60 resultados para AMAMENTAÇÃO


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The early weaning method is an alternative to increase the body weight of calves, since it is based on the total or temporary interruption of suckling by animals, in an attempt to faster develop the rumen of those receiving milk ad libitum. Thus, this study was conducted in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the weight gain of calves subjected to two weaning methods (conventional, i.e., calves were kept with cows, and controlled, where calves had access to suckling for one hour per day), as well as body condition and pregnancy rate of Guzerá primiparous and multiparous cows. Once a month, the animals were weighed, in order to measure their weight gain. At the birth and definite weaning of calves, the cows had their body condition evaluated, as well as their pregnancy rate, at the end of weaning. It was found that the controlled weaning method showed no significant difference, however, it becomes feasible in the beef cattle chain, since it can reduce the delivering intervals, due to the improved body condition of cows, especially in times of drought, when there is low food availability. An increase in the weight of calves at weaning was also observed for primiparous cows.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: analyze the prevalence of recurrent wheezing and its risk factors. Method: systematic literature review, guided by the research question “what is the prevalence of recurrent wheezing and its risk factors?”. The search was performed in the databases MedLine and LILACS, in April and May 2013. The inclusion criteria were: scientific study, fully available, published between 2002 and 2013, with free access. Results: wheezing presents a higher prevalence in developing countries, possibly due to poor socioeconomic conditions. Among its risk factors, we find heredity, mother’s education level, attendance of day nursery, smoking during pregnancy, breastfeeding for < 3 months, animals in the household of children, among others. Conclusion: in Latin America, the prevalence of wheezing shows to be high and the use of non-standardized instruments hampers its treatment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance


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O aleitamento materno é um ato único de amor. Apesar da importância do aleitamento materno para a criança, a mãe, a família e a sociedade, estudos mostram que a amamentação sofreu um declínio em todo o mundo, levando a conseqüências desastrosas para a saúde das crianças e das mães. Os mitos e crendices construídos no decorrer da vida interferem no ato de amamentar e estes são passados de geração para geração. Estudos indicam que as avós podem influenciar positivamente ou negativamente na amamentação tanto na sua duração quanto na sua exclusividade. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi de levantar o conhecimento de três mulheres da mesma família sobre o aleitamento materno, verificar os mitos e crendices e observar se eles passam de geração para geração. A pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória envolveu 8 famílias, portanto, 24 mulheres. Através de um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas sobre a identificação dos sujeitos, suas gestações e experiências e de uma entrevista semi-estruturada foi possível verificar o conhecimento que cada geração possui. Os resultados mostraram que apesar de alguns mitos e crendices diminuírem conforme passam as gerações, muitos ainda existem e vem sendo perpetuados. Portanto, é muito importante tratar da importância do aleitamento materno com crianças, construindo futuros pais com um conhecimento real eliminando mitos e crendices que são trazidos pelas gerações passadas e que influenciam no sucesso do aleitamento materno.


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A síndrome metabólica é um mal que, segundo projeções, poderá no ano de 2010, acometer de 50 a 75 milhões de pessoas somente nos Estados Unidos. Dessa forma, é de grande interesse a implementação de procedimentos mais eficazes para prevenção e tratamento desta doença. Uma vez que existem limitações nas pesquisas com seres humanos, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de modelos experimentais apropriados ao estudo desta questão. Na busca de um modelo experimental adequado ao estudo do papel do exercício na prevenção e no tratamento da síndrome metabólica, o presente estudo analisou o perfil metabólico e a capacidade aeróbia de ratos mantidos com dieta rica em frutose, substrato que tem sido associado à síndrome metabólica, na vida intra-uterina e pós-natal. Foram utilizadas ratas adultas (90 dias) da linhagem Wistar, alimentadas durante a prenhez e a lactação com dois tipos de dieta: balanceada (AIN-93G) e rica em frutose (60% de frutose). Durante a amamentação, os filhotes foram distribuídos em ninhadas pequenas (4/mãe) ou adequadas (8/mãe). Após o desmame, manteve-se as mesmas dietas até os 90 dias, quando foram analisados: tolerância à glicose (teste de tolerância à glicose), sensibilidade periférica à insulina (teste de tolerância à insulina); capacidade aeróbia (determinação da máxima fase estável de lactato em natação), conteúdo pancreático de insulina; peso e concentração de lipídios totais no tecido adiposo de diferentes regiões e concentrações séricas de glicose, insulina, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, colesterol LDL, colesterol HDL. Constatou-se que a dieta rica em frutose conduziu os animais a resistência à insulina. O grupo FP apresentou dislipidemia, com aumento nas concentrações séricas de colesterol total e triglicerídeos, mostrando que o modelo animal avaliado é potencialmente interessante para o estudo da síndrome metabólica.


