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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratório e analgésico da infusão contínua com propofol e propofol/cetamina em cadelas pré-medicadas com atropina e xilazina, submetidas a ovariossalpingohisterectomia (OSH). em seis cadelas (GP) a indução anestésica foi realizada com propofol (5mg kg-1 iv), seguido da manutenção anestésica com o mesmo fármaco em infusão contínua intravenosa na taxa inicial de 0,4mg kg-1.min-1. Outras seis cadelas (GPC) receberam a associação de propofol (3,5mg kg-1 iv) e cetamina (1mg kg-1 iv) como indução anestésica. Depois, foi feita manutenção anestésica em infusão contínua intravenosa inicial com 0,28mg kg-1.min-1 e 0,06mg kg-1.min-1 de propofol e cetamina, respectivamente. Os seguintes parâmetros foram mensurados durante a anestesia a cada 10 minutos: freqüências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (f), pressão arterial sistólica, média e diastólica (PA), concentração final expirada de CO2 (EtCO2), volume minuto (VM), pressão parcial de gás carbônico (PaCO2), pressão parcial de oxigênio (PaO2), saturação de oxigênio na hemoglobina (SatO2), pH, bicarbonato, glicemia e temperatura retal (T). Observou-se redução da pressão arterial média entre 20 e 40 minutos de anestesia no GP. Ocorreu redução da temperatura, hipercapnia e acidose respiratória em ambos os grupos durante a anestesia. A PaO2, o bicarbonato e a glicose aumentaram de forma significativa apenas no GPC durante a anestesia. Houve necessidade de aumentar em 50 e 20% a taxa de infusão de propofol no GP e GPC respectivamente para anestesia cirúrgica satisfatória. Dessa forma, ambos os protocolos mostraram-se seguros e suficientes do ponto de vista de anestesia cirúrgica para realização da OSH em cadelas, desde que a ventilação assistida ou controlada seja instituída quando necessária e a velocidade de infusão do propofol seja 0,6 e 0,34mg kg-1.min-1 nos grupos GP e GPC, respectivamente.


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Objetivou-se com a execução deste trabalho avaliar, em nível de campo, o desempenho zootécnico de girinos de rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana) criados em ranários comerciais que utilizam o sistema anfigranja, e simultaneamente estimar os valores de consumo diário de ração para compor uma tabela de referência para a alimentação dos animais. Os resultados encontrados nas unidades de observações monitoradas (aproximadamente 249 mil animais) atingiram os seguintes índices médios: a mortalidade (em %) variou de: 0,7 a 35,2 (média 5,9%); o ganho de peso (g. p/dia): de 0,03 a 0,22 (média 0,11 g/dia); e a conversão alimentar: de 0,92 a 2,75 : 1; (média 1,50 : 1). Comparados com dados preliminares, tais resultados indicam uma significativa otimização dos índices zootécnicos, demonstrando que houve um relativo ganho de produtividade com o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de manejo implementadas. A redução do valor médio da conversão alimentar aparente foi provocada principalmente pelo adequado uso da tabela de referência, cujos valores foram ratificados durante o trabalho de monitoramento das unidades. Tal tabela possibilita o cálculo da quantidade de alimento a ser oferecido diariamente, baseado nos peso médio dos girinos e na estimativa do percentual de consumo, para temperatura da água entre 18 a 29 graus centígrados, (girinos de 0,1 a 26 gramas de peso médio).


