599 resultados para Função compras


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the commercial cuts, loin tissues and composition proportions in meant from five racial groups: Alpine, ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (½ BA), ½ Anglo Nubian + ½ Alpine (½ ANA), ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine (¾ BA), ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpine + ½ Anglo Nubian (Tricross), submitted to three slaughter weights (25, 30 and 35kg) in feedlot, using a complete diet. The crossing of Boer and Anglo Nubian with Alpine females only improved, in kids, the yield of cuts considered third category such as neck and rib. Slaughter body weights between 30 and 35kg should be preferred due to increase in the proportion of the loin, reduction in the proportion of the neck in Alpine and increase in the leg in Alpine and ¾ Boer, beyond the appropriate amounts of intermuscular fat and muscle.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the combined use of Azospirillum brasilense, humic acid and different levels of nitrogen on agronomic characteristics of wheat under greenhouse conditions. The experiments were installed on May 21, 2011 and proceeded to harvest on September 13, 2011. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a 4 x 4 factorial design with four replications. The first factor relates to the combination of strain Ab-V5 of A. brasilense with humic acids, with the following treatments: control, Ab-V5, humic acid and Ab-V5 + humic acid and the second factor refers to nitrogen levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 N). Most variables in the analysis had a positive linear effect of treatments depending on nitrogen fertilization, and only for variable weight of hundred grains, the negative effect was linear. There were no significant differences between the variances in grain production. It was concluded that the combined use of Ab-V5 + humic acid promotes the production mainly of dry leaves and are not responsive to nitrogen fertilizer for other productive components under study, as well as grain yield.


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This study aimed to evaluate the yield potential of different varieties of sugarcane under drip irrigation in two growth cycles. A trial was set up in October 2006 at Jaú region (São Paulo state, Brazil), in an experimental field with a eutrophic Ultisol. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with factorial treatment structure 8 x 2, constituted by eight sugarcane varieties and two crop cycles, with six replicates. Stalk productivity (TCH), sugar productivity (TPH), juice quality traits and water use efficiency in relation to stalk productivity were evaluated in each crop cycle. It was observed that varieties of sugarcane respond differently to full irrigation, and this response is influenced by climatic conditions of the agricultural year. In this study, only the first evaluation cycle (plant cane) was decisive to differentiate the performance among the varieties. The varieties IAC91-1099, IACSP96-3060, RB855536, RB867515 and SP85-1115 showed higher agro-industrial yield potential and less consumption of water and can be recommended for the management of production under drip irrigation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the straw decomposition of the Urochloa and Panicum after intercropped with corn and nitrogen fertilization, as well as, the agronomic performance of soybean in succession. The experiment was conducted in an Oxisol in Cerrado conditions under no-tillage eight years ago. After the corn harvest intercropped with grass and cutting of forage homogenization were applied N rates (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of N - urea source) in coverage. The plots consisted of Urochloa brizantha,Urochloa ruziziensis and Panicum maximum Tanzânia and Mombaça sown at the time of corn sowing and subplots composed by accumulated amounts of nitrogen applied in forage plants prior to the soybean cultivation (0, 250, 500 and 1000 kg ha-1 of N, after five cuts). The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a split plot. Soon after the last cut of the forage, proportionate amount of fresh mass of the species of each subplot was wrapped in nylon bags called Litter Bags, these being deposited in direct contact with the soil, to determine the time of decomposition of the dry mass during a period of 150 days. The nitrogen doses, as well as, the corn intercropped with forages (except with Mombaça) interfere similarly in the straw decomposition of forage and in the soybean yield in succession. All the consortiums of corn and nitrogen fertilization predecessors determined that, at 60 days after desiccation and cutting, still remained between 50 and 60% of the initial straw for no-tillage system.


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This essay is intended for an analysis of the principal's duties in São Paulo State school, considering the conceptions of Administration specialists, Education professionals and the legal directives pertinent to the State government. It was interesting the procedures of rereading and analyzing of the literature of the area; the survey and analysis of legal documents which, direct or indirectly, concern the principal's duty and the accomplishment, transcription and analysis of half elaborated interviews with administrators and teachers. At the end of this research, it was found some contradictions in the conception of School Administration like it is diffused in different contexts, which anyway reflects the conceptions of the respondents.


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This paper discusses the results of an investigation of academic achievement by gender and student perception of the expectations of their teachers. 120 students from the 5th year of primary education municipal public schools in the metropolitan region of Campinas city participated in the research: 60 of the students have satisfactory academic performance and the other 60 have unsatisfactory performance. We used a scale of student perception of teacher expectations and, to measure academic performance, we considered the grade teachers assigned to students. Research results revealed significant differences between boys and girls in the group of students with unsatisfactory performance, because most of them (83.3%) were male. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the group with satisfactory academic performance, although girls' average academic performance was higher. Regarding the perception of their teachers, we observed differences in both groups. Students with satisfactory performance have the perception that they are more praised and more often chosen to assist the teacher in the classroom while underperforming students believe they receive more criticism from their teachers and are seen as more unruly. The data allow discussing student-teacher bond, the influence of experience at the time of learning and how it influences the interest and motivation of students.


