516 resultados para Carreadores de Fármacos
Apesar da literatura sobre anestesia em equinos ser ampla, referências sobre técnicas e fármacos anestésicos em muares são escassas. Nesse contexto objetivou-se relatar o caso de uma mula com um ano e meio de idade, fêmea, pesando 232 Kg, que foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário da UNESP de Araçatuba no dia com queixa de ferida granulomatosa no membro torácico direito, na região da quartela. Ao exame físico o animal apresentava frequência cardíaca (FC) de 56 batimentos por minuto (bpm), respiratória (f) de 44 movimentos por minuto (mpm), temperatura retal de 38,1 (T°), mucosas róseas e tempo de preenchimento capilar (TPC) de dois segundos. A ferida apresentava-se com tecido de granulação exuberante, em que a remoção cirúrgica foi indicada. O hemograma completo foi realizado antes da cirurgia, não apresentando alterações significativas. Como medicação pré-anestésica (MPA) utilizou-se xilazina 2% (0,5 mg/Kg/IV) associada com Acepromazina 1% (0,05 mg/Kg/IV). Em seguida, foi feita a indução anestésica com Cetamina 10% (2 mg/kg/IV) e Midazolam 0,5% (0,05 mg/kg/IV). Concomitantimente, foi realizado o bloqueio do nervo sesamóide abaxial lateral e medial com 5 ml de Lidocaína 2% em cada ponto. A cirurgia foi realizada com o animal em decúbito lateral esquerdo, empregando-se anestesia total intavenosa (TIVA), empregando-se a associação do Éter Gliceril Guaiacol (EGG) 5%, Xilazina 2% (1mg/ML) e Cetamina 10% (2 mg/ML). O volume total infundido, totalizando duas bolsas de 250 ml, foi administrado em uma hora e meia de cirurgia. O paciente manteve-se estável durante toda a cirurgia e foi continuamente monitorado quanto a profundidade anestésica por meio dos estágios e planos de Guedel, bem como com a mensuração das frequências cardíaca (FC), que se manteve entre 35 a 40 bpm e respiratória (f) mantida entre 25 a 28 mpm. Ao termino do procedimento cirúrgico o paciente permaneceu assistido durante toda a recuperação, sendo essa tranquila e de boa qualidade, com o paciente assumindo a posição quadrupedal em 15 minutos. A técnica anestésica empregada foi adequada, eficiente e se mostrou viável para realização de cirurgias a campo em muares.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the electrocardiography effects (ECG), sedation time and quality of recovery due to buprenorphine (G1) and butorphanol (G2) administration in dogs pretreated with acepromazine. Seven adult dogs were submitted to both protocols, with a thirty days interval between groups. G1 animals were premedicated with acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg) followed 10 minutes later with buprenorphine (0.005 mg/kg), both applied intravenously. The same procedure was performed for G2 employing butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg) instead of buprenorphine. The measurements of the variables heart rate (HR), duration and amplitude of P wave, P-R intervals (PR), QRS complex duration, R wave amplitude, Q-T intervals (QT) and R-R intervals (RR) were taken immediately before application of acepromazine (M0), 10 minute after administration of acepromazine (M10) and 10 minutes after opioids administration (M20). Serial measurements were carried out in 10 minute intervals after the administration of butorphanol or buprenorphine up to 60 minutes. Numeric data were submitted to Tukey Analysis (p < 0.05). The amplitude of P wave decreased 30 minutes after the administration of the butorphanol. Sedation time was longer in G1 (78 minutes) than G2 (72 minutes) and recovery was good in both groups. These results indicate that butorphanol or buprenorphine produced discreet alterations on ECG, which don´t contraindicate its clinical use.
The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. Materials and Methods: A literature search of Medline-PubMed for articles published, describing the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry was performed and articles were critically reviewed. Results: The literature review reveals clinical trials and experimental studies with regard to the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. This material consists of 2 components: highly purified, freeze-dried human fibrinogen with factor XIII and a starter solution containing human thrombin. Clotting factor XIII is admitted for reinforcement of the fibrin network. The components are reconstituted before use and when mixed form a clot by mimicking the terminal phase of the physiological clotting cascade. Several studies showed that fibrin tissue adhesive is fully absorbed by macrophages within 2 weeks of application. Adhesive fibrin tissue may be used for to prevent bone loss, to create contour in the periimplant soft tissue and osseous tissue, to sculpt emergence profile for prosthetic components and to mimic tissue architecture. In the last years fibrin tissue adhesive also find use as material for the controlled delivery of drugs and biologics. Conclusions: The fibrin tissue adhesive presents good properties such as biocompatibility, hemostatic properties and ability to break down like the physiologic clot. This material, alone or associated with other materials, can be used with the implants immediately after extraction. In this condition it brings the necessary anchoring and efficient maintenance of osseous/mucosal contour, which it is important for the clinical success.