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The aim of present study was to evaluate frozen canine semen with ACP-106 (R) (Powder Coconut Water) using an in vitro sperm-oocyte interaction assay (SOIA). Ten ejaculates from five stud dogs were diluted in ACP-106 (R) containing 20% egg yolk, submitted to cooling in a thermal box for 40 min and in a refrigerator for 30 min. After this period, a second dilution was performed using ACP-106 (R) containing 20% egg yolk and 12% glycerol. Samples were thawed at 38 degrees C for 1 min. Post-thaw motility was evaluated by light microscopy and by using a computer aided semen analysis (CASA). Plasma membrane integrity and sperm morphology/acrosomal status were evaluated by fluorescent probes (C-FDA/PI) and Bengal Rose respectively. Moreover, frozen-thawed semen was analysed by a SOIA. Subjective post-thaw motility was 52.0 +/- 14.8% and it was significant higher than the total motility estimated by CASA (23.0 +/- 14.8%) because this system considered the egg yolk debris as immotile spermatozoa. Although normal sperm rate and acrosomal integrity evaluated by Bengal Rose stain was 89.6 +/- 3.1 % and 94.3 +/- 3.1 %, respectively, post-thaw percentage of intact plasma membrane was only 35.1 +/- 14.3%. Regarding SOIA, the percentage of interacted oocytes (bound, penetrated and bound and/or penetrated) was 75.3%. Using regression analysis, it was found significant relations between some CASA patterns and data for SOIA. In conclusion, the freezing-thawing procedure using ACP-106 (R) was efficient for maintain the in vitro fertility potential of dog spermatozoa.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability in the effect of open pulled straw (OPS) vitrification procedure of sheep embryos after direct transference. Embryos were produced in vivo and cryopreserved in slow freezing or OPS vitrification. The survival rates of cryopreserved embryos were compared to non-frozen standard pattern. In a first set of experiments, embryos at morula and blastocyst stages were dived in ethylene glycol (1.5 M) and frozen in an automatic freezer. After being thawed, they were directly or indirectly transferred to ewes recipient. A second group of embryos were drawn into OPS and plunged into liquid nitrogen after being exposed at room temperature for 1 min and 45 s in 10% EG plus 10% dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), then again for 30 s in 20% EG + 20% DMSO + 0.5 M sucrose. After being warmed, embryos were also directly transferred using a French mini straw as the catheter for the transplantation process or after in vitro dilution of cryoprotectants (two-step-process). No significant difference was observed among fresh, frozen or vitrified embryos on pregnancy rate (50.0%, 38.6% and 55.8%). However, when we evaluated only the direct transference, the pregnancy rate of OPS vitrified embryos was higher than that of frozen embryos (57.1% vs 34.8%) (p = 0.07). In addition, vitrified morulae had a higher pregnancy rate than the one with frozen embryos (64.0% vs 38.9%) (p = 0.07). Finally, our results indicate that OPS vitrification technique in association with direct transference improves the viability of sheep embryos with potential applications to field conditions.


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Nesta pesquisa foram obtidos dados histológicos e morfométricos comparativos sobre os testículos de gatos, pós-orquiectomia, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1, gatos com até 1 ano de idade e Grupo 2, animais acima de 1 ano. Verificou-se que: (1) aos 4 meses de idade os túbulos seminíferos apresentaram-se pouco desenvolvidos e com ausência de luz, epitélio seminífero baixo, células de Sertoli indiferenciadas e tecido intersticial escasso; (2) aos 5 meses os túbulos seminíferos começaram a se diferenciar com aumento do diâmetro e luz tubulares e as demais estruturas permaneceram semelhantes à observação anterior; (3) aos 6-7 meses ocorreu o início da espermatogênese e espermiogênese; as células de Leydig apareceram maiores, poliédricas com citoplasma vacuolizado e núcleo claro, e tecido intersticial esparso com poucos vasos sangüíneos; (4) os animais com 1 ano de idade apresentaram morfologia testicular igual à do animal adulto, com túbulos seminíferos de maior diâmetro, epitélio germinativo alto e luz tubular pequena, as células de Leydig aparecendo poliédricas, com dimensões variadas, citoplasma vacuolizado, núcleo claro e nucléolo evidente, e espaço intertubular seminífero variado com vasos sanguíneos, predominantemente evidentes; (5) no Grupo 1 o diâmetro médio dos túbulos seminíferos foi de 160,58µm e no Grupo 2 foi de 185,94µm, sendo os valores médios significantes entre si; (6) a altura média do epitélio seminífero foi de 49,51µm para o Grupo 1 e de 63,29µm para o Grupo 2, estaticamente significantes; (7) os maiores valores mensurados foram obtidos para os gatos do Grupo 2, por serem gatos adultos e portanto com os órgãos reprodutores funcionais.


