537 resultados para Continental rift of southeastern Brazil


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We investigated sex ratio, reproductive period, fecundity, and sexual dimorphism of Pamphorichthys hollandi in southeastern Brazil. Reproductive status was identified according to a female's gonads/embryos development scale. of the 613 collected specimens, 373 (60 %) were females and 240 (40 %) males giving a sex ratio of I male: 1.6 female. Sexual dimorphism was evident in respect to body size, body coloration, and anal and pelvic-fin morphologies. The highest proportion of reproductive females was registered in January and February, which represent wet and hot periods. The simultaneous presence of more than one litter at different stages of development within a single female characterized this species as superfetaceous.


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A new species of treefrog is described from Chapada Diamantina in the central State of Bahia, Brazil. The new species is a member of the Bokermannohyla pseudopseudis group, characterized by its small to medium size, head as long as wide, snout short, rounded in dorsal view and nearly truncate in lateral view, eyes and tympanum large, and forearm and prepollex well developed. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of the B. pseudopseudis group by its voice and the shape of its head and snout. it is smaller than B. saxicola and B. pseudopseudis, and has a less developed forearm and prepollex than B. ibitiguara males. The tadpole and vocalizations are described and information on natural history is provided.


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A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Hyla pulchella species group was performed to test its monophyly, explore the interrelationships of its species, and evaluate the validity of the taxa that were considered subspecies of H. pulchella. Approximately 2.8 kb from the mitochondrial genes 12s, tRNA valine, 16s, and Cytochrome b were sequenced. The analysis included 50 terminals representing 10 of the 14-15 species currently recognized in the H. pulchella group, including samples from several localities for some taxa, several outgroups, as well as two species previously suspected to be related with the group (Hyla guentheri and Hyla hischoffi). The results show that the H. pulchella and Hyla circumdata groups are distantly related, and, therefore, should be recognized as separate groups. As currently defined, the H. pulchella group is paraphyletic with respect to the Hyla polytaenia group; therefore, we recognize the Hyla polytaenia clade in the H. pulchella group. Two subspecies of H. pulchella recognized by some authors are considered full species including Hyla pulchella riojana because it is only distantly related to H. pulchella, and Hyla pulchella cordobae because molecular and non-molecular evidence suggests that it is specifically distinct. With the inclusion of the H. polytaenia clade, H. guentheri, and H. bischoffi, and the recognition of the two former subspecies of H. pulchella as distinct species, the H. pulchella group now comprises 25 described species. All representatives of the H. pulchella group with an Andean distribution are monophyletic and nested within a clade from the Atlantic forest from south-southeastern Brazil/northeastern Argentina, and Cerrado gallery forest from central Brazil. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Capture/recapture studies significantly increase our knowledge of the natural history of anuran amphibians. Many different methods have been employed in these studies, but a number of new techniques still require experimental validation. During two reproductive seasons in a Cerrado remnant in southeastern Brazil, we investigated the movement patterns and habitat use of the pepper frog, Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, using a spool-and-line device. This low-cost device did not appear to interfere with the activities of the frogs and allowed for constant monitoring, showing precise routes of movement and great predictability of relocations. Both sexes were active at night. During the day, males and females made use of retreat sites under vegetation or in burrows constructed by small- and medium-sized mammals. Males and females did not use standardized routes; there were no significant differences between their movements, and movements were not correlated with body size or environmental conditions. Individuals are able to move further than 100 m per day, a characteristic that may enable this species to colonize or recolonize open areas.


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The larval development of Acanthonyx petiverii H. M. Edwards, 1834, was studied in the laboratory through eggs hatched from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The rearings were carried out in a climatic room with constant temperature (25 degrees +/- 1 degrees C) and salinity (34,5 parts per thousand). The larvae were maintained individually and the food consisted of Artemia nauplii. The larval development of A. petiverii consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. All the larval stages were drawn and described in detail. Tables include those presenting morphological characters that allow the identification of zoeae and megalopa of A. petiverii. A comparative study was realized with previously studied majid species that occur in southern and southeastern Brazil.


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Three procedures (line transect, point intercept and quadrat) for estimating abundance of macroscopic components of periphyton (macroalgae and bryophytes) were compared in two bedrock streams from southeastern Brazil on the basis of frequency and percent cover. In addition, two quadrat sizes (25 and 50 cm) were tested for best size. Samplings were all made within a 10 m length stream reach. Differences were tested by means of analysis of variance, ANOVA - one way, Student's t test and Chi-square test, whereas associations among them were evaluated by Pearson's r correlation coefficient. Values of frequency and percent cover varied among the different techniques and periphyton species in both sites but ANOVA, t and Chi-square tests revealed no significant difference (p<0.05) for percent cover in the two sites. No consistent pattern was observed for the different procedures between sites. Values for quadrat (25 and 50 cm) percent cover were positively correlated among distinct periphyton species. Significant differences for frequency were found in only one site. Quadrats of 50 cm produced the highest frequency values, whereas point intercept the lowest in both sites. In terms of spatial variation within the stream segment, significant differences were generally observed among all procedures, except between quadrats. As a rule, highly significant correlations for percent cover were found among the different techniques along the stream reach. The strongest relationships were found for quadrats with the other procedures, whereas the weakest between Line and point. Pros and cons of the three techniques are fully discussed.


