117 resultados para 424


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective is to alert the surgeon about the indiscriminate use of synthetic prosthesis in the correction of inguinal and incisional hernias. The authors provide a brief history of surgery on hernias and a review of the literature, showing the importance of classifying inguinal hernias to fit the type of surgical correction with the defect found, abstaining from treating all hernias, with the same type of surgical procedure. In our opinion, small indirect inguinal hernias (type 1 and 2 of Gilbert) and hernias in women must not, in general, be treated with prostheses. The synthetic material should be reserved for direct and large indirect hernias. Even so, this attitude, besides determining a higher cost for the procedure, can lead to important complications such as infection, rejection, fistula formation, chronic pain, alterations in spermatogenesis and the possibility of carcinogenesis, according to more recent reports. The physiology and anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered when dealing with incisional hernia corrections, where the surgeon can choose among many techniques to correct those defects, and in selected cases, utilize synthetic material. We conclude that although the use of biomaterials has constituted a great advance in surgery for abdominal wall hernia corrections because they decrease recurrences, and permit treatment of large abdominal hernias, the indiscriminate prosthesis usage is an abuse, and it can determine many serious complications, certainly avoidable with a well indicated non mesh technique .


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A partir de perfis populacionais experimentais de linhagens do díptero forídeo Megaselia scalaris, foi determinado o número mínimo de perfis amostrais que devem ser repetidos, via processo de simulação bootstrap, para se ter uma estimativa confiável do perfil médio populacional e apresentar estimativas do erro-padrão como medida da precisão das simulações realizadas. Os dados originais são provenientes de populações experimentais fundadas com as linhagens SR e R4, com três réplicas cada, e que foram mantidas por 33 semanas pela técnica da transferência seriada em câmara de temperatura constante (25 ± 1,0ºC). A variável usada foi tamanho populacional e o modelo adotado para cada perfíl foi o de um processo estocástico estacionário. Por meio das simulações, os perfis de três populações experimentais foram amplificados, determinando-se, dessa forma, o tamanho mínimo de amostra. Fixado o tamanho de amostra, simulações bootstrap foram realizadas para construção de intervalos de confiança e comparação dos perfis médios populacionais das duas linhagens. Os resultados mostram que com o tamanho de amostra igual a 50 inicia-se o processo de estabilização dos valores médios.


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Although Coffea arabica species has its origin in the African understories, there is great resistance on the part of the Brazilian producers for growing this species under agroforestry systems as they fear that shading reduces production. This study aimed at evaluating some vegetative traits and the productivity of organically grown coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cultivars under shaded and unshaded systems. Twelve treatments consisting of two cultivation systems (shaded and unshaded) and six coffee cultivars were arranged in randomized blocks with four replicates, in a split-plot scheme. Shading was provided by banana (Musa sp.) and coral bean plants (Erythrinaverna). Shading delayed fruit maturation. Late maturation cultivars, such as the Icatu and the Obatã, matured early in both cultivation systems, while medium and early maturation cultivars presented late maturation. Cultivation in the shaded system increased the leaf area and the number of lower branches, decreased the number of productive nodes per branch, and increased the distance between the nodes and the number of leaves present in the branches. Cultivation in the unshaded system presented greater number of plants with branch blight in relation to plants grown in the shade. The productivity of the cultivars was not different, at 30.0 processed bags per hectare in the shaded system, and 25.8 processed bags per hectare in the unshaded system. The most productive cultivars in the shaded system were the Tupi, the Obatã, and the Catuaí, while no differences between cultivars were obtained in the unshaded system.


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O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar, durante a fase de terminação, o peso, o consumo alimentar, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de vacas de descarte, puras (Charolês-C e Nelore-N) e cruzadas F1 ( ½ CN e ½ NC), bem como medir a heterose resultante. As vacas foram confinadas por um período de 80 dias, sendo todas alimentadas com a mesma dieta, contendo 10% de proteína bruta e uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 65:35. Vacas F1 foram mais pesadas no início (402 vs 362 kg) e no final do confinamento (524 vs 475 kg), sendo a heterose de 11,05 e 10,31%, respectivamente. O ganho de peso médio diário das vacas F1 (1,557 kg) foi similar ao das puras (1,424 kg). O consumo voluntário de matéria seca (CMS) em kg/animal/dia (CMSD) foi 11,26% superior nas vacas F1 em relação às puras. No entanto, ao expressar o CMS por unidade de peso metabólico (CMSM) e por 100 kg de peso vivo (CMSP), a diferença decresceu para 3,25 e 3,57%, respectivamente, e deixou de ser significativa. Vacas C foram mais pesadas e apresentaram maior ganho de peso médio diário que vacas N (1,554 contra 1,294 kg). Vacas ½ CN foram mais pesadas e mais eficientes na transformação de alimentos em ganho de peso que vacas ½ NC.


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Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar os efeitos de idades de colheita e do uso de inoculante enzimático-bacteriano sobre os parâmetros de fermentação, de composição química e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) das silagens dos cultivares Tanzânia e Mombaça (Panicum maximum Jacq.). As forragens foram colhidas aos 45 e 60 dias após o corte de uniformização, submetidas a dois tratamentos (A - Ensilagem sem aditivo [Controle]; B - Ensilagem com adição de inoculante enzimático-bacteriano) e distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (dois capins x duas inoculações x duas idades de corte), com três repetições. O conteúdo de MS das silagens confeccionadas com as plantas colhidas aos 60 dias de rebrota foi superior àquele das silagens colhidas com 45 dias. As silagens confeccionadas com as plantas colhidas aos 45 dias de rebrota apresentaram os maiores teores de PB (11,9%). Não se observaram efeitos das silagens, dos tratamentos e das idades de corte sobre os teores de hemicelulose, celulose e DIVMS e valores de pH e N-NH3. As silagens do capim-tanzânia apresentaram os maiores teores de MS, FDN, FDA, ácido lático e ácido butírico, enquanto as de capim-mombaça, os de PB e de ácido acético. A adição de inoculante enzimático-bateriano promoveu silagens com menores teores de MS, PB e lignina que as não-tratadas. Os capins tanzânia e mombaça não apresentaram limitações ao processo de ensilagem. O inoculante enzimático-bacteriano não melhorou as características qualitativas, fermentativas e nutricionais das silagens avaliadas.


