509 resultados para seção Urospadix
Hydrocarbon accumulations occur in marine carbonate reservoirs of Quissamã Formation (early to midlle Albian), southwest Campos Basin. We investigated Pampo, Bicudo and Bonito fields, in order to understand the tectono-structural framework of oncolite/bioclast coarse-grained calcarenite reservoir and the calcilutite-marl-shale sealing interval (Late Albian to Turonian). The database of eleven wells from those fields allowed to elaborate structural sections correlating the Macaé Group – both Quissamã reservoir and Outeiro seal, the latter corresponding to the tectonic deepening phase of basin evolution. Based on density and electric logs, it was prepared structural sections of the carbonate reservoirs with consequent identification of porous zones and oil-water contacts. An extensive 3-D seismic database (~300 Km2) allowed to map three reflectors which represent the limiting units of Macaé Group
Most cancer types are treated by antineoplastic chemotherapy, which can be performed conjointly with other treatments, such as radiotherapy and surgery. Due to its action, chemotherapy provides the possibility of cure, but it also leads to a number of adverse effects, such as myelosuppression, cutaneous and gastrointestinal toxicity, etc. Patients undergoing chemotherapy must receive constant information concerning how to prevent or minimize these effects in order to achieve better quality of life and, consequently, a more successful treatment. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the need and preference for different forms of information by oncologic patients submitted to chemotherapy. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study conducted at the chemotherapy division of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital/SP on a sample of 50 patients older than 18 years. After previous knowledge of the study and formalization of Free Consent, the individuals answered a questionnaire containing 12 questions related to the importance attributed to the information received, from which professional and when to receive it. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test and showed that 62% of the patients were females, and the remaining 38% were males of whom 46% were older than 60 years, 26% were from 50 to 60 years old, 24% from 30 to 50, and only 4% were younger than 30 years old. The patients had lymphatic (23.4%) and solid (76.6%) tumors. All the respondents reported that receiving information about the disease and its treatment was extremely important. As regards information related to side effects, 98% of patients answered that receiving it was extremely important, and only 2% answered that it was little important. Correlations were made between age, gender, and tumor type with the answers obtained for the best moment, how and from whom to receive such informatio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O acesso à educação infantil é um direito da criança, a sua oferta é obrigação do poder público municipal embora a matrícula seja uma opção da família. Devido a crescente demanda nesta etapa da educação, surgiram estratégias para ampliar o atendimento. Em sendo assim, atualmente tem-se expandido, na rede pública, a oferta de vagas para educação infantil principalmente por meio de convênios e parcerias público-privadas, de certa maneira, incentivados pelo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (FUNDEB), que admite a distribuição dos recursos públicos às instituições conveniadas. Este estudo está vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional, GREPPE (grupo interinstitucional) – Seção Rio Claro, mais precisamente ao Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado Avaliando a produção científica sobre financiamento e convênios na educação infantil, coordenado pela Profª Drª Regiane Helena Bertagna. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo mapear e analisar a temática relacionada ao conveniamento e financiamento da educação infantil a partir de periódicos científicos nacionais de educação, avaliados pela CAPES como ―A1 – ano de referência 2008 - durante os anos de 2000 a 2010. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, foram verificados e analisados os assuntos mais abordados em relação à temática nos estudos científicos, a saber: teoria econômica em educação; globalização e educação; Estado e educação; organismos internacionais e a infância; política de fundos para educação; atendimento na educação infantil. Verificou-se que o periódico que mais apresentou artigos sobre a temática foi o Educação & Sociedade (CEDES). Em defesa da importância da garantia do direito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The objective of the present work was to evaluate Pinus’ glued laminated timber (glulam) beams and steel reinforced glulam beams, using PU mono-component adhesive in lamination step and epoxy adhesive to bond steel bars. The mechanical performance was verified through bending test, and the adopted method based on homogenized section, to considerate the differences between wood and steel mechanical properties. The homogenization section method proved itself effective in obtaining the stiffness of the parts in MLCA. The stiffness of reinforced beams increased 91% in comparison with glulam beams, differing only 5.5 % from value of stiffness calculated
