641 resultados para isotermas de sorção


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is routinely diagnosed with the Agarose Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) technique, which is considered to have low sensitivity. The objective of this study was to standardize testing i-Elisa and Western Blot for early detection of antibodies against CAEV in goats and compare the results obtained in these tests with proof of AGID. For standardization of i-Elisa and WB, different concentrations and dilutions of antigen, sera and conjugate were used. In the i-Elisa, rigid microplate with 96 wells was adopted, and the combination that showed the best result was a concentration of 0.5µg/ well of antigen and dilutions of the serum of 1:100 and conjugate of 1:1500. In the WB nitrocellulose membranes were used, and the dilutions of the serum were defined at 1:50 and conjugate at 1:15000. To evaluate the performance of the techniques, 222 goat serum samples were tested and the data were compared with the AGID. The sensitivity and specificity of Elisa-i/IDGA, WB/AGID and WB/Elisa-i were 70% and 91%, 100% and 72.6%, 84.6% and 76.5%, concomitantly. The Kappa index of these tests was 0.35, 0.2 and 0.36, respectively. The i-Elisa and WB techniques were more sensitive than the AGID and can be used as tools for early diagnosis of CAE.


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O objetivo do trabalho é descrever uma estratégia para a obtenção de animais negativos para o PCV2 oriundos de uma granja positiva para este vírus. Dezesseis leitões foram obtidos de fêmeas que tiveram os títulos de IgG anti-PCV2 e o DNA viral testados durante a gestação. Esses leitões, aos sete e dez dias de idade, foram transferidos para a unidade de pesquisa. Durante o período de 7 e 10 aos 49 e 52 dias de idade, amostras de soro, suabes nasal e fecal foram coletadas, a cada sete dias. Após esse período, três animais permaneceram na unidade de pesquisa e foram acompanhados dos 49 aos 114 dias de idade, com coletas realizadas a cada 28 dias. Não houve diferença significativa (p = 0,317) de viremia entre marrãs (n = 6) e porcas (n = 10). Com relação aos níveis de IgG, observou-se diferença significativa (p = 0,0213) entre porcas e marrãs. Os leitões (n = 16), obtidos de duas fêmeas, foram transferidos para a unidade de pesquisa. Os animais entre 7 e 10 dias e aos 49 e 52 dias de idade apresentaram queda de IgG e ausência de IgM anti-PCV2; e as amostras de soro, suabe nasal e fecal foram negativos para o DNA de PCV2. Após os 49 dias, nos três animais mantidos isolados, a detecção de IgG, IgM e DNA para PCV2 permaneceu negativa. Concluindo, a estratégia de manejo utilizada permitiu obter suínos negativos para PCV2 oriundo de granjas positivas para o agente.


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Patógenos transmitidos por carrapatos atingem uma variedade de hospedeiros vertebrados. Para identificar os agentes patogênicos transmitidos por carrapatos entre cães soropositivos para Leishmania infantum no município Campo Grande-MS, foi realizado um estudo sorológico e molecular para a detecção de Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys e Babesia vogeli em 60 amostras de soro e baço, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o diagnóstico confirmatório de L. infantum por meio de técnicas sorológicas e moleculares. Também foi realizado o alinhamento e análise filogenética das sequências para indicar a identidade das espécies de parasitas que infectam esses animais. Anticorpos IgG anti-Ehrlichia spp., anti-B. vogeli e anti-L. infantum foram detectados em 39 (65%), 49 (81,6%) e 60 (100%) dos cães amostrados, respectivamente. Vinte e sete (45%), cinquenta e quatro (90%), cinquenta e três (88,3%), dois (3,3%) e um (1,6%) cães mostraram-se positivos na PCR para E. canis, Leishmania spp., Leishmania donovani complex, Babesia sp. e Anaplasma sp., respectivamente. Após o seqüenciamento, os amplicons mostraram 99% de similaridade com isolados de E. canis, B. vogeli e A. platys e Leishmania chagasi. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que os cães soropositivos para L. infantum de Campo Grande, MS, são expostos a vários agentes transmitidos por carrapatos, e, portanto, devem ser incluídos no diagnóstico diferencial em cães com suspeita clínica de leishmaniose.


