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There are several methods for identifying carious dentinal tissue aiming to avoid removal of healthy dentinal tissue. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to test different methods for the detection of carious dentinal tissue regarding the amount of carious tissue removed and the remaining dentin microhardness after caries removal. Material and methods: The dentin surfaces of 20 bovine teeth were exposed and half of the surface was protected with nail polish. Cariogenic challenge was performed by immersion in a demineralizing solution for 14 days. After transverse cross-section of the crown, the specimens were divided into four groups (n=10), according to the method used to identify and remove the carious tissue: "Papacarie", Caries-detector dye, DIAGNOdent and Tactile method. After caries removal, the cross-sectional surface was included in acrylic resin and polished. In a microhardness tester, the removed dentin thickness and the Vickers microhardness of the following regions were evaluated: remaining dentin after caries removal and superficial and deep healthy dentin. Results: ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha=0.05) were performed, except for DIAGNOdent, which did not detect the presence of caries. Results for removed dentin thickness were: "Papacarie" (424.7 +/- 105.0; a), Caries-detector dye (370.5 +/- 78.3; ab), Tactile method (322.8 +/- 51.5; bc). Results for the remaining dentin microhardness were: "Papacarie" (42.2 +/- 10.5; bc), Caries-detector dye (44.6 +/- 11.8; bc), Tactile method (24.3 +/- 9.0; d). Conclusions: DIAGNOdent did not detect the presence of carious tissue; Tactile method and "Papacarie" resulted in the least and the most dentinal thickness removal, respectively; Tactile method differed significantly from "Papacarie" and Caries-detector dye in terms of the remaining dentin microhardness, and Tactile method was the one which presented the lowest microhardness values.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to describe the clinical and MRI findings of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in patients with major depressive disorders (MDDs) of the non-psychotic type.Methods: 40 patients (80 TMJs) who were diagnosed as having MDDs were selected for this study. The clinical examination of the TMJs was conducted according to the research diagnostic criteria and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). The MRIs were obtained bilaterally in each patient with axial, parasagittal and paracoronal sections within a real-time dynamic sequence. Two trained oral radiologists assessed all images. For statistical analyses, Fisher's exact test and chi(2) test were applied (alpha = 0.05).Results: Migraine was reported in 52.5% of subjects. Considering disc position, statistically significant differences between opening patterns with and without alteration (p = 0.00) and between present and absent joint noises (p = 0.00) were found. Regarding muscular pain, patients with and without abnormalities in disc function and patients with and without abnormalities in disc position were not statistically significant (p = 0.42 and p = 0.40, respectively). Significant differences between mandibular pathway with and without abnormalities (p=0.00) and between present and absent joint noises (p=0.00) were observed.Conclusion: Based on the preliminary results observed by clinical and MRI examination of the TMJ, no direct relationship could be determined between MDDs and TMDs. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 316-322. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/27328352
We study numerically the temperature dependencies of specific heat, susceptibility, penetration depth, and thermal conductivity of a coupled (d(x2-y2) + is)-wave Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductor in the presence of a weak s-wave component (1) on square lattice and (2) on a lattice with orthorhombic distortion. As the temperature is lowered past the critical temperature T-c, a less ordered superconducting phase is created in d(x2-y2) wave, which changes to a more ordered phase in (d(x2-y2) + is) wave at T-c1. This manifests in two second-order phase transitions. The two phase transitions are identified by two jumps in specific heat at T-c and T-c1. The temperature dependencies of the superconducting observables exhibit a change from power-law to exponential behavior as temperature is lowered below T-c1 and confirm the new phase transition. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A gauge theory of second order in the derivatives of the auxiliary field is constructed following Utiyama's program. A novel field strength G = partial derivative F + fAF arises besides the one of the first order treatment, F = partial derivative A - partial derivative A + fAA. The associated conserved current is obtained. It has a new feature: topological terms are determined from local invariance requirements. Podolsky Generalized Eletrodynamics is derived as a particular case in which the Lagrangian of the gauge field is L-P alpha G(2). In this application the photon mass is estimated. The SU(N) infrared regime is analysed by means of Alekseev-Arbuzov-Baikov's Lagrangian. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this Letter we discuss a generalization for the thermal Bogoliubov transformation in the context of a Hermitian general SU(1,1) transformation generator. The TFD tilde conjugation rules are redefined using an appropriated Tomita-Takesaki modular operator. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Disordered and crystalline Ba0.45Sr0.55TiO3 (BST) powder processed at low temperature was synthesized by the polymeric precursor method. The single-phase perovskite structure of the ceramics was identified by the Raman and X-ray diffraction techniques. Photoluminescence at room temperature was observed only in a disordered BST sample. Increasing the calcination time intensified the photoluminescence (PL), which reached its maximum value in the sample heat treated at 300 degrees C for 30 h. This emission may be correlated with the structural disorder. Periodic ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations using the CRYSTAL98 program can yield important information regarding the electronic and structural properties of crystalline and disordered solids. The experimental and theoretical results indicate the presence of intermediary energy levels in the band gap. This is ascribed to the break in symmetry, which is responsible for visible photoluminescence in the material's disordered state at room temperature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de estudar os períodos de interferência das plantas daninhas na cultura da soja, cultivar IAC-11, em região de cerrado no nordeste do Mato Grosso do Sul. Os tratamentos utilizados no experimento constaram de testemunhas capinada e sem capina e de diferentes épocas de controles das plantas daninhas, de modo que a cultura da soja foi mantida na presença ou na ausência das plantas daninhas até os 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 dias após a sua emergência. Foram realizadas avaliações de cobertura do solo por espécie daninha e avaliações relativas ao crescimento e à produtividade da cultura. Observou-se que a cultura da soja suportou a convivência com as plantas daninhas até os 49 dias após a sua emergência (PAI = 49 DAE) e que as plantas daninhas que germinaram após os 20 dias da emergência da cultura não afetaram a sua produtividade (PTPI = 20 DAE). A ocorrência do período inicial de convivência possível (49 DAE) maior que o período final (20 DAE) confere aos períodos de convivência uma característica diferente e não ocorre o Período Crítico de Prevenção da Interferência (PCPI). Nessa situação, o controle de plantas daninhas recomendado é o método momentâneo, com herbicida pós-emergente ou mecanicamente, utilizado uma única vez, dentro do período que vai do término do PTPI ao término do PAI, ou herbicida pré-emergente com efeito residual que ultrapasse o PTPI.
Introdução: A nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva é importante causa de doença renal crônica com necessidade de diálise. As características que distinguem um portador de hipertensão arterial que evolui com nefroangioesclerose de outro que mantém função renal estável não são bem estabelecidas, devido à dificuldade em assegurar que os portadores daquela doença não sejam, na verdade, portadores de glomerulopatias ou outras doenças renais confundíveis. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar características clínicas ou laboratoriais que distingam os pacientes que desenvolveram doença renal crônica a partir da hipertensão, confirmada por biópsia renal, daqueles que, mesmo apresentando hipertensão arterial, não desenvolveram nefroangioesclerose. Métodos: Realizou-se comparação retrospectiva de dados clínicos e laboratoriais de 15 portadores de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva confirmada por biópsia renal e 15 hipertensos oriundos do ambulatório do Centro de Hipertensão Arterial, cuja ausência de nefroangioesclerose foi definida pela ausência de proteinúria. Os grupos foram pareados quanto à idade e gênero. Resultados: Dentre as variáveis avaliadas, tempo de hipertensão arterial, pressão de pulso, glicemia, ácido úrico, creatinina e frequência de uso de diuréticos e simpatolíticos diferiram estatisticamente entre os dois grupos. Todas essas variáveis apresentaram valores maiores no grupo com nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva. Conclusão: O presente estudo associa a nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva, confirmada por biópsia, com alterações metabólicas, duração e intensidade da hipertensão e corrobora a ideia de que a prevenção primária da hipertensão arterial, postergando o seu início, o controle pressórico mais estrito, quando a hipertensão já está estabelecida, bem como o controle metabólico têm a potencialidade de prevenir o desenvolvimento de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva.
O artigo mostra o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa que objetivou avaliar a qualidade da assistência ambulatorial do Programa Brasileiro de DST/ AIDS. A investigação, realizada entre 2001-2003, envolveu três projetos: uma análise do padrão tecnológico da assistência realizada em cinco serviços, uma avaliação qualitativa em 27 serviços e, finalmente, uma avaliação estruturada de 322 serviços de sete estados brasileiros. Mediante a descrição de todas as etapas dos projetos, as autoras discutem questões teóricas e metodológicas envolvidas na avaliação da assistência em programas de saúde. Discutem ainda algumas questões relacionadas à aplicabilidade e ao impacto das avaliações em serviços de saúde.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery and their identification for risk of OSA by Berlin Questionnaire (BQ) and excessive daytime sleepiness by Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). METHODS: Fifty nine patients were evaluated by BQ and ESS. Out of these individuals, 35 performed a full-night sleep study using a type 3 portable monitoring (PM). The questionnaire results were compared for gender and BMI. The presence and severity of OSA was correlated with gender and both questionnaires. RESULTS: 94.75% of the respondents presented high risk for OSA by BQ and 59.65% presented positivity by ESS. Taking into account the AHI> 5 per hour for OSA diagnosis, all of them presented OSA, average AHI of 45.31±26.3 per hour and 68.6% have severe OSA (AHI>30). The male patients had a higher AHI (p<0.05). There was a positive correlation between the positivity in both questionnaires as well as the severity of OSA measured by AHI (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The frequency and severe obstructive sleep apnea in the studied group is high. The Berlin Questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale had a positive correlation with the diagnosis of OSA in the group studied.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)