The objective the work at hand has is to discuss the dropouts of students from the major Physics in the campus of Guaratinguetá – UNESP. A survey has been made about the number of graduated and evaded students of each class since 1989, year that this course was created, until the year 2011. For this purpose, lists were collected from the section of graduation of the university, in which you will find names, year of entry, way of entry and situation of each students already enrolled in the course. Data about the dropouts of other courses of Physics at UNESP were also collected, in order to compare with the results from the unity of Guaratinguetá. Besides that, the results from researches about the lack of physics professors in the country were also taken into consideration. Some of this research sought to identify the main reasons of dropouts from the students of Physics. The data collected indicates that the dropout of this course in the campus of Guaratinguetá is higher when compared to the dropouts of others in this institution. It’s also true that the dropout rates haven’t changed significantly over the years, the average being 66.2% in the period between 1989 and 2007. However, the reason for the dropouts has changed of the years, dropouts to change for other majors increased, especially after 2005, being responsible for almost half of the dropouts in the last three years. The survey with the enrolled students of 2012 showed that this is a group of young students that don’t work and many of them have enrolled with the intension to transfer to other courses. These data contradicts the results of some researches that point out difficulties for students to reconciling work with study as one of the main causes of the dropouts. This suggests the picture in this work about the dropouts... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Bulbophyllum, which comprises 1876 species, is considered the second largest genus of angiosperms, with a pantropical distribution. The morphological and anatomical floral studies in the genus are incipient, with data restricted to the gynostemium and lip of some species. Based on molecular data, six sections were recognized within Bulbophyllum at the Neotropics, amongst them Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, which comprises 12 species distributed in central South America. We aimed to study the floral anatomy of six species of Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, in order to determine useful characters to differentiate them and contribute to the anatomical characterization of the section as a whole. Floral anatomy was assessed through usual techniques of light microscopy. The data found here for B. adiamantinum, B. chloroglossum, B. epiphytum, B. mentosum, B. micranthum and B. rupicolum allowed to identificate the presence of glandular trichomes and the possible presence of a secretory region on the lip, which might produce substances used as a reward to pollinators. The most significant anatomical characters to the species characterization were the shape and ornamentation of the outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells, as well as the number of vascular bundles in dorsal and lateral sepals and at the lip. The data also allowed the differentiation between B. epiphytum and B. rupicolum, species very similar in morphology and phylogenetically related. Besides that, the data also allowed the discussion regarding the maintenance of B. mentosum within the section: although its inclusion is supported by molecular studies, the anatomical data here presented shows greater differences compared to the other species, not supporting its maintenance in Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae
In this work we study some topics of Celestial Mechanics, namely the problem of rigid body rotation and “spin-orbit” resonances. Emphasis is placed on the problem formulation and applications to some exoplanets with physical parameters (e.g. mass and radius) compatible with a terrestrial type constitution (e.g. rock) belonging to multiple planetary systems. The approach is both analytical and numerical. The analytical part consists of: i) the deduction of the equation of motion for the rotation problem of a spherical body with no symmetry, disturbed by a central body; ii) modeling the same problem by including a third-body in the planet-star system; iii) formulation of the concept of “spin-orbit” resonance in which the orbital period of the planet is an integer multiple of the rotation’s period. Topics of dynamical systems (e.g. equilibrium points, chaos, surface sections, etc.) will be included at this stage. In the numerical part simulations are performed with numerical models developed in the previous analytical section. As a first step we consider the orbit of the planet not perturbed by a third-body in the star-planet system. In this case the eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis of the planet are constants. Here the technique of surface sections, widely used in dynamical systems are applied. Next, we consider the action of a third body, developing a more realistic model for planetary rotation. The results in both cases are compared. Since the technique of disturbed surface sections is no longer applicable, we quantitatively evaluate the evolution of the characteristic angles of rotation (e.g. physical libration) by studying the evolution of individual orbits in the dynamically important regions of phase space, the latter obtained in the undisturbed case