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Newcastle disease, salmonellosis and mycoplamosis are the most important infectious diseases in poultry. Toxoplamosis is a common disease in urban environment. The present study investigated serologic evidence of these diseases in captive and wildlife birds, with rapid plate agglutination test, haemagglutination inhibition test, and modified agglutination test. In a total of 117 blood serum samples, 20 showed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and Salmonella spp. antibodies. Amazona aestiva was the specie with the highest number of positive individuals (13/20). We also verified the first detection of T. gondii antibodies in birds of prey from Mivalgo chimachima and Rupornis magnirostris species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the culture of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue - derived stromal vascular fraction cells in two different cell culture media. Five adult horses were submitted to bone marrow aspiration from the sternum, and then from the adipose tissue of the gluteal region near the base of the tail. Mononuclear fraction and stromal vascular fraction were isolated from the samples and cultivated in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or in AIM-V medium. The cultures were observed once a week with an inverted microscope, to perform a qualitative analysis of the morphology of the cells as well as the general appearance of the cell culture. Colony-forming units (CFU) were counted on days 5, 15 and 25 of cell culture. During the first week of culture, differences were observed between the samples from the same source maintained in different culture media. The number of colonies was significantly higher in samples of bone marrow in relation to samples of adipose tissue.


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Avaliou-se a resposta de fase aguda através da concentração das proteínas de fase aguda (PFA) no soro sanguíneo e no líquido peritoneal de vinte e um equinos, hígidos e submetidos à obstrução intestinal experimental, distribuídos em quatro grupos: obstrução de duodeno - GD (n=6), íleo - GI (n=6), cólon dorsal esquerdo - GM (n=6) e controle instrumentado - GC (n=3). Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e líquido peritoneal e, após centrifugação e fracionamento, as proteínas de fase aguda foram separadas por eletroforese em SDS-PAGE. Identificaram-se as proteínas IgA, ceruloplasmina, transferrina, albumina, IgG, haptoglobina, α1-glicoproteína ácida e P24, no soro e no líquido peritoneal. Houve aumento nas concentrações sérica e peritoneal de todas as PFA, sendo mais evidente no líquido peritoneal e nos animais obstruídos. O fracionamento eletroforético das PFA no líquido peritoneal é mais eficaz no diagnóstico de processos inflamatórios abdominais, quando comparado ao sérico.


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INTRODUCTION: Patients treated with nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid (ZA), have frequently shown oral bone exposure areas, termed osteonecrosis. In addition, these patients may also present low repair and regeneration potential, mainly after tooth extractions. These side-effects caused by bisphosphonates may be due to their inhibitory effects on oral mucosa and local bone cells. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of ZA on the mineralization capacity of cultured osteoblasts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human immortalized osteoblasts (SaOs-2) were grown in plain culture medium (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium [DMEM] + 10% fetal bovine serum [FBS]) in wells of 24-well plates. After 48-hour incubation, the plain DMEM was replaced by a solution with ZA at 5 µM which was maintained in contact with cells for seven, 14 or 21 days. After these periods, cells were evaluated regarding alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and mineral nodule formation (alizarin red). Data were statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney test, at 5% of significance level. RESULTS: ZA caused significant reduction on ALP activity and mineral nodules formation by cultured osteoblasts in all evaluated periods (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that ZA causes inhibition on the osteogenic phenotype of cultured human osteoblasts, which, in turn, may reduce bone repair in patients subjected to ZA therapy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUCTION: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are frequently used by people whose aim to increase muscle mass to obtain a better performance in sports or improve physical appearance. AAS are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, able to promote muscle fibers hypertrophy, increasing intracellular protein synthesis. L-carnitine is a food supplement used to increase energetic production by means of fat acids oxidation. Although there are several works about physiological properties of these drugs, there are few studies about their mutagenic potential. OBJECTIVES: This work evaluated the clastogenicity and genotoxicity of nandrolone decanoate, testosterone decanoate and L-carnitine, in different treatments through the micronucleus test in polychromatic erythrocytes of Wistar rats. METHODS: The animals were submitted to different concentrations and associations of AAS. The positive control received cyclophosphamide 50 mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection and negative control, one ml of saline solution by gavage. The rats were sacrificed after 36 hours of latest application, having the femurs removed and the bone marrow extracted. Material was homogenized and centrifuged. Button cell was pipetted and transferred to slides, which were stained by Giemsa. 1,000 polychromatic erythrocytes were counted per animal, noting the frequency of micronuclei. RESULTS: The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed, with a significance level of 5%, which demonstrated that nandrolone decanoate - three doses of 0,2 mg/kg and 0,6 mg/kg, eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg, L-carnitine - seven doses of 0,4 ml/250 g and 1,5 ml/250 g, testosterone decanoate - 28 doses of 0,075 mg/kg, nandrolone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg associated to L-carnitine and 1 mL and nandrolone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg associated to testosterone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg, showed mutagenic potential. CONCLUSION: The treatments proved to be clastogenic, not being indicated like ergogenic aid.


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE