88 resultados para 2507 Geofísica
A geofísica é um método eficaz para investigação de áreas impactadas pelos mais diversos tipos de contaminantes, principalmente em locais de disposição de resíduos sólidos domiciliares e também utilizada na caracterização de contrastes de propriedades físicas em presença de substâncias poluentes. Este trabalho utilizou o método de Polarização Induzida numa área de disposição de resíduos sólidos desativada, localizada no município de Caçapava do Sul - RS. O aterro está assentado sobre rochas metamórficas fraturadas, pertencentes ao Complexo Metamórfico Vacacaí (Neoproterozóico). Foram realizadas 8 linhas de caminhamento elétrico, com espaçamento de 5 m entre eletrodos e 10 níveis de investigação, além de 83 medidas de direção e sentido de fraturas. O resultado geofísico permite caracterizar a camada de resíduos por baixos valores de cargabilidade. Anomalias verticais abaixo da camada de resíduos são interpretadas como zonas de fratura com possível acúmulo de chorume, caracterizadas por baixos valores de cargabilidade.
A água subterrânea é um importante recurso ao abastecimento público, principalmente para comunidades periféricas em grandes cidades ou pequenos municípios, onde a instalação ou prolongamento de sistemas de distribuição são economicamente inviáveis. Estudos voltados à análise da vulnerabilidade de aquíferos são relevantes para subsídio a políticas públicas em saneamento básico e preservação ambiental. Este estudo contou com o cadastro de 23 poços rasos localizados no município de Caçapava do Sul (RS), onde foram realizadas medidas de resistividade elétrica e cargabilidade por meio de geofísica, e medidas diretas de condutividade hidráulica e sólidos totais dissolvidos. A análise estatística dos dados demonstrou diversos graus de correlação entre parâmetros, basicamente condicionados a fatores geológicos como porosidade, permeabilidade e sólidos totais dissolvidos.
Point positioning from GPS data can provide precision varying from 100 meters to a few millimeters at the level of 95% probability. To reach the best level of accuracy, users need proper equipment and software, as well as access capability to GPS products available at the International GPS Geodynamics Service. In this paper, the theory related to point positioning using GPS is presented as well as the results of an experiment conducted using data from the Brazilian Active Control System. The results show repeatability better than 5mm and 10mm for the N and E baseline components respectively, and 6mm + 4ppb (parts per billion) for the vertical. Comparison with SIRGAS campaign showed results at the same level of uncertainty as that of the stations used to tie the SIRGAS frame to ITRF94. Therefore, precise point positioning is a powerful tool to be used in applications requiring high level of precision, such as Geodynamics.
This paper presents the gravity survey refinement of the Paraíba do Sul river valley, east region of São Paulo state, by acquisition of 646 gravity stations. Further than the traditional Free-Air and Bouguer corrections, it was necessary to apply the Terrain Correction due the proximity of the Mantiqueira and Mar mountain ranges. An enhanced understanding of Taubaté Basin structural framework was the main objetive of this work. As result, we present the Bouguer Gravity Map of the east region of São Paulo State and the Residual Bouguer Gravity Map generated by Upward Continuation and High-pass filtering. The 2D Gravity Modeling was applied in 4 sections, using bi-dimensional models for the bodies that produced the anomalies (Talwani Method). After integrating the gravity data with the interpretation of 11 seismic sections, it was possible to delineate the Taubate Basin structural framework, which shows an utmost sedimentary thickness of 800 m in the depocenters. It was also interpreted an ultramaphic alkaline plug in the subsurface of Caçapava city.
In order to evaluate the use of shallow seismic technique to delineate geological and geotechnical features up to 40 meters depth in noisy urban areas covered with asphalt pavement, five survey lines were conducted in the metropolitan area of São Paulo City. The data were acquired using a 24-bit, 24-channel seismograph, 30 and 100 Hz geophones and a sledgehammer-plate system as seismic source. Seismic reflection data were recorded using a CMP (common mid point) acquisition method. The processing routine consisted of: prestack band-pass filtering (90-250 Hz); automatic gain control (AGC); muting (digital zeroin) of dead/noisy traces, ground roll, air-wave and refracted-wave; CMP sorting; velocity analyses; normal move-out corrections; residual static corrections; f-k filtering; CMP stacking. The near surface is geologically characterized by unconsolidated fill materials and Quaternary sediments with organic material overlying Tertiary sediments with the water table 2 to 5 m below the surface. The basement is composed of granite and gneiss. Reflections were observed from 40 milliseconds to 65 ms two-way traveltime and were related to the silt clay layer and fine sand layer contact of the Tertiary sediments and to the weathered basement. The CMP seismic-reflection technique has been shown to be useful for mapping the sedimentary layers and the bedrock of the São Paulo sedimentary basin for the purposes of shallow investigations related to engineering problems. In spite of the strong cultural noise observed in these urban areas and problems with planting geophones we verified that, with the proper equipment, field parameters and particularly great care in data collection and processing, we can overcome the adverse field conditions and to image reflections from layers as shallow as 20 meters.
