582 resultados para Músculo masséter
The determination of loin eye area (LEA) is one of the most common methods to assess carcass quality and it is possible to adjust calculations to predict meat amount in the carcass which is one of the important features in the classification process. The aim of this study was to compare different methodologies used to determine LEA in swine. Fifteen crossbred pigs, Landrace x Large White, males and females, were slaughtered at 140 days of age. After 24 hours of cooling at 4°C, the Longissimus dorsi muscle was removed from the left half part of carcasses for evaluation of LEA between the 12th and 13th rib. The methods were: point counting on plastic grid of 1 cm2 and 0.25 cm2 (PCGP 1 cm2 and PCGC 0.25 cm2 ), circumference method by Echo Image Viewer (ECHO), circumference method using AutoCad ® program (CAD) and method of weighing paper (WP). The design was completely randomized with 15 replications per treatment and the data were subjected to Pearson correlation and variance analysis. Averages were compared by Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. LEA values were: 35.84, 35.69, 33.86, 34.22 and 36.71 cm2 , for the PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 , ECHO, CAD and WP methods, respectively. The LEA values determined by methods PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP were similar; however they were higher than those obtained by the ECHO and CAD methodologies (P<0.0001). PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP methods may overestimate LEA values. The choice of method to be used should be based on its practicality and availability of resources, since the difference obtained between them is low.
Background: Primary tongue tumors rarely affect dogs and correspond to 4% of tumors involving the oropharynx. Until now, primary tongue lymphoma had not been reported. However, lymphoma involvement in the skeletal muscle, although quite unusual, was described in the literature in four cases. Cutaneous lymphoma is another rare extranodal manifestation. The objective of this report is to describe a case of T immunophenotype lymphoma occurrence, whose manifestation is atypical, not only because it is situated in the tongue muscle but also because of the subsequent involvement of the striated musculature of the left forelimb and the skin, which showed unfavorable evolution. Case: A female seven-year-old mongrel was seen showing a regular lump in the base of the tongue, 3 cm in diameter, not ulcerated and of fi rm consistency, with halitosis as the only clinical sign of the disease. Incisional biopsy of the lump was performed and histopathology verifi ed that it was large cell lymphoma. The material was sent for immunohistochemical evaluation and was characterized as T immunophenotype lymphoma by positive CD3 and negative CD79a marking. The CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) chemotherapy protocol was established as treatment and after the fi rst chemotherapy session there was partial remission of the mass, measuring 2 cm in diameter. The lump, however, remained stable in the following sessions. Thirty days after the diagnosis of lymphoma, the animal began to show lameness of the left forelimb and swelling near the head of the left humerus. A muscle mass, fi rm in consistency, progressing fast, presented a signifi cant increase, just three weeks after its appearance. Two skin lesions, arcuate, erythematous and pruritic also appeared in the dorsocervical and ventral-abdominal region. Incisional biopsy of these lesions was performed and the histopathological diagnosis confi rmed muscle and cutaneous large cell lymphoma and immunophenotype compatible with T cells (positive CD3 and negative CD79a). Due to disease advance, even during chemotherapy, a rescue protocol of L-asparaginase administration followed by lomustine and prednisone was proposed. Even with the rescue protocol there was no remission of the tumors and the case was classifi ed as progressive. The animal of this report died after completing the fi rst cycle of chemotherapy protocol, with a survival of 92 days. Discussion: Despite the fact that clinical behavior of primary lymphoma in dogs’ skeletal muscle is unknown, it is believed that, as in humans, it can be associated with chronic infl ammation or neoplastic cell invasion by proximity of the tumor or metastasis, which could justify the dissemination of the lymphoma reported here from the tongue to other tissues. However, appearance of concurrent independent lymphomas cannot be ruled out. As observed in the three cases of primary muscular lymphoma, the dog of this report had low response to therapy and short survival. This report presents the fi rst case of lymphoma in tongue with subsequent skin and left forelimb skeletal muscle involvement described in the literature. The clinical outcome corroborates the aggressiveness of muscular lymphoma observed in the other reports and also suggests that both tongue and other skeletal muscle tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis of canine lymphoma.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
A perda de massa muscular observada no diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 1 é consequência da combinação entre redução na velocidade de síntese proteica e aumento na velocidade de proteólise. A curcumina, pigmento amarelo extraído dos rizomas de Curcuma longa L., promove diversos benefícios no metabolismo de carboidratos e lipídeos no DM. Deste modo, buscamos avaliar o efeito do tratamento de ratos diabéticos com curcumina incorporada em iogurte sobre o metabolismo proteico muscular. Ratos Wistar machos (150±10 g) receberam estreptozotocina (40 mg/kg, i.v.) para indução do DM e foram divididos nos grupos (n=8): diabético tratado com iogurte (DIOG), 90 mg/kg de curcumina (DC90), 4U de insulina (DINS) e ratos normais, não diabéticos, tratados com iogurte (NIOG). Após 35 dias de tratamento, os animais foram eutanasiados e os músculos esqueléticos soleus e extensor digitorium longus (EDL) foram retirados e utilizados para a determinação das atividades proteolíticas de caspase-3, calpaína e proteassoma (atividade quimiotripsina-like). O tratamento de animais diabéticos com curcumina incorporada em iogurte reduziu a glicemia, os níveis de ureia urinária e promoveu um maior ganho de peso corporal em relação aos animais diabéticos tratados somente com iogurte (DIOG). Animais DIOG apresentaram um aumento nas atividades de calpaína e proteassoma em músculos soleus e EDL em relação aos valores encontrados em músculos de animais NIOG; já o tratamento com curcumina reduziu as atividades de calpaína e proteassoma em EDL de ratos diabéticos, o que explica, pelo menos em parte, a menor perda de massa deste músculo em ratos DC90. Houve uma redução na atividade de caspase-3 em músculos de animais DIOG em comparação aos grupos...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Avaliação histológica e funcional do enxerto de neotraqueia de coelho desenvolvido por bioengenharia
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)