165 resultados para 5’S


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Density functional calculation at B3LYP level was employed to study the surface oxygen vacancies and the doping process of Co, Cu and Zn on SnO2 (110) surface models. Large clusters, based on (SnO2)(15) models, were selected to simulate the oxidized (Sn15O30), half-reduced (Sn15O29) and the reduced (Sn15O28) surfaces. The doping process was considered on the reduced surfaces: Sn13Co2O28, Sn13Cu2O28 and Sn13Zn2O28. The results are analyzed and discussed based on a calculation of the energy levels along the bulk band gap region, determined by a projection of the monoelectron level structure on to the atomic basis set and by the density of states. This procedure enables one to distinguish the states coming from the bulk, the oxygen vacancies and the doping process, on passing from an oxidized to a reduced surface, missing bridge oxygen atoms generate electronic levels along the band gap region, associated with 5s/5p of four-/five-fold Sn and 2p of in-plane O centers located on the exposed surface, which is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental investigations. The formation energy of one and two oxygen vacancies is 3.0 and 3.9 eV, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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O DEET (N, N-dietil-3-metilbenzamida) é hoje o repelente mais efetivo disponível, porém, seu uso pode apresentar importantes efeitos colaterais tópicos e sistêmicos. Alguns compostos botânicos, como a Andiroba (Carapa guianensis), têm demonstrado propriedades repelentes a um baixo custo e baixa toxicidade. Quatro voluntários hígidos submeteram seus antebraços recobertos com óleo de Andiroba a 100%, DEET 50% (controle positivo), óleo de soja refinado, óleo de Andiroba 15% e na ausência de produtos (controles negativos), diretamente a picadas de fêmeas saudáveis de Aedes sp. Foram aferidos os tempos da primeira e terceira picadas. Os resultados mostraram que a mediana da primeira picada nos antebraços sem produto foi 17.5s e a terceira picada, 40.0s. No óleo de soja, as picadas ocorreram em 60.0s e 101.5s. No óleo de Andiroba 100%, em 56.0s e 142.5s. Com Andiroba 15%, em 63.0s e 97.5s. Usando DEET 50% não houve picadas após 3600s na maioria dos experimentos (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). O óleo de Andiroba 100% comparado ao óleo de soja, antebraço sem produto e óleo de Andiroba 15%, mostrou discreta superioridade (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Concluímos que o óleo puro de Andiroba apresenta efeito repelente discreto contra picada de Aedes sp., sendo significativamente inferior ao DEET 50%.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar se os testes: Volume Expiratório Forçado no 1º segundo (VEF1), Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e Teste de Escada (TE) se alteram proporcionalmente ao pulmão funcionante ressecado. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes candidatos a toracotomia para ressecção pulmonar. No pré-operatório (pré) e no mínimo três meses após a cirurgia (pós), realizaram espirometria, TC6 e TE. O TE foi realizado em escada com 12,16m de altura. O tempo para subir todos os degraus o mais rápido possível foi chamado tempo de escada (tTE). Os cálculos dos valores dos testes preditos para o pós-operatório (ppo) foram realizados conforme o número de segmentos funcionantes perdidos. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram comparados entre si para cada teste. Estatística: foi utilizada a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA), com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes. A ressecção pulmonar variou desde o ganho de dois segmentos funcionantes até a perda de 9. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram respectivamente: VEF1 -pré = 2,6±0,8L, ppo = 2,3±0,8L, pós = 2,3±0,8L (VEF1pré > VEF1ppo = VEF1pós), TC6-pré = 604±63m, ppo = 529±103m, pós = 599±74m (TC6pré = TC6pós > TC6ppo), tTE-pré = 32,9±7,6s, ppo = 37,8±12,1s, pós = 33,7±8,5s (tTEpré = tTEpós < tTEppo). CONCLUSÃO: Nas ressecções pulmonares, este grupo de pacientes perdeu função pulmonar medida através da espirometria, mas não perdeu a capacidade de exercício, medida através dos testes de escada e caminhada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Silver nitrate staining of rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) chromosomes, for the identification of the nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), revealed that in individuals from Nucleo Experimental de Salmonicultura de Campos do Jordao (Brazil) NORs were located in the long arms of a submetacentric pair while in specimens from Mount Shasta (USA) NORs were located in the short arms of a submetacentric pair. Cytogenetic analysis of the offspring, obtained through artificial crosses including individuals from both stocks, allowed the identification of NORs in two submetacentric chromosomes, one in the short arms and the other in the long arms, confirming the effectiveness of the hybridization process. Complementary results obtained using the FISH technique with 18S and 5S rDNA probes showed that NOR-bearing chromosomes exhibited a cluster of 5S genes located in tandem with the 18S gene cluster in both stocks. The results allow us to suggest that the difference in NOR-bearing chromosomes found between the two stocks is likely to be due to a pericentric inversion involving the chromosome segment where 18S and 5S rDNA genes are located. The presence of ribosomal genes in the long arms of a submetacentric chromosome is apparently a particular characteristic of the rainbow trout stock of Campos do Jordao and might be used as a chromosome marker in studies of controlled crosses in this species.


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The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has received increasing scientific interest over the past few decades for two reasons: first, tilapia is an enormously important species in aquaculture worldwide, especially in regions where there is a chronic shortage of animal protein; and second, this teleost fish belongs to the fascinating group of cichlid fishes that have undergone a rapid and extensive radiation of much interest to evolutionary biologists. Currently, studies based on physical and genetic mapping of the Nile tilapia genome offer the best opportunities for applying genomics to such diverse questions and issues as phylogeography, isolation of quantitative trait loci involved in behaviour, morphology, and disease, and overall improvement of aquacultural stocks. In this review, we have integrated molecular cytogenetic data for the Nile tilapia describing the chromosomal location of the repetitive DNA sequences, satellite DNAs, telomeres, 45S and 5S rDNAs, and the short and long interspersed nucleotide elements [short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) and long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs)], and provide the beginnings of a physical genome map for this important teleost fish. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the karyotype analysis of Haemulon aurolineatum, Haemulon bonariensis and Haemulon plumierii, by Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to locate the 18S and 5S rRNA genes. Diploid modal count in the three species was 2n = 48 acrocentric elements. Except for pair 24, which exhibited an unmistakable secondary constriction in all three species, it was not possible to classify them as homologous to each other because differences in chromosome size were too slight between adjacent pairs within a size-graded series. Ag-NOR clusters were located in pair 24 in the three species with signal located on the secondary constriction of these chromosomes. C-banding demonstrated that the three species share the same distribution pattern of the constitutive heterochromatin with centromeric heterochromatic blocks in the 23 chromosome pairs and a pericentromeric block in pair 24 which is coincident with the NORs. FISH experiments showed that 18S rDNA sequences were located coincident with the Ag-NOR site in the three species; however, differences in both the number and chromosome distribution of 5S-rDNA cluster were detected among them. Our data suggest that chromosome evolution of Haemulon has been preserved from major changes in the karyotypic macrostructure, whereas microstructural changes have occurred.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Basic and molecular cytogenetic analyses were performed in specimens of Characidium cf. zebra from five collection sites located throughout the Tietê, Paranapanema and Paraguay river basins. The diploid number in specimens from all samples was 2n = 50 with a karyotype composed of 32 metacentric and 18 submetacentric chromosomes in both males and females. Constitutive heterochromatin was present at the centromeric regions of all chromosomes and pair 23, had additional interstitial heterochromatic blocks on its long arms. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located on the long arms of pair 23, while the 5S rDNA sites were detected in different chromosomes among the studied samples. One specimen from the Alambari river was a natural triploid and had two extra chromosomes, resulting in 2n = 77. The remarkable karyotypic similarity among the specimens of C. cf. zebra suggests a close evolutionary relationship. on the other hand, the distinct patterns of 5S rDNA distribution may be the result of gene flow constraints during their evolutionary history.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)