Resistivity (DC) method using vertical electrical soundings (Schlumberger array) are conducted In the vicinity of Canoas/RS, applied to environmental studies with the objective of Investigating groundwater conditions, The present paper shows a geoelectrlcal Identification of the lithology and an estimate of the relationship between the resistivity and Dar Zarrouk parameters (transverse unit resistance and longitudinal unit conductance) with the properties such as aquifer transmlssivlty and protection of ground water resources, In the saturated sediments, resistivity values defined the following sequence: clay layers (resistivity < 40 ohm-m) and sand layers (resistivity > 40 ohm-m), Two sand layers were identified; one corresponding to the unconfined aquifer and another to the confined aquifer between two clay layers, In the map of the transverse unit resistance of the unconfined aquifer, the tendencies of high values can be associated with the zones of high transmissivity; hence, these zones are suggested for the installation of monitoring wells, The map of longitudinal conductance Illustrates the Impermeability of the confining clay layer, Values of S > 1.0 siemens would indicate zones in which the confined aquifer would be protected; In comparison, values of S < 1.0 siemens would indicate zones of probable risks of contamination. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
Vertical electrical soundings using eletroresistivity method were carried out in the public waste landfill in Macapá - AP, having as a goal to investigate the geoelectrical and hidrogeologic characteristics of the ground. The results of geophysics interpretation allowed obtaining a model of five geoelectrical layers until the depth of 14,6 m. This model is correlated to a sedimentary sequence of clay-silt-sandy with laterite. The main flow of the water table, also determined, is concordant to the topographical gradient.
The definition of models and base parameters for application of investigation tools in environment with high complexity are a basic premise to any sciences. The geophysics is a science with solid theoretical base and applications in diversified areas of the sciences geological, astronomical, meteorological, among many others. Its application in environmental studies is relatively recent and needs further research. To understand the behavior of resident contaminants in a dynamic and complex environment as the geological, it requests studies in scale laboratorial, under control of factors seasonality variable. This work simulates a leak of gasoline in soil, under conditions and in laboratory scale, with the objective of monitoring the temporary behavior of the hydrocarbon under the optics of variation of the parameter physical electric resistivity. The results indicate increase of the resistivity in recent periods the contamination, followed for stability in the values and finally fall and return tendency to the natural conditions.
This work evaluated the activity concentration of the radioelements K, eU and eTh in samples of granites from Rondônia State, Brazil. The statistical analysis of the data indicated that they fit lognormal distributions. The modal values correspond to about 11% for K, 29 ppm for eU and 85 ppm for eTh. Directsignificant correlations were found among the concentrations of the three radioelements, i.e. r = 0.71 (between K and eU), r = 0.72 (between K and eTh), andr = 0.72 (between eU and eTh), suggesting congruency of their accumulation in minerals occurring in the rocks analyzed. The activity concentration data allowed estimate the absorbed dose rate in air at 1 m above the ground, which also fits a lognormal distribution characterized by a mode of 2.7 mSv/y that is slightly higher than the average worldwide exposure of 2.4 mSv/y. The results obtained also allowed evaluate if the granites analyzed are radiometrically suitable as building and ornamental materials. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
The mineral exploration is a complex activity that should involve a combination of direct and indirect techniques of geological investigation. The growing demand for base metals in the national and international market provides the revaluation of mineral occurrences that can become deposits and mines. This paper presents the results of the electrical resistivity and induced polarization geophysical methods in azimuthal arrangement, applied in a mineral occurrence of disseminated copper sulfides, previously studied through trenches and core drilling, located in the Camaquã Sedimentary Basin, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The inversion models indicate the coincidence of high chargeability and low resistivity values. The integration of geophysical data permitted the elaboration of 3D attributes visualization models for the mineralization enclosed in volcanic tuffs. The integrated geophysical and geological analysis indicates the potential of a new mineralized area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
An investigation on the sinterization of Gd:CeO2 (Ce 0.85Gd0.15O1.9-δ ceramic system) 3-10 nm nanoparticles in pressed bodies was done. The heating rate was taken as a key parameter and two competing sinterization processes were identified, associated with different diffusional mechanisms. Using heating rates of 113 C min -1, a high-final density (98 % of the theoretical) was obtained by superposing the two aforementioned mechanisms, resulting in a homogeneous microstructure at lower temperatures. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.
The Rio Preto Project, developed by the extinct Brazilian nuclear state company, Nuclebrás, during the late 70s and early 80s, consisted of basic geological mapping and radiometric characterization by aerogeophysical gamma-ray spectrometry, without channel discrimination, of a surface area of 650 km2 located to the west of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park on the northeastern of Goiás State, Brazil, including the confluence area of Claro and Preto Rivers. Additionally, the natural radioelements U, Th and 40K were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry in 300 rock samples from cores of the Rio Preto Project area. The tests were conducted at LABIDRO-Isotopes and Hydrochemistry Laboratory of the Departament of Petrology and Metallogeny (DPM) of the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, UNESP, in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. This paper reports the results of petrographic characterization and chemical analyses of major oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O, CaO and P2O5) for all samples used to determine the natural radioelements present in the region. The organic matter content results obtained by colorimetry are also reported for selected cores of different lithotypes in order to investigate the possible relationship between graphite and the radioelements uranium and thorium. Finally, uranium content and 234U/238U activity ratio data for selected samples of schists and gneisses of the Lower Member of the Ticunzal Formation suggest the influence of weathering processes in the area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)