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This in vitro study assessed the effect of an experimental 4% TiF(4) varnish compared to commercial NaF and NaF/CaF(2) varnishes and 4% TiF(4) solution on enamel erosion. For this, 72 bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated to the following treatments: NaF varnish (2.26% F), NaF/CaF(2) varnish (5.63% F), 4% TiF(4) varnish (2.45% F), F-free placebo varnish, 4% TiF(4) solution (2.45% F) and control (not treated). The varnishes were applied in a thin layer and removed after 6 h. The solution was applied to the enamel surface for 1 min. Then, the specimens were alternately de- and remineralized (6 times/day) in an artificial mouth for 5 days at 37 degrees C. Demineralization was performed with the beverage Sprite (1 min, 3 ml/min) and remineralization with artificial saliva (day: 59 min, 0.5 ml/min; during the night: 0.1 ml/min). The mean daily increment of erosion and the cumulative erosion data were tested using ANOVA and ANCOVA, respectively, followed by Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). The mean daily erosion increments and cumulative erosion (micrometers) were significantly less for the TiF(4) varnish (0.30 +/- 0.11/0.65 +/- 0.75) than for the NaF varnish (0.58 +/- 0.11/1.47 +/- 1.07) or the NaF/CaF(2) varnish (0.62 +/- 0.10/1.68 +/- 1.17), which in turn showed significantly less erosion than the placebo varnish (0.78 +/- 0.12/2.05 +/- 1.43), TiF(4) solution (0.86 +/- 0.11/2.05 +/- 1.49) and control (0.77 +/- 0.16/2.06 +/- 1.49). In conclusion, the TiF(4) varnish seems to be a promising treatment to reduce enamel loss under mild erosive conditions. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: In this paper we evaluated the effect of two fluoridated agents and Nd:YAG irradiation separately and in combination on dentine resistance to erosion. Background Data: The morphological changes in dentin induced by laser treatment may reduce the progression of erosive lesions. Due to the possibility of a synergistic effect of laser with fluoride, this study was conducted. Materials and Methods: Eighty bovine dentine samples (4 x 4 mm) were randomly divided into eight groups, according to the following treatments: G1: untreated (control); G2: acidic phosphate fluoride gel (APF 1.23%) for 4 min; G3: fluoride varnish (NaF 2.26%) for 6 h; G4: 0.5 W Nd: YAG laser (250 mu sec pulse, 10 Hz, 35 J/cm(2), 30 sec); G5: 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser (52.5 J/cm(2)); G6: 1.0 W Nd: YAG laser (70 J/cm(2)); G7: APF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser; and G8: NaF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser. After the treatments, half of each dentine surface was protected with nail varnish. The samples were stored in artificial saliva (30 mL/sample) for 24 h and submitted to four erosive 1-min cycles. Between the erosive attacks, the blocks were maintained in artificial saliva for 59 min. The erosive wear was evaluated by profilometry. Results: The mean wear (+/- SD, mu m) was: G1: 1.20 +/- 0.20; G2: 0.47 +/- 0.06; G3: 0.81 +/- 0.11; G4: 1.47 +/- 0.32; G5: 1.52 +/- 0.24; G6: 1.49 +/- 0.30; G7: 0.49 +/- 0.11; and G8: 1.06 +/- 0.31 (Tukey's test, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Laser irradiation was not able to reduce dentine erosion. However, fluoride application was able to increase the dentine's resistance to erosion, and APF showed better results than fluoride varnish.


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Estudou-se a influência de diferentes irrigantes no potencial antimicrobiano da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes de cães com periodontite apical. 48 pré-molares de cães adultos tiveram suas câmaras coronárias abertas e expostas à cavidade bucal por 6 meses. Os canais radiculares foram preparados, irrigados e medicados com diferentes substâncias, de acordo com os seguintes grupos: 1) 2,5% NaOCl + CHP; 2) 2% CHX + CHP; 3) vinagre + CHP; 4) vinagre + vinagre. No grupo 4, a solução irrigante e a medicação intracanal utilizada foi o vinagre. Neste grupo, a cada 7 dias, a solução era renovada. Cada amostra foi coletada, mantendo-se o cone de papel esterilizado em posição por 1 min, e a seguir transportado e imerso em 7 mL de Letheen broth, seguido de incubação a 37ºC por 48 h. O crescimento microbiano foi analisado por dois métodos, turbidade do meio de cultura e subcultura em meio nutritivo específico (brain heart infusion). Os resultados mostraram que em todos os grupos experimentais houve crescimento microbiano após 21 dias, em diferentes percentagens: grupo 1 - 30%; grupo 2 - 30%; grupo 3 - 40%; grupo 4 - 60%. Todos os materiais testados apresentaram potencial antimicrobiano. Entretanto, o processo de cura favorecido pela pasta de hidróxido de cálcio não pode ser esquecido, uma vez que muitos estudos já demonstraram sua ação antimicrobiana.