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The prolonged postpartum anoestrus in cows reduces the number of calves leading to a significant economic loss to producers. Suckling and nutrition are the factors of great importance to the extension of the post-partum period. Besides, the occurrence of short cycles within 30 to 40 days postpartum contributes to an increase in the parturition–conception interval. These cycles are related to development of a corpus luteum with reduced duration after the first ovulation (less than 12 days). It is known that the short persistence of the corpus luteum is caused by advance of the luteolytic mechanisms. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the cause of this anticipation. There are two currently accepted hypotheses, one related to the lack of prior exposure to progesterone, and the other related to the low concentration of pre-ovulatory estrogen. Considering the decrease in the incidence of short cycles in cows treated with progesterone and estrogen, the main protocols of ovulation induction include combination of both hormones. Therefore, this study aimed at describing the post-partum anestrous in cows and the main predisposing factors, emphasizing the first postpartum ovulation, short cycle and, its respective causes and consequences


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What is the relationship of a pacifier as for nutrition, speech, dental and psychotherapy? What are its benefits and harm? Which strategies should be developed as a teaching material which can guide employees and teachers of early childhood education regarding the use of pacifier in schools? The survey is a qualitative and an exploratory one. By taking literature as a starting point. We found out that there are many doubts regarding the use of pacifier, even among health professionals. The booklet was prepared containing topics such as: social and historical aspects; psycho-physiological aspects of development, speech therapy and dental aspects; pros and cons of using a pacifier; teaching materials on the pedagogical use of pacifiers. Tips and information to the teacher


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Não disponível


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Introduction: Breast-feeding has stood out as health care measure and is part of the Government’s National Health Policy, involving dental professionals. However, it has been suggested that breast milk could be a risk factor for the development of early childhood caries. Objective: The purpose of this report was to search for scientific evidence that would support or refute the statement that breastfeeding is associated with the development of early childhood caries. Method: Medline and SciELO databases were consulted to retrieve studies, ranging from laboratory investigations to epidemiological surveys, which relate breastfeeding to dental caries. The key words ‘breast-feeding’ and ‘dental caries’ were used on the reference search. There was no scientific evidence that could demonstrate a clear relationship between breast milk and cariogenicity. This is attributed to fact that dental caries is a multifactorial disease that is susceptible to multiple confusing factors, among which the early introduction of sucrose to the infant’s diet and late introduction of oral hygiene habits. The dentist should encourage exclusive breast-feeding because, in addition to the undeniable benefits to the child’s physical and psychological health, it contributes to a harmonic facial growth and prevents the development of atypical deglutition and malocclusions, in combination with early introduction of oral hygiene habits and noncariogenic diet. Conclusion: There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate an association between breast-feeding and early childhood caries.


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The reduction of child mortality has been the focus of World Breastfeeding Week campaigns. On the other hand, breastfeeding and weaning are considered by psychoanalysis as key moments in the prophylaxis in mental health. Our goal is to investigate how the emotional aspects involved in breastfeeding have been addressed on the promotional material of Brazilian campaigns from 1999 (year of its creation) to 2010. The method adopted was the categorical content analysis and the results indicate that (1) the emotional benefits of breastfeeding are treated superficially, (2) weaning is depleted of its relational dimension (separation), being presented as a chronological and pragmatic concept, based on the introduction of new foods, (3) the term "mental health" is mentioned only once, without a precise definition. The relationship between breastfeeding and emotional development, besides the prophylaxis of mental health, has not been fully exploited in the analyzed campaigns.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O uso de plantas medicinais por mulheres grávidas e em período de lactação é uma prática comum em diversos países. Entretanto, muitas plantas medicinais são contra-indicadas durante a gravidez e amamentação devido a vários efeitos adversos que podem apresentar, como embriotoxicidade, teratogenicidade e efeitos abortivos. Esse fato acaba expondo essas mulheres, seus fetos e bebês, a riscos de saúde desconhecidos. Assim, a proposta desse trabalho foi analisar a percepção a respeito do uso de plantas medicinais por mulheres grávidas e lactantes na ONG Bebê a Bordo, em Araraquara, São Paulo, entre 2013 e 2014. O grupo foi constituído por 96 mulheres ao todo, entre o primeiro e o último trimestre de gestação. Os dados foram coletados em encontros com grupos de gestantes utilizando questionários como roteiro e também através de entrevista oral. Esse estudo promove uma análise de natureza qualitativa. Os resultados foram baseados nos relatos de mulheres grávidas sobre o uso de plantas medicinais, a indicação de uso e conhecimento dos riscos avindos do uso. Todas as participantes foram informadas oralmente e por escrito sobre o estudo e assinaram um termo de consentimento. O uso de plantas medicinais é uma realidade entre as mulheres gestantes e lactantes da ONG Bebê a Bordo. Elas reportaram acreditar que produtos naturais não oferecem perigo à saúde. As principais fontes de informação sobre o uso de plantas medicinais durante a gravidez são familiares, vizinhos, amigos e internet. As plantas mais citadas são: hortelã, camomila, boldo, capim-cidreira e erva-doce. Tais plantas eram indicadas para náusea, indigestão, gases, constipação, ansiedade, e também para produzir leite. As mulheres gestantes e lactantes demonstraram que falta conhecimento sobre os riscos à saúde que as plantas medicinais e os medicamentos fitoterápicos podem oferecer nessas fases. Elas também comentaram sobre as dificuldades em...