238 resultados para 1995_01191321 TM-33 4301502


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The mechanism involved in the Tm(3+)((3)F(4)) -> Tb(3+)((7)F(0,1,2)) energy transfer as a function of the Tb concentration was investigated in Tm:Tb-doped germanate (GLKZ) glass. The experimental transfer rate was determined from the best fit of the (3)F(4) luminescence decay due to the Tm -> Tb energy transfer using the Burshtein model. The result showed that the 1700 nm emission from (3)F(4) can be completely quenched by 0.8 mol% of Tb(3+). As a consequence, the (7)F(3) state of Tb(3+) interacts with the (3)H(4) upper excited state of TM(3+) slighting decreasing its population. The effective amplification coefficient beta(cm(-1)) that depends on the population density difference Delta n = n((3)H(4))-n((3)F(4)) involved in the optical transition of Tm(3+) (S-band) was calculated by solving the rate equations of the system for continuous pumping with laser at 792 nm, using the Runge-Kutta numerical method including terms of fourth order. The population density inversion An as a function of Tb(3+) concentration was calculated by computational simulation for three pumping intensities, 0.2, 2.2 and 4.4 kWcm(-2). These calculations were performed using the experimental Tm -> Tb transfer rates and the optical constants of the Tm (0.1 mol%) system. It was demonstrated that 0.2 mol% of Tb(3+) propitiates best population density inversion of Tin(3+) maximizing the amplification coefficient of Tm-doped (0.1 mol%) GLKZ glass when operating as laser intensity amplification at 1.47 mu m. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Os caprinos têm um sistema de termorregulação que visa manter a temperatura corporal constante dentro de certos limites, independente da temperatura ambiente. Quando esses limites são estabelecidos, eles são usados em diversos mecanismos fisiológicos para manter a temperatura corporal (TC) dentro dos limites normais. Assim, a produção animal pode diminuir devido ao estresse térmico causado por temperaturas elevadas, especialmente em áreas semi-áridas como o Nordeste do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento fisiológico de diferentes grupos genéticos de caprinos nativos de acordo com a resposta fisiológica das varáveis temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR), batimentos cardíacos (BC) e movimentos ruminais (MR), e estabelecer os parâmetros fisiológicos para estas raças sob as condições do semiárido do Nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 30 animais, sendo cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Canindé e cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Moxotó, dos quais foram aferidos as variáveis BC, FR e TR nos meses de abril e setembro/2007 e 2008. Observou-se influência significativa (P<0,05) do período do ano no BC, na FR e na TR na raça Canindé, sendo observados valores mais elevados de BC e TR no período chuvoso. Na raça Moxotó observou-se uma diferença significativa (P<0,05) quanto ao BC e TR entre os períodos estudados, sendo observadas na estação seca maiores valores para estas variáveis. Também se observou nesta raça, uma correlação negativa (47%) entre a temperatura ambiente (TA) e TR no período seco, enquanto que no período chuvoso, essa correlação foi positiva (28%). A correlação entre TA e BC foi negativa (21%) no período chuvoso e, positiva (25%) no período seco. Na raça Canindé observou-se correlação negativa (39%) entre TA e movimento ruminal (MR) na época chuvosa, enquanto que no período seco, essa correlação foi positiva (33%). Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados neste estudo encontram-se dentro da normalidade para a espécie caprina no semi-árido nordestino e a raça Moxotó apresentou comportamento condizente com uma maior tolerância ao clima da região e um maior grau de adaptabilidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We investigated near-infrared-to-blue upconversion from thulium (Tm 3+) doped in tellurite glasses upon continuous wave excitation near 800 nm. We observed an enhancement of over two orders of magnitude of the upconverted emission at ∼480nm when neodymium (Nd 3+) ions were codoped with Tm 3+ ions. For comparison, using a Tm 3+:Nd 3+ codoped fluorozirconate glass as a reference material we observed a 40-fold enhancement of the blue emission. Analysis of the blue emission for samples with different doping levels of Nd 3+ ions showed that energy transfer between Nd 3+ and Tm 3+ is the mechanism responsible for the enhancement in upconversion. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The population inversion of the Tm3+ in GLKZ glass involved in the 1470 nm emission (3H4 → 3F 4) as a function of Tb (or Eu) concentration was calculated by computational simulation for a CW laser pumping at 792 nm. These calculations were performed using the experimental Tm→Tb an Tm→Eu transfer rates and the spectroscopic parameters of the Tm (0.1 mol %) system. The result shows that 0.2 mol % (Tb3+) and 0.4 mol % of Eu3+ ions propitiate best population inversion of Tm3+ (0.1 mol %) maximizing the amplification coefficient of germanate (GLKZ) glass when operating as laser intensity amplification at 1470 nm. Besides the effective deactivation of the 3F4 level, the presence of Tb3+ or Eu 3+ ions introduce a depopulation of the 3H4 emitting level by means of a cross relaxation process with Tm3+ ions. In spite of this, the whole effect is verified to be benefic for using Tm-doped GLKZ glass codoped with Tb3+ or Eu3+ as a suitable material for confectioning optical amplifiers that operates in the S-band for telecommunication.


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The aim of this study was to analyze, under scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the morphologic characteristics of root surfaces after application of CarisolvTM gel in association with scaling and root planing (SRP). Sixty periodontally compromised extracted human teeth were randomly assigned to 6 groups: 1) SRP alone; 2) passive topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 3) active topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP; 4) multiple applications of CarisolvTM + SRP; 5) SRP + 24% EDTA; 6) topical application of CarisolvTM + SRP + 24% EDTA. CarisolvTM gel was applied to root surfaces for 30 s, followed by scaling and root planing, consisting of 50 strokes with Gracey curettes in an apical-coronal direction, parallel to the long axis of the tooth. The only exception was group 4, in which the roots were instrumented until a smooth, hard and glass-like surface was achieved. All specimens were further analyzed by SEM. The results showed that the treatment with CarisolvTM caused significant changes in root surface morphology of periodontally compromised teeth only when the chemical agent was actively applied (burnishing technique). CarisolvTM failed to remove the smear layer completely, especially with a single application, independently of the method of application. Multiple applications of CarisolvTM were necessary to achieve a smear layer reduction comparable to that obtained with 24% EDTA conditioning.


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Cooling of equine semen obtained from some stallions results in lower seminal quality and viability when the seminal plasma (SP) is present. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the removal of SP using a Sperm Filter on the viability of cooled stallion semen. For this purpose, 31 stallions were used. Their ejaculates were divided into three groups: CN, semen was diluted with an extender; FLT, SP was removed by filtration; and CT, SP was removed by centrifugation and cooled to 15°C for 24 hours. Sperm kinetics and plasma membrane integrity were evaluated immediately after collection (T0) and after 24 hours of refrigeration (T1). No difference (P > .05) was noted at T1 for total sperm motility (TM), progressive sperm motility, or plasma membrane integrity when semen samples from all the stallions were analyzed. However, when samples from stallions termed bad coolers were analyzed (TM = <30% at T1), a difference was observed in TM and progressive sperm motility for CN compared with FLT and CT at T1. Sperm recovery was greater when SP was removed using the filter (FLT) to that when the SP was removed by centrifugation (CN) (89% vs. 81%). Thus, we concluded that filtering with a Sperm Filter is an efficient and practical method for removal of SP from stallion ejaculates, with lower sperm loss than centrifugation. We also found that the presence of SP reduces the quality and viability of cooled semen from stallions whose semen is sensitive to the process of refrigeration. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)