improve traits important to local and regional economies. Brazil presents the largest water buffalo populations in the New World, with 1 1 million heads including swamp and river types. To design rational breeding strategies for optimum utilization and conservation of available genetic variability in the Brazilian buffalo's population, it is essential to understand their genetic architecture and relationship among various breeds. This depends, in part, on the knowledge of their genetic structure based on molecular markers like microsatellites. In the present study, we developed six enriched partial genomic libraries for river buffalo using selective hybridization methods. Genomic DNA was hybridized with six different arrays of repeat motif, 5' biotinylated - (CA)(15), (CT)(15), (AGG)(8), (GAAA)(8), (GATA)(8), (AAAAC)(8) - and bound to streptavidin coated beads. The cloning process generated a total of 1920 recombinant clones. Up to date, 487 were directly sequenced for the presence of repeats, from which 13 have been positive for presence of repeats as follows: 9 for di-nucleotide repeats, 3 for tri-nucleotide repeats and 1 for tetra-nucleotide repeat. PCR primer pairs for the isolated microsatellites are under construction to determine optimum annealing temperature. These microsatellites will be useful for studies involving phylogenetic relationships, genome mapping and genetic diversity analysis within buffalo populations worldwide.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)