The searches for a health service it’s a part of a process, searches for a qualified evaluation can arise the perception, in form of irritating factors taking for an alert state. The personal expectation, it makes influence in its perceptions, too. The objective was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of the users of “Seção Técnica de Ambulatório Geral do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu”. The work is about a quantitative and transversal study, with calculated sample of 366 users, chosen randomly and invited to participate through a questionnaire. The population was compounded by a majority of women (64,5%), between 50 to 59 years old and average degree of education (38,3%). 25 specialties were cited. The evaluate about comfort, cleaning, reception, waiting time, medical attention and nursing vary between “very good” and “good”. Obtained significant “regular” assessment, the comfort in the waiting rooms (24%), silence (25%) and cleaning bathroom (63%). Others negative evaluation was the reception about the waiting time (26%), waiting time between arrival and the consultation (34%), waiting time between the request and consultation (27%). 30,6% report to know the place for complaints and 79,4% of these pointed to the ombudsman. 62% consider their problems solved, 84,4% would indicate the hospital, 57,4% would consider the hospital better than imagined. 42,62% used the opened area for thanking, critical for staff, suggestion infrastructure improvements, cleaning and waiting time. The biggest complaint was the staff turnover in the treatment. There was disharmony between the objective and subjective questions, but, all of them must be considered to propose improvements. The satisfaction evaluation makes the service more effective, bringing credibility to the health service and the patients adhere better to the treatment
Estudou-se a anatomia dos órgãos foliares (folhas basais, ou catafilos, no caso de folhas ausentes, e brácteas involucrais) de três espécies de Mapania Aubl. Os espécimes de Mapania macrophylla (Boeck) H.Pfeiff. e M. pycnostachya (Benth.) T.Koyama, pertencentes à seção Pycnocephala, e M. sylvatica Aubl., pertencente à seção Mapania, foram coletados durante expedições científicas na Reserva Florestal Ducke em Manaus, AM, e constituem representantes de um mesmo gênero que ocupam três ambientes distintos da Floresta Amazônica. Em todos os órgãos, as espécies apresentam epiderme uniestratificada, com células de paredes delgadas, e estômatos paracíticos na face abaxial, no mesmo nível ou um pouco acima das demais células epidérmicas. O mesofilo é homogêneo e apresenta dois padrões distintos nos órgãos foliares: o primeiro com feixes vasculares em um único nível, sem extensão de bainha, idioblastos fenólicos abundantes e aerênquima não conspícuo; e o segundo padrão com feixes vasculares maiores e menores intercalados, com extensão de bainha do feixe e interrompidos por aerênquima conspícuo com células translúcidas. O primeiro padrão foi encontrado em brácteas involucrais de M. sylvatica e o segundo em todos os órgãos foliares das demais espécies. Essa diferença corrobora com as seções estabelecidas e é importante na diferenciação de espécies dentro do gênero. No pseudopecíolo de M. pycnostachya foi observada a presença de hipoderme, caráter importante na diferenciação de Mapania e Hypolytrum e que, portanto, necessita ser melhor estudado no gênero. Ainda, a presença de aerênquima, células epidérmicas com parede delgada e posição dos estômatos refletem a adaptação dessas espécies a ambientes úmidos de várzea e igapó onde são encontradas
Cosmic radiation has been identi ed as one of the main hazard to crew, aircraft and sensitive equipments involved in long-term missions and even high-altitude commercial ights. Generally, shields are used in spatial units to avoid excessive exposure, by holding the incident radiation. Unfortunatelly, shielding in space is problematic, especially when high-energy cosmic particles are considered, due to the production of large number of secondary particles, mainly neutrons, protons and alpha particles, caused by spallation reactions and quasi-elastic processes of the corpuscular radiation with the shield. Good parameters for checking the secondary particle production at target material are diferential cross section and energy deposited in the shield. Addition experiments, some computer codes based on Monte Carlo method show themselves a suitable tool to calculate shield parameters, due to have evaluated nuclear data libraries implemented on the algorithm. In view of this, the aim of this work is determining the parameters evaluated in shielding materials, by using MCNPX code, who shows good agreement with experimental data from literature. Among the materials, Aluminium had lower emission and production of secondary particles