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In southeastern Brazil the leptodactylid frogs Leptodactylus fuscus and Physalaemus fuscomaculatus enter dormancy during the dry season. Oxygen uptake was measured in awake and dormant groups of both species in a temperature range at which these frogs are usually exposed throughout the year. Oxygen uptake was lower for dormant groups at high temperature, and a lack of response to temperature was reported between 20 - 25 C in the dormant group of both species. This temperature-intensitive range can be considered an adaptive feature to save fat reserves during dormancy.


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A new species of Megaelosia is described from the Atlantic Forest in the northern part of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Based on examination of topotypic specimens of Megaelosia massarti, this species is removed from the synonymy of M. goeldii. Tadpoles of M. lutzae and M. massarti are described and natural history observations of M. massarti and M. goeldii are reported. Diagnoses, measurements, figures, distributional data, and a key for the species of Megaelosia are provided.


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The quantity and distribution of vegetal biomass are important aspects to consider in ecosystem studies. However, little information is available about Brazil's Pantanal woodland savannas. This work involved the development of regression equations of the aerial biomass and wood volume of native tree species in a region of woodland savanna on Rio Negro farm in the Pantanal of Nhecolandia, Brazil. Samples were taken from 10 trees of each of five species: Protium heptaphyllum (Aub1.) Marchand, Magonia pubescens A. St.-Hil., Diptychandra aurantiaca Tul., Terminalia argentea Mart. and Zucc. and Licania minutiflora (Sagot) Fritsch and from a miscellaneous group of I I different species. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses were developed relating the diameter at breast height to the dry weight of wood, branches and leaves, wood volume and total aerial biomass. All the regressions showed a significance of P < 0.05 and an R-2 close to or above 0.8. The biomass curve predicted by linear regression analysis of the studied species was similar to the nonlinear regression, with the exception of L. minutiflora and the miscellaneous group. The breast height diameter proved a good choice for estimating biomass and wood volume. The estimated wood volume and biomass of the Pantanal woodland savanna is crucial information for understanding the carbon cycle and for ensuring the region's conservation and sustainable use. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two common South American species of lynx spiders, Peucetia rubrolineata and P. flava (Oxyopidae), were surveyed on three localities in southeastern Brazil to determine plant choice. Both species were found to be associated with plants bearing glandular trichomes. A literature review and complementary data show that ten Peucetia species are associated with up to 55 plant species bearing glandular trichomes in at least 20 distinct vegetation types (phytophysiognomies) in more than 36 localities in the Neotropical, Neartic, Afrotropical, and Paleartic regions. The main plant families used by the spiders were Solanaceae, Asteraceae, and Melastomataceae. The specialization of the Peucetia species for plants bearing glandular trichomes may have evolved because insects adhered to these sticky structures may be used as prey by the spiders.


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A floristic survey for the family Orchidaceae was undertaken in a coastal forest area of ca. 8 km2 in the Picinguaba Development Center of the Serra do Mar State Park, in the municipality of Ubatuba, Brazil. The sampling used all tracks and roads of the area, up to the altitude of 50 m.s.m. and resulted in 77 species distributed in 45 genera. The spacial distribution of the species was plotted in maps of the nine physiognomical units identified for the area, based on 1:8.000 and 1:25.000 aerial photographs, and field observations. The results are shown in 1:10.000 topographic charts. Ninety percent of the species occur in at least 3 physiognomical units while 60% only occurred in a single unit, what indicates that the orchids can be used to characterize the vegetation even in large scales.


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During the Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny, West Gondwana formed by collisional processes around the Sao Francisco-Congo Craton. The Ribeira belt, in southeastern Brazil, resulted from northwestward collision (650-600 Ma), followed by large-scale northeast-southwest dextral strike-slip shear movements related to late-collisional escape tectonics (ca 600 Ma).In São Paulo State, three groups, also interpreted as terranes, are recognised in the Ribeira Belt, the Embu, Itapira and Sao Rogue Groups. The Embu and Itapira Groups are formed of sillimanite-gneisses, schists and migmatites intruded by Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline granitoids, all thrusted northwestward. The Sao Rogue Group is composed of metasediments and metavolcanics in greenschist-facies. Its deformation indicates a transpressional regime associated with tectonic escape. Sub-alkaline granites were emplaced in shallow levels during this regime. Microstructural studies along the Itu, Moreiras and Taxaquara Shear Zones demonstrate the coexistence of horizontal and Vertical displacement components during the transpressional regime. The vertical component is regarded as responsible for the lateral juxtaposition of different crustal levels. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Limited. All rights reserved.