474 resultados para supersymmetric standard model
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Searches are presented for heavy scalar (H) and pseudoscalar (A) Higgs bosons posited in the two doublet model (2HDM) extensions of the standard model (SM). These searches are based on a data sample of pp collisions collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 fb(-1). The decays H -> hh and A -> Zh, where h denotes an SM-like Higgs boson, lead to events with three or more isolated charged leptons or with a photon pair accompanied by one or more isolated leptons. The search results are presented in terms of the H and A production cross sections times branching fractions and are further interpreted in terms of 2HDM parameters. We place 95% C.L. cross section upper limits of approximately 7 pb on sigma B for H -> hh and 2 pb for A -> Zh. Also presented are the results of a search for the rare decay of the top quark that results in a charm quark and an SM Higgs boson, t -> ch, the existence of which would indicate a nonzero flavor-changing Yukawa coupling of the top quark to the Higgs boson. We place a 95% C.L. upper limit of 0.56% on B(t -> ch).
We study the production of gauge-boson pairs at the next generation of linear e+e- colliders operating in the eγ mode. The processes eγ → VV′F (V,V′ = W,Z, or γ and F = e or ν) can give valuable information on possible deviations of the quartic vector-boson couplings from the Standard Model predictions. We establish the range of the new couplings that can be explored in these colliders based on a 3σ effect in the total cross section. We also present several kinematical distributions of the final state particles that could manifest the underlying new dynamics. Our results show that an eγ collider can extend considerably the bounds on anomalous interactions coming from oblique radiative corrections and from direct searches in e+e- colliders.
We study the potential effects of anomalous couplings of the third generation quarks to gauge bosons in rare B decays. We focus on the constraints from flavor changing neutral current processes such as b→sγ and b →sl+l-. We consider both dimension-four and dimension-five operators and show that the latter can give large deviations from the standard model in the still unobserved dilepton modes, even after the bounds from b→sγ and precision electroweak observables are taken into account. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
We present sensitivity limits on the coefficients of a dimension-6 effective Lagrangian that parametrizes the possible effects of new physics beyond the standard model. Our results are based on the study of the process e(+)e(-)-->W+W- y at CERN LEP 2 and NLC energies. In our calculations, we include all the new anomalous interactions, involving vectors and Higgs bosons, and take into account the standard model irreducible background. We analyze the impact of these new interactions on the total cross section. including the effects of the initial electron and final W polarizations. We then focus on the operators that will not be constrained by the e(+)e(-)-->W+W- process, obtaining limits based on the photon energy distribution.
We estimate the attainable limits on the coupling of a nonstandard Higgs boson to two photons taking into account the data collected by the Fermilab collaborations on diphoton events. We based our analysis on a general set of dimension-6 effective operators that give rise to anomalous couplings in the bosonic sector of the standard model. If the coefficients of all blind operators have the same magnitude, indirect bounds on the anomalous triple vector-boson couplings can also be inferred, provided there is no large cancellatton in the Higgs-gamma-gamma coupling.
A complete analysis of the sensitivity to new Hbb̄ couplings from the process e+e- → bb̄vv̄ at the next generation of linear colliders was performed. These new couplings were predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model. The results are comparable to the study performed previously where a global fit analysis for L=500 fb-1 and √s=500 GeV resulted in a relative accuracy of 2.2% in the gHbb Yukawa coupling.
We consider, in the electroweak standard model context, several left-right asymmetries in μe elastic scattering at fixed target and collider experiments. For the former case, we show that the muon mass effects are important in a wide energy range. We also show that these asymmetries are sensitive to the electroweak mixing angle θW. The effect of an extra Z' neutral vector boson appearing in a 3-3-1 model is also considered. The capabilities of these asymmetries in the search of this extra Z' are addressed.
Higgs bosons can have a substantial invisible branching ratio in many extensions of the Standard Model, such as models where the Higgs bosons decay predominantly into light or massless weakly interacting Goldstone bosons. In this work, we examine the production mechanisms and backgrounds for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons at the Next Linear e+e- Collider operating in the modes e+e-, eγ, and γγ. We demonstrate that such machine is much more efficient to survey for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons than the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
We study the effect of anomalous Hγγ and HZγ couplings, described by a general effective Lagrangian, on the process e+e-→bb̄γ at CERN LEP 2 energies. We include the relevant irreducible standard model background to this process, and from the photon energy spectrum, we determine the reach of LEP 2 to unravel the anomalous couplings by analyzing the significance of the signal for a Higgs boson with a mass up to 150 GeV.
We study the process e+e- γγνν̄ in the context of a strong electroweak symmetry breaking model, which can be a source of events with two photons and missing energy at LEP2. We investigate bounds on the model assuming that no deviation is observed from the standard model within a given experimental error.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)