Introduction: Post-marketing surveillance of drugs aims to detect problems related to safety, effectiveness and quality. The identification of adverse drug events (ADE) is made, mainly, by health professionals´ spontaneous reporting. This method allows risk communication in pharmacovigilance and contributes for market regulation. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reaction (ADR) and the suspicions of therapeutic failure (TF) reported by health professionals; to verify the active principle and type of drugs related to ADE, seriousness, causality, production mechanism and clinical manifestation of the events identified. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in a teaching and public hospital which integrates the Sentinel Hospital Network, in 2008. ADR seriousness was classified according to intensity (mild, moderate, serious and lethal); drugs associated with ADE were categorized according to type (brand name drugs and non-brand name drugs); causality was imputed with Naranjo algorithm and the mechanism of occurrence was analyzed according to Rawlins e Thompson definitions (A or B). Results: There were 103 ADE reports in the period, of which 39 comprised TF and 64 ADR. Nurses reported the most ADE (53.4%). The majority of ADR were classified as type A (82.8%), mild (81.3%), possible (57.8%), according to causality assessment, and related to brand name drugs (20/35). Human immunoglobulin, docetaxel and paclitaxel were the drugs frequently associated with ADR. TF arising from no-brand name drugs (26/29), regarding, mainly, midazolam and ganciclovir. Conclusion: The results of the ADE report contribute for proposition of trigger tools for intensive monitoring of drug safety, as well as for the supplier qualification and for the improvement of quality products.
The ageing process can change the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics parameters. Therefore, some medications are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for the elderly people, since they can increase the likelihood of occurrence of adverse drug events. The objectives are to estimate the frequency of use of PIM in the elderly people, with potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI) and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. A cross-sectional study was performed in a Health Family Strategy (region of Araraquara, SP), between January and February/2012. The medical records of patients aged ≥60 years, that use at least one drug, were consulted for identification of PIM, according to the Beers criteria. The MPI identified were classified considering the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) and the essentiality of the drug (safety, effectiveness, quality and cost parameters) The inclusion criteria were met by 358 elderly, being that 93 of them (26%) had taken at least one PIM. Of the 114 different drugs prescribed for elderly, ten were classified as PIM, of which four of them act on the central nervous system, four on cardiovascular system and two on the digestive tract. Seven MPI are essential medicines, belonging to national list of essential drugs (RENAME-2010). Fourteen drug interactions were identified, of which two are PHDI (fluoxetine/amitriptyline and digoxin/hydrochlorothiazide).After the PI, there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients with PIM use or with DI. Medical prescriptions of elderly attended in the Health Family Strategy show pharmacotherapeutic safety problems, of which may be responsible for health hazardous for this age group. Although the intervention carried out by letter had been ineffective for the adherence of doctors in prescribing safe alternatives, wide dissemination of the lists that contain PIM and PHDI is need, as well as the inclusion of safer equivalents in RENAME, in order to contribute for rational use of drugs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The status epilepticus (SE) is characterized by a series of crises which occur without recovery of consciousness or a single seizure lasting more than 30 minutes and can damage the central nervous system and systemic. The duration and frequency of attacks are directly related to patient prognosis. Whether seizures occur often and are longer, increase the risk of neurological and systemic complications. Child population has a higher frequency of seizures and it is associated with a lower threshold of immature brain to trigger these episodes. Aim: To determine the safest drugs prescribed for children in SE, their doses and schedules. A bibliographic survey was performed in electronic databases. Methods: The scientific health descriptors used for search was: “status epilecticus” and “anticonvulsivants” and “child”. Results: This strategy identified 396 manuscripts, of whom four were considered eligible for the study, after the assessment by floating reading and criteria. Of these, two were randomized trials and two descriptive. The studies address the use of oral midazolam, rectal diazepam and intravenous lorazepam. Conclusions: All investigated drugs were effective in treat in status epilepticus. Lorazepam is highlight, since it has fewer secondary effects and, as an alternative to the intravenous, oral midazolam. However, there is a need for further studies to demonstrate the efficacy and safety in the use of drugs in children.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O processo de remodelação óssea é regulado por fatores sistêmicos e locais. Estrógeno é o hormônio mais importante na manutenção do turnover ósseo normal, cuja deficiência leva a alterações na remodelação óssea com reabsorção excedendo a formação, como observado em mulheres pós-menopausadas. O tratamento da osteoporose está relacionado com a descoberta de fármacos alternativo à terapia hormonal estrogênica compensando as desvantagens dessa terapêutica. O Raloxifeno (RLX) mimetiza os efeitos benéficos do estrógeno sem estimular tecidos como mama e endométrio. O Fluoreto de sódio (NaF) apresenta-se como agente eficaz no combate às fraturas, conseqüentes da osteoporose.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)