588 resultados para Universidade - Escola


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Para que a inserção de conteúdos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea ocorra de maneira eficiente no ensino médio é necessária a atualização dos professores. Assim, desde 2010 a SBF realiza a Escola de Física CERN, na qual participam professores brasileiros de física. Perante isso, investigamos as contribuições desta escola para a prática pedagógica dos professores. Os resultados mostram que o ensino de partículas é realizado de maneira muito incipiente, justificado pelo fato do currículo ainda ser clássico, pela falta de tempo ou pela cobrança dos exames avaliativos. Ao mesmo tempo em que os professores mencionam abordar a física de partículas, eles relatam que assuntos de física moderna e contemporânea não fazem parte do currículo de suas escolas. Concluímos que alguns professores não ensinam a física de partículas ou o abordam mesmo que ele não faça parte da grade curricular.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Os usuários de medicamentos muitas vezes optam não pelo medicamento industrializado, que já está ali pronto para ser vendido, e sim o medicamento manipulado, feito de forma individualizada, mas que contém o mesmo fármaco, ação, efeitos adversos. Por essa razão, esse trabalho buscou implantar bulas aos medicamentos manipulados na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antonio Alonso Martinez da UNESP de Araraquara, da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, de modo a prestar informações e garantir uma farmacoterapia adequada a seus clientes. Com base na Lista de Medicamentos Manipulados pela Farmácia Escola, foram selecionados todos os medicamentos alopáticos e suas associações, para uma pesquisa em referências bibliográficas confiáveis, de modo a usar o conteúdo pesquisado para a confecção das bulas. O trabalho concluído resultou em 30 bulas, que serão impressas e entregues juntamente com os medicamentos manipulados, de forma individualizada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The education of children and youth in the rural areas, with the social movements of struggle for land, returns to a place of relevance and is repositioned on the political agenda. This study aims to analyze the process of development and implementation of a pilot project of schools in the rural area of the city of Araraquara, focusing on the subjects’ perception of the region. We adopted a qualitative ethnographic approach, with the following instruments of data collection: participant observation and semi-structured interviews. It was found that the project which was built through a process of struggle of a community in an adversarial relationship with the municipal government, which itself is struggling in an exercise of cultural emancipation and the construction of citizenship. Thus it finds itself in a habit of cultural resistance and in areas that has its effects on representation and social transformation within the community. Notwithstanding, those who participated in the process of the struggle and implementation have been transformed along the way, salvaging their self-esteem, history and a sense of belonging to a community.


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This article aims to discuss reports brought by the teacher the early years of public school in the training course in Gender and Diversity in School (GDS), with regard to the prejudices of gender and sexual diversity. The GDS training course was offered in 2009 and 2010, by the Open University of Brazil (UAB), in cooperation agreement with the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). In São Paulo the training centers were distributed in 09 municipalities. The course GDS was inserted in the modality teacher continuing education elementary education from the public schools, in the semipresencial way, and it was divided into five thematic modules: diversity, gender, sexuality and sexual orientation, race / ethnicity. In this article, we present the analysis of the memorials written by / the teacher / participants of the 1st GDE course, polo Jau, in the state of São Paulo, that link the learning which was experienced in the course. Were obtained reports about conflicts arising from the dissonance of personal beliefs and professional responsibilities; involvement of the life’s history of the teacher in his performance in the school (subjectivities); transposition of conceptual errors built out of school, between other aspects. It could be observed that the course has destabilized these teachers with some questions about their certainties. The difficulty in changing and transforming concepts and prejudices about sexual and gender diversity was clarified during the course. The course enabled the educators the contact with contemporary questions, reflect on their attitudes and conceptions of education, which can help to transform their practices in school, providing new perspectives on the issue of sexuality


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O artigo analisa aspectos das relações entre a escolarizaçãoe os processos culturais mais amplos, tomando como fontedocumental manuais didáticos produzidos para uso em cursos deformação de professores, que circularam no Brasil e em Portugalno período final do século XIX e no início do século XX. Foramfocalizados elementos passíveis de generalização, entre eles aunidade da forma escolar e as diferentes práticas prescritas aosprofessores, destinadas a enraizar valores e ideais no processoformativo. Foram analisados os seguintes manuais: CursoPractico de Pedagogia, de autoria de Mr. Daligault (1874);Elementos de Pedagogia, de autoria de Jose Maria da GraçaAffreixo e Henrique Freire (1870); e Lições de pedagogia gerale de história da educação, de Alberto Pimentel Filho (1932).


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This study aims to analyze the possibilities of integration of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning in a school of public elementary school Municipal Araraquara. This is a survey based on a qualitative approach, which has a strategy Case Study. Made an analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Policy Project (PPP) school selected, in order to check how the school addresses the issue of the use of new technologies in the educational process. For the analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Educational Policy Project found that the school has studied a concern to make use of ICT in teaching and learning, featuring an awareness of the importance of technology in education, but does not describe ways to integrate curricularmente them. The integration of new technologies into the curriculum requires a systematic reflection about their goals, their technical and content chosen. Not only is working with new technologies aimed at digital inclusion of students, but we need to integrate the school into their curricular, integrate them into the process of teaching and learning. Today ICT configure themselves into a new form of language, essential for knowledge representation and, if so, their presence in the school curriculum is crucial.