814 resultados para Germinação.


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This work was carried out in order to evaluate if there was a relationship between genotypes and the physiological soybean (Glycine max L.) seed quality. It was conducted during three years using seven cultivars each year. The seeds were harvested at: 1) yellow radicle or expanded pod stage, 2) yellow pod or physiological maturity (R7), 3) harvest maturity (R8), and 4) R8 + 21 days delay. Seed moisture content, standard germination, and vigor tests were performed. The germination and vigor evaluated by accelerated aging and electrical conductivity did not show physiological seed quality differences among genotypes as harvested at physiological maturity. Then, the evaluation of seed germination and vigor, when the environment is not a considered factor, is not an efficient method to show differences among soybean genotypes in terms of seed quality.


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Magnesium, calcium and potassium concentration in the seeds and cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca and its translocation from the cotyledons to the plant were evaluated. For such an evaluation plants were cultivated during the cotyledons phase and were irrigated with deionized water. Three samplings of cotyledons completely randomized were done and replicated ten times, before its senescence and fall, at 8, 12 and 15 days after the germination of the seeds. Fresh and dry matter of the cotyledons and its magnesium, calcium and potassium content were determinated in every sample. These parameters were also determined in the seeds from the same lot. Potassium concentration was higher than magnesium in both seeds and cotyledons. Calcium presented the lesser concentration both in seeds and cotyledons. These minerals were translocated from the seeds and cotyledons to the young plants. Eight days after germination 59% of the magnesium, 78% of the calcium and 71% of the potassium were translocated to the plants. Fifteen days after germination these percentages were respectivaley 73%, 82% and 91%. Thus, magnesium was the less and potassium was the most translocated mineral at the end of the study.


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The aim of this work was to observe the interaction between soil moisture and irrigation time intervals on the germination of sugarcane cv. RB785148 sets in semi-controlled conditions. One-bud sets of the variety RB785148 were germinated in ceramic pots filled with soil under a transparent PVC cover using soil humidity levels of 22, 25 and 30%, that were restored at intervals of 7, 14 and 21 days. The experiment was carried out at three different periods of the year: May-June/94; Oct.-Nov./94; and Mar.-Apr./95. The results indicate that the germination decreased mainly in function of the decrease in soil humidity, whereas irrigation interval have no statistical effect on germination. An interaction between humidity level and irrigation interval was observed. A variation of the timecourse of the germination could be observed when the results of the experiments installed at different dates were compared.


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Fruits of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.) cv. Amarelinho were harvested at three times: 35, 45 and 55 days after anthesis. Half part of the fruits of each harvest time was shelled and the seeds were dried in natural environment of laboratory or in dry chamber. The other half was dried unshelled in the same two conditions. Water contents of seeds were evaluated at harvest time and before the germination test, that was carried out when the seeds were in hygroscopic equilibrium with the two environments. The physiological quality of seeds was affected by the interaction effects of fruit age, drying method and drying condition. The highest values for percentage of germination were obtained from seeds taken from fruits 55 days old (up to 92%) and the hard seeds percentage was not affected by drying method and drying condition. The seeds from fruits of 35 and 45 days old had the germination percentage increased when dried inside the fruit in natural environment.


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The nitrogen is the nutrient required in greatest quantities by the bean crop and the response to its application depends on the applied N rate as well as the time of its application. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield components, grain productivity and physiological quality of bean seeds, affected by different nitrogen (urea) rates top-dressed at three crop growth stages. The experiment was conducted in no-till system. The treatments were constituted by 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg ha-1 N top-dressed at V4-5, R5 and R6 growth stages, corresponding to 21, 32 and 38 days after plant emergence, respectively. Seed physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Nitrogen applied at different crop growth stages did not interfere on the yield components, but interfered on bean productivity. Maximum grain productivity was obtained with top-dressed 164 kg ha-1 N, independently of growth stage application. Seed physiological quality was not affected by the treatments, fitting in the category of seeds for commercialization.


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A propagação do abacateiro é comercialmente, realizada por enxertia da variedade desejada sobre porta-enxertos seminais. No entanto, a literatura é discordante sobre a ocorrência de poliembrionia e tipo de fruto, nesta espécie. Em função do exposto, o trabalho objetivou caracterizar o tipo de fruto, aspectos morfológicos da semente e da plântula, além de avaliar o número de embriões existente. O abacateiro possui frutos do tipo baga, as sementes são monoembriônicas e exalbuminosas, a germinação é hipógea e a emergência das plântulas ocorreu 33 dias após a semeadura. A raiz primária é longa e de coloração branca e as raízes secundárias são curtas e filiformes. Os cotilédones são maciços e de coloração rosada. Foi possível observar a presença de múltiplos caulículos na semente de abacate, originados do colo. As sementes apresentam policaulia; o início da estabilização da emergência de plântulas ocorreu na oitava semana, sendo inviável para a propagação da espécie, manter essas sementes no viveiro por mais tempo.


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Diospyros ebenaster, originária do México e América Central, família Ebenaceae, é conhecida como sapota-preta. Os frutos podem ser consumidos in natura ou em sucos, como fonte de vitamina C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia do fruto, da semente e do processo germinativo da espécie. Os frutos foram caracterizados quanto à coloração, textura, consistência e teor de água no pericarpo, deiscência, massa, partes constituintes e dimensões. Para as sementes considerou-se: Massa, coloração, textura e consistência do tegumento, forma, presença e tipo de tecido de reserva e tipo, coloração, forma e posição do embrião. A descrição das plântulas foi realizada a partir da emissão da raiz primária até a expansão dos primeiros eófilos e início de fenecimento dos cotilédones. O fruto é carnoso, indeiscente, do tipo baga, polispérmico, globoso e achatado nos pólos. O epicarpo é liso, delgado e esverdeado. O comprimento médio dos frutos é 8,8 cm, o diâmetro médio 8,6 cm e a massa de 263 g. As sementes apresentam tegumento liso e cor castanho-médio. A massa de 100 sementes é 100,6 g. O comprimento médio das sementes é 2,2 cm, com 1,3 cm de largura. Possuem endosperma branco-Transparente e oleaginoso. O embrião é esbranquiçado e a germinação é epígea.


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The application of fungicides in the aerial organs is control strategy to macrospora spot caused by fungus Stenocarpella macrospora. The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of S. macrospora to fungicides by inhibition of mycelial growth (MG) and conidial germination (CG). It was eval uated 12 fungicides belonging to the chemical groups of the benzimidazoles, triazoles and strobilurins, six concentrations and two isolates of the fungus (SC and MT). The fungicides were diluted in sterile distilled water and added to the culture medium of potato dextrose agar (mycelium) and water-agar (spore) after sterilization. The percentage of inhibition of MC and CG was calculed in comparison with control, estimating of 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50). The fungicides tested were effective in inhibiting the MC. The IC50 was less than 1 ppm for all fungicides. There was no difference between isolates. The inhibition of CG had higher fungitoxicity strobilurins, and the IC50 was between 0.0035 and 0.03 ppm, and the isolated SC showed the higher sensitivity to the fungicides. The IC50 values obtained for fungicides and specific S. macrospora will be useful in monitoring the sensitivity of the fungus, especially in regions with intense demand for fungicides in corn.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)