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This study evaluated the finishing and polishing effect on the surface roughness and hardness of the Filtek Supreme XT, in fluoride solutions. Specimens were prepared (n = 140) with half of the samples finished and polished with Super-Snap (R) disks. The experimental groups were divided according to the presence or absence of finishing and polishing and immersion solutions (artificial saliva, sodium fluoride solution at 0.05%-manipulated, Fluordent Reach, Oral B, Fluorgard). The specimens remained immersed in artificial saliva for 24 hours and were then subjected to initial analysis (baseline) of surface roughness and Vickers microhardness. Next, they were immersed in different fluoride solutions for 1 min/day, for 60 days. Afterwards, a new surface roughness and microhardness reading was conducted. The data were submitted to a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (5% significance level). For the comparison of mean roughness and hardness at baseline and after 60 days, the paired Student t test was used. The results showed that the surface roughness and microhardness of the Filtek Supreme XT were influenced by the finishing and polishing procedure, independently of the immersion methods.


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The anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region is a critical area of the forebrain, acting on fluid and electrolyte balance and maintaining cardiovascular homeostasis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of lesions to the anteroventral third ventricle region on cardiovascular responses to intravenous hypertonic saline (HS) infusion, Male Wistar rats were anesthetized with urethane. The femoral artery and jugular vein were cannulated to record mean arterial pressure (MAP) and infuse hypertonic saline (3M NaCl, 0.18 mL/100 g bw, over 1 min), respectively. Renal blood flow (RBF) was recorded by ultrasonic transit-time flow probes. Renal vascular conductance (RVC) was calculated as renal blood flow to mean arterial pressure ratio and expressed as percentage of baseline. After hypertonic saline infusion in sham animals, renal blood flow and renal vascular conductance increased to 137+10% and 125+7% (10 min), and 141 +/- 10% and 133 +/- 10% (60 min), respectively. Increases in mean arterial pressure (20-min peak: 12 +/- 3 mm Hg) were also observed. An acute lesion in the AV3V region (DC, 2 mA 25s) 30 min before infusion abrogated the effects of hypertonic saline. Mean arterial pressure was unchanged and renal blood flow and renal vascular conductance were 107 +/- 7% and 103 +/- 6% (10 min), and 107 +/- 4 and 106 +/- 4% (60 min), respectively. Marked tachycardia was observed immediately after lesion. Responses of chronic sham or lesioned rats were similar to those of acute animals. However, in chronic lesioned rats, hypertonic saline induced sustained hypertension. These results demonstrate that integrity of the AV3V region is essential for the renal vasodilation that follows acute changes in extracellular fluid compartment composition. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of two alternatives methods for the disinfection of oral cleaning devices. Methods: One type of toothbrush and two types of tongue scrapers (steel and plastic) were tested in this study. Sixteen specimens of each group were cut with standardized dimensions, contaminated separately with Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus and incubated for 24 h. After this, oral cleaning devices were washed in saline solution to remove non-adhered cells and divided into two groups (n = 8), one irradiated in microwave and other immersed in 3.78% sodium perborate solution, and evaluated for microbial recovery. The values of cfu of each group of microorganism after disinfection were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn non-parametric test, considering 95% of confidence. Results: The toothbrush harboured a significant larger number of viable organisms than the tongue scrapers. The steel tongue scraper was less susceptible to adhesion of the three oral microorganisms. The time required to inactivate all contaminating microorganisms using microwave oven was 1 min and, for the immersion in 3.78% sodium perborate solution, was 2 and 3 h, respectively, for C. albicans and S. mutans/S. aureus. Conclusion: Microwave irradiation proved to be an effective alternative method to the disinfection of tongue cleaners and toothbrushes.


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Background: This study evaluated the effect of disinfection by immersion and microwave irradiation on the roughness of one denture base resin (Lucitone-L) and five relining materials, three hard (Tokuyama Rebase II-TR, New Truliner-NT, Ufigel Hard-UH) and two resilient (Trusoft-T, Sofreliner-S).Methods: Fifty specimens were made and divided into groups: CL2 specimens were brushed with 4% chlorhexidine (1 min), immersed in the same solution (10 min) and immersed in water (3 min); MW2 specimens were immersed in water and microwave irradiated (650W; 6 min); CL2 and MW2 specimens were disinfected twice; CL7 and MW7 specimens were submitted to seven cycles using chlorhexidine or microwave irradiation, respectively; W specimens were not disinfected and remained in water (37 degrees C; 7 days).Results: Results were statistically analysed (p = 0.05) and revealed that, at baseline, the highest mean value was observed for T (p < 0.001). Material NT showed increase in roughness after the first (p = 0.003), second (p = 0.001), seventh (p = 0.000) cycles of microwave disinfection and after 7 days of immersion in water (p = 0.033).Conclusions: Resilient liner S presented significant increase in roughness after the second cycle of disinfection with chlorhexidine (p = 0.003). Material T exhibited significantly decreased roughness in group W (p = 0.010), while microwaving produced severe alterations on its surface.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)