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O solo, um dos principais suportes da produção agrícola tem seu comportamento regido por um complexo conjunto de fatores físicos, químicos e biológicos, razão pela qual o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações dos atributos físicos de um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico com diferentes manejos, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições em três diferentes áreas, sendo uma área de mata nativa, uma área com sistema de preparo convencional do solo e uma área com plantio direto. Foram determinados: matéria orgânica, argila natural, porosidade total, macroporosidade, densidade do solo, resistência à penetração e diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados. O sistema de preparo convencional apresentou os menores teores de matéria orgânica na camada até 0,20 m. Na resistência à penetração não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Para as cinco profundidades do sistema de preparo convencional observaram-se maior densidade e teor de argila natural em comparação aos outros sistemas. O sistema de preparo convencional diferiu dos demais tratamentos quanto ao diâmetro médio ponderado, porosidade total e macroporosidade apresentando os menores valores desses atributos.


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Considering there are few researches about the influence of seedlings fertilization on yield, this work was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of rates of nitrogen and potassium, applied by fertirrigation, in endive seedlings on yield. Two experiments were carried out, the first with four treatments, varying nitrogen rates, and the second with four potassium rates. In both, experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications. In the first experiment, we utilized ammonium nitrate, weekly, at rates 0; 40; 80 and 120 mg of N L-1, while in the second experiment we utilized potassium chloride, weekly, at rates 0; 70; 140 and 210 mg of K2O L-1. The evaluated characteristics at seedling stage were shoot height, number of leaves, fresh and dry shoot weight. At harvesting, we evaluated plant height, diameter, number of leaves and fresh weight. Potassium rates did not influence all characteristics, at seedling and at harvesting stages. For all seedling characteristics, there was linear increasing depending on nitrogen rates. But, for plant fresh weight, diameter and number of leaves at harvesting, the effect was quadratic. The highest fresh weight and number of leaves at harvesting were obtained with 90 mg of N L-1.


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Atualmente alguns híbridos importados têm substituído as tradicionais cultivares de beterraba de mesa, sem no entanto, desenvolver estudos básicos sobre a melhor densidade de plantio para as condições brasileiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do espaçamento entre linhas e entre plantas na produção de beterraba híbrido Boro. O experimento foi conduzido em campo da UNESP em Botucatu-SP, de 10 de setembro a 8 de dezembro de 2010. Foram estudados dois fatores, espaçamentos entre linhas (EL) de 20 e 25 cm, e 7,5; 10,0 e 12,5 cm entre plantas (EP), no esquema fatorial 2 EL x 3 EP, totalizando seis tratamentos (populações variando de 246.400 a 513.333 plantas ha-1, considerando-se canteiros com 1,0 m de largura e espaço entre canteiros de 0,3 m). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições e parcelas de 2 m2. As mudas foram produzidas em bandejas de polipropileno com 288 células. A irrigação foi por aspersão e a adubação foi igual para todos os tratamentos, seguindo a recomendação para o estado de São Paulo. A maior massa fresca por raiz (116,1 g) foi obtida no EL de 25,0 cm. Em relação ao comprimento da raiz, observaram-se diferenças significativas apenas para o EP, sendo que o maior espaçamento, 12,5 cm, resultou em maior comprimento (63,1 mm). Foram obtidos maiores valores de diâmetro das raízes quanto maiores os EP (65,6 mm para 12,5 cm) e EL (63,1 mm para 25 cm). A maior produtividade (44,7 t ha-1) foi obtida no menor EP (7,5 cm), enquanto que o EL não afetou a produtividade. Pode-se concluir que o melhor EP foi de 7,5 cm pela maior produtividade. Quanto ao tamanho da raiz, tanto o maior EL (25 cm) como o maior EP (12,5 cm) resultaram em raízes com maiores massa média e diâmetro.


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The use of sprinkler-irrigation and/or high levels of fertilization in upland rice can increase plant height and hence plant lodging. Lodging can be controlled by using growth regulators, in order to reduce plant height. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of plant growth regulators applied at the stage of panicle primordium differentiation on the reduction of plant height and the impact on grain yield and its components of upland rice cultivar Primavera, under sprinkler irrigation. The experiment was arranged in a 3x4 factorial randomized blocks design with four replications. Treatments consisted of: mepiquat chloride and trinexapac-ethil applied at doses 9, 50, 100, and 200 mg a.i. ha-1, and paclobutrazol at doses of 0, 25, 50, and 100 mg a.i. ha-1. Plant growth regulators reduced rice plant height; increasing doses of regulators reduced upland rice grain yield and its components; trinexapac-ethyl was the most harmful to rice grain yield.In this study, it was not identified the dose of growth regulator that allied reduction in plant height and did not cause decrease in rice yield.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction among meteorological variables and yield components of six sugarcane varieties and to establish appropriate varietal management at the Coastal Tablelands of the Alagoas State (Brazil). The sugarcane planting was carried out in September 2005, and three cane harvests were made in November 2006, 2007 and 2008. The experimental design was in randomized block with six treatments consisting of the varieties RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003 and RB951541, with four replications. The growth variables evaluated were number and length of stalks, leaf area index, and productivity of stalks and sugar. On average, the crop water balance showed water deficit of 869 mm between September and March and excess of 837 mm from April to August. The irregularity of rainfall in the Coastal Tablelands promoted differential responses in the development and productivity of varieties of sugarcane. Varieties RB93509 and RB931003 are considered options for the varietal management in this region.