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This paper describes a novel approach for mapping lightning processes using fuzzy logic. The core regarding lightning process is to identify and to model those uncertain information on mathematical principles. In fact, the lightning process involves several nonlinear features that our current mathematical tools would not be able to model. The estimation process has been carried out using a fuzzy system based on Sugeno's architecture. Simulation results confirm that proposed approach can be efficiently used in these types of problem.


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Anelastic spectroscopy measurements (internal friction) are sensitive tools for the study of defects in solids, in particular the mobility of interstitial oxygen. Samples of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy were analyzed after being submitted to two thermal treatments in vacuum, one at 973 K and another at 673 K. Anelastic spectroscopy measurements were performed using a torsion pendulum operating at around 38 Hz and at a temperature range of 88 and 700 K with heating rate of 1 K/min and vacuum better than 10(-5) Torr. Complex relaxation structures reversible with new thermal treatments were observed. These relaxation structures were attributed to O-M structural phase transitions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of the medium in the coupling constants implicate in a charge symmetry breaking on nuclear interactions. The amount of energy due to this modification can explain the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly.


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Magnesium ion was reacted with 5,7-dibromo-, 5,7-dichloro-, 7-iodo- and 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline, in acetone/ammonium hydroxide medium under constant stirring to obtain (I) Mg[(C9H4ONBr2)(2)].2H(2)O; (II) Mg[(C9H4ONCl2)(2)].3H(2)O; (III) Mg[(C9H5ONI)(2)].2H(2)O and (IV) Mg[(C9H4ONICl)(2)].2.5H(2)O complexes. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, ICP, TG-DTA and DSC.Through thermal decomposition residues were obtained and characterized, by X-ray diffractometry, as a mixture of hexagonal MgBr2 and cubic MgO to the (I) compound at 850degreesC; cubic MgO to the (II), (III) and (IV) compounds at 750, 800 and 700degreesC, respectively.


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Aim. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of active (AR) and passive recovery (PR) after a judo match on blood lactate removal and on performance in an anaerobic intermittent task (4 bouts of upper body Wingate tests with 3-min interval between bouts; 4WT).Methods. The sample was constituted by 17 male judo players of different competitive levels: A) National (Brazil) and International medallists (n. 5). B) State (São Paulo) medallists (n. 7). Q City (São Paulo) medallists (n. 5). The subjects were submitted to: 1) a treadmill test for determination of VO2peak and velocity at anaerobic threshold (VAT); 2) body composition; 3) a 5-min judo combat, 15-min of AR or PR followed by 4WT.Results. The groups did not differ with respect to: body weight, VO2peak, VAT, body fat percentage, blood lactate after combats. No difference was observed in performance between AR and PR, despite a lower blood lactate after combat (10 and 15 min) during AR compared to PR. Groups A and B performed better in the high-intensity intermittent exercise compared to athletes with lower competitive level (C).Conclusion. The ability to maintain power output during intermittent anaerobic exercises can discriminate properly judo players of different levels. Lactate removal was improved with AR when compared to PR but AR did not improve performance in a subsequent intermittent anaerobic exercise.


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The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of Eu2+ (4f(7), S = 7/2) in LaB6 single crystal show a single Dysonian resonance for the localized Eu2+ magnetic moments. It is shown that the Eu2+ ions are covalent exchange coupled to the (B) 2p-like host conduction electrons. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several studies have demonstrated that caffeine improves endurance exercise performance but the mechanisms are not fully understood. Possibilities include increased free fatty acid (FFA) oxidation with consequent sparing of muscle glycogen as well as enhancement of neuromuscular function during exercise. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of caffeine on liver and muscle glycogen of 3-month old, male Wistar rats (250-300 g) exercising by swimming. Caffeine (5 mg/kg) dissolved in saline (CAF) or 0.9% sodium chloride (SAL) was administered by oral intubation (1 mu l/g) to fed rats 60 min before exercise. The rats (N = and-IO per group) swam bearing a load corresponding to 5% body weight for 30 or 60 min. FFA levels were significantly elevated to 0.475 +/- 0.10 mEq/l in CAF compared to 0.369 +/- 0.06 mEq/l in SAL rats at the beginning of exercise. During exercise, a significant difference in FFA levels between CAF and SAL rats was observed at 30 min (0.325 +/- 0.06 vs 0.274 +/- 0.05 mEq/l) but not at 60 min (0.424 +/- 0.13 vs 0.385 +/- 0.10 mEq/l). Blood glucose showed an increase due to caffeine only at the end of exercise (CAF = 142.1 +/- 27.4 and SAL = 120.2 +/- 12.9 mg/100 ml). No significant difference in liver or muscle glycogen was observed in CAF as compared to SAL rats, at rest or during exercise. Caffeine increased blood lactate only at the beginning of exercise (CAF = 2.13 +/- 0.2 and SAL = 1.78 +/- 0.2 mmol/l). These data indicate that caffeine (5 mg/kg) has no glycogen-sparing effect on rats exercising by swimming even though the FFA levels of CAF rats were significantly higher at the beginning of exercise.