This study is bound to the “Research and Studies in Educational Policies”, GREPPE (interinstitutional group) – Rio Claro Section, more accurately to the Research Project entitled Evaluating the scientific production about financing and agreements in childhood education, coordinate by Prof. Dr. Regiane Helena Bertagna, that has as main objective to survey of scientific production at the national level related to the theme of financing and agreements in childhood education in the period from 2000 to 2010. This research has as objective to analyze the financing of childhood education examinee issues of educational policies related to this aspect in this stage of the basic education in national journals. It is intended to ascertain the discussion held in the articles about childhood education financing highlighting the strategies used by the government to offer treatment to the childhood education by means of agreements, or even, by means of public-private partnerships. For the development of this research will be conducted a survey and data analysis from journals of the “Coordination of Improvement of Senior Staff” (CAPES) classified as A2 in the evaluation of 2008. The research will make a cutting between the years from 2000 to 2010; will be analyzed only the national journals online available and that adress the thematic studied
Este estudo está vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional, GREPPE (grupo interinstitucional) – Seção Rio Claro, mais precisamente ao Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado “A oferta educacional na educação infantil: arranjos institucionais entre o público e o privado”, coordenado pela Profª Drª Raquel Fontes Borghi que trata sobre a oferta de vagas das escolas de Educação Infantil no estado de São Paulo. O presente estudo pretende analisar as relações entre o público e o privado, buscando perceber se o repasse de subsídios às instituições conveniadas (com ou sem fins lucrativos) pelas prefeituras municipais representa uma política pública educacional efetiva para a oferta de vagas na Educação Infantil. Para o estudo serão analisados os municípios denominados “muito pequenos”, com população máxima de até 10 mil habitantes. A pesquisa será qualitativa, bibliográfica e documental, realizada através de entrevista previamente estruturada em forma de questionário, anexo ao final deste relatório, por meio de telefonemas e e-mails e referendado por outros estudos já concluídos no GREPPE. Após a coleta de dados, os mesmos serão analisados através de bases teóricas relacionadas ao assunto e convertidos no relatório de pesquisa para o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
STRATIGRAPHIC SUCCESSION OF ALAGOAS STAGE ON SERRA DO TONÃ, TUCANO BASIN (BAHIA). Located in northeast of Bahia, serra do Tonã is a NS elongated plateau that standsout in the flattened relief of Tucano Basin. The stratigraphic succession belongs to the Aptian post-rift sequence of this basin. Based on facies analysis, vertical stratigraphic profiles and satelite images interpretation, three stacked stratigraphic units were recognized: (1) lower carbonate unit, composed by laminated limestones and breccias, 5 m thick, correlated with Camadas Batateira of Arripe Basin; (2) intermediate siliciclastic unit, 100m thick and made of sandstones exhibiting finning upward cycles, overlaid by mudstones and sandstones wich sedimentary structures suggest action of tidal currents and (3) upper carbonate unit, composed by laminated limestones, 2-10 m thick, related with Santana Formation, that record lacustrine environment with possible marine influence. Paleocurrent analysis indicates proviniance from north and paleoflows towards south, similar to the Aptian fluvial facies of Araripe Basin, showing that both basins integrated the same continental paleodrainage
This work is to analyze the behavior of context concentrated stresses generated around a nozzle connected to a pressure vessel. For this analysis we used the finite element method via a computer interface, the software ANSYS WORKBENCH. It was first necessary to study and intensive training of the software used, and also a study of the ASME Code, Section VIII, which is responsible for the standards used in pressure vessels. We analyzed three cases, which differ primarily in the variation of the diameter of the nozzle in order to analyze the variation of the stresses according to the variation of the diameters. The nozzle diameters were 35, 75 and 105 mm. After the model designed vessel, a pressure was applied on the innervessel of 0.5 MPa. For the smallest diameter, was found the lowest tensions concentrated. Varying between 1 and 223 MPa. Increasing the diameter of the nozzle resulted in increased tensions concentrated around the junction nozzle /vessel. The maximum stresses increased by 78% when the value was increased in diameter from 35 to 75 mm. Since the increase in diameter from 75 to 105 mm, the values of the tensions increased around 43%. These figures emphasize that stress concentrations increased with increasing the diameter of the nozzles, but not linearly